First a question for @Silently Watches. The idea has been bouncing around for a while for Dragon hiring more mages to train as Magi-Technicians, with us scanning them for magical efficacy. Is that something that's still on the table, and without giving away too many spoilers, will that be something that's going to come up as a timed event "eventually", or something we're going to have to write in at some point?
Other than that though, this is tentatively what I'm thinking of for my vote plan after reading the chapter and the current state of responses.
[] Hang out with Epoch & Mac. Check in on how they're doing, and see if we can help them with anything and feel out how interested they might be in being brought closer into Arcana's orbit.
-(Note: I thought about adding introducing Mac and Lacey, but I think it's too soon, and her relationship with Kurt is already strained enough right now without randomly introducing his wife to strange men outside of an entirely professional setting.)
[] Explore somewhere on Earth Bet. Florida was a bust, but maybe the beaches of California will be more peaceful. Take your team for a weekend trip to relax on a sunny beach for a while and just take in the chill vibes after all the recent stresses.
[] Patrol with Laura. It's been ages since you engaged in more "street level" heroing, and while some might say such banal use of your power is beneath you after recent events, it's good to remember your roots. Also, bring Cassiel with. Getting her out of Dragon's workshop will be a good experience for her, and getting her out of Dragon's hair for a while would be good for both of them.
First a question for @Silently Watches. The idea has been bouncing around for a while for Dragon hiring more mages to train as Magi-Technicians, with us scanning them for magical efficacy. Is that something that's still on the table, and without giving away too many spoilers, will that be something that's going to come up as a timed event "eventually", or something we're going to have to write in at some point?
It's still on the table, but it's less "hiring mages to train as magiengineers" and more "hiring engineers and training them in magic". Small but important difference. As for timing, I haven't decided if there is going to be a timer on it or not.
First a question for @Silently Watches. The idea has been bouncing around for a while for Dragon hiring more mages to train as Magi-Technicians, with us scanning them for magical efficacy. Is that something that's still on the table, and without giving away too many spoilers, will that be something that's going to come up as a timed event "eventually", or something we're going to have to write in at some point?
Other than that though, this is tentatively what I'm thinking of for my vote plan after reading the chapter and the current state of responses.
[] Hang out with Epoch & Mac. Check in on how they're doing, and see if we can help them with anything and feel out how interested they might be in being brought closer into Arcana's orbit.
-(Note: I thought about adding introducing Mac and Lacey, but I think it's too soon, and her relationship with Kurt is already strained enough right now without randomly introducing his wife to strange men outside of an entirely professional setting.)
[] Explore somewhere on Earth Bet. Florida was a bust, but maybe the beaches of California will be more peaceful. Take your team for a weekend trip to relax on a sunny beach for a while and just take in the chill vibes after all the recent stresses.
[] Patrol with Laura. It's been ages since you engaged in more "street level" heroing, and while some might say such banal use of your power is beneath you after recent events, it's good to remember your roots. Also, bring Cassiel with. Getting her out of Dragon's workshop will be a good experience for her, and getting her out of Dragon's hair for a while would be good for both of them.
With Missy obviously ready and willing, Nostromo pulls away the sheet to reveal her revamped armored limb. The top half is more or less the same as before, still plated with horizontal strips of shiny metal, although you cannot help but think that the contour looks a little smother than before. A little more lifelike. The only other difference is an insignia or something painted onto the shoulder: a red crescent with the tips pointed upwards, a dot in the middle of the curve and seven short pointed lines coming down from the bottom. What it means, you have no clue, but clearly it is intentional.
It is the bottom half that has the greatest difference. Before today, the back of the forearm and the palm and back of the hand were green, the fingers still silvery. Now it is the forearm as a whole is made of bands of metal just like the upper arm, although now starting from the mid-forearm those bands get progressively darker than the one higher up above it. The hand of the prosthetic is jet black, light catching and reflecting back in a rainbow of colors almost like looking at an oil slick.
And new arm for Missy! So her new arm sounds more similar in design to the Winter Soldier arm
what with the symbol on the upper portion and the "bands of metal" appearance compared to the more fused appearance of the previous arm. Also, thanks for giving me a new mineral to google. I at first though maybe the symbol was from the Arcana Tarot, but I couldn't find a corresponding symbol that matched the description. Will be interesting to see what it means and why Missy picked it.;
Actually, a question about her Round Shield. Since it's likely been updated to the next generation of hardlight projectors, is it any different on her new arm? Her old one was likely projected with blunted edges, so can this new one be made to shift between blunt and sharp like her Khopesh? And could we modify it's shape to increase the "Obviously you shouldn't be fighting me" effect of Missy's new arm (a saw blade shape, perhaps?)
besides that I'm always up for more Operation Pentagram, or maybe ask Dragon if there is anything the team could do for her now that they work for her.
