Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition. (ft. Red Riders)

I can't believe this finally has a shot at working. Finally after all the talking about this, the buying of secrets with all our skaven lore, the Nazghul memes, omakes... finally we might be able to do it in the quest.

Literally there are omakes about Apparition binding that are more than a year old.
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition
[X] Plan Lore and Metal

We can probably fold Aksel into the capstone action, actually. This is because, as Lector of the Cult of Haletha, his role is essentially "waystone loremaster", as we can see in this interaction here:
I'm not convinced by the argument for putting Aksel on the gold. There's already a lot of cooks on that particular broth, so I'm leery of adding anyone else, and I really don't think he would have any relevant knowledge. Yes, he knows stuff about ancient law regarding Waystones, because Sigmar gave the Hedgewise a job of guarding over Waystones - I think the followup quote you're thinking on is Boney saying something to that effect. But that's very different from knowing stuff about making the capstones, which I think requires a certain amount of technological capacity that the Hedgewise definitely don't have now and I feel probably didn't have even back when they were big (since they were big back in the bronze age).

Putting Aksel on the tributary is a little more reasonable imo and I did consider it. I don't think he'll be a lot of help there either, but I did put every single other member of Team Tributary on the task so the argument could be made that I'm being kind of rude to my homeboy. My main issue there is that I already have one person on that action with very questionable utility (Cadaeth) so putting another one is maybe kind of pushing it. The "don't exclude Aksel" variants aren't the worse things in the world though.

EDIT: Might as well -
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition, Aksel on Capstone
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition, Don't exclude Aksel
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Speaking of Apparitions, do we have a list somewhere? Or preferences?

I put together a list here a while back, but some of my thoughts are out of date—specifically, Boney has confirmed that both Whispering Darkness and Black Essence are not only safe to use, but also that Mathilde thinks they would actually be pretty useful.

Also, this may be too open ended a question, but does Mathilde have any thoughts about what Apparitions might be good to bind based on skimming the books that the thread has not considered?

The Whispering Darkness seems like it would be great for quiet eliminations, and the Black Essence's ability to alter someone's perceptions seems like it could have useful applications.

My personal preferences are for the Handmaidens and the Whispering Darkness, I've never been sold on the Red Riders to be honest. I'm pretty much the only person who thinks that, however, so take my opinion with a dash of salt.

I'm not convinced by the argument for putting Aksel on the gold. There's already a lot of cooks on that particular broth, so I'm leery of adding anyone else, and I really don't think he would have any relevant knowledge. Yes, he knows stuff about ancient law regarding Waystones, because Sigmar gave the Hedgewise a job of guarding over Waystones - I think the followup quote you're thinking on is Boney saying something to that effect. But that's very different from knowing stuff about making the capstones, which I think requires a certain amount of technological capacity that the Hedgewise definitely don't have now and I feel probably didn't have even back when they were big (since they were big back in the bronze age).

Putting Aksel on the tributary is a little more reasonable imo and I did consider it. I don't think he'll be a lot of help there either, but I did put every single other member of Team Tributary on the task so the argument could be made that I'm being kind of rude to my homeboy. My main issue there is that I already have one person on that action with very questionable utility (Cadaeth) so putting another one is maybe kind of pushing it. The "don't exclude Aksel" variants aren't the worse things in the world though.

I just think it's politer to have him doing something when everyone else is, otherwise I worry it looks like we might be excluding him. If that means being slightly less efficient due to having too many cooks on an action, I don't mind, especially since I think that the Capstone is going to be fairly straight forwards—and if it's not, having an alternative perspective might be more helpful than not.
I just think it's politer to have him doing something when everyone else is, otherwise I worry it looks like we might be excluding him. If that means being slightly less efficient due to having too many cooks on an action, I don't mind, especially since I think that the Capstone is going to be fairly straight forwards—and if it's not, having an alternative perspective might be more helpful than not.
I should probably let you know that I oppose changing plans once the vote started on principle, so while you should by all means keep arguing for your position you shouldn't feel the need to convince me in particular, and you should vote for one or both of the 'Don't Exclude Aksel' variants. Depending on how the vote goes I might approval vote those variants myself.
Why is the riders in red a good choice for binding? Because it gives us a capability that we don't already have! Imagine this, mathy once again finds herself in a bit of a situation (probably not as bad as the orks back then but it could happen) so she pulls out her pocket knight and let's the combat monster draw the attention while she skedaddles!

