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[X] "Jiiiiiiiiii~~~~" stare at Sayaka. Hard.
-[X]"I vote for accepting on the condition that Victoria stays where we can monitor her and away from anyone her fear aura works on."
[X]"I vote for accepting on the condition that Victoria stays where we can monitor her and away from anyone her fear aura works on."
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[X]"I vote for accepting on the condition that Victoria stays where we can monitor her and away from anyone her fear aura works on."
I just watched An Incorrect Summary of ULTRAKILL by Max0r again. There is no reason for it to go that hard.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 29, 2023 at 11:43 PM, finished with 15 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X]"I vote for accepting on the condition that Victoria stays where we can monitor her and away from anyone her fear aura works on."
    [X] Vote to ask Eris to join herself. After all, if you want a job done right...
    [X] "Jiiiiiiiiii~~~~" stare at Sayaka. Hard.
    -[X]"I vote for accepting on the condition that Victoria stays where we can monitor her and away from anyone her fear aura works on."
657: Dinner Bell!
[X] *At Victoria* "Stay."

"I vote for accepting--"

"What?!" Sayaka interrupts, "But she--!"

"C'mon, think about this!" Kyoko shouts, "If she's running loose, she'll end up killing someone!"

"Yumi, you...!" Homura begins, restraining her emotions, "...Weren't finished talking. Go on."

"As I was saying..." You sigh, staring at Sayaka, "...I will vote to accept Eris' deal, but only on the condition that she is placed somewhere we can monitor her, and where she won't catch anyone in her fear aura."

"That makes much more sense." Homura nods, "Well then, I suppose that's it."

"This is gonna bite us, I can feel it in my gut." Kyoko huffs, "But we lost, fair and square."

Sayaka looks a little deflated now (emotionally, not physically), "...Don't expect me to play nice with her."

Mami claps once, "Having Eris as an ally, however temporary, will be much better than having her against us. I for one would rather not see what a goddess of chaos and strife can do if she's angered."

"Goddess, schmoddess..." Kyoko grumbles, arms crossed, "She's a demon. There ain't nothing holy about her."

"Moving along." Oriko interrupts the conversation before it can devolve into an argument, "We should begin our preparations for the coming days as soon as we are able. Such as--?"

"After dinner?" Grandma pokes her head into the room, "I made spaghetti per your Grandpa's request!"

You blink, "Wait, it's already dinnertime?!" You ask in astonishment, "How long have we been--?"

"Ooooh, that smells good!" You hear Grandpa yell from the other room, "Trust me, kid, you're gonna love it!"

"Well, we're already here...!" Kyoko smiles, leaning back in her chair.

Grandma ducks back into the kitchen, and just then, Grandpa appears, followed closely by Arisu. She bows to you before taking her seat. Grandpa, of course, sits in his usual spot, rubbing his hands.

...You're still missing both Kohaku and Kazuya, though. Should you...?

[] ?????????????????????????????
[X] Catch Grandma's attention, nod in direction of Kohaku's current room, point at the food, tilt head.
-[X] If Grandma shakes her head or otherwise indicates Kohaku's sleeping, nod and shrink a bit... stash some leftover food in the gauntlet for her to have hot and fresh, later.

If nothing else, it's a good opportunity to test the "In Case Of Unavoided Demonic Apocalypse, Safe Preserved Food Rations" functionality of the Gauntlet I guess? I don't think that was really covered in the games, unless you count quest deliveries of "food" items...
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[X] Catch Grandma's attention, nod in direction of Kohaku's current room, point at the food, tilt head.
-[X] If Grandma shakers her head or otherwise indicates Kohaku's sleeping, nod and shrink a bit... stash some leftover food in the gauntlet for her to have hot and fresh, later.
[X] Catch Grandma's attention, nod in direction of Kohaku's current room, point at the food, tilt head.
-[X] If Grandma shakers her head or otherwise indicates Kohaku's sleeping, nod and shrink a bit... stash some leftover food in the gauntlet for her to have hot and fresh, later.
-[X] Don't forget to tell Kazuya dinner is ready.
[X] Catch Grandma's attention, nod in direction of Kohaku's current room, point at the food, tilt head.
-[X] If Grandma shakers her head or otherwise indicates Kohaku's sleeping, nod and shrink a bit... stash some leftover food in the gauntlet for her to have hot and fresh, later.
-[X] Don't forget to tell Kazuya dinner is ready.
[X] Catch Grandma's attention, nod in direction of Kohaku's current room, point at the food, tilt head.
-[X] If Grandma shakers her head or otherwise indicates Kohaku's sleeping, nod and shrink a bit... stash some leftover food in the gauntlet for her to have hot and fresh, later.
-[X] Don't forget to tell Kazuya dinner is ready.
Of course I made a typo in my vote. :rofl::oFixed now.

