Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
How about going for a write in? Specifically, House Tindomiel.
They're the house that worships the Goddesss of magic, so they'll likely have some insight into magical matters, and we know that there's something going on with the Waystones here. If we ask house Tindomiel for help we can gauge how much knowledge they have about Waystones, which will give us an idea as to how useful to the Waystone project they could be.

Eh, they are cityborn and as far as we know not that involved with the fey.
I suggested it as a possibility, not the one true answer. I understand there is a need to refute people's theories as soon as they come up because the assumption is that if someone posts an idea then they believe it to be the 100% truth, but sometimes people just be posting possibilities, not scientific journals.

What really grinds my gears is when someone responds with "but you don't know that!" and I'm like... Yeah, that's why it's speculation. If I knew it, I'd pull up the evidence.
Anyway, I'm strongly leaning towards the Hedgewise. Their magic involves Spirit stuff, they potentially have waystone knowledge, they have connections to the Hag Witches, who also do Spirit stuff, and they also potentially have waystone knowledge as well.

It's four birds with one highly illegal stone! What could go wrong?
I think both the elves and the hedgewise have their ups and downs. The elves almost certainly know more about fey in general as their tradition is both older and unbroken by constant persecution, but the hedgewise are more likely to have local lore on the matter.
I think Hedgewise. They're our best bet for either finding the problem or at least clearing 'spirit shenanigans' off the list of possibilities.
@Boney Thank you for the update. It's been delightful and I can't wait to pick it apart when I get back home.

For the moment I would like people to consider that perhaps there is something in Kislev that might be feeding on the Waystone's energy. Something that fuels the power of the "Motherland" and frm which the Ice Witches would benefit from keeping directed to it.

I'm implying the Ancient Widow is eating the energy to keep Kislev safe and fuel the Ice Witches. It's a possibility.
Thats... actually what i assumed from the start tbh, when we first met Ice Witches. The power of the Land comes from the Land and waystones are vital to its existence to the point that the entirety of Kislev is implied to be a gigantic Ice Witch plot to get more bodies to protect them.

So it makes sense that obviously they are not sending the Waystone energy anywhere but use it themselves.

I never really expected otherwise. But thats presumably okay, the Elven conclaves in Erengard are not raising any fuss and the energy gets used anyway.

Another point in the favour would be this:

Boris nods. "Yha, there is one below the dungeons, glows white during blizzards. Always wondered what it was for."

I don't really think that reacting to weather phenomena is something Waystones usually do.

EDIT: Honestly, this is why i think Ice Witches are someone we want to eventually get in on the project, they seem to be pretty good powerusers of what they have :V
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We've been explicitly told that the issue isn't in the forest, it is the forest. How long do we dance around the subject until we fire up the dragonflask and get to work? Or just call Asarnil for the genuine article. :V

[ ] From scratch
-[ ] Travel by Shadowsteed in a direct line from Gross Selon to Kislev City, shadowed by Johann in a gyrobomber.

Or maybe the other way around, if it turns out that Mathilde following a copter is easier to do . . . :facepalm:
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I also just realised that the reason that Johann got a +15 bonus to his magesight instead of the +10 that Mathilde got from Windsage is because his Magnetoreception makes him a living compass.

Never leave home without your Johann. You'll never get lost, because he always knows where true north is.
@Boney Thank you for the update. It's been delightful and I can't wait to pick it apart when I get back home.

For the moment I would like people to consider that perhaps there is something in Kislev that might be feeding on the Waystone's energy. Something that fuels the power of the "Motherland" and frm which the Ice Witches would benefit from keeping directed to it.

I'm implying the Ancient Widow is eating the energy to keep Kislev safe and fuel the Ice Witches. It's a possibility.
That was my immediate thought as well. The Ice Witches specifically maintain the network of leylines and waystones in Kislev in accordance with the Ancient Widows desires, and they can draw from all those leylines and waystones more safely because the Ancient Widow rules over them.

Seems highly plausible that She doesn't let that power leave her realm.
That was my immediate thought as well. The Ice Witches specifically maintain the network of leylines and waystones in Kislev in accordance with the Ancient Widows desires, and they can draw from all those leylines and waystones more safely because the Ancient Widow rules over them.

Seems highly plausible that She doesn't let that power leave her realm.

And it's not like the Asur would be upset over it either if they noticed it. As far as they are concerned the more power gets used up in the north the less likely it it to clog up someplace downstream on Waystones they no longer have the manpower to maintain.
One point we should consider is that whatever is going on has been going on for a while, and the locals can't seem to deal with it. The Hedgewise, being insular, would have kept whatever they figured out to themselves, but if the Elector Count or the witch hunters or even the ice witches had something concrete we probably wouldn't be here. So of the locals the Hedgewise are the only ones I'll seriously consider, from everyone else I expect to get something not much better than what the Longshanks gave us.

