But what if they do? All I'm seeing is a bunch of 'There could be negative consequences for telling them' but what if telling them has possible positives as well? If not telling them is worse somehow?
Maybe don't treat the characters POV as WOG? "Sometimes people make mistakes, even smart people" that also applies to Mathilde herself, she isn't all-knowing, just because she thinks something doesn't mean it's true.Maybe don't dismiss Mathilde's judgement out of hand just becuase it does not make one feel good. Sometimes people make mistakes, even smart people.
And this here is the problem. We do not need to be in league with chaos for chaos to fuck people through us.
Because the logic of this sort of absolutism would mean that literally no one should be a Wizard, ever. After all, magic is verifiably from the Realm of Chaos. Tzeentch is very much recognized as being the God of Magic. Every single scrap of magic in the world could be (and in the not-so-distant past, was) labeled as tools given by Daemons.
The entire existence of the Colleges is predicated on the notion that it's better to not let the Great Enemy be the only ones with access to the tool. The Orbs of Sorcery are pure embodiments of their Wind, and the principle of their function are perfectly understood by the Colleges. The only difficulty is in making them. And if the Colleges are that mega-sus after hearing that a Lord of Change dropped in on a mistake in the process to spin cryptic bullshit to play mind games with us (something that they are known to do), they could just, y'know, watch us perform the process successfully and see for themselves there's no daemonic bullshit involved in the production.
By 'get away with the lie', in this context I mean something more along the lines of 'play it cool and don't show that we're spooked'. It's a roll I'd expect Mathilde to easily pass normally (i.e. not actually need a roll), but an encounter with a GD is the exact sort of thing that throws people off their game. And if we roll a natural 1, maybe we're thrown enough to attract attention, have concerned friends asking why we're acting odd, then have to actively lie and conceal, etc. And then there's the potential for other stuff down the line- some of the scenarios I outlined, plus others, for potentially multiple rolls.No, because the odds of those rolls happening are still a thing that is decided by what makes sense in universe. If we vote to talk a roll for reactions will happen next update, no mitigating, no chance to take actions to clear our name or head it off at the pass, just 'roll me that D100 and see what happens'. We are not going to get a roll to get away with the lie, beecause we will not be telling a lie, just keeping silence.
By 'get away with the lie', in this context I mean something more along the lines of 'play it cool and don't show that we're spooked'. It's a roll I'd expect Mathilde to easily pass normally, but an encounter with a GD is the exact sort of thing that throws people off their game. And if we roll a natural 1, maybe we're thrown enough to attract attention, have concerned friends asking why we're acting odd, then have to actively lie and conceal, etc. And then there's the potential for other stuff down the line- some of the scenarios I outlined, plus others, for potentially multiple rolls.
Is this all speculative? Yes, it is. But I don't feel it's baseless speculation; even if we do skip the immediate 'reaction' rolls by saying nothing, that doesn't mean there's no other scenarios in which we might have to roll as a result of this.
I think you are deliberately minimizing what happened and then acting surprised that people think consequences are possible.
Hey you know what's a real good way to alienate someone from their support structures?He can do that whether or not we tell anyone. It makes no difference whatsoever. Being trusted less by her peers probably makes Mathilde more vulnerable to this kind of manipulation or influence, as it might make them more hesitant to support her or tell her things, making it more likely to end up in a scenario where she'd be tempted to accept such assistance.
The best way to mitigate this risk is not to alienate her from her support structures, and to say nothing.
Having gone through a decent amount of the thread I ultimately agree that the best move here seems to not be going around telling people. Reasons for that include:
Standard Grey information security.
Loss of trust and possible loss of projects.
Stasis is the anti-thesis of Change so probably a good counter.
That said, Mathilde is shrewd and she's not going to tell people in a stupid way. There's been a number of clever ways mentioned that Mathilde could put the situation that makes her come out not too bad (probably).
Having gone over the Lord of Change's intervention again it really just seems like the equivalent of an opportunistic shit post. It seems like it could be problematic at first glance but taking a deeper seems to indicate there's a lot less substance than you might expect.
This makes no sense. You say that it isn't a knock against Boney at all, yet proceed to say things that seem presented in a way as if to criticise Boney's handling of the situation while trying to dodge the fact that you're complaining things happened the way they did.Anyway.
I'm out, maybe just for a bit, maybe forever. This isn't a knock against Boney at all, I appreciate that he's sticking to his guns and making a bad roll suck, but once in-game entities start using Out of Character manipulation on the playerbase specifically to elicit reaction when they should be ignoring them, in a playerbase of this size, there's no longer any doubt as to where the plot will go. Which is to say "Exactly where that entity wanted it to". That's what happens when the Fourth Wall starts getting leaned on. I'm not upset given that it's not exactly being subtle about it, or pretending like it isn't happening, but that doesn't make things any less pre-ordained.
