Going in reverse order usurpation okay is a meme especially in that context because them being on the level of primordials in that context is fine because they're against creation killing kick Chejop and at least a dozen stronger Sidereals. In all seriousness though the usurpation was mostly an an assassination. Also I didn't mean direct combat strength of the primordials either, though if they really focused on it I have no doubt they can match it.
The celestial exalted have 3,000 to 5,000 year lifespans that can arbitrarily be extended through their own actions if that's not considerably more immortal than most deities I don't know what is unless you mean unkillable. Wait a second brainwave the infernals and the abyssals and the sidereals if they decide not to die are immortal because I know Rakan Thulio hasn't aged a day since he turned down Saturn's sign and he is from the first age. Also the lunars arbitrarily control their bodies so they don't actually age either. The solars have to choose to let their bodies go for them to age as well(Not developing charms) .
By same power I meant essence the capability and strength of enlightenment. The ability to create and make things in your own image by your own understanding of the quintessential nature of things. In the spoiler part I mention that it may take them longer it may not be as grandiose at least at the start but I fully believe and there's nothing in the material that discourages me from believing it that anything the primordials can do the exalted can do.
1)There were only allegedly twenty-something Primordials to be overthrown in the Primordial War, and it required the entire Exalted Host plus allies in a war of unknown length to overthrow them.
If you are making the claim of high-Essence Celestials being Primordial-tier, you have to square that with the idea that being ambushed at a dinner was enough to kill the majority of the Solar Host, which had multiple elder Exalts in their number.
Chejop Kejak was a young dude during the Usurpation.
2) There is an Essence 7 Solar charm (in DoTFA I think) that extends your lifespan from 3k to 7k, plus there are anagathics but they do not do it indefinitely. You WILL die of natural causes around 10,000 or so even after stacking everything, unless you stop being human, at which point you stop being an Exalt.
Infernals in Exalted 2E have a lifespan of 150 years as long as they are under Essence 5; they can extend it above E5, but IIRC they have to become baby Yozi with their own charm trees to achieve immortality.
Abyssals and Alchemicals are immortal.
Sidereals have a hard capped lifespan of around 5000 years.
Rakan Thulio does not exist in Exalted Second Edition, neither do Getimians or all that bullshit.
Not sure about Lunars; my Lunar lore is poor.
3)The Age of Glory was a thing for thousands of years.
There were multiple high-Essence Solars running around, building and working wonders. I dont really buy that argument that they will eventually outdo the Primordials, where eventually is some indeterminate time in the future.