I'll be very concerned indeed if Grandma puts her head in a giant salt/pepper shaker.
Vergil, sitting in a pitch black room: I need to turn on the power.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 30, 2023 at 11:12 PM, finished with 7 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Catch Grandma's attention, nod in direction of Kohaku's current room, point at the food, tilt head.
    -[X] If Grandma shakers her head or otherwise indicates Kohaku's sleeping, nod and shrink a bit... stash some leftover food in the gauntlet for her to have hot and fresh, later.
    -[X] Don't forget to tell Kazuya dinner is ready.
    [X] Catch Grandma's attention, nod in direction of Kohaku's current room, point at the food, tilt head.
    -[X] If Grandma shakes her head or otherwise indicates Kohaku's sleeping, nod and shrink a bit... stash some leftover food in the gauntlet for her to have hot and fresh, later.
    [X] Catch Grandma's attention, nod in direction of Kohaku's current room, point at the food, tilt head.
    -[X] If Grandma shakers her head or otherwise indicates Kohaku's sleeping, nod and shrink a bit... stash some leftover food in the gauntlet for her to have hot and fresh, later.
Fair warning, this update is gonna be a little late. Got some stuff to do, after all. How's everyone been doing? Have I been a good QM/Writer? Anything I could do better?
How's everyone been doing?
Mostly alright
Have I been a good QM/Writer?
Anything I could do better?
Personally, I can't think of anything that wouldn't change the quest on a fundamental level. And then it wouldn't be the PMMT we know and love.

Your update speed means the short chapter length isn't a problem, I can't think of any mechanics you can change, and you do a good job processing the nonsense of our votes into updates.
658: Kazuya
[X] "She awake?"

You discreetly get up, and poke your head out of the dining room. Grandma spots you from the kitchen, and you try to get your point across by nodding in certain directions...

(CHR ROLL: 8+8)

"Yumi, use your words, please." Grandma requests plainly.

You clear your throat, "Sorry. Is Kohaku--?"

"Awake?" Kohaku finishes, "Yeah. I'm awake."

"Oh, okay!" You step out fully, "Are you gonna eat with us?"

"...No." Kohaku decides, "I'd rather eat out here. Thanks for the offer, though."

"Okay, just checking!" You give her a thumbs up, "I'll go get Kazuya real quick!" You point your thumb to the backyard.

Grandma nods, and you slip away into...

...Kazuya is sitting at the edge of the pond, simply staring at the water. He looks deep in thought, as if concocting the solution to some great mystery in a solemn silence.

You, like a bull in a china shop, decide that silence is made to be broken. "Kazuya, dinner's ready!" You call to him in a rather subdued voice.

"I'll be in soon." He replies, not turning to look at you. "Start without me." His voice is somehow even more quiet than it usually is.

"You sound troubled, bud." You walk closer, stopping by his side, "Something on your mind?"

"Nothing immediately pressing." He tells you, "Just reminiscing about someone."

(INT ROLL: 17+8)

He's obviously bullshitting you. His face doesn't say "I'm reminiscing". He looks... Almost depressed, if you had to put words to it.

Should you talk to him? There isn't anyone else around, so maybe he'll open up!

[] ????????????????????????????????
[X] "Do you wanna talk about it? Even if you don't want to talk to me specifically about it, keeping things bottled up isn't good for you either. No matter how much it hurts coming out."
[X] "Do you wanna talk about it? Even if you don't want to talk to me specifically about it, keeping things bottled up isn't good for you either. No matter how much it hurts coming out."
[X] "Do you wanna talk about it? Even if you don't want to talk to me specifically about it, keeping things bottled up isn't good for you either. No matter how much it hurts coming out."
-[X] Sit down next to him.
Voting is open