@HeroCooky would it be possible to retrieve all 10 of the Cargo ships at the same time. Or is it completely random what gets retrieved from the shipyard?
Materials: 1594.19 (min. -239.70, max. +941.05 per Turn) (215 Materials due in 3 (Three) Turns due to: Flat Loan)
Hmm, that should be enough for one of the more expensive Holding projects. Maybe we can start the scientific complex?

Probably should also spend some on repairing DoD's armor, if her Unique Warmachine entry is up to date.

Piety: 49% (+/-0 to all rolls for Heroes with the Adjudicator Trait)
Definitely needs an Action to boost this.

The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics
Contact: High Archivar Mahan
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Local Plans: Getting Suspendium.
National Plans: Fresh Air Circulation Methods Within Closed Systems For One Month (6 Turns) - 750 (1st), 600 (2nd), 400 (3rd) Materials as Reward.
Getting 750 Materials extra would be nice. Might have to spend a Learning Action on this.

Miscellaneous Nobles:
-Lady Maranica (Ally (3)|Okay, I'm back. What did I miss?)
-Baron Esker (Friend (2)|(Family Drama - Something about a pet.))
Huh, so Lady Maranica traveled during the quarantine?

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Deal With Local Disease+Information Campaigns.
- Fundamentalists (Neutral (0)|16% Control|Quicker Doctors)
- Progressivists (Neutral (0)|23% Control|Cheaper Actions)
- Healers (Ally (3)|61% Control|Enables Doctoral Training - Upgrading To Enables Surgical Training (3 Turns Remain. >55% Required))
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
Surgeon training is very useful. A good way to boost our Doctors and a way to get over the cap of how many we can have of a single job type. Even if we are currently limited to 1 Surgeon.

The Adventurer Guild:
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Information Network: Rank 1
Plans: Has collected their bounties and begun to party themselves into the ground.
-The Huntsmen (Leader: Amra Kaliv/Friendly (1)/216 Members/Reliable Mercenary Company)
-The Bad Batch (Leader: Simone Simona/Friends (2)/37 Members/Infiltration Experts/Expert Violinists)
Could have made a killing selling alcohol right now. Oh well.

-The Scavenger Organizations (Leader: None Formally
--Crews: Old Eyes' Diggers/166 Members
---Plans: Hauling ass (and their loot) out of the Necropolis.)
I hope they just want to get back to civilization after the quarantine and they aren't running from something.

Huh, what happened to the Purified?

NOVA MACHINA - (Equip to Hero)
A 10x10x10cm translucent box with a swirling spot of black and white in the middle. It cannot be opened, smashed, or taken apart. All Humans that touch the box feel intense nausea, abdominal pain, and loss of self-preservation, with Mutated reporting headaches, static within their ears, the feeling of falling, and extreme paranoia. Better we lock it in the back of our Vault; less someone injures themselves or others by touching this object. Even after several months of study, the cube remains mysterious and a possible cognitohazard.
Also...machen wir jetzt was mit den hirntoten, oder geben wir den ein anständiges Begräbnis?
(+1 to (3\²]SN@'+ßz_ )
Kinda curious about what the cube-shaped fragment of an eldritch being considers a proper funeral.

This doesn't list the Bone Guard? Did the automatically get send to Bone Valley?

Desalination Basins - Deep Pumps
- 800 Pilgrims receive water in case of a drought. 2d4+3 Materials per turn.
Probably should look into upgrading this soon, in case of another drought. We should have the resources and equipment to do this on an industrial scale by digging down far enough and using something more effective than just sunlight. Maybe manipulate the pressure too to reduce the necessary temperature.

Sandcrete Mixer
Vastly reduces the needed Materials for shortening building Turns.
Probably could upgrade this too. Or maybe after getting some automatization.

Prosperity: Moderately Wealthy (Stagnant)

Mood: Content (Stagnant)
Hmm, not sure how to boost this further. More airships and their own berth, maybe? Making traveling easier would synergize with the cultural focus.

