Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Bolt action guns are reachable with our contacts, the main thing about those are smokeless gunpowder, Vinny would know the recipe, and if he get helga, probably her too. So having a rifle with a spring loaded magazine would be a thing.
Chi enhanced rifleman as an a unity would give the military teeth that we lack
Bolt action guns are reachable with our contacts, the main thing about those are smokeless gunpowder, Vinny would know the recipe, and if he get helga, probably her too. So having a rifle with a spring loaded magazine would be a thing.
Chi enhanced rifleman as an a unity would give the military teeth that we lack
if that's the case then we can get an insanely powerful anti infantry weapons that are more cold and weather resistant than their counterparts and can be used en mass with accuracy once we get firearms our army will be way more powerful
I feel as though that would all break the setting. Guns tend to be faction-based, and are few and far in-between. EITC has flintlock muskets and cannons, the Huntsmen have their private arsenal, none of which surpasses WWI-level equipment, and tends to be specialist gear that is difficult to replicate, and Holmes and Watson have their revolvers. Our own Frederick Selous has a Sharps rifle and a revolver, while Indy, the McGann brothers, and Ned have a limited stash of WWI-era rifles and pistols.
Guys, you're getting carried away with yourselves. Smokeless powder is only a fraction of what's needed. They'd need to be able to create consistent barrels en-mass, they'd need to have the ability to manufacture all of the intricate pieces. The majority of factions here don't have the ability to churn out mass quantities of any of that. And training artisans to hand craft each element means that said elements run the risk of not being uniform. And those that do know how to make them don't have the knowledge of how to make the machines that made them in the old timeline. So you don't have any kind of standard for the weapons being produced. And has been also pointed out, this setting's magic, or magi-tech in the case of Atlantis, levels a lot of playing fields.
If you want industry, there's theoretically the Russian Empire ruled by Rasputin, which is post WW1. However, Rasputin's a vassal of Chernabog, and Russia isn't really industrialized because the Soviets were overthrown/couped/conquered before they could get much of the way into purging each other over the NEP. In fact, I wouldn't put it past Chernabog to direct Rapsutin to de-industrialize Russia; the Big C's main power base is magic, and the Soviet's main power base was industrial workers. Promote mysticism while striking at the probable resistance's power base.

(I still need to write that omake about Old Bolsheviks struggling to survive in Rasputin's Russia)
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I feel as though that would all break the setting.
It seems so but not realy.
Eventually Factions like the EITC will try to upgrade their arsenal anyways.
And since we don't have machining to mass produce it, rifles would be a improved crossbow mechanically.
Not mention that there enough wizzards on the setting that would trivialize even chi enchaced rifleman.
It seems so but not realy.
Eventually Factions like the EITC will try to upgrade their arsenal anyways.
And since we don't have machining to mass produce it, rifles would be a improved crossbow mechanically.
Not mention that there enough wizzards on the setting that would trivialize even chi enchaced rifleman.
Maybe we could start making improved siege equipment like counterweight trebuchets since no one sround here has the neccasary fortifications to even counter one of those and they only require advanced mathematics which we definitely have
I mean...Most the Good Equipment was stolen by the Czechoslovak legion and they are out there in the Dark Places.
Anastasia (the Don Bluth movie) is set in 1926. The Czechoslovak legion had already returned home by 1920. And I think we're working with the mid 1920's time here, considering there was a previous omake with one of the Anastasia supporting characters who would have been a kid in 1920.
Anastasia (the Don Bluth movie) is set in 1926. The Czechoslovak legion had already returned home by 1920. And I think we're working with the mid 1920's time here, considering there was a previous omake with one of the Anastasia supporting characters who would have been a kid in 1920.
I know but looking at the Semi-Canon on the Omake...means something is going on in Russia and they are somewhat a part of the madness. I just don't know how? The boss won't tell me and I didn't ask for more details as I assume its part of the plan.
Maybe we could start making improved siege equipment like counterweight trebuchets since no one sround here has the neccasary fortifications to even counter one of those and they only require advanced mathematics which we definitely have
For stationary defences we could do with canon since they are easyer to man, make defensible buildings In itself is not that outside of our well house. The genie made sure to fill abwabua with talent that could be foun on aladin's time.
There is only one "wizzard", and sadly Rincewind and the accompanying Discworld aren't a part of the DVV setting. :D
Ok, there's enough MAGIC-MAN-THINGS that would trivialize chi enchaced rifleman.
In the end that idea could still be done with a repeating crossbow, it would lose a some performance even if we compensate with special payloads but it would be doable.
Maybe we could start making improved siege equipment like counterweight trebuchets since no one sround here has the neccasary fortifications to even counter one of those and they only require advanced mathematics which we definitely have
Ooh! We actually have an option for this!

- [][Martial] Engines of War
The lack of siege engines is understandable due to the terrain around Ababwa; but it probably wouldn't be amiss to perhaps have a few in your arsenal just in case. Find an engineer to construct some using the iron-hard timber harvested from the Forest.
DC: 70
Cost: 9,000 Gold; Upkeep cost of 500 gold per turn
Ooh! We actually have an option for this!

- [][Martial] Engines of War
The lack of siege engines is understandable due to the terrain around Ababwa; but it probably wouldn't be amiss to perhaps have a few in your arsenal just in case. Find an engineer to construct some using the iron-hard timber harvested from the Forest.
DC: 70
Cost: 9,000 Gold; Upkeep cost of 500 gold per turn
They're actually the thing I wanted to do this turn but then our ally got attacked and forced a shift in priorities.
For stationary defences we could do with canon since they are easyer to man, make defensible buildings In itself is not that outside of our well house. The genie made sure to fill abwabua with talent that could be foun on aladin's time.

