cant, were not in wallachia for the dark beasts. Also raising the dead here is a bit of a no-no, we have way to much and our control is being strained as it is.
The strained should have gotten better as the loses we have taken, so getting some replaces would not be that hard for our Necromancers

Say could we not send some vampire to help our forces?
The strained should have gotten better as the loses we have taken, so getting some replaces would not be that hard for our Necromancers

Say could we not send some vampire to help our forces?

not a good idea, way too few of them in our territory and they haven't been making fledglings.

seriously, we are working with what we got, and honestly, we outnumber everything but the main chaos tides right now.
cant, were not in wallachia for the dark beasts. Also raising the dead here is a bit of a no-no, we have way to much and our control is being strained as it is.
Actually it is our necromacers running this show, so they should be able to handle it, the issu is that choas gods added some protection to their fallen. No raising them while the storm of choas is going.
Actually it is our necromacers running this show, so they should be able to handle it, the issu is that choas gods added some protection to their fallen. No raising them while the storm of choas is going.

actually its in general as a way to prevent us from reanimating their followers corpses...its because were at best a powerful minor god against greater gods. If we were a intermediate god like the horned rat then they would start seeing us as a serious threat since then we could potentially cancel out the bit of power the chaos gods inbuded into their followers. What we "Lose" after each battle is what wasnt able to be salvaged and repaired due to chaos weapons being assholes.

but yeah, we have ALLOT of work to do once we get into actual turns again.

going to look back and what was the plan then...
Black Magics 4
Omake: Black Magics 4

Azyr: This is another one of the sects I have spoken about before. This form of sorcery is tied to the atmosphere and to time. Namely the future in the latter's case. Supposedly it is the manifestation within the Aethyr of mortals' capability to be inspired and to seek that which is out of reach. I can definitely believe in that after reviewing its attributes. Though I dislike admitting that heretics have anything right. This sect is often called the Celestial Order with members called Celestial Wizards.

This type of sorcery revolves around the atmosphere of planets and that of time. All manner of phenomena regarding the weather is within its grasp. Ranging from driving away storms to calling down lightning to smite enemies. Unleashing razor like gales of wind to cleave through armor.

More dangerous about them is their ability in regards to time. Namely their uncanny talent for divination. As you know we commonly use the Emperor's Tarot to help us determine the future. Unfortunately this act is not always accurate and is rarely straightforward in what it reveals. Largely depending in the individual doing the act. This is not the case with the Undead heretics.

The Celestial wizards possess extreme capability in this fashion. Even the lowest ranking members frequently having at least some accuracy to their predictions. Skill in the field dramatically increase with age and experience. With elder casters who have become undead being able to make fine detailed predictions years ahead of the actual event. Something not seen outside of the Farseers of the Eldar. Something that we simply can not match as it stands.

Thankfully such members are few and far between. Still that does not counter the issue they are. It helped by the hextech of our enemy. An advanced cogitator of sorts has been constructed by the fallen priests. One that has been infused with Azyr and specifically designed to work with it. It's purpose is to aid the diviners in their task. Examining their visions and helping them deduce the best course of action from the most likely scenario. With this attempting a surprise attack is effectively pointless to try.

The Undead use this power for multiple purposes. The first of which is managing their worlds. Great towers are erected to manipulate the atmosphere of a planet. Allowing them to manipulate the weather to an optimal state for them. In times of war this is repurposed to create violent storms to attack enemies.

In other news it is used to improve war machines and industry. Runes being added to hulls to decrease weight and air resistance. A useful feature for the fighter craft the Undead use. At the same time the weight of megastructures is reduced and so is the impact of weather. Even outright allowing entire structures to take to the air. A bizarre sight to behold. This is the method the Undead utilize to make use of gas giants. Along with helping vessels dock easier with their weight reduced.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
Last edited:
Here was the plan for 16 that was done.

[X] Plan: Get To Work
-[X] Army of The Living: You have literally millions of subjects, you can start recruiting living troops off them. DC 25
-[X] Coastal Fortifications (Northern Wallachia) - There are many threats that can come from the sea, from monsters to raiders, fortifying the coast is a wise decision. DC 40
-[X] Tilea Trade Talks: Open trade talks with the Tilean government. DC 50
-[X] Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 40
-[X] Dwarven Negotiations (Grey Mountains) - Commerce talks with the dwarves f. DC 40
-[X] Temples of Shallya: The goddess Shallya is very popular amongst your subjects, and you personally have nothing against her, so building temples dedicated to her will definitely increase your popularity among them. What's the worst that can happen? DC 20
-[X] Cathedrals: Build grand cathedrals all over your empire where thousands can pray to your glory. DC 10
-[X] Emissaries (Estalia): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
-[X] Administrative Works: Contract administrators and other groups to handle most affairs giving you more time to handle other things. DC 10
-[X] Support Radicals: Contact the radicals of the vampire civil war and offer support to their cause. DC 30
-[X] Steal Technology (Kislev) - The people of Kislev have lived centuries off the frozen wasteland they call home, thanks to their environment they have developed several technologies both civic and militaristic to better survive their environment. DC 75
-[X] Improved Weapons I - Personal and crew served weapons for infantry as well as the various other bits of kit a soldier needs. Improved weapon models and more specialized equipment.. DC 40
-[X] Oil: Your research team has theorized of a substance that will allow new avenues and progress. DC 75
-[X] Radio: Long range communications through energy waves, which replicates the original signal and sends the message. DC 95
-[X] Practice Your Life Magic: The lore of life focuses itself on the manipulation of the woods and the waters of the world, the latter being in any state. 40
-[X] Learn Heaven Magic: Azyr, the Lore of Heavens is the Blue Wind of Magic, and it is said to be a manifestation of the Aethyr's reflection of inspiration and that which is out of reach. DC 45

here was the general plan things that were noted for turn 16, note: a few of them were completed and may not show up anymore.
Spoiler: Martial
Choose 2

