Personally, if we're looking for new papers and resources to make them work, I'd like to throw my hat in the ring for the Books and rubbings from an Asur explorer of Lustria and the Southlands.
Yes, it's another AP to research as well as write, but I've been keen on it for a while for a number of reasons.
1: Rubbings on the plaques of the Great Plan might have information of use to the Waystone Project. We know OOC that from infrastructure from the original geomantic web were repurposed to the waystone network, after all, and any details on the former may aid in the repair of the latter.
2: The fact in the update that said Asur went to investigate the Lizardmen themselves, rather than their plaques, means we'll probably have far more than rubbings and archeological notes. Add in the fact that she was there for a good amount of time and she may have built up a rapport with her hosts; Any extended contact with the Lizardmen could lead to insights about their culture and history.
3: The Empire seems to know very little about Lizardmen. When we spoke to the Imperial Chancellor, he presumed they might have moved in later, rather than that they were the Old One's prime assistants in their works. Likewise, WEB-MAT experimentation on the golden arm didn't raise the possibility in narrative of lizardmen being involved at all. All together it paints of picture of "They're around and we have no idea what's up with them." Any translation of these books could have solid value to the diplomatic sphere as well as to researchers.