Just going to add a few plan ideas while I'm feeling inspired - feel free to steal these as write-ins.
Light Industry
-[] Build A Monument Within The Capital
--[] Permaculture Gardens - Mixed use agricultural/recreational spaces that yield both local produce for the city's population as well as pleasant spaces to relax and take in nature.
[ ] GM's Pick - There's a ton of great projects for raising QoL in a small poor nation on
Agri-, and Aquaculture
[ ] Solar Dehydrator Plant - Solar powered food dehydrators are simple and cheap to construct and preserve more nutrients than canning due to the low temperature drying process.
[ ] Durable Goods Libraries - A good way of improving quality of life without needing to produce too many consumer goods is to implement a program where people can borrow more infrequently used goods from a central storehouse - things like vacuum cleaners, specialized cookware, hand tools, etc.
[ ] Public Radio/Televisions - Add TVs/Radios to certain public venues where people can get entertained and informed in a social setting. Once again, lets you have some access to these sorts of luxury goods without needing to make a lot of radios and TVs.
[ ] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda - Guanghou LACKS engineers and sceintists, and accountants, and doctors, and other highly educated workers needed to fulfill the Great leader's ambtious plans. Guangchou HAS more Gay Liberation than you can shake a stick at. It's very possible that you'll be able to attract quite a few learned professionals fleeing persecution in their home countries.[1]
[1] Imagine the CIA trying to a) have agents pretend that hey're queer in order to get in, or b) try to recruit from a population they've been persecuting since... ever. Big exploding cigar vibes there.