[] Blasphemous Bulwark: The great curtain walls are massive bulwarks of stone, compacted bone and cursed relics, topped by leering gargoyles. They make any potential siege a formidable prospect, especially when such walls are guarded by observers that never tire, and will always stand ready to repulse any foolish mortal invaders..
Cost: 20,000
Time: 10 Years
Result: +25 To The Mousilion Rose Defense Rolls

[] Abyssal Wood: there are abyssal things in the woods, even more, terrifying than the trees themselves. Such things are sought by the Midnight Aristocracy, who wish to add them to their hordes. DC 29
Cost: 2,000
Time: 2 Years
Result: Can now recruit vargheists

[] Build Defiled Cairn: Technically is not really defiled but whatever, defiled cairns is where the cannibalistic creatures are known as ghouls spawn, the process of transformation is a heinous affair with bones breaking and then reforming back in a new shape, the flesh starts turning green and ugly along with dozens of other changes, their claws also possess some kind of a mix between a poison and a virus any living thing which takes the slightest marks will transform into a ghoul no matter how long it takes. There is no cure to this effect. DC 38
Cost: 2,000
Time: 1 Year
Result: Can Now Recruit: Crypt Ghouls

[] Barracks (Mousilion) - There is a need to ensure they have a battle-ready defence at any time, a barracks that houses the majority of state troops. More prestigious regiments, such as Greatswords, may have their own wing of the barracks or even separate quarters, earned for their prowess in battle. DC 25
Cost: 4,000 Gold
Time: 4 Years
Result: +15 To Human Troops, New Martial Actions

[] Training Field (Wallachia) - The peasants of Wallachia know very little in terms of war, training them into beter combatants is a must if they are going to be useful in future conflicts. DC 30
Cost: 800,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result:+5 To All Human Forces of Wallachia

[] Training Fields (Northern Wallachia) - The peasants of Wallachia know very little in terms of war, training them into beter combatants is a must if they are going to be useful in future conflicts. DC 15
Cost: 400,000 Gold
Time: 5 Years
Result: +5 To North Wallachia Human Forces

[] Training Fields (South Wallachia) - The peasants of Wallachia know very little in terms of war, training them into beter combatants is a must if they are going to be useful in future conflicts. DC 15
Cost: 400,000 Gold
Time: 5 Years
Result: +5 To South Wallachia Human Forces

[] Guard House (Mousilion) - Guard houses are effectively small bases and mustering stations for the settlement's guards. These may be state troops on defensive duty, older veterans or even young ones. DC 30
Cost: 1,500
Time: 2 Years
Result: Human Towns in Mousilion Gain +15 To Their Defense Rolls

[] Border Fortifications (Wallachia) - You have borders with various nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold
Time: 20 Years
Result: Borders with the other nations fortified.

[] Border Fortifications (Northern Wallachia) - You have borders with various different nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Borders with the nations localized in the north fortified.

[] Border Fortifications (Southern Wallachia) - You have borders with various different nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Borders with the nations localized in the south fortified.

[] Coastal Fortifications (Wallachia) - There are many threats that can come from the sea, from monsters to raiders, fortifying the coast is a wise decision. DC 80
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold
Time: 20 Years
Result: Wallachia Coasts Fortified against raiders and invaders.


[] Coastal Fortifications (Southern Wallachia) - There are many threats that can come from the sea, from monsters to raiders, fortifying the coast is a wise decision. DC 40
Cost: 1,500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Southern Wallachia coast fortified against raiders and invaders

[] Garrisons (Write-in Number) - Some of your holdings do not have a proper garrison in them, those include the dukedoms of Brionne and Carcassonne localized in the south holdings. DC 0
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Territories selected gain or change designated garrison.
Spoiler: Territories
[] Flag Signals: Using flags to improve coordination between various moving army elements will help large armies move much more smoothly, and enable coordinated assaults across large distances. DC 35
Cost: 500 Gold
Time: 2 Year's
Result: +5 to all living forces combat rolls, the possibility of ambushes, and large-scale feints unlocked.

[] Drums: Using drums or other musical instruments to keep a steady march across long distances is vital to ensuring that formations are kept together, ensuring a more powerful striking force on contact with the enemy. DC 40
Cost: 350 Gold
Time: 2 Year's
Result: +5 to all living forces combat rolls.

[] (Living) Siege Workshops: Constructing workshops to build siege engines will prove useful. DC 10
Cost: 2,000
Time: 2 Year's
Result: Unlocks the production of siege weapons such as Arbalests, Catapults, and Trebuchets. New Options

[X] (Undead) Infantry Rearmament: Mousilion's undead is equipped often with what they wielded in life, which is often as rotten and decayed as they are. Taking the undead's weapons and armor and replacing them with properly maintained equivalents will provide a substantial edge across all of the undead in the land. DC 0
Cost: 5,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +10 to all undead infantry combat rolls, +10% maintenance cost (due to maintaining said weapons and armor).


[] Recruit Dark Beasts: Your dark beast population is not only stable but booming you can recruit a fair share of them to your army. DC 5
Cost: 500 Gold
Time: 2 Years
Result: +35,000 Fell Bats; +40,000 Direwolves

[] Army of The Living: You have literally millions of subjects, you can start recruiting living troops off them. DC 25
Cost: 15,000 Gold
Expenses: 10,000 Gold
Time: 4 Years
Result: +50,000 Swordsmen

now 50k Swordsmen around wallachia

Choose 3

[] Dwarven Negotiations (Grey Mountains) - Commerce talks with the dwarves f. DC 40
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Years
Results: sub vote and update.

talks happened

[] Elven Relations (Athel Loren): Build relations with the Asrai. DC 90
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Results: Talks opened with Athel Loren. ???