"Thank you for your help in keeping this library open," Zarstr spoke, gathering the three coins as she began to fill out a form for the boy. "Your book will be ready within the next three-to-five days, ready to find a new home with you!" Smiling, the boy nodded eagerly at her, grabbed the form, and headed out, leaving behind a woman filing the same document in a file labeled: 'Subsidized Prints - Hous Dall Reading Program.'
Money well spent. Not quite what I expected though.

"The second announcement is for the Caravaner and the successful completion and maiden Voyage of the first ship!" At that, a great cheer came from everyone in the room, as that project had taken up much of the people's attention and time.
We can start on the production lines during this Turn.

"Which, by the way, we can do so in a week, as House Dall will sponsor all of our bills in the Festival of Open Hearts!" For that, the cheering truly shook the room, the anticipation of free booze and food stronger than anything.
Ho? Will we see the Ballmer Peak in action and get a bonus for programming projects for the next Turn?:p

And that time would be soon, names, dates, and financial information poised like a dagger toward those who wanted to harm those under the Pilgrims' protection. These three minutes were well spent dismantling the work of three years.
Ah, the Bad Batch coming back with information about the groups that want the BHVs.

Good for long-term projects(mostly Learning) like Seizing The Means Of Reproduction or Secret Of The Circuit Pt.4. But it makes our Piety problems worse.

[] The Imperial Path
Nice boosts to many dice but it probably binds us too close to the Empire. This is a problem because the Empire is one of the least shitty places, so most people that need help are outside of it.

-[] Doctrine of the Poised Blade
The martial boost isn't too important. There are too many catastrophes and issues for us to not fight something every few Turns. The +5 to Diplomacy would be nice though.

-[] Doctrine of the Souls Language
This is very good. A way to boost Piety that is repeatable and doesn't rely on Hero Units. Makes managing our religion much easier and synergizes with the cultural focus of our town.

-[] Doctrine of the Open Hand
I'm somewhat baffled by how this would work with hospitals.

-[] Doctrine of the Lowest
The Diplomacy focused choice and practically made for the We Are One People! project. It looks to me like this focus on an immediate effect for Diplomacy, while Doctrine of the Souls Language would be the more long-term version.

[ ] Hack The Bunker - (All Electronics/Programming)
The time has come. We shall fully subjugate this marvel of ancient technology and reap all technological Artifacts hidden within, even if it may take years. The prize is too great not to attempt it until we can no longer bear the burden.
(Chance: -38/-111/-227% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 17
Reward: Unlocks the Bunker, Deactivates all active Machines.
Notice: Breakthrough Research! Every 4 Successes, the chances are raised by 45%!)
Surprisingly feasible, given we can throw Engeniers(+56) at this and get the bonus from our Electronics Workshop(+30). Probably could reach the first Breakthrough in one Turn if we spend Artefacts and focus on this. Especially if we-
[ ] Electronics Manufacture
Now that you can produce electronics, you want to have as many as possible. The problem is that you must create those by hand, a long and complicated process requiring oversight, expensive materials, and a clean environment. So increasing the manufacturing space already available and automation will, in turn, increase your profits. Easy math!
(Cost: 65 Materials, 2 Scientist, 40 Faithful, Upkeep: 70.00 Materials
Turns: 6
Reward: +80 to all Electronics Research, 20d20 Materials Income (Technology Sale).)
start this. 3 Turns of focus and we could get a +80 on Hack The Bunker instead of a +30.

[ ] Solidify The Pilgrims Finances
Much has changed in the last decade, with so much more yet changing in what comes next. But, looking back, the one thing that has changed the most is your situation regarding money. No longer do you need to keep meticulous track of every single coin (you, however, still do so) as your businesses, ventures, connections, donations, and followers are slowly, yet inevitably, ensuring that money will never be a problem again. And if it will, then you can always hit up a wealthy donor for a bit tit-for-tat.
(Condition: 2.500 Followers
Reward: Eliminates Materials as a resource to keep track of.)
Huh, we can finally do this. Might make plan crafting easy enough that other people post some too!
I hope they just want to get back to civilization after the quarantine and they aren't running from something.
Look at their name and numbers again...cause they do be running!
karmaoa said:
Huh, what happened to the Purified?
karmaoa said:
This doesn't list the Bone Guard? Did the automatically get send to Bone Valley?
I assumed, since that was the discourse around them, you would be sending them right on over. And since that doesn't take a full Action, I already chucked them over.