Ok, there's enough MAGIC-MAN-THINGS that would trivialize chi enchaced rifleman.
In the end that idea could still be done with a repeating crossbow, it would lose a some performance even if we compensate with special payloads but it would be doable.
I also wanted to do cannons but in order to make those we would require lots of metal workers and artisians at least with the trebuchets we can make them quickly in the short term and later replace them with cannons
[X] Plan Personal Growth

Really great quest, wonderful job @TempestK ! Hope you can keep it up for a long time, I can't wait to see where this goes! Anyway, about the plan, any plan that involves us gaining a Dragon has my tentative vote. Hope in the next few turns we can establish some sort of deal with Viggo and maybe a bigger connection with Atlantis.

Regarding Atlantis, I might need to go back and read through every mention of it, because I don't actually remember how this specifically differs from the normal DVV or the original movie, since Rourke doesn't seem to be ruling
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by TempestK on Feb 5, 2022 at 12:47 PM, finished with 177 posts and 26 votes.

  • [X] Plan Personal Growth
    -[X][Martial] Lean on Me
    - [X][Stewardship] Always Under the Same Sky
    - [X][Diplomacy] Ever-Widening Web
    - [X][Intrigue] Cast your net out further, begin expanding your intelligence network
    - [X][Learning] A Green Thumb...
    - [X][Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb
    - [X][Occult] Unscrambling an Identity
    - [X][Personal] Life's a Zoo
    -- [X] Train specifically with the Sirrush
    -[X][Will Personal] Will He Stay or Will He Go?
    --[X]Go: Will leaves for Atlantis. The Atlanteans are willing to give you an attache... of sorts, to make up for losing such a valuable ally. Improves relations with Atlantis, gains ??????
    -[X][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
    --[X][Intrigue] Cast your net out further, begin expanding your intelligence network
    -[X][Jose Personal] I'm Old, not Dead
    --[X][Diplomacy] Ever-Widening Web
    -[X][Tai Lung Personal] Walk the Earth
    -[X][Leah Personal] Time with Cade
    -[X][Selous Personal] All Creatures Great and Small
    [X] Plan Personal Growth but with Cade personal action
    -[X][Martial] Lean on Me
    - [X][Stewardship] Always Under the Same Sky
    - [X][Diplomacy] Ever-Widening Web
    - [X][Intrigue] Cast your net out further, begin expanding your intelligence network
    - [X][Learning] A Green Thumb...
    - [X][Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb
    - [X][Occult] Unscrambling an Identity
    - [X][Personal] Bigger than you Believe
    -[X][Will Personal] Will He Stay or Will He Go?
    --[X]Go: Will leaves for Atlantis. The Atlanteans are willing to give you an attache... of sorts, to make up for losing such a valuable ally. Improves relations with Atlantis, gains ??????
    -[X][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
    --[X][Intrigue] Cast your net out further, begin expanding your intelligence network
    -[X][Jose Personal] I'm Old, not Dead
    --[X][Diplomacy] Ever-Widening Web
    -[X][Tai Lung Personal] Walk the Earth
    -[X][Leah Personal] Time with Cade
    -[X][Selous Personal] All Creatures Great and Small
Instead of guns, once we have gunpowder we could look into Hwachas, rocket launched arrows are a rather good weapon, both for defending, and for fighting on open ground, not that great for sieging an enemy city though.
Time to look at potential XP spending.

[Martial] Lean on Me DC: 36
[Stewardship] Always Under the Same Sky DC 39
[Diplomacy] Ever-Widening Web DC 44
[Intrigue] Cast your net out further, begin expanding your intelligence network DC 40
[Learning] A Green Thumb... DC: 8
[Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb DC 33
[Occult] Unscrambling an Identity DC Auto/31
[Personal] Life's a Zoo (Sirrush) DC 30
Tai Lung Personal] Walk the Earth DC 46
Leah Personal] Time with Cade DC 31
Selous Personal] All Creatures Great and Small DC 35

Considering action economy we probably want to max buff diplo and intrigue before anything else.
Ok, there's enough MAGIC-MAN-THINGS that would trivialize chi enchaced rifleman.
Dude, tone down the hostility. Also, that is not true in the least. There are fae and there are wizards, but there are a lot more mundane people than there are magic users.

Eventually Factions like the EITC will try to upgrade their arsenal anyways.
Here's the sticking point though. Who's coming up with the upgrades? Most of the people that would have invented said upgrades are very much gone. And the EITC doesn't really have a plethora of inventors and engineers running around. Out of all of the factions Shen and Atlantis seem to be the only two that know about rifling, and even then Atlantis suffers from the supply issue because all of the infrastructure to make it was vanished.
Regarding Atlantis, I might need to go back and read through every mention of it, because I don't actually remember how this specifically differs from the normal DVV or the original movie, since Rourke doesn't seem to be ruling
In "canon" DVV, Rourke took over and convinced Milo to work for him. He forced a fusion and "americanization" of the Atlanteans, and also split up the original team to a bunch of different postings. Here, Rourke took command initially but... well, things happened and he's not in the picture anymore. So instead you have the Integrated Council of Atlantis.

In canon canon, Rourke was "infected" by energy from the Heart of Atlantis during the climactic fight that led to the volcano erupting that turned him into some kind of crystal monstrosity that was then destroyed when it hit the propellor blades of the air ship they were trying to use in order to airlift Kida and the Heart of Atlantis out. That was also where Helga died after Rourke betrayed her. The volcano erupted and then the Heart reactivated all of the ancient golem defenders to protect the city; after which it gave up Kida.

Time to look at potential XP spending.
And as always, there will be another 24 hours for all of those whom have XP to allocate it to the various rolls.