[] Tilea Trade Talks: Open trade talks with the Tilean government. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Years
Result: Roll Dependable

Talks happened

[] Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 40
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Years
Results: Talks with Estalia opened up, roll dependent on what emerges from them.

Talks happened

Choose 3

[] Cathedrals: Build grand cathedrals all over your empire where thousands can pray to your glory. DC 10
Cost: 35,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: Population further indoctrinated.

Cathedrals done

[] Temples of Shallya: The goddess Shallya is very popular amongst your subjects, and you personally have nothing against her, so building temples dedicated to her will definitely increase your popularity among them. What's the worst that can happen? DC 20
Cost: 5,000
Time: 3 Years
Result: Popularity increased; ???

We're being shipped with Shallya now.

[] Emissaries (Empires of Man): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

[] Emissaries (Estalia): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

did this

Spoiler: Stewardship
Choose 1

[] Administrative Works: Contract administrators and other groups to handle most affairs giving you more time to handle other things. DC 10
Cost: 500
Time: 2 Years
Result: +2 Actions To all sections (Martial, Diplomacy, etc)


[X] Centralization: Centralize all of the villages in the different dukedoms of your kingdom into single or multiple towns. DC 30
Cost: 100,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: Villages centralized into proper towns. New options. Cannot choose with decentralization.


[] Dragon Hatcheries: The eggs of the dragons need to be kept in appropriate grounds and protected, for they are the future of the entire dragon race. DC 25
Cost: 120,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: Hatcheries built for all dragons, account of all dragon eggs, chance of dragon eggs being stolen or destroyed severely reduced.

[X] Dragon Orders: It is time to build the headquarters of the dragon orders. DC 15
Cost: 30,000
Time: 3 Years
Result: Headquarters of the dragon orders constructed and ready to be used.

Dragon Knights inbound (Our chaos warriors equivelent, aka elite infantry units)

[] Magical Schools; A proposal made by your mages, the creation of a magical school dedicated to teaching mages from all of the eight winds on how to use their powers, you would be lying if you don't really like the prospect of the idea. DC 20
Cost: 20,000
Time: 6 Years
Result: Magical Schools Created. New Options

[] Weaving Houses (Wallachia) - Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 30
Cost: 60,000
Expenses: 1,000
Time: 10 Years
Result: +80,000 Income

[] Weaving Houses (Northern Wallachia) - Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 15
Cost: 30,000
Expenses: 500
Time: 5 Years
Result: +40,000 Income

[] Weaving Houses (Southern Wallachia) - Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 15
Cost: 30,000
Expenses: 500
Time: 5 Years
Result: +40,000 Income

[] Farms (Wallachia) - While there are many farms in Wallachia those are all in poor conditions, introducing your more modern methods of farming will surely increase how much food is harvested. DC 35
Cost: 40,500
Time: 14 Years
Result: +400,000 Income; +800,000 Food

[] Farms (Northern Wallachia) - While there are many farms in Wallachia those are all in poor conditions, introducing your more modern methods of farming will surely increase how much food is harvested. DC 15
Cost: 20,500
Time: 9 Years
Result: +200,000 Income; +400,000 Food

[] The Future of War Part 1: Factories will be needed, their purpose to sorely create the supplies needed to use your new weapons and the weapons themselves. DC 25
Cost: 800
Expenses: 250
Times: 5 Years
Result: The Future of War Part 2 Unlocked

[] Mines (Wallachia) - There are many mines spread out in Wallachia but all of them are in poor conditions, both for a workplace and how to get said minerals, implementing your form of mining will certainly increase not only your popularity amongst the miners as well as the amount of minerals gained. DC 80
Cost; 600,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: +800,000 Income

[] Mines (Northern Wallachia) - There are many mines spread out in Wallachia but all of them are in poor conditions, both for a workplace and how to get said minerals, implementing your form of mining will certainly increase not only your popularity amongst the miners as well as the amount of minerals gained. DC 40
Cost: 300,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +300,000 Income

[] Mines (Southern Wallachia) - There are many mines spread out in Wallachia but all of them are in poor conditions, both for a workplace and how to get said minerals, implementing your form of mining will certainly increase not only your popularity amongst the miners as well as the amount of minerals gained. DC 40
Cost: 300,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +300,000 Income

[] Expand Mines (Mousilion) - Expanding both the gold and iron mines (hopefully without any accidents this time) will increase the amount of gold you get per year, while also allowing other things if the people of the engineering team are anything to go by. DC 23
Cost: 890
Time: 5 Years
Result: +1,200 income. New options

[] Clothier (Mousilion) - Clothes are necessary for the day to day living as well for surviving, warm clothes for winter are needed if you don't want to freeze to death after all. DC 15
Cost: 1,500
Time: 2 Years
Result: +500 Income

[] Cattle Pens (Wallachia) - Larger cattle farms have more land and better, more permanent, housing for the animals they keep. DC 10
Cost: 10,000 Gold
Time: 8 Years
Result: +20,000 Income, +80% For Human Pop Growth.

[] Cattle Pens (Southern Wallachia) - Larger cattle farms have more land and better, more permanent, housing for the animals they keep. DC 5
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +10,000 Income, +40% For Human Pop Growth

[] Hunting Camps (Wallachia) - Wallachia has many different animals present in it, their furs can be used for trade while the meat can be used for consumption. DC 20
Cost: 10,000
Time: 8 Years
Result: +2,000 Income, +10% to human population growth

[] Hunting Camps (Northern Wallachia) - Wallachia has many different animals present in it, their furs can be used for trade while the meat can be used for consumption. DC 10
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +1,000 Income; +5% To Human Population Growth

[] Hunting Camps (Southern Wallachia) - Wallachia has many different animals present in it, their furs can be used for trade while the meat can be used for consumption. DC 10
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +1,000 Income; +5% To Human Population Growth

[] Stone Cutters: Marble is a construction resource mainly used for construction of great buildings, while you do not have such projects in mind yet, it doesn't bother to be prepared, and many nations like marble themselves. DC 20
Cost: 1,000
Time: 3 Years
Result: New Options.