Or we can use outside help, and bring in the Eonir. They're experts on those sort of things, and they have the kind of expertise none of the locals have access to. The best option for solving the mystery is probably this one:
[ ] Queen Marrisith's suggestion
Go right to the top. More Elector Counts thinking kindly of Laurelorn would be very much in her favour, and though she wouldn't come herself, she'd be able to name someone who would be able to help and has the authority to tell them to go.
But we can kill two birds with one stone and use this to scout out potential allies. If we do so my preference is either the Stormwitch, because we're unlikely to interact with her any time soon otherwise, or House Tindomiel, because they're one of the Houses we're most likely to recruit.
I also just realised that the reason that Johann got a +15 bonus to his magesight instead of the +10 that Mathilde got from Windsage is because his Magnetoreception makes him a living compass.

Never leave home without your Johann. You'll never get lost, because he always knows where true north is.

Yeah, he'd normally get a +5 for general Magesight checks, but for a magical phenomenon that is exactly lined up with two cardinal directions he tripled it and the direction of it was the first thing he noticed.
Ok, let's do this backwards first, who would be the least useful with dealing with forest spirits (we think)

[ ] League of Ostermark
The trade league of Ostermark's nobility are likely to see you as a shareholder of the EIC first and a Grey Wizard second, but they more than anyone have a vested interest in peace and prosperity reigning over the Upper Talabec

Absolutely not
their wheel house.

[ ] Morrite Witch Hunters
While the citizens of every province of the Empire respect Morr, Ostermarkers revere him more than most, which means that Morrite organizations like the Order of the Shroud, the Dreamwalkers, and the Andanti fill the role of Witch Hunters in Ostermark where normally the Templars of Sigmar would hold sway. Get in touch with them and see what they might know.

It important to note that morrites do have ways to deal with sprints, not just ghost…. Its just that, unlike ghost, those ways boil down to 'stab it'.

[ ] Elector Count Wolfram Hertwig
Chancellor Wolfram Hertwig has a reputation for being sensible, and if anyone would know what's going on in Ostermark, it would be him. But approaching him openly would make your presence here very official, which might get in the way.

I won't say useless because he would be able to make all the other groups on the empire side jump to it. But I'm not sure about escalating to the big guns yet.

[ ] Tsarevich Boris Bokha
You've met him before, and he seems to have made it his business to solve problems that his more straightforward father can't or won't. Seek him out once more and see if he's interested in solving a source of unrest and disruption in the Southern Oblast.

The same story with the electer count, but because he could take to the hag witch's and make them jump, he is arguably more useful.

So those are the ones I think that are out of the running while the theory is (forest spirts)
I think we should be at least a bit wary of bringing not just Laurelorn but the queen, she would do her level best to bring another province into her anti-Norland alliance and we do not really want the Eonir to wield too much power in imperial politics. Keep in mind the lector counts are not used to dealing with the subtlety and political acumen of the elves, they are more used to dwarfs, if they are used to any elder race.
Oof. Crappy rolls for Mathilde here. Good thing Johann was around to pick up the slack.

Hmmm... the trouble supposedly crosses over to Kislev at times, right? Methinks there's an intermediate waystone somewhere between Bechafen and Kislev that is either shut off or being siphoned by something.
Hmm. If the forest spirits are trying to prepare some nefarious plan, it's not too unlikely they're using the power of a Waystone to do it. So what about this for a write-in?

[] Write-In: Investigate the path the waystone's energy should be flowing between Bechafen and Kislev.
For those confused about the words here like I was:
"And that they are still hidden is why so many are concerned." He nods to you. "You asked to see the Longshanks, and I can see why you would think they would help. But the hierarchy of the Longshanks makes that difficult - there has not been a Guardian of the Greifwald for generations, and ever since these woods have fallen under the authority of the Guardian of the Schattenwald, whose attentions are focused on Ostland. The Longshanks here are all but independent, and act according to their immediate concerns only."
Rudimentary googling has led me to Greif meaning Gryphon and Schatten meaning shadow or shade. Wald refers to woods or forest. This seems to point toward Gryphon Wood and Forest of Shadows, which is the point of contention here. He believes Gryphon Wood should have its own guardian.
[X] The Ostermark Hedgewise
The obligatory Hedgewise vote. Also, knowing about this sort of this is exactly their deal, and they could connect us to the hags which might know something from the other side of the border.

[X] Lady Kaia 'Stormwitch' Fanmaris
[X] House Tindomiel
Are those the best Eonir for the job? Probably not. But they have some relevant expertise, they'll bring something to the table that no one local has, and this will allow us to get to know them. People wanted to get to know potential elf recruits so badly that a few posters advocated spending AP on it last turn, and this will allow us to do it for 'free'.