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EX 2: Jack Bros: The Documentary
Welcome to our first episode of Demon Compendium. In this pilot, we will be taking a look into the lives of two particular demons. They are quite well known throughout Demon Summoning communities, and for a very good reason.

Today, we will be watching a Jack Frost, and its clan member, Pyro Jack. Let's see if we can find the pair.

"Hey, Frost! Look-hee here, ho!" This is Pyro Jack, also known as Jack 'o Lantern. This species of demons have quite the temper, but are somehow able to live peacefully with the more laid back Jack Frost.

Ah, here come one now.
"Wow, hee-humans have got stores full of gems, ho?!" Jack Frosts are common in colder climates, whereas Pyro Jacks prefer more humid areas. Here in Japan, however, they roam from city to city freely.

"No, snow hee-head! Over at the p-hee-za place, ho!"

It seems like the Pyro Jack has found a suitable area to forage for food. This is the job assigned to them, because they can float freely through the air. It makes locating nourishment and even treasures relatively trivial.

"They just throw away the p-hee-zas no one takes, ho? How wasteful!"

The pair of demons are approaching the dumpster, and are about to consume whatever they find inside. As they search, here is a fact of the Jack family; they are inherently playful by nature, playing pranks, and telling jokes to one another.

"We'll be hee-ting like King Frost tonight, ho!"

Ah, the hunt is successful! They are celebrating their newfound fortune by eating as much food as they can. Ravenous little things.

This concludes Demon Compendium, episode 1. We hope to see you again for next time. Be careful as you rest, lest a demon take over your body...
With that, onto the next update.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 28, 2022 at 4:40 PM, finished with 22 posts and 11 votes.
35: Demonic Introduction
[X] Nope, no deals with any demon pulshies. Just with regular demons. Seemed much friendlier I must say. Not that the situation isn't quite dire anyway. Turns out the apocalypse is coming. [Recount the dream situation to the best of our ability]

"Nope, no deals with that demon plush!" You answer confidently. "Just with a regular demon. Gotta say, seemed a lot friendlier! Not that the situation isn't dire, because the apo-"

"Slow down, Yumi." Homura interjects, wide eyed, "What do you mean you made a deal with a demon?"

"I mean I made a deal with a demon." You say plainly, like it's the most normal thing about you. "Wanna see?"

She seems exasperated, and her mask of calmness has been cracked wide open. "Sure...?" She says.

You shrug, and tap on the screen of your Gauntlet. You press the drop down to summon Pixie. In a flash of light, Pixie is here.

"Hiya Summoner!" She greets you warmly, "What's going on? Who's your friend? Is she a Summoner, too? How fun! Here, I'll teach you how-"

"That's a fairy!" Homura blurts out, "That is a fairy!!"

"Mami's sleeping...!" You chastise quietly.

"You still call your Mom mommy?" Pixie asks.

"Yumi, explain!" Homura asks in desperate confusion.

So, you tell her everything. About the dream, the Lost Samurai, about his warnings, and about Pixie.

By the end of your explanation, the poor girl looks even more confused. "So, I have to contend with demons and Witches?!"

"No, I've got the demons!" You put a thumb to your chest, "You just worry about the Witches and stuff!"

She looks you up and down. Then, she does so again. Finally, she regains a fraction of her composure. "Where are you even going to look for demons? I don't know where to look, and I doubt you do either. No offence." She adds.

"I know!" Pixie chimes, "You gotta look in places with a lot of emotions! Kinda like a warzone, a destroyed city, or a healer place!"

"...Do you mean a hospital?" Homura asks slowly.

"Sure!" Pixie replies.

"I know where a hospital is, but Mitakihara is flooded with Witches. I'd recommend heading to Kazamino. There aren't many Witches there."

What to do...?

[] Head to the Hospital.
[] Make your way to Kazamino.
[] Write in?
[X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?
[X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?

There are just going to be demons in all of the Witch lairs, aren't there?
[X] "Think its possible they might show up with the Witches? I can go check the hospital since its closer, and you can get me if any show up in those weird Witchy places. Oh yeah her name is Mami, she's not my mom. We might wanna bring her up to speed too."
[X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?
[X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?

