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[X] 7th Hex

[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.

Flag's pretty good. Balanced one is also good but I like the bars one better. Plan on how to deal with the Carrier is fine too.
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Map of Guangchou

I eyeballed the area as roughly twice that of Taiwan, just... lomg. Very lomg.
The volcano is prbably around where Okinawa is on this map - If my research is right volcanic activity moved northwest along the island chain, so that would make sense as the location of the last hotspot.

I also added a territorial dispute with Japan over the Osumi islands, because it would be even weirder if they weren't. :V

edit: Also note how our landmass basically cuts off the East China sea from the rest of the Pacific? Guangchou is single handedly protecting China's eastern flank at sea and basically forces anyone attacking it to go through the Korea Straight, which is a MUCH smaller area to defend - or break through the straight of Ossumi, Gaungchou lmao good luck not getting hit by shore battery fire, or Taiwan.
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I sorta got the vibe that it was further out than that, just because of the relative isolation we seem to be under? though i guess thats just "being a hermit regime" in action
I sorta got the vibe that it was further out than that, just because of the relative isolation we seem to be under? though i guess thats just "being a hermit regime" in action

It was described as 'east of Taiwan and southwest of Japan' and that's basically what you get. If we ignore the topology we could make it a much more compact island, but I think this shape is more narratively interesting.
We could do one hell of a trunk line for shipping down the spine with that shape. Maybe as a prestige project we can do a fortified set of underground rail lines that grid the whole island and make it even more of a nightmare to invade.
but I think this shape is more narratively interesting
US Navy: We are patrolling thing man…Trade and stuff. We're here for our men.

Gaungchou: Leave and never return. They will be returned at a time when it is convenient for us.

US Navy: You may try…but hate us if you want!! We are not leaving them behind.

Gaungchou: Are you threatening me American?

US Navy: We look after our own…One of the few good things you can say about us.

Gaungchou: That may be…But I am the master of these Waters!

US Navy: Not Yet! *Pulls out Aircraft Carriers and Nuke Subs*

Ford: they are doing a Radio Play of sorts?

Gaungchou: I feel honored somehow. Also it's called a Chicken Battle, Who can make the best insults without starting a fight.
We could do one hell of a trunk line for shipping down the spine with that shape. Maybe as a prestige project we can do a fortified set of underground rail lines that grid the whole island and make it even more of a nightmare to invade.

Making tunnels and roads is expensive... I imagine it's way easier to move thing by road to the coast and then ship it by boat down the length of the island.
edit: Also note how our landmass basically cuts off the East China sea from the rest of the Pacific? Gunschou is single handedly protecting China's eastern flank at sea and vasically forces anyone attacking it to go through the Korea Straight, which is a MUCH smaller area to defend - or break through the straight of Ossumi, Gaungchou lmao good luck not getting hit by shore battery fire, or Taiwan.
...Well. I think we can say we probably were A MASSIVE THORN in Imperial Japans side all the way from the beginning. I mean, that would have probably meant we were fighting japan all the way possibly before they even invaded china!:lol::rofl:
Making tunnels and roads is expensive... I imagine it's way easier to move thing by road to the coast and then ship it by boat down the length of the island.
I mentioned it as a prestige project and also the boat approach is subject to war time disruption as it makes really easy for someone to squat out of range and plink at our costal shipping.
I mentioned it as a prestige project and also the boat approach is subject to war time disruption as it makes really easy for someone to squat out of range and plink at our costal shipping.

There are probably some tunnels and roads left over from efforts to protect travel from the japanese during WWII. If we really wanted some tunnels, I'm sure someone could write an omake about the nightmare of trying to secure the tunnels before some american seamen got the idea into their heads to go exploring, and got lost underground.
I mentioned it as a prestige project and also the boat approach is subject to war time disruption as it makes really easy for someone to squat out of range and plink at our costal shipping.
They can't bypass the Maginot Line if we make our entire country the Maginot Line!

honestly it makes the fact that they couldn't take us even more impressive.
Definitely, that's a hell of a lot of coastline to defend with very little strategic depth to back it up any direction but north-south. And given that the IJN wrecked our navy there's no reason they couldn't just sail around and get a beachhead past our northern defenses, so we would have had to defended the whole coastline most likely. I always imagined us a bit more short and stocky, with a similar land area but less coastline to defend. Would still be more than enough to ensure Chinese naval dominance in the area with their ports on our island.
Tigerfish AIP Attack Submarine - Design Proposal
I mentioned it as a prestige project and also the boat approach is subject to war time disruption as it makes really easy for someone to squat out of range and plink at our costal shipping.

