EX 2: Jack Bros: The Documentary
Welcome to our first episode of Demon Compendium. In this pilot, we will be taking a look into the lives of two particular demons. They are quite well known throughout Demon Summoning communities, and for a very good reason.
Today, we will be watching a Jack Frost, and its clan member, Pyro Jack. Let's see if we can find the pair.
"Hey, Frost! Look-hee here, ho!" This is Pyro Jack, also known as Jack 'o Lantern. This species of demons have quite the temper, but are somehow able to live peacefully with the more laid back Jack Frost.
Ah, here come one now. "Wow, hee-humans have got stores full of gems, ho?!" Jack Frosts are common in colder climates, whereas Pyro Jacks prefer more humid areas. Here in Japan, however, they roam from city to city freely.
"No, snow hee-head! Over at the p-hee-za place, ho!"
It seems like the Pyro Jack has found a suitable area to forage for food. This is the job assigned to them, because they can float freely through the air. It makes locating nourishment and even treasures relatively trivial.
"They just throw away the p-hee-zas no one takes, ho? How wasteful!"
The pair of demons are approaching the dumpster, and are about to consume whatever they find inside. As they search, here is a fact of the Jack family; they are inherently playful by nature, playing pranks, and telling jokes to one another.
"We'll be hee-ting like King Frost tonight, ho!"
Ah, the hunt is successful! They are celebrating their newfound fortune by eating as much food as they can. Ravenous little things.
This concludes Demon Compendium, episode 1. We hope to see you again for next time. Be careful as you rest, lest a demon take over your body...
Today, we will be watching a Jack Frost, and its clan member, Pyro Jack. Let's see if we can find the pair.
"Hey, Frost! Look-hee here, ho!" This is Pyro Jack, also known as Jack 'o Lantern. This species of demons have quite the temper, but are somehow able to live peacefully with the more laid back Jack Frost.
Ah, here come one now. "Wow, hee-humans have got stores full of gems, ho?!" Jack Frosts are common in colder climates, whereas Pyro Jacks prefer more humid areas. Here in Japan, however, they roam from city to city freely.
"No, snow hee-head! Over at the p-hee-za place, ho!"
It seems like the Pyro Jack has found a suitable area to forage for food. This is the job assigned to them, because they can float freely through the air. It makes locating nourishment and even treasures relatively trivial.
"They just throw away the p-hee-zas no one takes, ho? How wasteful!"
The pair of demons are approaching the dumpster, and are about to consume whatever they find inside. As they search, here is a fact of the Jack family; they are inherently playful by nature, playing pranks, and telling jokes to one another.
"We'll be hee-ting like King Frost tonight, ho!"
Ah, the hunt is successful! They are celebrating their newfound fortune by eating as much food as they can. Ravenous little things.
This concludes Demon Compendium, episode 1. We hope to see you again for next time. Be careful as you rest, lest a demon take over your body...