[X] [BELEGAR] Daemon and weakening
[X] [COLLEGE] Everchosen and Greater Daemon
In both cases, the worst that can reasonably happen is people being dissappointed in Mathilde, and probably not even that, given 'miscasts are all but inevitable when you're dealing with magic, and sometimes they involve Daemons showing up' is something already known to both Kragg, Belegar and literally anyone ranking above Apprentice in the Colleges including Algard. I really don't think they're going to do anything about the Project, especially not when it's giving encouraging results even without counting the benefits from the newly-established trade.
Considering that, there's no point in hiding this from them: reporting a possible security breach (in Belegar's case) is something that Mathilde should do, regardless of how unlikely it is to be exploited by our enemies, and is in fact her duty not just as Loremaster but also as a K8P citizen to do so; a Greater Daemon contact (in Algard's case) is also something that Matty probably should report, especially if Algard is (understandably) suspicious about AV when we drop it on him so if he ever found out that 'yes, I did talk with a Greater Daemon not too long ago and didn't tell anyone but it's got nothing to do with this, I promise, I'm still totally trustworthy', then Mathilde would have to answer a lot of uncomfortable questions that would be preempted by just telling him what just happened straight up.
The Everchosen stuff isn't that relevant so there wouldn't be any issue with just not mentioning it; and if we tell them about the Daemon we'll also tell them about the possible Everchosen by default, so mentioning the job offer gives no real benefit for anyone on our side (and might result in negative consequences for Matty herself); therefore, I'm not really in favor of doing so.