[] Cinnabar Mining Pits: Everyone likes colorful clothes after all, it is a great industry found all over the world. DC 20
Cost: 2,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +2,000 Income

[] Vineyards: The wineries of Wallachia are famed for the wine they produce said to be the best in the whole world, but the wineries are way backwards in their approach of wine making, adding a more modern approach will certainly make so that production rises. DC 30
Cost: 3,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +5,000 Income

[] Woodsman Huts: There are many forests in Wallachia, the wood they give is necessary for the construction or manufacture of many different objects and materials. DC 20
Cost: 35,000
Time: 7 Years
Result: +9,000 Income

[] Armorsmiths: Smiths with the sole purpose of creating high-end military armor such as plate and half plate. DC 35
Cost: 350
Expenses: 230
Time: 1 Year
Result: Unlocks higher-end armor production such as half-plate and full plate armor.

[] Weaponsmiths: Smiths with the sole purpose of creating weapons of war of high quality. DC 34
Cost: 340
Expenses: 220
Time: 1 Year
Result: Unlocks the production of higher-quality weapons.

[] Build Naval Infrastructure: Naval dockyards and harbors will be necessary for future actions involving the ocean, such as sea trade, the harbors and dockyards of Wallachia can be improved. DC 25
Cost: 10,000
Expenses: 200
Time: 4 Years
Result: Naval Infrastructure build. New options.

Spoiler: Intrigue
Choose 2

[X] Root Out Cultists: You can feel the presence of the ruinous powers in this land faint as it is, rooting out the weeds before they grow into something problematic is definitely a good thing to do. DC ???
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Roll Dependable

Rooted our 99.99% of the buggers, still there but so low it will take a few generations or a major chaos incident before shit goes real.

[] Support Radicals: Contact the radicals of the vampire civil war and offer support to their cause. DC 30
Cost: 0
Time: 3 Years
Result: Sub vote and update if successful.


[] Steal Technology (Kislev) - The people of Kislev have lived centuries off the frozen wasteland they call home, thanks to their environment they have developed several technologies both civic and militaristic to better survive their environment. DC 75
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: New tech stolen gained.

Dragons are magpies confirmed

[] Steal Technology (Estalia): The steel of Estalia is famous around the world, obtaining the methods of forging will give your forces great benefits. DC 120
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Estalia Steel Acquired.

Spoiler: Learning
Choose 3

[] Radio: Long range communications through energy waves, which replicates the original signal and sends the message. DC 95
Cost: 1,000
Time: 12 Years
Result: New Options

Tried but Fucked up, got 18 years/3-4 turns before things go well again. (at least with a +35 we need to roll a 60 or better to get things going)

[] Oil: Your research team has theorized of a substance that will allow new avenues and progress. DC 75
Cost: 900
Time: 10 Years
Result: New tech trees unlocked

black gold confirmed

[] Improved Weapons I - Personal and crew served weapons for infantry as well as the various other bits of kit a soldier needs. Improved weapon models and more specialized equipment.. DC 40
Cost: 150
Time: 3 Years
Result: +5 To Units With firearms, new weapons.

Firearms improved

Spoiler: Personal
Choose 2

[X] Study the runeblade: The broken runeblade was quite the found, you heard of the power behind these blades, it will take time but that power will be yours. DC 100
Cost: 0
Time: 3 Years
Result: Ability to create runeblades.

Runes unlocked (lesser runes)

[] Change Your Banner (Image) - You have a banner though you can change it to something else.
Cost: 0
Time: 1 year
Result: Banner Changed, warning this a one time change only.

[] Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as it had more pressing matters at the moment. DC 25
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New light spell

[] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 15
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New vampiric spell

[] Practice Your Shadow Magic: Ulgu, is the lore of shadows which you recently learned, one of its main focuses are the art of illusions. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New shadow spell

[] Practice Beast Magic: Ghur, the Lore of Beasts is the Brown Wind of Magic, which is often called the Aethyrs wild and bestial spirit, its spells range from shapeshifting to offensive, defensive and even communication of the beasts of the wild. DC 60
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Beast Spell

[] Practice Your Life Magic: The lore of life focuses itself on the manipulation of the woods and the waters of the world, the latter being in any state. 40
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New Life Spells

repreatable, but we have Life magic now

[] Practice Your Death Magic: The lore of death is the inevitability that death comes, mortals fear the cold touch of death but immortals fear just as much. DC 15
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New Death Spells

[] Practice Your Metal Magic: The lore of metal focuses on the manipulation or transmutation of any metal. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New Metal Spells

[] Learn Fire Magic: Aqshy, the Lore of Fire, is the Red Wind of Magic, and it is the coalescence of the emotional experience and abstract of passion in its widest possible sense. It is the projection of brashness, courage, and enthusiasm. It is also an expression of the mortal feelings of warmth and heat that is often felt in a state of high emotion. DC 69
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Lore: Lore of Fire

[] Learn Heaven Magic: Azyr, the Lore of Heavens is the Blue Wind of Magic, and it is said to be a manifestation of the Aethyr's reflection of inspiration and that which is out of reach. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learn New Lore: Lore of The Heavens

Repeatable, but we haveBlue Wind Now.

note: next "turn" on 17 we will have +2 actions to everything, meaning our stuff got allot more complex in plans now that were looking at multi-year turns.

ive also marked what was completed in the stuff above, so a new plan can be made afterwards.

