Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Let's not encourage nepotism, lads.

[x] Wilhelmine

Alas, I think it's a wee bit too late for that considering Mathy kiinndddaa sponsored her from Day 1 (yes dropping in to say hi is functionally that). Also see Adella and that funny but pretty insightful Abelheim Nega Quest about how Nepotism isn't great in the theoretical "frictionless sphere cows" sense but practically provides a good pool of people you can already trust in a world with limited time and information

Also wanted to note at first I was all "awww darn" at the revelation we could've pressed the Hekartians a little harder. Then I thought about it and the fact that we pay the price only if the project is a ridiculous, massive success still holds. Also now we know they do have some stake in just being on the project, I think there'd be leeway in renegotiating the deal if it becomes too much of a lodestone. Ie we know that general recognition/clout for internal politicking is a goal, so if gang signs everywhere is too much maybe going more subtle in some areas, but more blatant and EONIR HERE GUYS in others could make up for it? Eh I'm worse at politics than Mathy so shrug.
...You know, given how Eike is most interested in Learning, I hope she isn't an arachnophobe, given our cool library.

You know, thinking about this.

This is essentially the insanely difficult to determine and optimize digitally ability to identify a target and put a projectile into the target. Even with modern computation it STILL only really works with a target that has reasonable clearance from its surroundings and at a temperature/velocity that really sticks out.

But a human can still hit aircraft with a weapon that doesn't even have that much precision across that range, if not very efficiently.

Its a perfect comparison.
Yeah, it kinda sounds like a simplified and magic version of Moravec's paradox. Hard problems are easy, and the easy problems are hard. Recognizing faces, lifting pencils, walking, answering questions - children can do these things, but are among the hardest things to try to set an AI to do.

Elves learn things the long way because, without needing to worry that they might die of old age, they can do all Winds safely. Can elves bind their souls to a single Wind as humans do? I know they probably would be very reluctant to do so if they could, but I don't really know enough of Warhammer proper, so this is an actual question.
...You know, given how Eike is most interested in Learning, I hope she isn't an arachnophobe, given our cool library.

Yeah, it kinda sounds like a simplified and magic version of Moravec's paradox. Hard problems are easy, and the easy problems are hard. Recognizing faces, lifting pencils, walking, answering questions - children can do these things, but are among the hardest things to try to set an AI to do.

Elves learn things the long way because, without needing to worry that they might die of old age, they can do all Winds safely. Can elves bind their souls to a single Wind as humans do? I know they probably would be very reluctant to do so if they could, but I don't really know enough of Warhammer proper, so this is an actual question.

As far as I know in the RPG where most of the arcane marks used in this quest come from elves can get them every bit as much as humans, though I am not sure if it is the same in the quest. I mean on the one hand elves are harder to mutate, but on the other making a mistake running magic though your soul should do it.
...You know, given how Eike is most interested in Learning, I hope she isn't an arachnophobe, given our cool library.

Yeah, it kinda sounds like a simplified and magic version of Moravec's paradox. Hard problems are easy, and the easy problems are hard. Recognizing faces, lifting pencils, walking, answering questions - children can do these things, but are among the hardest things to try to set an AI to do.

Elves learn things the long way because, without needing to worry that they might die of old age, they can do all Winds safely. Can elves bind their souls to a single Wind as humans do? I know they probably would be very reluctant to do so if they could, but I don't really know enough of Warhammer proper, so this is an actual question.
Humans are very mutable. They change the most out of all the World's races. This is why they resonate with Chaos so much, and why they have the highest percentage of those fall to Chaos and fill out the Armies of Chaos. Elves could probably bind themselves to one Wind, but I don't think they have the inherent mutability that humans do that lets them dive facefirst into a Wind and come out so altered. It would probably be seen as a complete waste.

Even Chaotic Elves take a very, very, very long time to be visibly altered by the forces of Chaos. I should say, however, that there are Elves who are pretty much mono-wind casters because they just don't have the temperament for anything else. The prime example being the Dragon Mages of Caledor, who are explicitly mentioned as only using Aqshy because they're too hot-headed for anything else. A fun fact about Elves is that they are a deeply passionate and sometimes obsessive people, and their emotions can very much get the better of them, which is why Ulthuan culture is so heavily regimented and full of traditions to ensure that Elves maintain inner peace and not fall to their vices.
Even Chaotic Elves take a very, very, very long time to be visibly altered by the forces of Chaos.
Off-hand, the only full-on Chaos Elf I'm aware of, outside of whatever it is the Drucchi are doing, is Dechala.