I can not do that though, just let me know.
karmaoa said:
Money well spent. Not quite what I expected though.
Lending out books isn't really something done to random people unless you know they will return it due to personal accounts or connections. Your libraries let people read in them (among other things), but also print books on demand for those who wish to have copies. Those unable to pay get the costs subsidized by House Dall, since that is chump change for them now.
karmaoa said:
I'm somewhat baffled by how this would work with hospitals.
Local volunteers from the doctors/surgeons/healers/misc. medical practicioners would spring in, while nurses+misc. staff would be from your people that would be trained by existing personnel.
Might want to edit the Long Path entry to make clear it's just one success.
I don't think that's how it works? I think after 3 Turns of a project running we get 1 extra success every Turn. Then 3 Turns later(6 Turns overall) we get 2 successes every Turn, etc.


...I didn't expect her to solo a group that is big enough to qualify for their own Diplomatic entry in the Relationship Folder.

I assumed, since that was the discourse around them, you would be sending them right on over. And since that doesn't take a full Action, I already chucked them over.

I can not do that though, just let me know.
Nah, it's fine. I just expected I would have to list sending them as a Support Pilgrims Action.
Might want to edit the Long Path entry to make clear it's just one success.

Also, could you give an example or two if what an Artistic Endeavour might look like / reward?
Sorry, didn't see you there. Will do!

And one would be: Artists Workshop - +2d3% Piety, Cliffside Murals (Write-In Depictions) - +4 Piety, Symbols of Veneration - +1d5% Piety, Songs of the Paths - +1 Piety.

I don't think that's how it works? I think after 3 Turns of a project running we get 1 extra success every Turn. Then 3 Turns later(6 Turns overall) we get 2 successes every Turn, etc.
No, that's how it works. You just get a +1 Progress every three turns (per turn) that stacks with another +1 Progress (per turn) ontop. So after 7 turns you'll be getting +2 Automatic progresses and +1 natural.
karmaoa said:

...I didn't expect her to solo a group that is big enough to qualify for their own Diplomatic entry in the Relationship Folder.
She didn't, but she wants to let you know she is flattered you think she is capable of doing so.
She had troops with her to do the deed.
I don't think that's how it works? I think after 3 Turns of a project running we get 1 extra success every Turn. Then 3 Turns later(6 Turns overall) we get 2 successes every Turn, etc.

No, that's how it works. You just get a +1 Progress every three turns (per turn) that stacks with another +1 Progress (per turn) ontop. So after 7 turns you'll be getting +2 Automatic progresses and +1 natural.

Edit: Nevermind, I get it. So, turns 1 through 7 would be 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3.

Artists Workshop - +2d3% Piety, Cliffside Murals (Write-In Depictions) - +4 Piety, Symbols of Veneration - +1d5% Piety, Songs of the Paths - +1 Piety.

Hmm - so what sort of action costs would these have? As in, category of action, and number of turns?
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1. Edit: Nevermind, I get it. So, turns 1 through 7 would be 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3.
2. Hmm - so what sort of action costs would these have? As in, category of action, and number of turns?
1. Yes, essentially.
2. Pure Faith, and 1-3 depending on scale, with some 5+ Actions locked behind chains. This is primarily a Piety Doctrine, so that makes the most sense.
Hmm, not sure how to boost this further. More airships and their own berth, maybe? Making traveling easier would synergize with the cultural focus.
I think that if we want to boost the economy we need another district like Industrial or Trade.

But it makes our Piety problems worse.
On the other hand, Piety will always become a problem so maybe biting the bullet now would be better.
So; I started on a first draft of a plan but noticed then this:
Learning: Knowledge is Power. (Choose 2 Actions, 1 Action Locked)
I'm not really sure what project we didn't finish?

Oh, and I wanted to get started on the Airship Manufactory for the Caravaner but our current Manufactories have an upper limit of 2.000 Kg. So can we build one for the Caravaner?