what irritates me @Alucard Vampiry is that you say it takes 1 year to learn magic when we are doing 5 year turns...and if we can't schedule multi-turns on the magic then please either shift things a bit so each time we learn the lore we learn either all lesser spells, intermediate spells, or greater spells of the lore (corresponding 5, 10, and 15 years due to how long it should take to actively learn the magic). Otherwise, it doesnt make sense that we can do all that magic in 1 year and then spend 4 years being lazy. It would also cut down the work load for you on the spell levels on allot of things. If you need help with finding out stuff i could help.

otherwise, this is a great quest so far, and frankly I'm amazed we did as well as we used to do. (Though exploding dice may have been a thing, but how did we get into the thousands range i wonder?)

otherwise with how well we have done so far, it looks like we will spending quite allot of time learning the different lore's for each of our schools of magic, and honestly at this point I'm surprised we haven't breached into Qyuash (high magic).
That's why I freaking raging on the mining one we're we supposed to be finished with that not delay it more FREAKING years

fucking minning situation...i bet tzeentch or the fucking rats in wallachia are to blame for this shit-show. At least now they have to hide or be trampled by the undead. plus with our cenralization, they cant simply kill us by a 1,000 cuts. though we will need rat-hunters/catchers in our sewers now when the turns come back. Good news is take with multiple actions we can finally get most of our shit done.

edited: heres what turn 17's options will be for my new plan:

Plan: Oh shit, here we go again ladz!
Martial actions Choose 5

[] Blasphemous Bulwark: The great curtain walls are massive bulwarks of stone, compacted bone and cursed relics, topped by leering gargoyles. They make any potential siege a formidable prospect, especially when such walls are guarded by observers that never tire, and will always stand ready to repulse any foolish mortal invaders..
Cost: 20,000
Time: 10 Years
Result: +25 To The Mousilion Rose Defense Rolls

[] Abyssal Wood: there are abyssal things in the woods, even more, terrifying than the trees themselves. Such things are sought by the Midnight Aristocracy, who wish to add them to their hordes. DC 29
Cost: 2,000
Time: 2 Years
Result: Can now recruit vargheists

[] Build Defiled Cairn: Technically is not really defiled but whatever, defiled cairns is where the cannibalistic creatures are known as ghouls spawn, the process of transformation is a heinous affair with bones breaking and then reforming back in a new shape, the flesh starts turning green and ugly along with dozens of other changes, their claws also possess some kind of a mix between a poison and a virus any living thing which takes the slightest marks will transform into a ghoul no matter how long it takes. There is no cure to this effect. DC 38
Cost: 2,000
Time: 1 Year
Result: Can Now Recruit: Crypt Ghouls

[] Barracks (Mousilion) - There is a need to ensure they have a battle-ready defence at any time, a barracks that houses the majority of state troops. More prestigious regiments, such as Greatswords, may have their own wing of the barracks or even separate quarters, earned for their prowess in battle. DC 25
Cost: 4,000 Gold
Time: 4 Years
Result: +15 To Human Troops, New Martial Actions

[-] Training Field (Wallachia) - The peasants of Wallachia know very little in terms of war, training them into beter combatants is a must if they are going to be useful in future conflicts. DC 30
Cost: 800,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result:+5 To All Human Forces of Wallachia

[] Training Fields (Northern Wallachia) - The peasants of Wallachia know very little in terms of war, training them into beter combatants is a must if they are going to be useful in future conflicts. DC 15
Cost: 400,000 Gold
Time: 5 Years
Result: +5 To North Wallachia Human Forces

[] Training Fields (South Wallachia) - The peasants of Wallachia know very little in terms of war, training them into beter combatants is a must if they are going to be useful in future conflicts. DC 15
Cost: 400,000 Gold
Time: 5 Years
Result: +5 To South Wallachia Human Forces

[] Guard House (Mousilion) - Guard houses are effectively small bases and mustering stations for the settlement's guards. These may be state troops on defensive duty, older veterans or even young ones. DC 30
Cost: 1,500
Time: 2 Years
Result: Human Towns in Mousilion Gain +15 To Their Defense Rolls

[-] Border Fortifications (Wallachia) - You have borders with various nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold
Time: 20 Years
Result: Borders with the other nations fortified.

[] Border Fortifications (Northern Wallachia) - You have borders with various different nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Borders with the nations localized in the north fortified.

[] Border Fortifications (Southern Wallachia) - You have borders with various different nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Borders with the nations localized in the south fortified.

[-] Coastal Fortifications (Southern Wallachia) - There are many threats that can come from the sea, from monsters to raiders, fortifying the coast is a wise decision. DC 40
Cost: 1,500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Southern Wallachia coast fortified against raiders and invaders

[] Garrisons (Write-in Number) - Some of your holdings do not have a proper garrison in them, those include the dukedoms of Brionne and Carcassonne localized in the south holdings. DC 0
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Territories selected gain or change designated garrison.
Spoiler: Territories (Northern/Southern Wallachia)

[-] Flag Signals: Using flags to improve coordination between various moving army elements will help large armies move much more smoothly, and enable coordinated assaults across large distances. DC 35
Cost: 500 Gold
Time: 2 Year's
Result: +5 to all living forces combat rolls, the possibility of ambushes, and large-scale feints unlocked. (years 1-2)

[--] Drums: Using drums or other musical instruments to keep a steady march across long distances is vital to ensuring that formations are kept together, ensuring a more powerful striking force on contact with the enemy. DC 40
Cost: 350 Gold
Time: 2 Year's
Result: +5 to all living forces combat rolls. (years 3-4)

[] (Living) Siege Workshops: Constructing workshops to build siege engines will prove useful. DC 10
Cost: 2,000
Time: 2 Year's
Result: Unlocks the production of siege weapons such as Arbalests, Catapults, and Trebuchets. New Options (year 5)

