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We have no plans to do stuff with Tilea, but we might do stuff with the Border Princes (as part of the dwarven efforts to make things stable there) and the Border Princes nexuses connect to Tilea. And it's possible that Tilea also connects to the Bretonnia, though I think it probably flows from Tilea to Bretonnia if it's connected at all.

Regarding the Empire protecting Estalian cities, saying "it was Ulthuan's job to save us" isn't really going to make us less dead. Now, as Mathilde herself said to the Empire during the social turn, Ulthuan will probably take care of that if it comes to it, but it's not impossible that something drastic happens and Ulthuan gets distracted - say, a massive Druchii invasion. That might sound far-fetched, but a little bird just told us that things could be getting hectic in the not too distant future.

Yes we might have an action in a place that it next to Tilea in the near future, we also will have actions in the Empire this turn which is next to Bretonia, but that does not seem like it is enough reason to take Mapping Bretonia ASAP, even though we have more connections in Bretonia than Tilea.

As for Ulthuan and restoring/protecting nexuses, it is literally the thing it has been doing for the last four thousand years. I do not think there are such dire signs that they are about to fail at it that the empire, mess that it is, with more beastmen and greenskins in its borders than humans, several provinces that have the Chaos background of the Steppes, needs to step in.
I just don't want to do "i can't believe its not demonology" on the grounds that I don't actually buy the idea that it isn't demonology.
Apparently the 'a' in 'deamon' is significant. It's not demonology, it's deamonology, and deamons are unassociated with chaos, and therefore fine.

I think.
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I just don't want to do "i can't believe its not demonology" on the grounds that I don't actually buy the idea that it isn't demonology.
Oh I think of it as cattle rustling. Deamons are enemy soldiers so using them no go but apparations are like animals that live there and when we steal one we are not risking anything. It would be same as Bretonians stealing Empire sheep. It might piss of the Empire but sheep themselves are not enemy agents or anything.
Daemon is actually the spelling GW uses for the servants of the Chaos gods.
I'm pretty sure they use both at least once.

Personally I like to think that it is something a dozen or so magisters per college keep sending each other letters in an endless circular argument about.

Sometimes someone new thinks that they have the knockout argument and get sucked in, sometimes one of the older ones dies.

The most memorable loss being one rather brash member getting so fed up that he announced he would "just summon one and ask".
He was never heard from again, though a magister vigilant has since joined the argument purely by annotating other peoples' letters.
Phoenix Crown + Von Carstein ring = Ultimate Artefact ????

Also the von Carstein ring was created to bind and control vampires, so maybe we should make the One Ring before we make Ringwraiths maybe I don't know it's just a suggestion???
I mean, the point being made was "doing this to help save the entire Old World if something happens to that one Estalian town".

It's just that the method to save the continent would involve saving Estalians.

The problem with that line of thought is that any point on the continent could have that potential. We don't know (or rather Mathilde doesn't know in universe) if Tilea or the Border Princes aren't somehow key to the Waystone network; if there isn't a lynchpin connection to Araby or... well Mathilde doesn't even know if Albion exists.

My big thing with the metalsmithing guild boon is that i really have no clue what else to use it one. Like maybe using it on the capstone but from my understanding we are probably getting every bit of dwarf knowledge there if necessary Because we are a capital F dwarf Friend and Thorek is also there.

I'm also not sure on what else to use it - just want to get good bang for buck for the Boon.
The problem with that line of thought is that any point on the continent could have that potential. We don't know (or rather Mathilde doesn't know in universe) if Tilea or the Border Princes aren't somehow key to the Waystone network; if there isn't a lynchpin connection to Araby or... well Mathilde doesn't even know if Albion exists.
I'm pretty sure we are reasonably certain on all of those matters actually, thanks to the mapping we've already done.
I'm also not sure on what else to use it - just want to get good bang for buck for the Boon.
I do think it's great bang for the buck if used for Nuln. It a) gets us a bunch of books to get our library up and running and b) get the gun capital of the empire back on track making guns and gunners.