I'm all for this as well, mainly because characters in-story have asked us to do things related to these topics, and I am weak to the requests of fictional people I've invested time in.
I was thinking about sending her to Chicago to work under Myrddin so she could be ready to start a new branch of mages for the PRT, but if you change her powers that substantially it might be better for her to go to Philadelphia. She works with the mages there, both you and the PRT, and then she can serve as a trainer for the next branch that expands into this area."
"I don't have to put up with this," she says with a dismissive huff. "Taylor, I may ask you to scan a few of my programmers in a week or two. Several of them have expressed interest in the hardware side of things, not just the software."
So if an Operation Pentagram vote won, I'd want to go to Chicago with the current Philadelphia Flight team, since they have a complete set of Guardian Beasts and are better suited to teaching new PRT mages what they should expect. I'd also want to bring Missy along, so as to say hi to Clockblocker and Assault and get their reactions to her new look and powers. I'm probably not going to vote for this though, as I like my other choices better.
As for Dragon, hell yes I'm voting for this option. Not only will we be giving our new employer tangible benefits to having us on staff, this will be the first scanning of a group since the Privateers, and will hopefully shake out some interesting characters and improve our weekly Tech output. I'm hopeful that the Tech-based nature of this group will mean that they will remain background characters contributing to the weekly Tech vote rather than full cast members that others in this forum will reject due to them "bloating" the cast.
Missy shrugs her right shoulder a little. «Something's going on with him. When I was telling him what I wanted, he seemed almost… absent minded, I guess? He didn't even question or argue against any of the modifications I suggested, which was odd all on its own. I asked him what else he was working on, and he just grinned like a crazy person and didn't answer me.»
We can also pin down Tim and ask what this is all about. I assume it has to do with our decision to analyze Sparky's cannon, and whatever Exotic Physics he has picked up from it, so learning about it sooner will be to our benefit.
I'm in favor of talking to the ex-adepts and getting history lessons from Perfect Storm. Going to the pantheon world has to wait until we built the translator drone.
I'm in for finding out what Epoch and Mac have been up to. Finding out their current goals and motivations and how we might be able to work them into Arcana is good, and we should bring along Sarah so she can give her perspective as well. Asking them for information on the former Adepts is also something to look into, as these people have already joined one group for magic, so they'll likely be willing to do it for another.
As for dimension hopping, I'm against going to Earth Vav right now. We still can't easily communicate with anyone there, and more misunderstandings will not help Taylor's stressing out over being considered a goddess. Once we have the translator up and running, then we can visit.
However, I am super interested in visiting Earth He, and getting more than a couple of sentences detailing it. Have Taylor and Samantha have a family adventure in a volcanic world, and see what they can find. An inactive Endbringer to examine? A piece of ancient but advanced technology for Tim to look at? A tribe of pure Fire MCA mages? I don't know what we'll find, and I'm excited by the possibilities.
I also like the idea of combining several things into one. Training Vampiric Ray works because Taylor wants an isolated area to fire it off, and Samantha can serve as a target with minimal consequences. And we can ask Perfect Storm for more lore on Oriana Brevetti, as we are training spells she specialized in, so it makes sense to reveal things.
As things go, these will likely be my votes tomorrow.
[] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[] Ask what's going on with Tim. Something that makes him act this weird should be addressed.
-[] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
[] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
-[] Go to Earth He to practice Vampiric Ray. Use up some magic first investigating the ruins. Bring Samantha along for a target/companionship as she is also immune to the environment.
-[] Taylor has a Flare Mana Conversion Affinity that converts Mana into Fire/Radiation . Let's test if that functions in reverse by using Vampiric Ray on the volcanic surroundings to convert Fire/Radiation into Mana.
-[] Ask Perfect Storm for some more lore on Orianna Brevetti. How she got her Flare Mana Affinity or what made her develop Starfield Harvest are on-topic questions to ask.
[] Hang out with Epoch and Maclibuin. Ask how they've been doing and what their current goals are.
-[] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and to reconnect with her friends.
-[] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
Also, thanks for giving me a new mineral to google. I at first though maybe the symbol was from the Arcana Tarot, but I couldn't find a corresponding symbol that matched the description. Will be interesting to see what it means and why Missy picked it.
Not knowing what this is is really bugging me, because it sounds like something I've seen or read about before but can't remember where. From the description, it sounds like some sort of weeping moon and star icon, but if it's a specific reference to something I can't remember what from.
[] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[] Ask what's going on with Tim. Something that makes him act this weird should be addressed.
-[] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
[] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
-[] Go to Earth He to practice Vampiric Ray. Use up some magic first investigating the ruins. Bring Samantha along for a target/companionship as she is also immune to the environment.
-[] Taylor has a Flare Mana Conversion Affinity that converts Mana into Fire/Radiation . Let's test if that functions in reverse by using Vampiric Ray on the volcanic surroundings to convert Fire/Radiation into Mana.