[] Recruit Dark Beasts: Your dark beast population is not only stable but booming you can recruit a fair share of them to your army. DC 5
Cost: 500 Gold
Time: 2 Years
Result: +35,000 Fell Bats; +40,000 Direwolves

[] Army of The Living: You have literally millions of subjects, you can start recruiting living troops off them. DC 25
Cost: 15,000 Gold
Expenses: 10,000 Gold
Time: 4 Years
Result: +50,000 Swordsmen
Piety Actions Choose 5

[-] Emissaries (Empires of Man): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

[-] Emissaries (Estalia): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

others are unknown, or other actions not known, wonder if we can sacrifice actions with a small penalty to others?
Stewardship actions Choose 5

[-] Dragon Hatcheries: The eggs of the dragons need to be kept in appropriate grounds and protected, for they are the future of the entire dragon race. DC 25
Cost: 120,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: Hatcheries built for all dragons, account of all dragon eggs, chance of dragon eggs being stolen or destroyed severely reduced.

[-] Magical Schools; A proposal made by your mages, the creation of a magical school dedicated to teaching mages from all of the eight winds on how to use their powers, you would be lying if you don't really like the prospect of the idea. DC 20
Cost: 20,000
Time: 6 Years
Result: Magical Schools Created. New Options

[-] Weaving Houses (Wallachia) - Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 30
Cost: 60,000
Expenses: 1,000
Time: 10 Years
Result: +80,000 Income

[] Weaving Houses (Northern Wallachia) - Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 15
Cost: 30,000
Expenses: 500
Time: 5 Years
Result: +40,000 Income

[] Weaving Houses (Southern Wallachia) - Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 15
Cost: 30,000
Expenses: 500
Time: 5 Years
Result: +40,000 Income

[-] Farms (Wallachia) - While there are many farms in Wallachia those are all in poor conditions, introducing your more modern methods of farming will surely increase how much food is harvested. DC 35
Cost: 40,500
Time: 14 Years
Result: +400,000 Income; +800,000 Food

[] Farms (Northern Wallachia) - While there are many farms in Wallachia those are all in poor conditions, introducing your more modern methods of farming will surely increase how much food is harvested. DC 15
Cost: 20,500
Time: 9 Years
Result: +200,000 Income; +400,000 Food

[] The Future of War Part 1: Factories will be needed, their purpose to sorely create the supplies needed to use your new weapons and the weapons themselves. DC 25
Cost: 800
Expenses: 250
Times: 5 Years
Result: The Future of War Part 2 Unlocked

[-] Mines (Wallachia) - There are many mines spread out in Wallachia but all of them are in poor conditions, both for a workplace and how to get said minerals, implementing your form of mining will certainly increase not only your popularity amongst the miners as well as the amount of minerals gained. DC 80
Cost; 600,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: +800,000 Income

[] Mines (Northern Wallachia) - There are many mines spread out in Wallachia but all of them are in poor conditions, both for a workplace and how to get said minerals, implementing your form of mining will certainly increase not only your popularity amongst the miners as well as the amount of minerals gained. DC 40
Cost: 300,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +300,000 Income

[] Mines (Southern Wallachia) - There are many mines spread out in Wallachia but all of them are in poor conditions, both for a workplace and how to get said minerals, implementing your form of mining will certainly increase not only your popularity amongst the miners as well as the amount of minerals gained. DC 40
Cost: 300,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +300,000 Income

[] Expand Mines (Mousilion) - Expanding both the gold and iron mines (hopefully without any accidents this time) will increase the amount of gold you get per year, while also allowing other things if the people of the engineering team are anything to go by. DC 23
Cost: 890
Time: 5 Years
Result: +1,200 income. New options

[] Clothier (Mousilion) - Clothes are necessary for the day to day living as well for surviving, warm clothes for winter are needed if you don't want to freeze to death after all. DC 15
Cost: 1,500
Time: 2 Years
Result: +500 Income

[] Cattle Pens (Wallachia) - Larger cattle farms have more land and better, more permanent, housing for the animals they keep. DC 10
Cost: 10,000 Gold
Time: 8 Years
Result: +20,000 Income, +80% For Human Pop Growth.

[] Cattle Pens (Southern Wallachia) - Larger cattle farms have more land and better, more permanent, housing for the animals they keep. DC 5
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +10,000 Income, +40% For Human Pop Growth

[] Hunting Camps (Wallachia) - Wallachia has many different animals present in it, their furs can be used for trade while the meat can be used for consumption. DC 20
Cost: 10,000
Time: 8 Years
Result: +2,000 Income, +10% to human population growth

[] Hunting Camps (Northern Wallachia) - Wallachia has many different animals present in it, their furs can be used for trade while the meat can be used for consumption. DC 10
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +1,000 Income; +5% To Human Population Growth

[] Hunting Camps (Southern Wallachia) - Wallachia has many different animals present in it, their furs can be used for trade while the meat can be used for consumption. DC 10
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +1,000 Income; +5% To Human Population Growth

[] Stone Cutters: Marble is a construction resource mainly used for construction of great buildings, while you do not have such projects in mind yet, it doesn't bother to be prepared, and many nations like marble themselves. DC 20
Cost: 1,000
Time: 3 Years
Result: New Options.

[] Cinnabar Mining Pits: Everyone likes colorful clothes after all, it is a great industry found all over the world. DC 20
Cost: 2,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +2,000 Income

[] Vineyards: The wineries of Wallachia are famed for the wine they produce said to be the best in the whole world, but the wineries are way backwards in their approach of wine making, adding a more modern approach will certainly make so that production rises. DC 30
Cost: 3,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +5,000 Income

[] Woodsman Huts: There are many forests in Wallachia, the wood they give is necessary for the construction or manufacture of many different objects and materials. DC 20
Cost: 35,000
Time: 7 Years
Result: +9,000 Income

[] Armorsmiths: Smiths with the sole purpose of creating high-end military armor such as plate and half plate. DC 35
Cost: 350
Expenses: 230
Time: 1 Year
Result: Unlocks higher-end armor production such as half-plate and full plate armor.