Also it's just a cool aesthetic (if the color change happens like it does for gehennas hounds we get nazguls.)

Which is why I'm voting for the riders in red!
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition. (ft. Red Riders)
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition. (ft. Red Riders)

[X] Plan Codifying and Swords

I mean look at them go, how can I say no to them;

Edit 2:
Approval voting;
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I would like to remind people that the Red Riders plan only has two Waystone-related actions when 3 is a generally good benchmark; and to a lesser extent, that if we want to improve our killiness, it would be better to finish up Branulhune before embarking on a project that will take several more actions before being battle-ready. Just a reminder.
Mathilde has moved from having a direct boss overseeing her activity to having stakeholders that expect her to turn a profit/be productive over a long period. What this means is that no one is going to look over her schedule or the orders she gave and determine that she wasn't putting in enough effort. Everyone is going to look at the results she has generated over multiple turns and see if she has been delivering on her promises.

Also I am somewhat perplexed on why people think 'Mapping (Tilea, Estalia)' is worth an action. What useful information does it give us? Are we planning to negotiation inclusion with anyone in either place? Are we planning to route critical infrastructure through unallied and famously unstable nations? Or is this just a case of it being on the checklist?
Also I am somewhat perplexed on why people think 'Mapping (Tilea, Estalia)' is worth an action. What useful information does it give us? Are we planning to negotiation inclusion with anyone in either place? Are we planning to route critical infrastructure through unallied and famously unstable nations? Or is this just a case of it being on the checklist?
It's mostly to have a complete map to know where the problem points are, which nexuses can fall, which ones can't. Also it helps us find interesting stones like the reikland nexus.
[x] Plan Codifying and Swords
- [x] Overwork: Yes
- [x] COIN: The Gambler
- [x] Attempt to codify Rite of Way so that others can learn it. (The Gambler)
- [x] Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Continue to work on them. (Hand-switching)
- [x] Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Continue to work on them. (Double-tap)
- [x] Waystone: Capstone (Hatalath, Thorek, Elrisse, Egrimm, Max, Johann)
- [x] Waystone: Leyline Prototype (River) (Sarvoi, Cadaeth, Baba Niedzwenka, Elrisse, Aksel, Tochter)
- [x] Tributary: Water Spirit (Stirland) (Baba Niedzwenka, Zlata, Max)
- [x] KAU: Seek an exchange arrangement with another Library or a Karak's archives to be able to make copies of their corpus (Nuln; use KaK Metalsmithing Guild Boon)
- [x] EIC: Attempt to establish a trade route with the Eonir (charcoal)
- [x] SERENITY: The Black Orc Warboss' worship of Only Gork, and what you saw of the Rogue Idol ritual (FADED)
- [x] Eike Actions: Branulhune training, EIC action
I don't really have the time to spend looking at the intricacies of every single plan, so I only checked out the top 3 plans. This one sounds good:

[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition. (ft. Red Riders)

I'll come back in a little while to see how the vote's going.
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition, Aksel on Capstone

There is no reason not to include him in the action, I think.
Whilst I'm excited to start on apparition binding soon, I'd rather wait until we've finished some other long-running projects instead of dropping down to 2 Waystone Project actions.

We could probably get away with it for a turn, but doing so to start a multi-AP chain doesn't seem like a good idea.

[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition
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[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition
[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition. (ft. Red Riders)

To be honest, I'm just glad we're finally doing RoW codifying.

Edit: You know what, also doing Apparitions is fun too.
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[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition. (ft. Red Riders)
[X] Plan Codifying and Swords
[X] Plan Lore and Metal (ft. Red Riders and mapping)
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[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition. (ft. Red Riders)

I'm so glad it looks like we will finally progress on the apparition binding project. The meeting with the MP of the golds and the revelation on how the Hounds work was so hype back then, and we waited a long time to use that knowledge.
Voting is open