[] Plan Airships and Bunker hacking
-[][Faith] Build An Orphanage - (Big) - (Zulmni) - (2/7 Turns Complete)
--[][Faith] Seek Mutated Help - (...0.1 Goodwill=+100) - (+1 to roll = 0.001 Goodwill)
-[][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-73 Materials)
--[][Faith] (4FF)=+4
-[][Diplomacy] From The Brink - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-8.5 Materials, -1.5 Goodwill)
--[][Diplomacy] (Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy, 6FF)=+21
-[][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Locals) - (0/6 Successes) - (+40)
--[][Diplomacy] (Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy, Repeat Action +40, 6FF)=+61
-[][Diplomacy] We Are Legion - (5/9 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Conquer The First Bunker Floor - (South-East-East) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-17 Materials)
--[][Martial] Rust Scouts, The Unbroken, The Wall, Incubi, PD
--[][Martial] (EMP, 6FF)=+6
-[][Learning] Hack The Bunker - (All Electronics/Programming) - (0/17 Successes)
--[][DoD], [PD], (Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30, 4[ENG] +56, 2[SC] +24, 1[TSC] +18, 6FF)=+149
--[]1x Tablet - +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics, 1x Bunker Artifact - +50 to Pioneer Programming=+100
-[][Learning] Radio-Channel - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (0/7 Successes)
--[](Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30, 6FF)=+51
-[][Learning] Chemicals For Future! - (Biology/Chemicals) - (0/4 Successes)
--[] Institutional Knowledge +30, (Scientific Theory +15, 3 [DOC] +18, 1 [SUR] +12, [Library] +5, 6FF)=+86
--[] 1x Sterilization Station - +20 to Advanced Chemicals/Machinery=+20
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (WO-03) - (0/3 Turns Preparation= 6? Turns Expedition) - (House Mirn support: Y)
-[][Archeology] The Bunker's Hospital - (0/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Assemble A Logic Bank- (Tree of Knowledge) - (0/3 Turns Complete) - (-40 Materials) - [Sandcrete -12.5 Materials]
-[][Holdings] Artist Alley - (6/7 Turns Complete)
-[][Holdings] Organized Airship Manufactory - 1 Line - (Caravaner: First 10 ships for Pilgrim use)) - (0/5 Turns Complete) - (-35 Materials)
--[] (Hire Contractors: 3*7 Materials= (-21 Materials)
-[][Aria action] Cool Tempers - (-100 Materials)
--[] (We Can Do It! +20, Trauma: Common People Purge Survivor -5, Mutated -20 to Diplomacy, Object of Veneration +5 to Diplomacy/Norqod, 6FF)=+26 (+6 to Diplomacy)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Cleaning Up The Mess - (Strul) - (0/4 Turns Complete) - (-150 Materials, -75 Goodwill))
--[] (Adjudicator +0)=+0
-[][Martyris action] Solidify The Pilgrims Finances - (0/1 Turns Complete)
--[] (Adjudicator +0)=+0

-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Backroom Deals - (Orphanage - Strul (Big))
--[] Repay Flat Loan - (-100 Materials)
-[] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
--[] Investigate - (Old Eyes' Diggers: What killed half of them?) - (-3 Materials)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action)
--[] Institutional Knowledge - (Fertile Fields) - (-3.75 Materials)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] Suffer Their Arrogance - (1/4 Turns) - (-6 Material)
-[] The Military - (1 Action)
--[] War Lessons - (The Wall) - (-2 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
-[] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
--[] We Work As One - (Healing For All!)
-[] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
--[] Eternal Arts - (Norqod) - ((26/75) Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)

Costs: 73 Materials+ 8.5 Materials+ 17 Materials+ 40 Materials+ 12.5 Materials+ 35 Materials+ 21 Materials+ 100 Materials+ 150 Materials+ 100 Materials+ 3 Materials+ 3.75 Materials+ 6 Material+ 2 Materials= 571.75 Materials
Budget: 1594.19 Materials = 1594.19 Materials
Remaining budget: 1594.19 Materials - 571.75 Materials= 1022.44 Materials

Goodwill cost: 0.1 Goodwill+ 1.5 Goodwill+ 75 Goodwill= 76.6 Goodwill
Current Goodwill: 230.25 Goodwill
Remaining Goodwill: 230.25 Goodwill - 76.6 Goodwill = 153.65 Goodwill

Ok, a first draft. We have some doctors and FF left over. Not sure what to do with the 3rd Learning Action slot(probably bio to throw the doctors and Herbalists at it?)

