Ok, but my problem is that you are assuming your conclusion.
Why do you think that a broad but shallow approach is superior to a narrow but deep one?
well that's actually an assumption that 3 is a deep connection, and that 2 is a shallow one. I actually feel that such an assumption isn't the correct way to frame it. These aren't interpersonal relationships, they're by their nature broad and generalized. I find it difficult to imagine having a "deep" connection to any broad group of peoples, since Ling Qi simply isn't attached to any collective in that way. She even rejects the modern principles of blood-family. Depth seems a strange way to perceive a relationship defined as "Members will be generally well disposed toward you and the organization may actively support you".
No. The way I view it I see 2 as a sort of step past a bottleneck. -1, 0, and 1 are very shallow and limited to a small number of interested individuals alongside generalized indifference. -3, -2, 2 and 3 have "Mild Institutional Notice" that opens Connections to these broad groups, in either a positive or negative light. These have impacts when we're trying to interact in the ecosystem beyond just individuals. -6, -5, -4, 4, 5 and 6 are the bonds at which groups are Declared for or against. They've picked a side, and are going to do something about it.
In that respect, for our actual job as Spymaster for Renxiang we do actually want to get out of the shallows and into the middle ground. Ideally we reach Declared status at some point, but honestly we need to open Connections in order to get there. Without Connection there cannot be accurate Communication. Without Communication, we'll not be able to forge a deeper relationship with any broad group.
Getting to Bond 3 from 2 doesn't seem to be as important as getting to Bond 2 from Bond 1 for our job as Spymaster. I think that getting to 3
may be better for our Fief and
may be better for Hanyi but, frankly speaking, The Foundations aren't nearly as influential a group in the Emerald Seas as the Central Valley region is. The Foundations are, functionally, the backwoods of the backwoods. They don't have the ancient grandeur of The Western Fens or Eastern Plains. They don't have the Imperial sensibilities of the Jing River Valleys nor the Celestial Hills. They're not as isolated as the Thundering Hills, but on a flow chart of "Important Low Noble Groups of the Province" The Foundations is likely second to last. Which isn't to say they're unimportant, but I do think Central Valley is likely rank 1 for our Spymaster Job.
Central Valley is literally the Center of the Emerald Seas. They're neighbors to most of the culture groups in the Emerald Seas, and are the culture group out of which the primary Cai supporting Hui-era Count rose. They have access to the majority of the major river systems of Emerald Seas and are involved with the trade of both goods and information. Establishing a network here should be a top priority for our Spymaster job, regardless of the additional benefits. However, there are also additional benefits.
One of the benefits is that the Diao are the
only Count clan that is at -1 with us. Some individuals within the Diao have taken notice in a negative way, and establishing a network in the primary region those individuals will be working is
very helpful. The sabotage of Hanyi's performance was organized in this region, and whether or not there's a Diao at the root of it this
is the region we can expect more troubles to come from.
An additional reason is that their trade of information isn't simply information coming to our ears, but information going out as well. Before any construction, immigration, integration or other major deals can occur there needs to be some basic Cultural Exchange with the White Sky in order for there to be desire to engage with them. We will need to be pumping out positive information about them, and spreading that information around to help focus on the virtues of The White Sky so that they can be accepted as a civilized polity with which we can form Trade Relations with. This information will be pumped out, but it can be ignored or otherwise discarded if only individuals are engaging with such things. At rank 2, the "Mild Institutional Notice" will allow us to get in the door of places that may otherwise be totally indifferent (or feel threatened, such as how that priestess felt during Hanyi's first performance).
In addition to that, there's a roll to see if we absolute high roll into achieving "Mild Institutional Notice" with the primary culture group of the Jia (Thundering Hills). Getting 3/6 primary Count Culture Groups to notice us in a positive manner is fantastic, and while that's not necessarily going to translate to half the province it
does allow us to establish solid networks in roughly half of the Counties of Emerald Seas. Sewing the seeds of these networks
now allows us to have a
much broader power bloc in the future as the Jia and Wang continue to settle into and develop their Counties. Unlike the more stagnant areas of the Emerald Seas, these three Counties are the ones with the most change going on in them, and thus the most room for us to grow alongside them. If we hit that high-roll we'll be in excellent shape for the future goal of Uniting the Province.
I view that goal of "Uniting the Province" to be one that is necessarily a broad set of Connections that are then made deep. The Emerald Seas have
extremely well-developed/Independent Counts due to the consistent central weakness of their Ducals. The Weilu were isolationist and typically allowed the Counts to run things. The Xi were warlords that fed their vassal Counts much land, power and peoples until the point came that they could no longer dominate them. The Hui completely failed to govern in a centralized way, instead taking much of the credit of successful Count governance even as Bandit Kingdoms flourished and Ogodei ran rampant. There is depth in these surviving (and newly risen) Counts that we cannot hope to match from the start, which necessarily means we either must start in the shallows or begin to undermine that depth. For the younger counts and counties the depth isn't nearly as deep, but the Meng actually delve back into pre-Imperial ancient times.