I'm so glad you brought this up.

Tigerfish AIP Attack Submarine
  • Initial concept evolved from Project 6633 hull from China.
  • Built for littoral combat and intercepting landing vessels or ships doing shore bombardment.
  • X-Rudder to make it easier to maneuver in shallow water without hitting the bottom with a tail plane.
  • Switched from double to single hull to save cost and make them lighter for litoral maneuvers, cylindrical cross section adopted as a result.
  • Ditched the diesel generator completely and just loaded it down with batteries.
  • Can recharge batteries from buried undersea cables near shore without coming up for air.
  • Shrouded propeller to protect from debris strikes in shallow water.
  • Iron Tiger mechanical joints tech used to create folding retractable masts and an extendible crew access cover, as well as the slip bearings on the annular electric engine.
  • Four forward torpedo tubes with double slacked torpedoes (8 torps total) do not penetrate the pressure hull and cannot be maintained while under way.
  • Batteries, torpedoes, electric engines, all outside of the habitable pressure hull - CO2 used to keep those spaces at ambient pressure to avoid sea water infiltration (and the maintenance hell that comes with).
  • Wire guided torpedoes and WEISOFT sonar processing improved on original weapons and sensor packages.
  • Rafted machinery spaces to reduce acoustic emissions.
  • Iron Tiger derived utility arms on the bottom of the hull, along with video cameras used for scientific research during peace time.

Note the folding mast in raised position, the extendable crew hatch placed on top and amidships, and the hydrodynamic cover near the bottom front that hides the manipulator arms.

So this sub is flaming garbage at offensive operations because it's got absolutely shit range, but in a defensive posture where it can loiter near shore (and it's charging cables) it will murderblender any fleet that tries to get close.

edit: Basically, what if by sheer necessity and weird situational requirements, Gunangchou actually stumbled into a... really fucking good submarine design?
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I'm so glad you brought this up.

Tigerfish AIP Attack Submarine
  • Initial concept evolved from Project 6633 hull from China.
  • Built for littoral combat and intercepting landing vessels or ships doing shore bombardment.
  • X-Rudder to make it easier to maneuver in shallow water without hitting the bottom with a tail plane.
  • Switched from double to single hull to save cost and make them lighter for litoral maneuvers, cylindrical cross section adopted as a result.
  • Ditched the diesel generator completely and just loaded it down with batteries.
  • Can recharge batteries from buried undersea cables near shore without coming up for air.
  • Shrouded propeller to protect from debris strikes in shallow water.
  • Iron Tiger mechanical joints tech used to create folding retractable masts and an extendible crew access cover, as well as the slip bearings on the annular electric engine.
  • Four forward torpedo tubes with double slacked torpedoes (8 torps total) do not penetrate the pressure hull and cannot be maintained while under way.
  • Batteries, torpedoes, electric engines, all outside of the habitable pressure hull - CO2 used to keep those spaces at ambient pressure to avoid sea water infiltration (and the maintenance hell that comes with).
  • Wire guided torpedoes and WEISOFT sonar processing improved on original weapons and sensor packages.
  • Rafted machinery spaces to reduce acoustic emissions.
  • Iron Tiger derived utility arms on the bottom of the hull, along with video cameras used for scientific research during peace time.

Note the folding mast in raised position, the extendable crew hatch placed on top and amidships, and the hydrodynamic cover near the bottom front that hides the manipulator arms.