[] Weaponsmiths: Smiths with the sole purpose of creating weapons of war of high quality. DC 34
Cost: 340
Expenses: 220
Time: 1 Year
Result: Unlocks the production of higher-quality weapons.

[] Build Naval Infrastructure: Naval dockyards and harbors will be necessary for future actions involving the ocean, such as sea trade, the harbors and dockyards of Wallachia can be improved. DC 25
Cost: 10,000
Expenses: 200
Time: 4 Years
Result: Naval Infrastructure build. New options.
Intrigue actions Choose 5

[-] Root Out Cultists: You can feel the presence of the ruinous powers in this land faint as it is, rooting out the weeds before they grow into something problematic is definitely a good thing to do. DC ???
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Roll Dependable

[] Support Radicals: Contact the radicals of the vampire civil war and offer support to their cause. DC 30
Cost: 0
Time: 3 Years
Result: Sub vote and update if successful.
(might still be a thing)

[-] Steal Technology (Estalia): The steel of Estalia is famous around the world, obtaining the methods of forging will give your forces great benefits. DC 120
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Estalia Steel Acquired.
Unkown other stuff.
Learning actions Choose 5

[-] Radio: Long range communications through energy waves, which replicates the original signal and sends the message. DC 95
Cost: 1,000
Time: 12 Years
Result: New Options
Radio is going to be a thing

Oil tech will be here, maybe industrial revolution? (maybe 3 actions worth of stuff in here)

[-] Improved Weapons I - Personal and crew served weapons for infantry as well as the various other bits of kit a soldier needs. Improved weapon models and more specialized equipment.. DC 40
Cost: 150
Time: 3 Years
Result: +5 To Units With firearms, new weapons.
Firearms improved
might be a level 2?
Personal actions Choose (4-5?)

[] Change Your Banner (Image) - You have a banner though you can change it to something else.
Cost: 0
Time: 1 year
Result: Banner Changed, warning this a one time change only.

[] Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as it had more pressing matters at the moment. DC 25
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New light spell

[] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 15
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New vampiric spell

[-] Practice Your Shadow Magic: Ulgu, is the lore of shadows which you recently learned, one of its main focuses are the art of illusions. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New shadow spell

[-] Practice Beast Magic: Ghur, the Lore of Beasts is the Brown Wind of Magic, which is often called the Aethyrs wild and bestial spirit, its spells range from shapeshifting to offensive, defensive and even communication of the beasts of the wild. DC 60
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Beast Spell

[] Practice Your Life Magic: The lore of life focuses itself on the manipulation of the woods and the waters of the world, the latter being in any state. 40
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New Life Spells

[-] Practice Your Death Magic: The lore of death is the inevitability that death comes, mortals fear the cold touch of death but immortals fear just as much. DC 15
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New Death Spells

[-] Practice Your Metal Magic: The lore of metal focuses on the manipulation or transmutation of any metal. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New Metal Spells

[] Learn Fire Magic: Aqshy, the Lore of Fire, is the Red Wind of Magic, and it is the coalescence of the emotional experience and abstract of passion in its widest possible sense. It is the projection of brashness, courage, and enthusiasm. It is also an expression of the mortal feelings of warmth and heat that is often felt in a state of high emotion. DC 69
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Lore: Lore of Fire

[] Learn Heaven Magic: Azyr, the Lore of Heavens is the Blue Wind of Magic, and it is said to be a manifestation of the Aethyr's reflection of inspiration and that which is out of reach. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learn New Lore: Lore of The Heavens

put a dash as a plan holder for what im planning on doing, yeah allot of our actions will be tied up in getting everything along smoothly, but it will be worth it once the empire is making a shit-ton of food, medicine, and of course clothing and such. the human growth will result in a massive surge of worshippers, and with how we can make things go into high quality and efficent designs...were going to be seeing a steady incrase in undead being raised as the bodies of the formerly living people dying of old age, accident, assasination, monsters, cultists, ect. will result in a slow and steady rise of undead for us to use. Not much but probably start recouping our losses.
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[] The Future of War Part 1: Factories will be needed, their purpose to sorely create the supplies needed to use your new weapons and the weapons themselves. DC 25
Cost: 800
Expenses: 250
Times: 5 Years
Result: The Future of War Part 2 Unlocked
Kinda more intrested in this rather then the weavign hosues, don't get me wrong the extra income is important; but by the soudns of this the quest chain ends with us able to supply all our troops with firearms and cannons.
Kinda more intrested in this rather then the weavign hosues, don't get me wrong the extra income is important; but by the soudns of this the quest chain ends with us able to supply all our troops with firearms and cannons.

fire-arms arent the end all be all weapon might i remind you.

lots of shit in warhammer fantasy can shrug off bullets, and their only really useful in mass quantities. Sure their force multipliers but warhammer 40k thrives off "Rule of Cool" allot of the time.
fire-arms arent the end all be all weapon might i remind you.

lots of shit in warhammer fantasy can shrug off bullets, and their only really useful in mass quantities. Sure their force multipliers but warhammer 40k thrives off "Rule of Cool" allot of the time.
My point is that it really increases our forces killing power, plus cannons helpa lot with those bigger thigns in fantasy.
My point is that it really increases our forces killing power, plus cannons helpa lot with those bigger thigns in fantasy.

i know, but gunpowder isnt the end all be all weapon everyone seems to think it is nowadays...sorry if i came off a bit harsh on that. We have alot more options going on for us and i would RATHER get our industry stuff out of the way. Farms+Weavers would equal more people surviving in the longer run, since happier people=less chaos cultists bait.

plus human growth would give us a massive boost in faith/ well as Shylla since we got her cathedrals in our territory.
what irritates me @Alucard Vampiry is that you say it takes 1 year to learn magic when we are doing 5 year turns...and if we can't schedule multi-turns on the magic then please either shift things a bit so each time we learn the lore we learn either all lesser spells, intermediate spells, or greater spells of the lore (corresponding 5, 10, and 15 years due to how long it should take to actively learn the magic). Otherwise, it doesnt make sense that we can do all that magic in 1 year and then spend 4 years being lazy. It would also cut down the work load for you on the spell levels on allot of things. If you need help with finding out stuff i could help.
Don't worry I will think of something.