We could start some pretty expensive projects if we want. A Miniscule Scientific Complex for 679.50 Materials would be possible. Or we could start the Electronics Manufacture instead of a new Computer, to get that +80 to Electronic research.

Edit: Added the missing projects and changed Cleaning Up The Mess to a Personal Action. I want Healing For All! to be on the safe side, even if the pandemic should end during this Turn. But it doesn't matter mechanically which of the two is the Personal Action, so Cleaning Up The Mess is a Personal Action for narrative reasons.
Edit2: Changed the target of the Adventurer Action and added something to keep the first 10 Caravaners.
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I'm not really sure what project we didn't finish?

Oh, and I wanted to get started on the Airship Manufactory for the Caravaner but our current Manufactories have an upper limit of 2.000 Kg. So can we build one for the Caravaner?
Copy and Paste error, fixed now.

And that was raised to 3.500 because of your experience in making airships.
And that was raised to 3.500 because of your experience in making airships.
Then I will add the Airship Manufactory. Should allow us to get started on our own fleet, just so we have the logistics for the next disaster. Or for expeditions into other regions.

If you are going to build the Airship Line then we should get started on Trail of Rust to increase our Suspendium income.
Trail of Rust can be started during the next Turn after Artist Alley is finished. We should then be able to finish the Airship Manufactory in 2 Turns, so we can then start the next project.

Even if I would really like to get the Miniscule Scientific Complex as soon as possible...

Might need the cash for the brains in the Bunker, though. If we have to hire the Forge Clans to get a humane solution.

How about an Agriculture tech? Or maybe The Mind - Compulsive Behaviour?
Agricultural projects would be a good way to keep our doctors busy. But Fertile Fields might take a long time. Locking 2 out of 3 Learning Slots for up to 5 or 6 Turns is... Hmm.

Compulsive Behaviour... That's probably 3 Turns with the +25 from theories and Library/Black Box.

Maybe one of the shorter Agricultural projects?
[X] Plan Airships and Bunker hacking
-[X] Doctrine of the Lowest
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I'm not sure about which Path/Doctrine to take. Doctrine of the Souls Language makes Piety management easier and synergizes with Norqod's focus.

Doctrine of the Open Hand makes many buildings and projects cheaper, and it makes organizing personnel easier.

The Long Path affects all long-term projects. Learning, but also Diplomacy(6 Turns for We Are One People!) and building projects.


