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Ah, I thought it made cyberworld, not "merely" instantly jumped to modern internet, without modern safety measure and control.
...So, should we hop in and make our mark on it?

Are we locked in to using the current military much as our showoff piece?
It is kind of expected for us to do so. In fact, the sheer dearth of military news is starting to make the rest of the world somewhat justifiably paranoid. Cause surely we got SOMETHING in the background if we aren't waving around all of our latest techs an/or bullying our neighbors to show off strength.
The scarier thing isn't a sabre rattling communist nation, but one that feels so secure they don't bother, and we are currently in the latter.:D
No But I assumed that Hero was going to use it?
I have another one picked out already. The CIA may not be morally good, but they aren't complete morons.

Also, please keep in mind that those types of Omakes will be strictly Negaverse Territory, with only select parts added if the applicable reward is chosen.

I am more than happy with funky stuff happening, but the timeline shitting itself to death is slightly more AU than I am willing to touch just yet. Maybe once you have 2-3 plans under your belt.
In slightly older history how linked to Chinese history is Guangchou? Like are we a pretty undeniably independent thing that's existed Independently for effectively it's entire history or are we more of a Manchuria where we are on again off again Vassals/Tributaries/part of the mainland countries borders?
You are an independent nation that used China as a tradeport/mercenary depot for most of its fractured history, and then chilled out to vibe when you united while occasionaly beating the absolute shit out of any invading navy.

Why people speak chinese is due to you having had a pretty open refugee policy, and so a lot of people ran to you every time china had a "Warlord States" period again.
Why people speak chinese is due to you having had a pretty open refugee policy, and so a lot of people ran to you every time china had a "Warlord States" period again.
One: that's a lot of Chinese immigration throughout the ages.
Two: does this mean there is a native Guangchou language that's dying/already dead? If so is there any sorta group trying to preserve it in anyway or is it a full on thing of the past now and nobody really cares?
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One: that's a lot of Chinese immigration throughout the ages.
Well, not so much. Many of the coastal Warlords weren't so happy with people just fricking off to another nation, and routinely slaughtered/enslaved/captured fleets leaving for better lands. Add to that that there are pretty nasty reefs around Guangchou, and people with no experience running away would often drown if a patrol fleet wasn't nearby.
Two: does this mean there is a native Guangchou language that's dying/already dead? If so is there any sorta group trying to preserve it in anyway or is it a full on thing of the past now and nobody on the really cares?
The language is more akin to a weird dialect of three languages thrown together, stirred up, and the molded into something that would give even english pause.

You are just teaching mandarin/english as a mandatory lesson, so almost everybody speaks three languages.
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No the CIA have slightly bigger things to worry about then YOU at this exact secound.
nah, man, to the CIA a communist nation being peaceful and a good place to live is a bigger threat to American Capitalist hegemony than 20 North Koreas.Just look at Chile, where a peacefully and fairly elected socialist regime was ousted by a CIA-backed Coup at the urging of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger:
Documents from the National Security Archive said:
In an eight-page secret briefing paper that provided Kissinger's clearest rationale for regime change in Chile, he emphasized to Nixon that "the election of Allende as president of Chile poses for us one of the most serious challenges ever faced in this hemisphere" and "your decision as to what to do about it may be the most historic and difficult foreign affairs decision you will make this year." Not only were a billion dollars of U.S. investments at stake, Kissinger reported, but what he called "the insidious model effect" of his democratic election. There was no way for the U.S. to deny Allende's legitimacy, Kissinger noted, and if he succeeded in peacefully reallocating resources in Chile in a socialist direction, other countries might follow suit. "The example of a successful elected Marxist government in Chile would surely have an impact on — and even precedent value for — other parts of the world, especially in Italy; the imitative spread of similar phenomena elsewhere would in turn significantly affect the world balance and our own position in it."
To the CIA (and the US State Department), we are a direct contradiction of the Western assertion that Communism Doesn't Work.
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[X] (Random flag design I threw together in like 2 seconds)

Blue is ocean, Yellow star tying us into the Sino Sphere, and a Red Sky ascendant.

I don't know enough about Guangchou as a country in universe to do anything more specific than this, and to be honest most Asian communist countries had pretty boring flags imo, if anyone has any better Idea's let me know and I can throw something together if you don't know how to, I like making flags for stuff.

This would do imo
The old flag is very... memetically Guangchou for sure.

I don't mind the new one I think it's very unique and interesting, though I don't recommend the hammer and sickle imagery, while it's true it is communist imagery, geo-politically it's much more tied into the Soviet Block then Asian communist countries were and with China right there I don't think any flag the new Government of Guangchou would have chosen would have even slightly been tied to the soviets instead of the Chinese, It's why I personally used the Gold Star instead as it's much more tied to Chinese Communism than the hammer and sickle were.
Okay, I think I've done as much as I can/want to with this design. So, if anyone's interested, it's ready to get voted for:

[X] A new flag for a new time!

For reference:
Next turn, I kind of want to work on armor for our soldiers. And not go through the 'pointless' parades and demonstrations that would exist solely to announce it to the world to try and get people to take us seriously. Just to see how people react to when we finally PUBLICALLY do something, we do nothing to actually announce it!:D

I mean, all we really need is natural word of mouth and possibly the many spies no doubt trying to infiltrate for the info to spread.:V
All of you must understand...America has forgotten the old ways...The Swanson Way.

Shut up Most Americans would act like Ron if they had the choice between the Pyramid or Communism.
We can go for bog-standard commie designs, I guess. It's the safest and most conventional option and least likely to alter anything.

I use this in Politics & War (a game).

So, how important are turtles in our culture? It feels like a sea creature would be a good match for a symbol, and would emphasize out country's defensive purposes. I was thinking maybe something like abominable s design, but on a turtle shell?

Then again, I kind of want something that subtly hints at our cultural openness and acceptance. Rather than our symbol being a symbol of martial strength, is there a design we could use to emphasize our acceptance of LGBTQ, that isn't just us coopting an LGBTQ symbol (Am afraid that if we make a rainbow flag, bigots might make anything associated with that outlawed as a 'commie' thing)

Still thinking through this.
I do like all the actual designs people have put up though. Just wanted to share some thoughts I had
Could always go with a fortress with open doors. Ready to defend, but accepting of outsiders.
See that type of imagery would make since for a more monarchist nation, but we are a full on Asian communist dictatorship in the 1970's, only red flag's with yellow stars allowed, if it's not super garishly communist it's not in vogue right now.
Mind you, when has anything related to Guangchou gone with the flow?
Guangchou is a trend setter not a follower (unless it's great teacher mao we are talking about, plz no invasion china)
I personally prefer the simpler designs, rather than anything particularly busy, to fit the current theme of Communist flags in this era. I also find the tiger face markings and eyes in the sun kind of confusing to look at, and I doubt our father would have left anything from the monarchy as symbolic as their flag anyway.

I'm fine with @Silver Gambit's design, but I thought I'd throw together my own idea for a flag that fits the same design theme while not aping the Soviet and Chinese flags so directly.

something something carry the Revolution across the seas and into space mutter mutter...

[] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.

[] Black and Blue Bars
[] (Random flag design I threw together in like 2 seconds)
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