The sharp bitter tang of salt in the air was viscerally unpleasant, but at the same time served as a harsh focus to the mind. The dry, dark qi of the little saltwater pool and the subtle rustle of the fungal blooms made for a fine background to her meditations. Since neither her liege nor Gan Guangli and Xia Lin had any use for the place, she had begun to make it hers. The lessons learned with Zhengui on gardening were only of partial use, especially since this place was so out of synch with his way, but she'd begunto toy with some arrangements.
Moist rotting wood carefully buried in a two layered circle inducing the growth of blooming caps of darkness saturated fungus, marked by growing jagged salt crystals at its cardinal points were the limit of her experimentation for the moment, but it did focus the qi a little. She'd want to speak with an expert geomancer before she meddled further.
Oh, she's making an artificial fairy ring!
Though yeah, Zhengui isn't going to much enjoy a grotto where things slowly pickle in the salt.
But it was a nice, relaxing way to wind down while getting work done.
"You mean while I get work done," Sixiang groused. Their image sat in midair before her, one leg crossed under the other while one bare foot dangled down. The moon spirit glared over an open letter.
"Don't give me that," Ling Qi sniffed, cracking open one eye. "I know you enjoy doing voices for each letter."
"Hardly the point, this isn't supposed to be how this bond works!"
"Are you still so flustered by that compliment?" Ling Qi snorted.
"I oughta dunk your head in the pool," Sixiang said flatly.
The Moon spirits will gossip about how scandalously organized Sixiang is for a Dream Muse.
Bodes well for further evolution though, since expanding their concept space does not come easily to spirits.
She laughed as she peeled the paper off, scanning the bottom half of the letter again. "It's good that things are going well for Hanyi."
"Yeah seems the squirts been well received," Sixiang said. "Though the letters that work out to 'where can I get one', kinda suck."
Ling Qi grimaced, it was to be expected. No one was as impolite as Sixiang complied but there were a lot of probes for the origins of her spirit. In a way it was good, as the southern empire had been suffering increasingly cold winters and an interest in Hanyi could drive support for their project, but… it was also probably easy to twist things around and blame the foreigners too once people got their narratives straight.
Everyone wants the Galarian Frostlass.
We can gather Hanyi's approachability should be rare amongst Winter type spirits even in the Empire. Makes sense.
Ling Qi hummed an agreement, many, many of the cultivators in the foundations only had cultivator ancestors going back four or five generations at most. That could drive even more stubborn elitism, but it could also breed camaraderie, she supposed Hou Zhuang knew how to judge character.
In fact, its usually those with the shakiest ancestries that like to double down on their exclusive elitism. Just see the Diao.
There was a rustle of cloth behind her.
"Its very polite of you, to not startle me again," Ling Qi observed.
"It is wise of you to maintain your perceptions even at rest."
Ling Qi shivered as she felt a spindly hand close around the wisp of light left hovering near the ceiling of the grotto, pulling it down to look at a pale and androgynous face.
"Who are you…" Sixiang looked back and forth worriedly, apparently blind to what she saw
Ling Qi turned her head to peer at the thin, gangly figure crouched like a great insect over the saltwater pool at the same time that her view from the wisp turned this way and that under Shu Yue's examination. "It's Shu Yue, Sixiang, don't worry… too much."
It is a courtesy certainly.
When you're sneaky like that, making a sound while still at some apparent distance.
Though not all have a choice if they lose the option on their Way.
"You have mastered formlessness, but there are steps beyond even that. Each person is a world unto themselves, one skilled in the silent art needs only to decide which worlds they exist within," Shu Yue said softly, a whisper spoken into her wisp, before too thin finger's loosened, and Ling Qi jerked the sensory node back up to the ceiling out of reflex.
Advanced Isolation - the secret is that
everyone is alone at all times. Nobody else knows how you feel, how you think or exist.
Sixiang twitched, their eyes widening as they spun around in midair, focusing on the older cultivator as they processed Ling Qi's senses. "...You're a creep, you know that?"
"Yes," said Shu Yue blandly. "Interesting, most do not let their spirits so deeply share their mind. Vulnerable, but a good defense as well. That will not be expected."
Not unless you let the right one in.
It adds another angle to be attacked through, if someone can subvert your spirit you can be attacked through that channel, but at the same time, this sharing allows you to check and validate for each other if there is a discrepancy.
And encompassing the differences in perceptions between a Dream Muse and a human cultivator and being consistent in both is tricky even if you know they're there.
Ling Qi glanced to Sixiang, who was still squinting, their qi feeling around the room in pulses and passing through Shu Yue as if they were not there, even as they stood, pacing around the pool toward Ling Qi. Sixiang's effort to detect them adjusted a fraction of a second after each step.
Ling Qi stood as well, offering a bow of respect. "There is no need for me to be alone anymore."
Isolation as a defense versus Isolation as a state of existence.
Shu Yue stopped, head tilting at an angle that should have strained or even broken their neck. "...No, I suppose there is not. I have inspected this 'prison'."
"Is it an immediate danger?" Ling Qi asked.
"Given another century or further interference from the Cloud Tribe? Yes," said the spirit like cultivator, straightening into a more human posture. Their dark eyes remained fixed on her face. "But, baring that I have determined that it is a problem within your abilities to resolve."
"Then we will do so," Ling Qi said shortly, trying not to bely how unsettled she felt by Shu Yue's inspection.