So what's the plan here? To do as the Imperial Warlords of other provinces done and establish a power bloc with which to dominate the rest? To try to dislodge power structures that have survived longer than 3 Ducals and predate the Empire? Or to attempt to reach backwards towards Tsu, and his ability to unite the people not through conquest but instead through Tea, Agriculture and Mutual Respect?
I think that a few locals that are actively disposed towards helping us is much better for our momentum than a general "oh, those folk over there? I guess they are cool" attitude across the province.
We are going to need help: immigration, construction, integration with local roads and markets- all of this stuff goes much, much better with people that are willing to actively help us being the ones we are shaking hands with. The places further away are going to help less simply because it requires projecting power further, across the territory of their rivals.
Plus, I expect civil war. Potentially within the province as well, as Shengua by her nature keeps pushing boundaries. So I would prefer actual allies to tentative good will. It puts us in a stronger position to negotiate with other blocks, and gives us a straightforward win condition of adding to our coalition rather than trying to get everyone to like us without a personal base of power.
I like the way are leaning into creating an emerald seas identity. The way I see it, we should build up strong local alliances for our own power and security while Shengua controls the province, and leveraging the new provincial identity to undermine the families who dislike us.
We are, at some point, going to need a clan that volunteers to be made an example of to prove to the others that we are not to be fucked with. I do not hold out any hope that we can successfully get everyone on our side with just diplomacy- material interests conflict too much.
I see.
So we're coming at this from fundamentally different perspectives. You
don't believe in a Neo-Weilu that can embrace an echo of Tsu. You're looking to lean into Imperialism, and wrestle the province into control as the Xi once did. Or to undermine and control through the webs of intrigue that the Hui once spun.
I believe you're mistaken about the immigration, construction and integration issues on the front end. That's not what should happen first at the Diplo Summit. The first thing to exchange is Cultural Information. We need to establish a Connection and some rudimentary understanding before we can engage with Trade and Immigration which require infrastructure that does not exist, and is unlikely to be built in the middle of the ongoing War. The task isn't to get allies on board with immigration or trade immediately, it's to get even Imperial Moderates to say something along the lines of "Oh, those White Sky? They are the rumored Civilized Barbarians. They exhibit many virtues, even if they're ultimately still barbarous." For that sort of acceptance, we actually
do need broad information networks to distribute and knead the threads of information reaching the broader province. We cannot allow the weeds of bigotry to grow strong simply because we prefer to grow taller more quickly. We should make sure we're able to contest propaganda with our own in every cultural group we can manage. Division is sewn and grown as surely as Unity. The Emerald Seas is at a point of unprecedented willingness to Connect itself into a whole again, and we shouldn't squander the chance by assuming the worst.
The Chu assumed the worst of the Emerald Seas, and were shocked that their ill behavior was not tolerated in the slightest. This is a new era for the Emerald Seas, or it can be. Let's not make the mistakes of the past, when Tsu is there to provide an example to build off of.
I expect it to be very helpful for Hanyi, honestly. Power and experience and relevance- this is how she grows up and becomes our equal rather than our ward, an adult sister with power comparable to her mom.
So in the same way I would support our turtlesnek in his gardening, I want to support Hanyi in building audiences and worship. Her increases in power are something we can leverage a lot more directly than vague good will from Ducal clans.
Here you even compare the power of our sister approaching cyan to be more directly
leverageable than the good will of huge amounts of lower nobles and the Counts themselves (you say Ducals but I assume you meant Counts). That's so . . controlling. The only reason that such would be true is if diplomacy truly failed to precipitate any rainfall whatsoever. The Counties and the nobles that populate them are incredibly, majestically wealthy in skill and talent and labor and wealth. Even a fraction of good will, applied broadly, can reap a grand harvest. What you're talking about sounds like pre-Tsu agriculture, where you need to waste energy wrestling the weeds you allowed to bloom through negligence when instead you could have simply negotiated with them, made them your fences, and empowered them in a mutually beneficial way. So much struggle for a fraction of the dividends. Domination is a mighty waste when Voluntary Connections can be forged.
I think that's the root of it. A belief that there can be a hard-fought primarily Voluntary set of connections to unite the province which isn't reliant on warmongering and making examples of some of our own citizenry. We're supposed to be
better than Shenhua, not a repeat. It seems like you've given up hope before we've even started, rejected the cultural roots of the province before we've even gotten around to exploring them.
I think your fears are valid, and not unfounded. I just also, I duno, I believe that trust has to start being built somewhere? And even if the connections are shallow for now, and the actions small, the ability for the Emerald Seas to trust one another (and itself) again does need to be built everywhere just a little at a time. I don't believe bonds of 1 will be enough to start laying those foundations, and even if we lay them faster at 3 I think we can only truly begin laying them at 2. While I think we can achieve our long term goals through either option, I feel that we'll be needing to rank up the Central Valley pretty soon even if we don't do it now. We'd be putting off that work in favor of some small advantage for Hanyi, and I don't believe that's best for the province or our liege. Especially if there's a chance we can also get a Thundering Hills connection. The potential for baseline networks in 3/6 of the primary County-sized Cultures is just, so tasty.