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15: Hi, Dad!
[X] Right, magic talking plushies and witches aside, I can't help but notice that I still don't have a single clue why little miss blender wanted to live up to her name! Last I checked, I am neither entropy, nor a witch, nor a curse! … Well technically I do cause entropy, but stabbing me wouldn't change that. So, what gives?!

"Moving right along," You start, feeling a bit bad for Sayaka, "I still don't have an answer to why little miss blender wanted to live up to her name! I'm not a Witch, I'm not Entropy, I'm not a curse... What gives?!"

"It's quite simple, really." Kyubey's tail swishes, back and forth, "You're an anomaly. To both Oriko Mikuni, and myself. She said herself that she cannot perceive you in her visions well. Alongside that fact, you've sided with Madoka Kaname, her apparent enemy."

"Anomaly...?" Homura whispers.

"She... Isn't a Magical Girl?" Madoka asks.

"No. She isn't. Although, there is something about you I can't-"

Mami steps inside, dressed in her usual school uniform. Behind her, a rather tall man holds a little child. "I didn't expect to have guests today, Madoka!"

Kyubey slips away as Madoka turns to her apparent father. "Oh, sorry Dad! It's been an-"

"I, uh, just needed help with homework! Homura and Mami are here because they offered to help, and, um..." Sayaka glances toward you.


"I'm kinda working as their tutor right now, just moved to the neighborhood and thought it'd be a good fit for me." You respond as best you can. "Oh, I'm Yumi Konishi, by the way."

"Yumi...?" The child parrots.

"Konishi... Have I...?" He mutters, "Nevermind, let me get Tatsuya in his chair, and then I'll get started on dinner! Are your friends staying, Madoka?"

"I'd never pass up an opportunity like this! Er... If you'll have me!" Sayaka sheepishly adds the last bit.

"If I wouldn't be a bother, I'd like to stay as well!" Mami chimes.

"I had best be going." Homura mutters.


Homura seems a bit sad as she mutters her response. You've got nowhere to really be, so...

[] Stay for dinner, could be fun!
[] Head to your apartment.
[] Tag along with Homura.
[] Have Homura stay!
[] Write in?
[X] Have Homura stay!

Big groups of people are safer in these times-

wait, no ones told us magic is a secret! I'm gonna write in meguca stuff as dinner concersation once it's time!
[X] Have Homura stay!

Considering this is Shin Megami Tensei crossover, I wonder if we can contract Witches to be our demons.
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Shower thoughts. I am unfamiliar with Shin Megami Tensei, most of what I know is from Persona.

The MC of Persona games has something called a "Sea of Souls" where they can store their extra Personae.

Kyubey turns little girls into MGs by removing their souls from their bodies and turning it into a Soul Gem, which ultimately becomes a Grief Seed.

If I am wrong and that doesn't happen in SMT, I apologize. If not, Kyubey trying to contract us is going to be fucking weird.
16: Dinner with the Group!
[X] Have Homura stay!

"I'll stick around, too!" You say. "You sure you wanna go, Homura?"

"I would like to stay, but..." She begins, but you interrupt her.

"All work, no play makes Jack a dull boy. Take it easy for a minute, Homura!"

"It'll be nice to visit with everyone!" Madoka adds, "And I'd quite like you to stay!"


Homura doesn't meet your gaze, but says, "If you'll have me, it would be rude to turn down."

"Great! Madoka, could you...?" Madoka's father asks, lowering Tatsuya into his sister's arms.

"Right. Come on, let's get you in your chair!"

"Food time, food time!" He responds excitedly.

"So, Yumi," Mami begins, "Do you have a place to go once it's time to return home? If not, I have more than enough room for you in my home."

"Dad helped me snag an apartment about a week ago, but thanks for the offer!" You respond.

"I see, I see." Mami says, a slight tinge of sadness in her voice.

"What brings you to Mitakihara, Yumi?" Homura, of all people, asks.

"I thought I should leave the nest, and Dad agreed. Apartments were surprisingly cheap around here, so it just worked out."

"Ma-do-ka! Ma-do-ka!" Tatsuya chants from his chair.

"Hm? Tatsuya, what is it?" She replies.

"Where Mama?" He asks.

"Mama's working late tonight, Tatsuya, I'll tuck you in." She smiles as she speaks.


Homura's staring at Madoka, a gentle smile on her face. No one else seems to notice.

One question remains, though...

What should you talk about during dinner?

[] What's Mitakihara Middle School like?
[] So, almost dying, huh?
[] Talk about good places to shop.
[] Write in?
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[X] So, almost dying, huh?

Well if you´re just gonna offer, there is no need for me to write it in I suppose.

Edit: Please note, this is not a good idea tactics wise, I merely think it would make sense narratively, as everyone completely failed to ask us to keep anything secret and our conversation was very much not over.
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[X] So, almost dying, huh?

I'll join you Cookie this is too hilarious for me to pass up. Also this would mean that our character is the type of person to blurt it out and that has to mean something.

[X] Write in?
-[X] "So, how's your dating life?"
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I know the QM said they said that they expected us to die earlier but I'd rather our life not become my username just yet
[X] What's Mitakihara Middle School like?
I think the funnier thing would be combining the two. Like after the first flabbergasting statement about almost dying we obviously do the one two punch of then asking about their love life.
Ok. I'll change it to approval voting the write in but I'm not voting for the Mitakihara question. It's just too plain a question. Like we ask that and then what? Normal conversation stuff. Plus I think the author can handle the options given since they were the ones to give it themselves.

Also the author did say they're really liking the write ins. It's giving them a fun writing challenge plus I'm sure they would step in if an option is unfeasible. But also I was really sure it wasn't gonna win anyways cause people don't usually check edits.

You know I kinda wish that write in came earlier since I'm sure more people would have voted for that instead. It's funny and doesn't out any secrets so a great write in overall. If more people were to approval vote it I might just drop the staying alive option.
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