Challenge Rating has been assessed.
So, challenging but not impossible task, but delays or enemy action will make it bad.
Slow strategies aren't advised then.
Ling Qi almost asked if they did not already know, but she understood the intent of the question. "I am cultivating my senses of course, elder."
"So you are," they said thoughtfully. "You trust eyes gifted to you from the land of poisons and lakes? Trust enough to take them into your body?"
Ling QI dipped her head, acknowledging the continuation of the metaphor. "No, I trust these eyes, freely given by a father. I am not yet… free enough to cultivate my own."
Community as an extension of the Self.
And therefore the senses of the community are the senses of the self.
The boundaries of community are fuzzy, because communities can exist within or overlapping other communities.
And Shu Yue makes a good point - expanding your spy network with another's assets opens a channel for poisoned information to be fed to you. It allows you to reach further, but not without risk when you extend trust.
"Curious formulation," said Shu Yue, the same flicker step movement, as if the world were blinking and missing steps, carried them to stand over Ling Qi. "You think yourself unfree?"
Ling Qi frowned, even as Sixiang's manifestation rippled and vanished, reappearing over her shoulders. "...Only in that my abilities don't match my responsibilities. I can still only be in one place at a time, I can still only move so fast. It's not enough."
"It will never be enough," Shu Yue said quietly.
Ling Qi frowned, rubbing her arm where it had been broken. "...If you can't break at least a few rules I don't think you can be said to walk the path of cultivation."
Already working on multipresence!
The scope of the problem grows with your responsibilities, which grows with the scope of your power.
There is always a bigger fish, but thats no point just lying down to be eaten by them.
The thin lips of that pale face curled up, too wide grin, with nothing but darkness behind them. "A good conviction. What rule are you breaking?"
"I am not sure yet," Ling Qi admitted. "I am not alone, but I can't care for everyone. Maybe I can listen though, and pass words to those who can."
Ling Qi intends to ascend as the Great Spirit of Social Media, sub-aspect of the Dreaming Moon!
Probably should be looking into Reflecting and Guiding Moons at some point. They seem significant to this course.
It was something she had been thinking about in her meditations on community, her place in it, and the cold that lived inside of it. Would it have made a difference if outside eyes fell on Tonghou? Once she would have said no, but now… it depending on which eyes, she supposed.
"Hm, and what do these words say?" Shu Yue asked.
"That the south is neglected. They form community among themselves, because Xiangmen and the Labyrinth city are both far away. The Wang clan works tirelessly, but in the end the future dreamt by the Builder is far away. Eyes are looking to my Lady and I, because we stand to make the province care."
Wariness and dismissal were still thick on the ground. They were too young, their accomplishments too few.
But they dangled a tantalizing promise. That the raiding could not just be pushed away, but that it could stop. And so there were those who reached out, the hopeful, the ambitious, the grasping alike.
Give voice to the Forsaken.
Let neglect be deliberate, for malice, for lack of resources, or for lack of care.
Let it not be from nobody even
knowing to care.
If help does not come from the rightful authorities, then authority will proceed into the hands of whoever would help. The Hui taught this.
Shu Yue, bowed their head, black hair spilling over their shoulders. "Good. All who seek change, who seek rule, must…"
"Build the Foundations," Ling Qi said lightly. Sixiang groaned.
The older cultivator paused, staring at them, Ling Qi felt the faint tickle of sweat springing up on her forehead. But Shu Yue only gave a dry, rasping cough of laughter.
Sixiang: "Next thing you know she will pun to the Duchess and I will die right there"
They were silent for a moment, tapping their fingers together. "We may explore the depths of the lonely street, the darkness of faces turned away, these are the silent arts. There are the mysteries of separation, of space and motion, the shadow and the breeze. And… there are the mysteries of sight, the eye of grudges. These are what I deem you ready for."
"You will only teach one?" Ling Qi asked carefully.
"When the lesson is finished, I will evaluate where you stand."
I can see a few elements here:
-Shu Yue will teach one lesson, then assess if we should learn more. Because Shu Yue does
not want to recreate themselves. To earn more lessons then, she must not only learn the lesson, but to make it our own, rather than being consumed by it.
-Silent Arts - This cultivates the
social invisibility of the street urchin, the beggar and the menial. The ones nobody notice, even in plain sight, because society does not wish to notice. It is countered not by keeness of eye but by empathy. It is strongest against those with their eyes upturned to the heavens, blind to those beneath their feet.
-Separation - This is more physical. Of how distance and motion are relative, how a breeze only exists while it is in motion, and how a shadow can move without moving.
-Eye of Grudges - This relates back to Shu Yue's not-entirely-metaphor:
Ling Qi almost asked if they did not already know, but she understood the intent of the question. "I am cultivating my senses of course, elder."
"So you are," they said thoughtfully. "You trust eyes gifted to you from the land of poisons and lakes? Trust enough to take them into your body?"
Ling QI dipped her head, acknowledging the continuation of the metaphor. "No, I trust these eyes, freely given by a father. I am not yet… free enough to cultivate my own."
Your spies and informants are your eyes and ears.
There is very little that SOME part of society did not see and care about.
The rabbit that stole the farmer's crops, the broken fence rattling in the night.
A Grudge is a strong Connection. You can track by it, the more offensive one can be, the more grudges tie them to the masses.
...Qi probably would have seen a spectacular sight when she rolled the masses in the Sect promotion mass combat round if she had this then.