For what it's worth we haven't seen all that much of Yan Renshu, but I'm not sure I'd go with either of these choices.
They're both very principled, but I think at his core Yan Renshu is a narcissist. He believes he is better than every one else, more deserving, superior. This is foundational to his self image. In pursuit of this delusion he rationalizes and justifies his actions: they are right because he is superior and wouldn't make wrong choices.
When confronted with the truth of his delusion he lashes out and attempts, obsessively, to eradicate this evidence -- "proving" the evidence wrong.
He doesn't have a problem with community or with loneliness, these are rationalizations for the irrational belief in his "worth".
An example:
Yan Renshu exploits his family because he thinks it's in his best interest. This is culturally taboo, but he's doing it so it must be justified. Therefore the taboo is actually wrong, only Yan Renshu is clear sighted enough to acknowledge the hard truths of the world and cast aside the comforting illusion of Community. Now that he's adopted this belief he must prove it true, or forget about it, to maintain his self-image.
But you'll notice this isn't a matter of principle at its core. It's a fig-leaf hiding the actual principle: I am always deserving and justified in what I do.