OOC: Misread the vote. New update is old update.
[V] Give Homura to the cat. That way she can protect the poor girl from plushies and their oracle-blender minion pairs!
"Here, you should take care of her. I'm hardly equipped for such things." You say, holding Amy out in front of you.
"I suppose-" Homura begins, but you begin speaking again.
"I'm sure she's scared. You need to help her through that. Also, protect her from those plushie not-cat things, and from oracle-blender pairs!" You declare.
Homura is speechless. She is silent for a small while. Eventually, she speaks. "You... I think I'm beginning to understand you."
"You say something, Homura? Sorry, me and Amy just had a moment."
"Ah." Is all she musters.
"Anyways, Amy, this..." You point Amy towards Homura, "...is your very own human! Take good care of her, Amy!"
She mewls in response.
Homura looks... Confused, to say the least.
"Did you... Give me to Amy...?"
"Yeah, why?" You respond.
Suddenly, someone speeds by on a car, very clearly going over the speed limit. If you hadn't noticed that poor cat, it could've been hit!
You refrain from yelling something putrid at the driver, albeit barely.
"That was..." Homura pauses, "...Emotionally draining."
"Did you catch his plates?" You growl unintentionally.
"I... Huh?" She's still processing her new cat monarch.
"Eh, nevermind. Let's go!" You take the lead and keep walking.
Eventually, you reach your destination. You double check the address that Dad sent you.
"This is...!" Homura whispers to herself.
"We're here, then! New home!" You say, ascending the staircase to the second floor of the apartment building.
"Yumi, we are going to your home, correct?"
"Yeah, we're here! Just need to unpack, and get my key from the neighbor." You explain, moving to your neighbor's door. "Let's see... She should be... Here!"
You knock. After a moment, you hear footsteps, and, soon after, the door opens.
"Yumi? Well, this is a surprise! Hello again!" Mami says, smiling. "Aww, what a cute cat, Homura!"
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