And she isvery heavily mutated. Though it's not like we've got a timeline for when all of the mutations popped up.
Wait a second. Remember those Shyish swords created by an enchantment that absorbed ambient Winds, which Mathilde rolled well on understanding the function of but poorly on finding uses for? Could we do something like that for Waystones if we try to extend the range of the enchantment?
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Off-hand, the only full-on Chaos Elf I'm aware of, outside of whatever it is the Drucchi are doing, is Dechala.

And she isvery heavily mutated. Though it's not like we've got a timeline for when all of the mutations popped up.
I'm talking about the 6th Edition Storm of Chaos Anointed, who are Cult of Pleasure Characters who's lived in the Chaos Wastes for thousands of years or something like that, after Malekith banished them for worshipping Chaos. Despite all the time they've spent in the Chaos Wastes, they are not nearly as mutated as they would be if they were anything like humans.
Wait a second. Remember those Shyish swords created by an enchantment that absorbed ambient Winds, which Mathilde rolled well on understanding the function of but poorly on finding uses for? Could we do something like that for Waystones if we try to extend the range of the enchantment?
The only reason they didn't become completely Dhar-soaked is because the only Wind they were in contact with for ages was Shyish.

I think it's a dead end.
I fell asleep 5 minutes before the vote started.

[X] You

If Shallya doesn't wan't to make us young after we poke her about it we can always go vampire, probably, what are the Liber Mortis' Spells good for if we can't do that?
Alas, I think it's a wee bit too late for that considering Mathy kiinndddaa sponsored her from Day 1 (yes dropping in to say hi is functionally that). Also see Adella and that funny but pretty insightful Abelheim Nega Quest about how Nepotism isn't great in the theoretical "frictionless sphere cows" sense but practically provides a good pool of people you can already trust in a world with limited time and information

Also wanted to note at first I was all "awww darn" at the revelation we could've pressed the Hekartians a little harder. Then I thought about it and the fact that we pay the price only if the project is a ridiculous, massive success still holds. Also now we know they do have some stake in just being on the project, I think there'd be leeway in renegotiating the deal if it becomes too much of a lodestone. Ie we know that general recognition/clout for internal politicking is a goal, so if gang signs everywhere is too much maybe going more subtle in some areas, but more blatant and EONIR HERE GUYS in others could make up for it? Eh I'm worse at politics than Mathy so shrug.
Eh, they're at least nominally allies, and hard-selling to allies makes you few friends.

This way they feel like they won, and we got ourselves a participant.
The only reason they didn't become completely Dhar-soaked is because the only Wind they were in contact with for ages was Shyish.

I think it's a dead end.
That's because the sword isn't doing anything with the magic, just holding it. Of course different Winds put too close together would curdle. But maybe it'd be different if we kept moving it.

@Boney Am I onto something potentially useful about that enchantment, or is it a dead end?
Okay, I've been looking at a physical map of the empire to trace possible waystone locations, and I've discovered a few things. Note that this is assuming that the leylines travel strictly in cardinal directions, and that they don't zigzag across the country.

1) It's a straight line east to west from Bechafen to Marienburg via Talabheim.
2) Drakenhof is NOT south of Mordheim, as I previously assumed. What is south, however, is the Haunted Hills and if you travel further south you get Karak Varn AKA the Skaven hold of Cragmere.
3) If you instead go west from Mordheim, you hit Wurtbad, which is also directly south of Talabheim. If you instead go east from Mordheim, you reach Karak Kadrin.
4) If you go north from Wurtbad, you'll reach the Middle Mountains and what I assume is Brass Keep, and then east to the Blood Fane (possibly via Wolfenburg), which itself is south of Erengrad. If instead you continue westwards from Wurtbad, you reach Ubersreik and Castle Drachenfels.
5) Hatalath mentioned there was a waystone at Athel Yenlui, somewhere in Reikland, possibly near Helmgart. North of Helmgart is Marienburg.
6) Returning to Wurtbad, you can go south to Averheim, then west to Nuln. From Nuln you can go south to Bugman's Brewery and Karak Norn or North to Middenheim.

In short, you can see the beginnings of a grid of leylines overlapping the Empire. Note that this is just a series of guesses made with a map, a ruler, and a shaky sense of direction, but those are the main connections I'd be looking into if I wanted to map the network.
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