Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [ARMARIUM] Council of Manhorak
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take

I would like to make friends with the Bog people.
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[MONEY] Zhufbar
They Dawi gotta see something else from this other than Grudges Avenged. Also I just love em.


[RING] Take
I'm greedy, take them all. No doubt we can keep them safe and also put them to good use.
All of your votes are missing the brackets and Xs needed for the vote tally software to count them.
For anybody curious, here's the current list of notable tomes in our library. I have bolded those who's existence is public knowledge.
Several of those are only notable to Mathilde personally. The only public-facing prestigious book is A Modest Treatise, and since that's magic-related it's going to be heavily restricted access. The Creeping Flesh would be our first prestigious book people could come over to read.

Actually, I'd say that if Vald was going to trap anything, it would be stuff that nobody else would ever have a legitimate reason to be looking at.
I can kind of see where you're coming from, but I don't think he'd have trapped his notes. I was also thinking more in terms of how the Books of Nagash etc. are deliberately dangerous to read magically, as are many non-Liber Mortis grimoires.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [ARMARIUM] Cult of Morr
[X] [SCROLLS] Templars
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take
I'm taking that credit, because best I remember it was meee

Have a like, then.

[X] [MONEY] Zhufbar
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [ARMARIUM] Cult of Morr
[X] [ARMARIUM] Council of Manhorak
[X] [FLESH] Cult of Verena
[X] [FLESH] University of Altdorf
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [SCROLLS] Priory of the Spear
[X] [RING] Burn

The dwarves carried the expedition, so I'd prefer them to get the money.

The sheets can go burn as far as I am concerned.

The armarium I'd rather return to the morrites, because those are in part sacred secrets and Mathilde seems to already feel somewhat bad about the stuff she has learned. As an alternative, giving the armarium to the council so they may get the credit with a cult so damn important for Sylvania as the morrites is okay.

The Creeping Flesh I wouldn't mind keeping or giving away to some of the alternatives for library sharing agreements. Its positive contributions to medicine mean a fair bit to me.

As for the scrolls, I'd honestly rather burn the whole thing, but will vote for the Priory of the Spear just in case the Waystone project ends moving into Tilea and friendly contacts there help with that, unlikely as it sounds at first glance.

As for the "how to rings of power 101" notes possibly written by freaking Nagash?

I can kind of see where you're coming from, but I don't think he'd have trapped his notes. I was also thinking more in terms of how the Books of Nagash etc. are deliberately dangerous to read magically, as are many non-Liber Mortis grimoires.

The Books of Nagash have pieces of Nagash's soul in them, and it's that which is corrupting people touching them, not the knowledge written in them, just as his Crown does.

Necromancy books aren't memetic hazards in the way Chaotic ones are.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take
[x] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[x] [SHEETS] Yes
[x] [ARMARIUM] Cult of Morr
[x] [SCROLLS] Priory of the Spear
[x] [FLESH] You
[x] [RING] Take

Buy some favours, keep the bits that either we could openly use without having to launder our knowledge or which cannot be put to use otherwise.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
They have the least wealth and thus will get the most proportional benefit from the money.


[X] [FLESH] You

Theses are book we can, with precautions, publicly have in our library. This will generate prestige and make getting more books easier.

[X] [SCROLLS] Priory of the Spear
This is something we can never admit to having.
It is something that may well be outright hazardous to read.
Whatever knowledge it contains is something we could never use.
Sell it and buy actual books.

[X] [RING] Take
While I question whether there will be any actual benefit, I doubt it is inherently dangerous and it is in-character for Mathilde to nab it.
I still hold that it'll be valuable enchantment insight from a guy who was undeniably one of the greatest mages of all time.
I love it whenever someone refers to Nagash in the past tense. So optimistic!

On topic, I don't have too strong an opinion on most options, but I have to weigh in on one:


We're talking about vampires here. I'm not going to say with certainty that people have been drained and killed on this bed, but it's absolutely not something we can rule out, and those really aren't dice I'd like to roll.
[X] RING] Take

I'm not really fussed about the other options, but vampire sheets? No. Just... no.

Knowing our luck they'll turn out to be literal vampire sheets, and try and suck our blood in our sleep.
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Panoramia: What the fuck are those!?
Mathilde: I just thought it would be romantic. Undying love, you know.
Panoramia: o_O
Look if there's anything I've been trying to tell the thread for literally years it's that panoramia is not a shrinking violet. I don't think she'd be that put off or even necessarily put off at all. She's still with us after we said we wanted to fuck a dragon she knows what we're about.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [ARMARIUM] Cult of Morr
[X] [FLESH] Cult of Verena
[X] [RING] Take

We may never use them, but taking sheets from under Vlad and Isabella as a showpiece deeply amuses me.
Creeping Flesh is a well-known book for ages now. Everything that is useful about medicine already was extracted out of it, everything that is useful about necromancy Mathilde learned long ago. It's only a prestige grab, and securing prestige of our library is better done by many ordinary books copied from Cult of Verena than by one (in)famous tome.
Also there's people voting to burn unique insights about great artifact from Vlad itself, what happened to the thread?
I feel like if there was something magically wrong with the sheets, Mathilde would be able to tell. I mean, paranoia is one thing, but trapping your own bedsheets?

And yes I know, some what icky, but the prestige!
[RING] Take

I'm not really fussed about the other options, but vampire sheets? No. Just... no.

Knowing our luck they'll turn out to be literal vampire sheets, and try and suck our blood in our sleep.
That's the second time someone's made a vote without the bracket X bracket thingy at the front. Weird.
I mean, it's not like we're even more doomed for having Vlad's notes and the Prophecies of Zandri right? In for a penny, in for a pound of flesh and all that :V
There's something to be said for future proofing against a vampire getting all of it at once in a single collection centuries down the road.

Plus the fact that we'd be trying to sneak it past a Lord Magister level precog who felt SOME reason for coming.
Voting is open