Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Water!

Don't want to risk pulling a Michael Bay on the cathedral. Water could be a swarm but should also give our team the ability to go hard without fear of being buried alive.
Great update! Don't worry overmuch for the length of the chapter, we enjoy it greatly anyway.

I doubt we'll get yet another site at the 3rd threshold, so we already know which places are available for the cultivation plan next turn. And just on time, we barely had any bonuses to assign to our first 2 plans. There were only the Silent Moon Stones and the Argent Vent, if I remember it rigth? Or there was a 3rd place?
The math cabal is going to have fun discussing the optimal combination of projects and sites.

Now onto the vote. This is one of those cases where reality reassets itself after the vote. So let's review each option.

With the water option we will likely face the siren queen or something similar. I'm confident in our chances in that case. As Sixiang said, we are an eagle between hawks. As a plus, it will most likely be a spiritual/illusions battle, so the risk of damaging the site will be minimal. I really don't wanna piss off the mighty sunstone spirit.

But it's also possible we have to fight off against a predator of them. Less likely though, I believe. The atmosphere of the place was too tranquil it to be a big predator's hunting grounds.

In both cases, there is a good chance of turning the luring spirits into our subordinates, which really fits our theme. Hanyi could get a chorus!

The ceiling option could be anything, really. A wind spirit, a giant spider, a pack of cave predators, a baboon gang. Who knows? Anyway, it sounds a lot more brawly than the other option. Not really feeling it.


[X] Water!
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I doubt we'll get yet another site at the 3rd threshold
the Cathedral was the 3rd Threshold Reward c:

I wonder if the -1GSS for cultivation projects is per-cultivator or first-come-first-serve for the month.

If it's per cultivator, -1GSS for any cultivator that has one of: Sun, Light, Water, Wind
combined with an extra -1 GSS for cultivators of Darkness

that's a lot of discounts available at our fief for many flavors of Darkness cultivator.

It also make me think about what a Darkness and Light Art could look like if Balanced. Darkness makes the Light seem brighter by contrast, and the Light makes the Darkness seem deeper by contrast. Perhaps a mutually strengthening Art? It'd be a very helpful tool for all our Bright allies battling amongst our deep shadows.
If it is per cultivator then getting a local militia set up would be really fast. One GSS per month can get new reds the maximum possible bonus from spirit stones.
My question that I don't think has been answered is if these sites are LQ fief specific and on scouting rolls we'll find different sites and things for CXR and GG's bits of the region that we'll have little/no access to or if these sites are shared between the region.

And it'd be nice to get a blurb on how mineral, exotic resource, and cultivation site law works, now that we're actively part of the feudal structure for real. Doesn't have to be super technical at all.