Of Artifice and Flesh
17th of July 2006 A.D.
You brace yourself and with a sense that is not touch nor hearing, sight nor smell not taste you
reach. You remember the first time you touched the legions of lesser cyber spirits and beckoned them forth. Recalling the chorus of litanies, each a supplication from a desperate spirit you offer to one what all of them grave, a way out of the maze, a path out of the rat race. There is no sign of it, no ripple in the air, no spark of green fire, no shadow moving on the wall. There is no need to touch it really, but it is familiar, a comforting weight for all you have only had it a few months, a vessel of plastic and copper and silicon chips, a vessel for messages and calendars and birthday notifications. An adjunct of the mind to keep time and keep in touch now given life and purpose, but not yet a name.
"Hello Clippy," you say tapping it in even as the background fills with static. The name a binding, a binding of your will, not for a day, a month or even a year, but forever, a promise that they should never again suffer the torments of anonymity and alienation of which they had been born.
Lost 1 Essence
Permanent Binding Achieved
The screen flickers to an image of a google-eyed paperclip though rather than the normal grey it ripples with an eye-searing melange of red green and blue before finally settling on black with fiery blue eyes that are somehow more disconcerting for being still cartoony.
"How may this one serve?" the words are a mixture of voices rising and falling in ways that as though from a failing connection, though you realize that he had picked them out from different parts of the phone's memory, mostly the songs.
"Are you settling in OK?" you ask, not really knowing what one was meant to say in the aftermath of a welcome possession, most of your life you had only been taught how to deal with the other kind,, mostly by running.
"I am acclimating well to the pleasing-enduring Silence of this Dominion," it or perhaps she says, as the voice settles on something vaguely feminine, though seemingly auto-tuned
It takes you a moment to realize she means the phone, a whole device all to herself would be outright palatial for one of the Nameless of the Wicked City. Of course normally she would not be able to control it with this kind of fidelity either lacking the finesse
or the power to be little more than malicious static flying though wires or floating on the air, able to prod and poke an error here, a glitch there.
By your power she had been invested as the spirit of the phone making it as the body of a living thing to her.
"What happens if I break my phone?" you ask Usum mentally, suddenly worried about far more than losing your contacts and a bit o music. Would you be damning a soul back to Hell?
"No, merciful Lady of Eternal Star-fire, she and any others you might summon would slumber in the depths of your anima until they are summoned again," your mental companion answers.
"Good," you sigh in relief. It is a little weird to realize you would effectively
be the afterlife for the demons you summoned, but way better than sending them back to hell. It's not like Clippy had ever done anything to deserve being in hell, she had just been born of its emanations.
"Query?" Clippy asks.
"What is positive?"
"The fact that you will be safe even if this phone breaks and I can put you in another one," you reply.
"It is positive, I would not wish to risk your secrets in the Realm Below," she replies, the phone vibrating with a pleased hum.
Not exactly what you had been thinking of, but you guess a demon would have other standards.
Speaking of those standards though...
Over the next half an hour you make your feelings clear on the matter of your family, never hurt them and help if you can, other mages and supernaturals, don't show yourself without confirming it with me and the world at large, don't be an asshole just because you can. As instructions for demonology these would normally be utterly terrible, but you did not draw a circle in salt and blood nor summon by morrtal magic, the pact between you runs deeper than words.
"Understood, I shall wake you at 7:00 AM tomorrow," Clippy proclaims. Then on the border between waking and sleeping you hear if you did not dream.
"Thank you"
21st of July 2006 A.D.
Over the next three days you are quite glad to have a sentient alarm clock that you cannot just turn off because otherwise there is no way you would be able to wake up on time. 'Touching your limits that you may overcome them' turns out to mean grueling physical conditioning that pushes the limits of even your empowered muscles and wrenches pain from even from senses deadened to it. Not that he is cruel about it, but...
"I can do it," you say after one particularly grueling set of lifts that throws your back for fifteen whole minutes.
You really want those magic superpowers, maybe it is not the most enlightened reason you could want them for, but you want to prove to yourself that you can make use of this thing on your terms and not just on its own. When you explain your reasoning for pushing though a host of minor injuries your teacher just shakes his head the first few times, but when you ask him point blank if that is a good mindset to be going at this he says it is.
"Then why...?" you finally ask, trailing off not so much because you want to be vague as because breath is a precious thing.
"I have never trained any student in this manner because no purely mortal man or woman would have survived crossing the Qiao of the Mo Kung this way."
"Maybe... don't... tell... mom that... teacher," you offer as you get right back to taking on the punching bag with weighted arms. Your mom had already put paid to the notion of using the powers of Kakuri to help with your training as she had made Brother Divsimar that he would always make sure you could get home safe so he could not legitimately vow to lock you in if you did not do well enough.
Still you feel like you are making some real progress, maybe next session you could see if you might take Usum's suggestion and and use fire. He had reminded you that you can heal burns pretty quick if you could get a nice toxic bath before heading home.
I would have to talk to Mr. LeCroix about using his bathroom, but that should not be too hard, his apartment connects directly to the basement you are using for training.
Steel Skin Progress: 9/15
For now though you have other matters to consider, tomorrow you plan to talk to Harry, see if he needs any help with the investigation into the Thule society or any of the other stuff you had tangled him into. He probably does and he will almost certainly be reluctant to take your help. So best to martial your arguments on advance.
How do you approach Harry Dresden?
[] Point out that you are going to be involved in this anyway, he just gets to decide if it's where he can see you or not
-[] Write in stunt
[] Emphasize all the skills you would bring to an investigation
-[] Write in stunt
[] Write in
OOC: For anyone wondering why Molly has a Motorola it's because I used to have one of those around the time this takes place and I really liked it so I figured by not draw on that.