Hopefully I'm wrong and trusting other people isn't going to play into the Plan. But I don't think I am. "Mathilde Died in a magical accident when her precautions were overcome by an OCP, BAD END" is sad, but probably better than watching her get railroaded into either being executed or corrupted because a Daemon scared her with words that are meaningless in universe but trigger the playerbase hard and cause them to overcorrect.
This makes no sense. You say that it isn't a knock against Boney at all, yet proceed to say things that seem presented in a way as if to criticise Boney's handling of the situation while trying to dodge the fact that you're complaining things happened the way they did.
You're free to leave because the current developments make you upset. I did so once during the romance votes thanks to the vitriol in the thread and feeling unsafe. But your underlying assumptions are based on dooming and prophesising a horrible endpoint because you don't agree with the rest of the thread's viewpoints on the situation. Attributing the Daemon's words to "leaning on the fourth wall" is incredibly reductive of Boney's efforts to harmonise the quest's elements with the narrative perspectives of characters that live within it.
Boney isn't some machiavellan schemer like Iago from Othello. He isn't pre-scient and capable of manipulating the thread into a preordained path. The implication that Boney is railroading us is by far the most irritating thing in your post, and I wouldn't be making this post if I didn't feel like Boney's work was being misrepresented.
I probably should have clarified that by 'play it cool' I didn't mean playing it cool to Belegar/Algard, but to anybody who sees Mathilde and knows how she normally is (Pan, Max and Johann, etc); my bad. But anyway, what I meant was that if you have a harrowing, scary experience (even if it wasn't big enough to be traumatic), it often shows in your reactions and how you act in the immediate aftermath. How long that lasts depends on the experience and the person, but there are usually signs. And having a close encounter with a GD while your soul is flensed bare of winds, and it handing you a power boost? It's exactly the sort of thing that could qualify.Why would we have to play it cool? If we vote to say anything we may not see Algard for years, I think that is long enough to develop a poker face unless the argument is that we will be spending those years thinking about nothing else like a guilty toddler.
I probably should have clarified that by 'play it cool' I didn't mean playing it cool to Belegar/Algard, but to anybody who sees Mathilde and knows how she normally is (Pan, Max and Johann, etc); my bad. But anyway, what I meant was that if you have a harrowing, scary experience (even if it wasn't big enough to be traumatic), it shows in your reactions in the immediate aftermath. How long that lasts depends on the experience and the person, but there are usually signs. And having a close encounter with a GD while your soul is flensed bare of winds, and it handing you a power boost? It's exactly the sort of thing that could qualify.
Hey you know what's a real good way to alienate someone from their support structures?
Reveal they've been actively hiding something incredibly crucial for several years, thus proving that they do in fact have the capability to lie to your face about things, thus making you ask the question "If you hid this, are there other things you're hiding from us?"
Telling outright, whilst still meaning we might have eyes on us, at least proves that we aren't going to hide something such as this. And in the event that actually, the grey college doesn't blow it's top over this and deals with it reasonably, then any further attempts are expected and able to be prepared for as much as possible.
But the daemon or its words aren't incredibly crucial unless we choose to make them so. They just the blatherings of a daemon of the Chaos God of Lies until we chose to belief they have some validity.
And, once again, it's pretty much literally impossible to reveal that this happened. Even Mathilde would find it impossible to prove to someone else that it did given that the daemon downloaded the words into her brain. The only way someone would know it happened is if the daemon or Mathilde told them, and no one we care about will believe the daemon.
Here's the thing. Trust is not a binary. Or even a 1-value scalar.Nowhere does it say they are raging fanatics. It says that they won't trust her as much if they tell her. That's because the only reason to tell them is in order to warn them not to trust her as much. If not, then she wouldn't be telling them.
That's the whole point of telling them.
If they didn't need to know, Mathilde wouldn't tell them. The only reason they would need to know is if they need to take action based on that knowledge. Then trusting her less would be that action that Mathilde is telling them they need to take.
Them not trusting her as much afterwards isn't a failure on their part or a negative side effect. It's basically the intended and known outcome of the action. The only thing that's in question is whether or not Mathilde can ever recover from that loss of trust.
Yes, she'd be worried and concerned- which honestly, is in its own way worse. Hiding secrets from someone who's trying to comfort and help you about those secrets is painful.Sure, but there is no way they could suspect what happened, they would be worried not suspicious and that worry would fade in time as we cuddled wolf and got better. Hell Panoramia even knows we are a Grey, we can just tell her that something happened we cannot talk about I fully expect her to understand because she has her secrets as well (without working for the Empire's secret police).