Nice to see we have all decided to go to the hospital. I hope we get there in time to save the cute cheese.
[X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?
[X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?
-[X] Before leaving, call dad to report you arrived well

Two things:
- I forgot, do we have other responsabilities here? I thought we were playing as a college student of some sort (then again we just arrived yesterday to Mitakihara)
- Are we going to call dad?
No one has told us yet that magic is a secret so I'd rather wait till Homu can't overhear and then tell dad everything with foto evidence, for maximum chaos and shenanigans. :p
No one has told us yet that magic is a secret so I'd rather wait till Homu can't overhear and then tell dad everything with foto evidence, for maximum chaos and shenanigans. :p
We are the haha funny girl, dad would just think we are joking around. How would we show him concrete evidence in a phone call? Also what does foto mean? If you mean photo, those can be edited, or have filters used. We are the type to do so.
We are the haha funny girl, dad would just think we are joking around. How would we show him concrete evidence in a phone call? Also what does foto mean? If you mean photo, those can be edited, or have filters used. We are the type to do so.
Ah but thats what makes it funny. We dutifully report our days, dad goes glad youre having fun, a month later he visits and finds us beating a witch to death with the help of like Artemis or something.
[X] "Think its possible they might show up with the Witches? I can go check the hospital since its closer, and you can get me if any show up in those weird Witchy places. Oh yeah her name is Mami, she's not my mom. We might wanna bring her up to speed too."
That sounded suprisingly ominous. The updates will get to you. Just give them time. There is no running. There is no hiding. All hope is lost. :p

There is no escape. It is coming. Don't run, you'll only be updated tired. The votes are locked. Prepare yourselves...
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 29, 2022 at 4:56 PM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?
    [X] "Think its possible they might show up with the Witches? I can go check the hospital since its closer, and you can get me if any show up in those weird Witchy places. Oh yeah her name is Mami, she's not my mom. We might wanna bring her up to speed too."
    [X] Head to the Hospital.
    [X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?
    -[X] Before leaving, call dad to report you arrived well
36: Early Hunts
[X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?

"Y'know, Homura," you begin, a thought crossing your mind, "We could go hunt Witches and Demons. We could even take Mami!" Before Pixie can respond, you add, "Her name is Mami, not mommy. She is our friend."

"Okay!" Pixie replies cheerfully.

"I mean, we could clear the whole place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast!"

"I'd like to get an assessment of your abilities, and your..." Homura looks at Pixie. Pixie waves. "...Demon. Very well, wake up Mami."

You nod, heading back into your apartment. As you approach the sleeping Mami, Pixie flies over. She begins to pay Mami's cheek, as if it were a drum. "Wakey wakey wakey wakey wakey wakey wakey!" She chants.

She groans. "...Just a while longer, Yumi..."

Pixie begins chanting louder, "WAKEY WAKEY WAKEY WAKEY WAKEY!"

"Huh?!" Mami immediately sits up, startled by the unrecognized voice. "I-Is that a fairy?!"

"I'm a Pixie! Get it right!" Pixie pouts.

"Yumi, what's going on?!" Mami asks, clearly confused.

"We're hunting at the hospital. I'll explain her later, but do you wanna come?" You ask.

"Let me take a shower, I'll be in my apartment." Mami answers.

"What's wrong with my bathroom?"

"There's nothing in there. Remember to buy shampoo and other things when you next head to the store."

"Are you sure she's not your mom?" Pixie asks.

It take a few minutes, but Mami comes out. Together, you join Homura and make for the hospital.

You also explain to Mami what Pixie's whole deal is. She's even more confused.

As of now, you stand before the hospital. Before you step inside, Homura stops you. "There's a Witch here."

"I felt it too. Let's go, Yumi!" Mami calls as you enter the Barrier.

It looks... Different from the other one you entered. If you had to pick something akin to it, you'd say some sort of fairytale castle with lab equipment.

"What's our strategy?" Homura asks.

[] Write in?
[X] Explore everything. Just like dungeon-crawling games. Maybe we can encounter another demon to contract.
-[X] Mami and Homura have experience on this, right? One of them take the lead, the other two follow but be ready to intervene if you find a demon.
-[X] Don't. Split. The. Party.
Last edited:
[X] Explore everything. Just like dungeon-crawling games. Maybe we can encounter another demon to contract.
-[X] Mami and Homura have experience on this, right? One of them take the lead, the other two follow but be ready to intervene if you find a demon.
-[X] Don't. Split. The. Party.
Last edited:
Oh got eaten by Demons then got it :p

[X] Explore everything. Just like dungeon-crawling games. Maybe we can encounter another demon to contract.
-[X] Don't. Split. The. Party.
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