[X] Plan Airships and Bunker hacking
-[X][Faith] Build An Orphanage - (Big) - (Zulmni) - (2/7 Turns Complete)
--[X][Faith] Seek Mutated Help - (...0.1 Goodwill=+100) - (+1 to roll = 0.001 Goodwill)
-[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-73 Materials)
--[X][Faith] (4FF)=+4
-[X][Diplomacy] From The Brink - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-8.5 Materials, -1.5 Goodwill)
--[X][Diplomacy] (Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy, 6FF)=+21
-[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Locals) - (0/6 Successes) - (+40)
--[X][Diplomacy] (Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy, Repeat Action +40, 6FF)=+61
-[X][Diplomacy] We Are Legion - (5/9 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martial] Conquer The First Bunker Floor - (South-East-East) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-17 Materials)
--[X][Martial] Rust Scouts, The Unbroken, The Wall, Incubi, PD
--[X][Martial] (EMP, 6FF)=+6
-[X][Learning] Hack The Bunker - (All Electronics/Programming) - (0/17 Successes)
--[X][DoD], [PD], (Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30, 4[ENG] +56, 2[SC] +24, 1[TSC] +18, 6FF)=+149
--[X]1x Tablet - +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics, 1x Bunker Artifact - +50 to Pioneer Programming=+100
-[X][Learning] Radio-Channel - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (0/7 Successes)
--[X](Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30, 6FF)=+51
-[X][Learning] Chemicals For Future! - (Biology/Chemicals) - (0/4 Successes)
--[X] Institutional Knowledge +30, (Scientific Theory +15, 3 [DOC] +18, 1 [SUR] +12, [Library] +5, 6FF)=+86
--[X] 1x Sterilization Station - +20 to Advanced Chemicals/Machinery=+20
-[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (WO-03) - (0/3 Turns Preparation= 6? Turns Expedition) - (House Mirn support: Y)
-[X][Archeology] The Bunker's Hospital - (0/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Assemble A Logic Bank- (Tree of Knowledge) - (0/3 Turns Complete) - (-40 Materials) - [Sandcrete -12.5 Materials]
-[X][Holdings] Artist Alley - (6/7 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holdings] Organized Airship Manufactory - 1 Line - (Caravaner: First 10 ships for Pilgrim use)) - (0/5 Turns Complete) - (-35 Materials)
--[X] (Hire Contractors: 3*7 Materials= (-21 Materials)
-[X][Aria action] Cool Tempers - (-100 Materials)
--[X] (We Can Do It! +20, Trauma: Common People Purge Survivor -5, Mutated -20 to Diplomacy, Object of Veneration +5 to Diplomacy/Norqod, 6FF)=+26 (+6 to Diplomacy)
-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Cleaning Up The Mess - (Strul) - (0/4 Turns Complete) - (-150 Materials, -75 Goodwill))
--[X] (Adjudicator +0)=+0
-[X][Martyris action] Solidify The Pilgrims Finances - (0/1 Turns Complete)
--[X] (Adjudicator +0)=+0

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Backroom Deals - (Orphanage - Strul (Big))
--[X] Repay Flat Loan - (-100 Materials)
-[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
--[X] Investigate - (Old Eyes' Diggers: What killed half of them?) - (-3 Materials)
-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action)
--[X] Institutional Knowledge - (Fertile Fields) - (-3.75 Materials)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (1/4 Turns) - (-6 Material)
-[X] The Military - (1 Action)
--[X] War Lessons - (The Wall) - (-2 Materials)
-[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
-[X] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
--[X] We Work As One - (Healing For All!)
-[X] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
--[X] Eternal Arts - (Norqod) - ((26/75) Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)

Costs: 73 Materials+ 8.5 Materials+ 17 Materials+ 40 Materials+ 12.5 Materials+ 35 Materials+ 21 Materials+ 100 Materials+ 150 Materials+ 100 Materials+ 3 Materials+ 3.75 Materials+ 6 Material+ 2 Materials= 571.75 Materials
Budget: 1594.19 Materials = 1594.19 Materials
Remaining budget: 1594.19 Materials - 571.75 Materials= 1022.44 Materials

Goodwill cost: 0.1 Goodwill+ 1.5 Goodwill+ 75 Goodwill= 76.6 Goodwill
Current Goodwill: 230.25 Goodwill
Remaining Goodwill: 230.25 Goodwill - 76.6 Goodwill = 153.65 Goodwill

The only thing I'm not sure about is the Military Action. Hopefully, getting to the brains won't cause the Walkers to attack us. But even in the worst case, at least we should have some warning due to hacking parts of the Bunker.

Edit: Screw it.

[X] Another one, sometime later. There is still so much to do...
-[x] Doctrine of the Souls Language
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[X] Another one, sometime later. There is still so much to do...
-[x] Doctrine of the Souls Language

[X] Plan Airships and Bunker hacking
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[X] Another one, sometime later. There is still so much to do...
-[X] Doctrine of the Lowest

[X] Plan Airships and Bunker hacking
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Since people are voting for the Long Path, I would like to mention that choosing such would mean making your Piety Loss to a -1 per 25 people. Meaning that, next turn, you will roll with, effectively, +57% Piety Loss.

Per Turn.
[X] Another one, sometime later. There is still so much to do...
-[X] Doctrine of the Lowest

Because we can't afford the piety loss, another action is hugely powerful, and standing up for the downtrodden is at our very core.