Votes are closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on Apr 2, 2022 at 7:08 PM, finished with 29 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Zoishenk: A 'Ritual City'. It is a chaos fortress where constant sacrifices are being realized to summon hordes of daemons tobe used by the Blood Tide.
    - [X] Zoishenk: A 'Ritual City'. It is a chaos fortress where constant sacrifices are being realized to summon hordes of daemons tobe used by the Blood Tide.
    [X] Goranitch: A chaos fortress in the northern blast. Serves as a staging ground for chaos forces that are moving towards the south. The Elves alongside Kislevite forces are moving towards it to reclaim it
Don't worry I will think of something.

Votes are closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on Apr 2, 2022 at 7:08 PM, finished with 29 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Zoishenk: A 'Ritual City'. It is a chaos fortress where constant sacrifices are being realized to summon hordes of daemons tobe used by the Blood Tide.
    - [X] Zoishenk: A 'Ritual City'. It is a chaos fortress where constant sacrifices are being realized to summon hordes of daemons tobe used by the Blood Tide.
    [X] Goranitch: A chaos fortress in the northern blast. Serves as a staging ground for chaos forces that are moving towards the south. The Elves alongside Kislevite forces are moving towards it to reclaim it

Ah I messed up on the vote a bit eh? Otherwise looking forward to the new turn!

I do enjoy how things are developing and your getting better with the system your making.
The Blood Tide - The Ritual City Part I
Once Zoishenk housed no less than 200,000 people that lived and died in the great city. It was also, without a doubt, one of the most religious cities in Kislev, but different from others who only worshipped a single god of Kislev, Zoishenk worshipped them all. Magnificent statues and temples dedicated not only to the Widow but also to Ursun, God of Bears and Scourge of Winter. Dazh God of Fire and The Sun, and The Bringer of Flame. And Tor God of Thunder and Bringer of Storms.

So when the news came to the Tzar that the City had fallen, he was unsurprised. After all, the Chaos Gods hated all other gods, even the ones among their very own pantheon. So they instructed their servants to ravage and defile any temple or symbol dedicated to the other gods. And that was exactly what the servants of Khorne did when they took the city. They tore any monument dedicated to the gods of Kislev down and destroyed them. They slaughtered their priesthood in their very own temples.

But the worse of all was what they did to the population of the City. They dragged men, women, and children to the old temples who now bared the taint of the Blood God, and sacrificed each one of them to their god. In one night, 200,000 died, old or young. It didn't matter. They sacrificed all to their god. That they venerated with each of their breaths, all to summon forth a great host of Daemons into the mortal realm.

But it didn't end there, as the invasion prolonged. The need for more troops was needed, and Zoishenk became one of the main suppliers. Thousands of slaves were brought forth to not only it but also many others, to be sacrificed to bring forth armies of Daemons. The horrified Kislevites and their allies named those fallen cities as 'Ritual Cites', for that was their entire purpose. To realize the most blasphemous of Rituals and bring forth Daemonical armies from the Realm of Souls.

Fortunely they were not of the same number as the first Chaos Invasion, which only a few races still remembered the details.

Not that Zoishenk would last much time, as the undead army of Wallachia had finally arrived to destroy it. The necromancers analyze the city both with their normal and magical sight. While the corrupted city did not have proper defenses - such as walls - but more than made it up by the sheer horde of daemons that were present inside the city.

But they paid it no mind, with prayers dedicated to their god in their mind, they started preparing their plan of attack...

Plan of Attack

[] Charge: Immediately charge upon the city, rapidly attack ritual sites and chaos armies and overwhelm with sheer numbers

[] Focused Strikes: Split your forces evenly and attack the ritual sites, as with them, the mortal servants of chaos can still call upon reinforcements from beyond the veil.

[] Write-In
[X] Focused Strikes: Split your forces evenly and attack the ritual sites, as with them, the mortal servants of chaos can still call upon reinforcements from beyond the veil.
Time to get new worshipers here

Not likely, but I'll make a plan when I get home…and also khorneates are going to charge because of battle…which is bloody well perfect for us.

Plus this place will need a good scrubbing and cleansing of all the temples. Propping up kislev soon will be quite the chore to do but once we get a naval presence we can prop that nation up and make it a harsher road bump for the forces of chaos.

Edited: also @Alucard Vampiry how many tortillas sites do we see or at least know about, a city of that size would mean around 8 rituals for khorne a number. And probably 11 tunes as much to get the sacred 888 going on.

Such a thing is delicate as fuck…so I'll enjoy fucking those things over.
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Edited: also @Alucard Vampiry how many tortillas sites do we see or at least know about, a city of that size would mean around 8 rituals for khorne a number. And probably 11 tunes as much to get the sacred 888 going on.
Well, they don't have tortillas, but the total amount of ritual sites present in the city is 8,888. Some are small while others are big. The metaphysical chain that binds them is very delicate, as it allows the mass summoning of daemons through large-scale rituals. Messing with them has a medium chance of opening a temporary Warp Rift, after all the accumulated energy of the ritual sites is fairly big.