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Imagine building a bunch of giant radio transmitters in Cuba and blasting pirate radio/TV signals at the US mainland.
They'd demand you get a broadcast license and then tell you to pay a fine for violating FCC regulations.

In fact you'd be yelled at for breaking this in perticular

Obscene, Indecent and Profane Broadcasts

Federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV.

And given that what you want to Brodcast is Non Educational...another strike.

SO...they'd shut that shit down for a couple violations.
Oh wait! Jungmin specced into cultural victory, lmao. We probably COULD make Commiewood!

They'd demand you get a broadcast license and then tell you to pay a fine for violating FCC regulations.

In fact you'd be yelled at for breaking this in perticular

Obscene, Indecent and Profane Broadcasts

Federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV.

And given that what you want to Brodcast is Non Educational...another strike.

SO...they'd shut that shit down for a couple violations.

What are they gonna do? Sanction us? :V
No...far worse.

Their Gonna Flood your Market with McDonalds, Blue Jeans, and Hollywood Action Movies.

AND SHOW America as a slightly nicer place PR wise.

Also the 80s are gonna have Tom Selleck as Thomas Magnum, and who can say no to that Mustache.

You know, given how many queers went into Showbiz, I wander if we can... yoink some of that talent once quality of life at home has been improved.
....Hollywoods gonna want to get some shots in the nation itself for filming ,we got nice locations.

Imagine the Guangchou intelligence agencies getting a reputation as suave seducers who pull off amazing honeypots and the CIA people are tearing their hair out over our success rate but it's literally just queers deciding to stay because it's so much nicer for them here.

CIA Dude: Your sensual wiles won't work on me!
GIB Agent: Wot.
Imagine the Guangchou intelligence agencies getting a reputation as shave seducers who pull off amazing honeypots and the CIA people are tearing their hair out over our success rate but it's literally just queers deciding to stay because it's so much nicer for them here.
I mean a good percentage probably are...but the rest...

maybe its because they keep loosing their passport.
CIA Dude: Your sensual wiles won't work on me!
GIB Agent: Wot.
CIA: I'm NOT GAY!! I'm NOT man...I didn't survive NAM and College to get saduced by some guy who dresses like a Maid on the Weekends!

GIB: I wasn' you actually think your going to go Gay just by talking to me!

CIA: A little...I'm...just...having trouble, my marriage is shaky...I'm having office problems are getting worse and my Dad got cancer and I've been having a rough time dealing with the Act of God the Navy's forced on our lap.

GIB: Want to talk about it?

CIA: Uh...Not really...I just feel my life is getting worse because you guys showed up.

GIB: You think I'm bad...let me tell you about that strange Mercenary State in the Triangle...They make ME pull my hair out!

CIA: You have people in the world that give you trouble too?

GIB: They Just...ruin all my fantasies about revolution, while being strangely effective.

CIA: Want to talk about it?

GIB: No.

CIA: Well, we must coexist...until this problem is delt with. Ever heard of LOTR?

GIB: Does it have anything Gay in it? If it doesn't I probably won't like it.

CIA: Give it a chance dude...leave your comfort zone a little.

GIB: Have you ever gone to a-

CIA: I will go to one of your Bar's for a fun time and therupy if you enjoy my copy of the book?
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CIA: Give it a chance dude...leave your comfort zone a little.

GIB: Have you ever gone to a-

CIA: I will go to one of your Bar's for a fun time and therupy if you enjoy my copy of the book?

We're going to be writing the (first) gay fanfic for this aren't we.
Imagine the Guangchou intelligence agencies getting a reputation as suave seducers who pull off amazing honeypots and the CIA people are tearing their hair out over our success rate but it's literally just queers deciding to stay because it's so much nicer for them here.

CIA Dude: Your sensual wiles won't work on me!
GIB Agent: Wot.

This is a hilarious concept and now I know at some point a historical biopic is going to be made of a hapless CIA agent sent to investigate why [insert closeted actor name here] didn't return to the the USA, only to realize he has feelings for his mark. What will he choose! His love, or his country?

Seriously, so many cheesy melodramatic romance movies are eventually going to be made about people moving to Guanchou once the cold war settles down/ends
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Are we sure we need education reform? Because that's faster than the USSR/USA could do that. Are we Belka? :V
IP Theft, Comrade? Nay, it is IP Sharing!
*Yoinks Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Desings*

But FR, tech/design-sharing with the Chinese and USSR allows you to do many things for the next decade without much in the way of science needed. Unless you want anything more than second grade stuff.
First Gay Fanfic...

There's always been Gay Fanfic in Human History...what do you call Achillies and Petracolous?
But did they write SmeagolxAragon fics?
IP Theft, Comrade? Nay, it is IP Sharing!
*Yoinks Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Desings*

But FR, tech/design-sharing with the Chinese and USSR allows you to do many things for the next decade without much in the way of science needed. Unless you want anything more than second grade stuff.
Why don't we build up our schooling and use our spies to get ourselves pushing the edge of science, instead of merely getting whatever they want us to have?:D
[x] Perfectly Balanced

Oh hey, Guangchou is about the same size as Ireland. If we end up with a population density on par with Taiwan, we should have room for about 48 million people.
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I suppose I'll throw my hat into the ring to try to get a few more votes for my flag design.