Edit: also c) shows the empire how good it is to have dwarven friends and makes us a local folk hero.
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition. (ft. Red Riders)

Honestly, the only real quibble I have with this is doing the windfall paper rather than learning Nehekharan since we're going to need to learn it in the future anyway, but there's only a chance it would help with the codifying, so hopefully it won't be the end of the world.

[X] Plan Lore and Metal (ft. Red Riders and mapping)
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Honestly, the only real quibble I have with this is doing the windfall paper rather than learning Nehekharan since we're going to need to learn it in the future anyway, but there's only a chance it would help with the codifying, so hopefully it won't be the end of the world.
Honestly windfall might actually be more help for codification on the account of it being observaion on the behavior of winds of magic.
When you next return to Karak Eight Peaks with a Gyrocarriage loaded with books, you transfer the ones on textiles to a wheelbarrow and make your way through Karag Nar until you arrive at the office of the Karag's Viceroy, Francesco Caravello, into whose lap the silk question was dropped when the Dwarven Weavers refused to have anything to do with it. "Lady Magister," he says in confusion, hand moving away from the sword he'd started reaching for when your wheelbarrow slammed his door open. "How can I help you?"

"Other way around, I hope. How's the silk business coming along?" you ask cheerily.

"We are making progress," he says cautiously.

"Got any friends in academia?" Eltharin is the precursor to Classical, Tilea's academic language, so it's as studied there as much as Khazalid is in the Empire.

He takes a moment to answer. "I know a few people, and those few people know a few more. Why?"

"Round up anyone who knows Eltharin and is looking for work and set them up with the people you've got working on the silk. Here's every book on textiles the Wood Elves of Laurelorn have ever written. Consider yourself the first patron of the Kron-Azril-Ungol, the Library of Kvinn-Wyr."

Francesco picks up one of the books and flips through its pages. "Wood Elves? Don't they kill all trespassers?"

"Usually, yes. Let me know how it goes."

You walk away, dusting off your hands with satisfaction. Furnishing the Project HQ had reminded you that Johann has silk sheets and you still don't. Hopefully this will solve that little problem.
At what point do we just shake Francesco Caravello upside down by his ankles until silk sheets fall out?
Probably not for codification (it's more like writing a manual then anything) but it might help with windherding... But probably not.
We will be putting how winds move to words with Eggrim so I think putting our spell to words will share some similarites. Altough perhaps not, who knows.
Honestly windfall might actually be more help for codification on the account of it being observaion on the behavior of winds of magic.

Hmm, based on this post.

Too many variables for there to be one answer. Different people with different paradigms have different levels of difficulty translating their spells into something communicable, and experience as a teacher or deep knowledge of magical theory or knowing multiple magical languages can (not will, can) make it easier. And whether a Battle Magic spell is actually 'true' Battle Magic or just an inefficiently codified spell that has sub-BM level effects is always open to debate.

It actually might help a bit, since it's advancing the state of the art on magical theory. I would guess less likely to help than a whole different magical language to filter insights through, but it is a nice thought that it could still be a potential bonus.
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition

The Red Rider plan feels a bit extreme on how little work Mathilde would put towards the Waystone Project, we have assembled an insane crack team of magical experts from all around the Old World for this so spending one and a half AP on it seems a bit insane to me.

This is the first time a leading plan spent so little AP on the main job, outside of turns where we were completely changing tracks. I get that we are far from the early Stirland days where anything below 4 AP on the main job could not be mitigated if we rolled badly, but spending about 6 weeks out of 6 months managing the Waystone Project is a crazy amount of lazyness to me.
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[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition

The Red Rider plan feels a bit extreme on how little work Mathilde would put towards the Waystone Project, we have assembled an insane crack team of magical experts from all around the Old World for this so spending one and a half AP on it seems a bit insane to me.

This is the first time a leading plan spent so little AP on the main job, outside of turns where we were completely changing tracks. I get that we are far from the early Stirland days where anything below 4 AP on the main job could not be mitigated if we rolled badly, but spending about 6 weeks out of 6 months managing the Waystone Project is a crazy amount of lazyness to me.

We're spending two full AP on it though? We're starting on the capstone and spreading out tributaries in both plans.

I don't think our work ethic and the waystone project as a whole will be made or broken on the back of whether we map Tilea and Estalia or not.
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