Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Plan Redshirt v2 with Divine AV with nice living space

I like a lot of the plans put forward, but... I think the auditing division would be better for the EIC, though it's a bit out of character/based on meta-knowledge. Establishing a tradition of institutions not being blatantly corrupt would be a tremendously good thing, and the EIC is a very good lever to do that with. So... that should go somewhere on the list.
Blackpowder is good, but there are a lot of blackpowder factories. I think this is a dwarven one, which makes it particularly good, but also still a localized improvement, where the EIC is big enough to possibly make some actual cultural inroads.
The auditing division would, of course, also give us/the Grey College a tremendous amount of information on all trade conducted through the EIC, and knowledge of/leverage against anyone who does attempt to cheat.
[x] Plan Redshirt v2
- [x] JOHANN: Have Johann spend time getting to know Kadoh, who has expressed an interest in meeting the 'fist metal-Mage'.
- [x] Attempt to bring a Karak's Runesmiths into the Waystone Project (Karak Azul)
-- [x] COIN: The Gambler
- [x] Furnish the living spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (600gc)
- [x] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Cityborn' Toriour inhabitants of Tor Lithanel
- [x] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Forestborn' Faniour inhabitants of the woods surrounding Tor Lithanel
- [x] Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments.
- [x] EIC: Have a blackpowder factory built in Wurtbad.
- [x] SERENITY: Observations of Karag Dum and its unusual guardian
[x] Plan Redshirt v2 with Divine AV
- [x] JOHANN: Have Johann spend time getting to know Kadoh, who has expressed an interest in meeting the 'fist metal-Mage'.
- [x] Attempt to bring a Karak's Runesmiths into the Waystone Project (Karak Azul)
-- [x] COIN: The Gambler
- [x] Furnish the living spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (600gc)
- [x] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Cityborn' Toriour inhabitants of Tor Lithanel
- [x] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Forestborn' Faniour inhabitants of the woods surrounding Tor Lithanel
- [x] Investigate how the Vitae reacts with Divine Magic.
- [x] EIC: Have a blackpowder factory built in Wurtbad.
- [x] SERENITY: Observations of Karag Dum and its unusual guardian
I want the 'nice' living space but I much prefer AV enchantment to divine, so further fragmentation is go.

[X] Plan Redshirt v2 with nice living space
-[X] JOHANN: Have Johann spend time getting to know Kadoh, who has expressed an interest in meeting the 'fist metal-Mage'.
-[X] Attempt to bring a Karak's Runesmiths into the Waystone Project (Karak Azul)
--[X] COIN: The Gambler
-[X] Furnish the living spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (300gc)
-[X] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Cityborn' Toriour inhabitants of Tor Lithanel
-[X] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Forestborn' Faniour inhabitants of the woods surrounding Tor Lithanel
-[X] Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments.
-[X] EIC: Have a blackpowder factory built in Wurtbad.
-[X] SERENITY: Observations of Karag Dum and its unusual guardian

[X] Plan Redshirt v2
[X] Plan Redshirt v2 with Divine AV

I'm fine with either space, but I really like the Ranald Wills It meme so I'm rolling with it.
[X] Plan Redshirt v2 with Divine AV
[X] Plan Redshirt v2
Wastes money and inefficient WEB-MAT. A shame because the rest of the plan is great.

[X] Plan Redshirt v2 with Divine AV with nice living space
[X] Plan Redshirt v2 with nice living space
Still AP inefficient, but at least not deliberately wasteful.

[X] Plan Redshirt v2 with Divine AV with nice living space
[X] Plan Redshirt v2 with nice living space

[x] Plan Windherding: Crawl now, Run next turn
Decent plan. But throws away 300gc.

[X] Plan: Keep it basic+AV
Johann would learn better by interacting than studying. Also wastes money.

[X] Plan Putting Down Roots
-[X] WEB-MAT (2 AP + 1 free)
--[X] JOHANN: Have Johann spend time getting to know Kadoh, who has expressed an interest in meeting the 'fist metal-Mage'.
--[X] EGRIMM: EGRIMM: Study an artefact: Golden Arm
--[X] WEB-MAT: Attempt to recruit someone to WEB-MAT (Bright Magister Hugo Bann)
-[X] normal (3 AP + 1 overwork)
--[X] Furnish the living spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (300gc for nice)
--[X] Attempt to bring a Karak's Runesmiths into the Waystone Project (Karak Azul)
---[X] COIN: The Gambler
--[X] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Cityborn' Toriour inhabitants of Tor Lithanel
--[X] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Forestborn' Faniour inhabitants of the woods surrounding Tor Lithanel
-[X] free
--[X] SERENITY: Observations of Karag Dum and its unusual guardian
--[X] EIC: Have a blackpowder factory built in Wurtbad.
[X] Plan Redshirt v2
[X] Plan: Keep it basic+AV
[x] Plan Windherding: Crawl now, Run next turn

I prefer AV enchanting because a) if it does work, it's far more likely to be useful for the waystone project than divine; b) we're a lot more invested in Enchanting than Divine; c)I'm still not entirely sure what the experiment actually is. The notes just say "how it reacts to divine magic. Are we recruiting a Ranaldite priest to cast at it? Just dumping the coin in it? What is the actual objective here?