So this sub is flaming garbage at offensive operations because it's got absolutely shit range, but in a defensive posture where it can loiter near shore (and it's charging cables) it will murderblender any fleet that tries to get close.

edit: Basically, what if by sheer necessity and weird situational requirements, Gunangchou actually stumbled into a... really fucking good submarine design?

You've basically made movable, underwater stealth turrets. I think I like our chances at playing underwater tower-defense games.

Although if we end up building these, we'll probably want to build/dig out some underwater fortresses/alcoves, so that these submarines have somewhere to hide from any aircraft. I feel like some WWII planes with torpedoes or depth charges might be the hard counter to this design.
You've basically made movable, underwater stealth turrets. I think I like our chances at playing underwater tower-defense games.

Although if we end up building these, we'll probably want to build/dig out some underwater fortresses/alcoves, so that these submarines have somewhere to hide from any aircraft. I feel like some WWII planes with torpedoes or depth charges might be the hard counter to this design.

I think next turn we'll want to take advantage of our ability to design 2 mechs in 1 turn by designing 2 general utility mechs that will make construction easier: 1 for use on land, and 1 for use underwater. Our ability to actually deploy these subs however might be limited until the next plan when we can boost our heavy industry. We can probably design stuff this plan and roll it out wide scale in the next?

edit: Also, we obviously need to pair these with a robust land based air defense network.

edit2: Also, as I understand it, it's actually a real pain to deal with subs in littoral waters because there are so many contacts around, and that issue is compounded by that fact that the USN at this point in time is focused primarily on open sea battles they expect to fight with Soviet nuclear submarines and lack litoral ASW experience.
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I think next turn we'll want to take advantage of our ability to design 2 mechs in 1 turn by designing 2 general utility mechs that will make construction easier: 1 for use on land, and 1 for use underwater. Our ability to actually deploy these subs however might be limited until the next plan when we can boost our heavy industry. We can probably design stuff this plan and roll it out wide scale in the next?

edit: Also, we obviously need to pair these with a robust land based air defense network.

Yes, I definitely agree we should have some generalist designs first. It would be awesome if we could come up with something that improved the pace of construction, as it would make fortifying and/or improving the island go that much quicker. Honestly, all of this sounds like a suitable plan for after this whole Iwo Jima mess.

Although I already know our sea mech is going to turn into a crab... Everything turns into crabs....
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Military wise. Well, we want anti-tank stuff that can be used by infantry. AA equipment that can actually be a threat to enemy air, and/or fighters that can do the same. And in general stuff that would make us a pain to fight.
Yes, I definitely agree we should have some generalist designs first. It would be awesome if we could come up with something that improved the pace of construction, as it would make fortifying and/or improving the island go that much quicker. Honestly, all of this sounds like a suitable plan for after this whole Iwo Jima mess.

Although I already know our sea mech is going to turn into a crab... Everything turns into crabs....
What about something like a grappleship from outlaw star only as a submersible?
Military wise. Well, we want anti-tank stuff that can be used by infantry. AA equipment that can actually be a threat to enemy air, and/or fighters that can do the same. And in general stuff that would make us a pain to fight.

Because we're an island nation, the navy is really our most efficient way of defending from enemy armour. Sending their tanks to the bottom of the sea is better than having to fight them on land.
After that AA equipment is a must - Guangchou already got bombed back into the stone age once and that's going to be something that sticks in the public consciousness. Infantry and vehicle mounted AA is a close second to building a naval force that can prevent landings in erms of defending ourselves. In fact, AA is probably going to be the army's primary function.

The air force... ehhh. We've got a lot of things we need to spend our resources on, and aircaft are very expensive toys - especially if you have no intention to engage in military adventurism abroad. For the same resources used to build a fighter you could probably build three or four SAM installations and shoot down more planes than with your own fighter. I feel like bunkers+AA+token air force is our best play there.

Of course, if we REALLY want to be SURE our independence if GUARANTEED, then we need The Bomb.