I made the Black and Blue Bar design to try to evoke that "tiny communist country" feel that I didn't get from any of the other designs. Bright red and gold star front and center to tie us to the Sinosphere and shout: "Yes, we are a Communist country and we are going to let you know every chance we get!" Followed up with the black and blue colors that originally I picked because the color pallet looked cool, but then back-symbolized to represent spreading the Revolution across the seas and into space. Use those colors to make the flag distinct enough to say that politically we aren't a part of China, but we can't make the design too fancy or it risks looking like we let something as dangerous as Culture survive our revolution, and we can't have that.

As much as I love the memes we've got going, I like Guangchou more when it balances the craziness with actually being a North Korea trying to get better. One of my favorite things about this quest is how it feels like it really could be set in an alternate Cold War, with things our sister ISS in Germany with the Day of Dead Roses, and the tidbits of how our open embrace of everyone who aren't straight cis-men has made stuff worse for them in the US with the movement being tied closely to Communism balancing out the craziness of the Nazi Wunderwaffe and beached US carriers. My favorite piece of the quest so far has got to be that one serious snippet of post-war German de-Nazification and politics. I tried to make my own flag design in that vein of "this could've been real," rather than funny jokes like "what if our absolute dictator wanted to abolish the state?"

Making The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou. Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth into 100% wall to wall memes doesn't really fit what the world has got going so far to me. It feels less like "this is a world that could have happened," and more like "this is a world where Tzeentch stuck it's fingers in everyone's brains and messed around because they felt like it."
I suppose I'll throw my hat into the ring to try to get a few more votes for my flag design.

I made the Black and Blue Bar design to try to evoke that "tiny communist country" feel that I didn't get from any of the other designs. Bright red and gold star front and center to tie us to the Sinosphere and shout: "Yes, we are a Communist country and we are going to let you know every chance we get!" Followed up with the black and blue colors that originally I picked because the color pallet looked cool, but then back-symbolized to represent spreading the Revolution across the seas and into space. Use those colors to make the flag distinct enough to say that politically we aren't a part of China, but we can't make the design too fancy or it risks looking like we let something as dangerous as Culture survive our revolution, and we can't have that.

As much as I love the memes we've got going, I like Guangchou more when it balances the craziness with actually being a North Korea trying to get better. One of my favorite things about this quest is how it feels like it really could be set in an alternate Cold War, with things our sister ISS in Germany with the Day of Dead Roses, and the tidbits of how our open embrace of everyone who aren't straight cis-men has made stuff worse for them in the US with the movement being tied closely to Communism balancing out the craziness of the Nazi Wunderwaffe and beached US carriers. My favorite piece of the quest so far has got to be that one serious snippet of post-war German de-Nazification and politics. I tried to make my own flag design in that vein of "this could've been real," rather than funny jokes like "what if our absolute dictator wanted to abolish the state?"

Making The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou. Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth into 100% wall to wall memes doesn't really fit what the world has got going so far to me. It feels less like "this is a world that could have happened," and more like "this is a world where Tzeentch stuck it's fingers in everyone's brains and messed around because they felt like it."

I mean, I think an in universe case can be made for any of the proposed plans - life tends to be stranger than fiction so there are material explanations we can come up with for the various flags.

Could be that anarchists sentiment in Guangzhou was particularly strong during the Revolution as a backlash against the rigid social control exerted by the monarchy, and that's reflected in the red/black flag but Wei Cai stabbed them in the back after he won and purged most of them.
Making The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou. Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth into 100% wall to wall memes doesn't really fit what the world has got going so far to me.
For that, I'll be able to assuage your fears/worries. While the memes and crazyness are fun and hilarious to engage in, I won't bend the world in Tzeentchian ways to justify the jokes.

If CyberEnby's flag wins, you having a ying-yang black/white/red symbol as main center-piece will have narrative weight and history. Kinda like they proposed:
Could be that anarchists sentiment in Guangzhou was particularly strong during the Revolution as a backlash against the rigid social control exerted by the monarchy, and that's reflected in the red/black flag but Wei Cai stabbed them in
Similarly, the vote on what you will do with the carrier has, atm, Jungmin suffer a stress-induced laughing/crying nervous breakdown. At the same time, your UN Diplomat is basically burning every favor and connection she can to tell her American Counterpart to play ball with the political fiction they are currently creating back home.

Meanwhile, Gerald Ford has to navigate dealing with the communists to stop things from going into a Cuba 2.0, without causing the senate to impeach him for dealing with the communists. Or for the public to create another Lilac-Red Scare, which would be not ideal right now.
Meanwhile, Gerald Ford has to navigate dealing with the communists to stop things from going into a Cuba 2.0, without causing the senate to impeach him for dealing with the communists. Or for the public to create another Lilac-Red Scare, which would be not ideal right now.
He'll be fine...He managed to deal with Nixon without too much backlash OTL...mostly.

Besides...All I think anyone wants at this point in America is to get out of the 70s intact at this point because clearly they just need more than just a beer after pulling out of Nam.

They need Whisky.


Ford: Guy's we need to calm down and get the public through the American Malis in a timely manner.

Congress: Screaming about everything.

Ford: Why are we saddled with people like this.

Chad George Mcgovern: They are ignorant, and not as wordly as us.

Ford: I want them all to shut up and work for our nations interest without being idiots.

MC: We can't always get what we want sir...we work with what we have.
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