Edit: @HeroCooky, what are the odds we can get submarine nuclear reactor tech from the USSR/PRC? A nuclear mothership that can recharge Tigerfish in the field is obviously far preferable to having to lay out undersea charging cables. Likewise for Soviet rocket engine technology - is that something they're sharing?
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What about something like a grappleship from outlaw star only as a submersible?

I will honestly take any mech with hammerspace, no questions asked.

But seriously, the grappleship seemed to be stretching the bounds of physics a little. I would totally agree that the mech needs arms, but I'm not sure it needs to even have that streamlined of a shape. Outside of the scope of the anime, that shape seems fragile. My idea for the mech body was something more akin to the top half of the marauder, but with actual hands, and with a spotlight to replace the gun on top and finally, some form of propulsion. Admittedly, I could probably do better if I scoured the internet for information, but the marauder is tough and reliable and I think that's useful for a utility mech which we might end up drafting for military duties, if anything ever happens.

Still, the grappleship gets brownie points because it comes from a fun anime. Good taste, @Silversun17.

Because we're an island nation, the navy is really our most efficient way of defending from enemy armour. Sending their tanks to the bottom of the sea is better than having to fight them on land.
After that AA equipment is a must - Guangchou already got bombed back into the stone age once and that's going to be something that sticks in the public consciousness. Infantry and vehicle mounted AA is a close second to building a naval force that can prevent landings in erms of defending ourselves. In fact, AA is probably going to be the army's primary function.

The air force... ehhh. We've got a lot of things we need to spend our resources on, and aircaft are very expensive toys - especially if you have no intention to engage in military adventurism abroad. For the same resources used to build a fighter you could probably build three or four SAM installations and shoot down more planes than with your own fighter. I feel like bunkers+AA+token air force is our best play there.

I agree that we should focus on defensive measures, rather than ways to project our power. Its extremely useful, and it won't effect our diplomatic efforts with others. I know western countries don't like us, but they will dislike more as we become more of a threat. AA equipment and naval defenses really is all we need. Any other focus will require us to be ready for diplomatic blow back afterwards (at least).

edit: This is halfway why I'm not interested in any of the tech or material aboard the carrier. Carriers are all about force projection, and that is not something we should focus on right now. I know there are some thing on board that will be generally helpful, but I also know that the dice could so easily give us something we can't use.
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Tigerfish AIP Attack Submarine
While I don't think dropping diesel-electric for pure electric and underway recharging is going to work until we get a hell of a lot more infrastructure, a defensive submarine isn't that bad an idea. I've got a few ideas knocking around my head now, so I'll see if I can put something together.
I will honestly take any mech with hammerspace, no questions asked.

But seriously, the grappleship seemed to be stretching the bounds of physics a little. I would totally agree that the mech needs arms, but I'm not sure it needs to even have that streamlined of a shape. Outside of the scope of the anime, that shape seems fragile. My idea for the mech body was something more akin to the top half of the marauder, but with actual hands, and with a spotlight to replace the gun on top and finally, some form of propulsion. Admittedly, I could probably do better if I scoured the internet for information, but the marauder is tough and reliable and I think that's useful for a utility mech which we might end up drafting for military duties, if anything ever happens.

Still, the grappleship gets brownie points because it comes from a fun anime. Good taste, @Silversun17.

I don't think we want anything as big as the Marauder for utility. This is more what I was thinking of:

Edit: But with wayyyyyyy wider feet.
I will honestly take any mech with hammerspace, no questions asked.

But seriously, the grappleship seemed to be stretching the bounds of physics a little. I would totally agree that the mech needs arms, but I'm not sure it needs to even have that streamlined of a shape. Outside of the scope of the anime, that shape seems fragile. My idea for the mech body was something more akin to the top half of the marauder, but with actual hands, and with a spotlight to replace the gun on top and finally, some form of propulsion. Admittedly, I could probably do better if I scoured the internet for information, but the marauder is tough and reliable and I think that's useful for a utility mech which we might end up drafting for military duties, if anything ever happens.

Still, the grappleship gets brownie points because it comes from a fun anime. Good taste, @Silversun17.
I'm more talking taking the concept then the shape and applying it to a 3/4 man submarine.
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