-[] Ask Perfect Storm for some more lore on Orianna Brevetti. How she got her Flare Mana Affinity or what made her develop Starfield Harvest are on-topic questions to ask.
[] Hang out with Epoch and Maclibuin. Formally invite them to join Arcana.
-[] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and to grease the wheels to get them to join up.
-[] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
While I agree in general that all these things are important to one degree or another in the broad strokes, I disagree on the details, the one exception being the training vote, which I disagree with entirely. Also generally speaking, I think this "plan" is a bit "too much too quickly", like there's a list that people want, and they want it Right Nao, so they're rushing to get them out of the way all at once, whereas I'd prefer to take this rare moment to relax a bit more. The arc is only just started. There will be time to hit (most of) these things through the course of the votes before the next arc rears its head and we have to focus more. Let's take a step back and breath for a bit, ok?
More deconstructing these ideas, though:
If nothing else, I have a feeling we'll find out what had Tim so distracted by his next build vote, and also remember that Linker Core Serums aren't Kool-Aid. There are serious consequences to taking one, both guaranteed and potential, and even giving Missy one was done largely under protest from Tim. I say outside of extreme cases or people we "know" due to us being beyond the fourth wall and the character having lots of socialization, we hold off on giving them out for a few years until Tim has had a chance to better refine the process, alright? As for scanning Dragon's workforce, it's on my "to-do" list, just not this vote.
Training... any of our spells really... at this stage is a bit like "training Ragnarok" before the Leviathan fight, except with less dire consequence. We know what they do, and Taylor has already seen what Starlight Harvest does as part of said Ragnarok training, and she's smart enough to figure out that it's basically a souped up version of Vampyric Ray and can guess what the latter does without having to train it. Further, if people are really that desperate for XP, there's always the option of trying to write an Omake. Also, considering Sam is comprised of our Taylor's mana already, I'm not sure if Taylor using it on her would work, and I'm not sure it's a good idea even if it does, since it might be enough to destabilize her enough to kill her...
Hanging out with the Adepts is on my list of things for this vote, and bringing Sarah along is a good idea that I didn't think of, but like inviting Lacey along feels a bit "too soon" to me, I think outright inviting them to Arcana right now might be "too soon". We as players still have to figure out how we would integrate them into the team dynamic, if nothing else, and as others have pointed out, our main cast is already getting to the edge of what could be considered "reasonable". Much more, and things are going to get a bit bloated, so I'd like to figure out how to mitigate or at least side step it, before we go adding more permanent cast members. As for finding more potential mages from among the former Adepts, I point to my earlier comment about serums not being Kool-Aid, in addition to being yet more people we have to figure out what they'll be doing, but this time without the benefit of already having a face, name and general personality to put to them to make an informed decision on if we even want them to be a part of what we're going to be getting into.
Fair criticisms @Almech_Alfarion. I'm mostly just trying to gather data on more potentials, since those we currently know about are more problematic to recruit at the moment, so just knowing who from these two groups we have access to either possesses a Linker Core or would be amendable to being recruited is important information to me.
This is more about finding a natural way to combine three activities under one banner. Training a spell in real life involves going somewhere; another dimension is somewhere; hey Perfect Storm, can you tell me more about the mage who used this spell? Seamless. As for Samantha, I think it was stated somewhere Taylor's mana is "coloured" by Samantha so it is no longer natural Taylor mana, so the forcible draining should occur, and Samantha can warn Taylor when she feels too much Mana is being drained so Taylor can stop. And as one of my sub votes stated, I want to test a theory. Sarah's Overdrive shield can convert energy attacks into mana, so can Vampiric Ray do that with radiation when combined with a Flare MCA? This question will only be answered if I ask it.
Hanging out with the Adepts is on my list of things for this vote, and bringing Sarah along is a good idea that I didn't think of, but like inviting Lacey along feels a bit "too soon" to me, I think outright inviting them to Arcana right now might be "too soon".
I'll agree that straight up inviting them to join Arcana is a bit too soon, but I see nothing wrong with inviting Sarah along. She's mentioned how she is still close to them and remained in contact since leaving the Adepts, has been present the other times Taylor has met with them, and now has good news to share with them regarding her situation. As for the other former Adepts,
in addition to being yet more people we have to figure out what they'll be doing, but this time without the benefit of already having a face, name and general personality to put to them to make an informed decision on if we even want them to be a part of what we're going to be getting into.
That's why we ask Epoch, the former leader of the group, about them. He would've gathered this information when he recruited and worked with them, so he should have a fair idea of their ideals, motivations, and personalities.
Good luck with your votes tomorrow, I look forward to seeing how things play out.
an insignia or something painted onto the shoulder: a red crescent with the tips pointed upwards, a dot in the middle of the curve and seven short pointed lines coming down from the bottom. What it means, you have no clue, but clearly it is intentional.
re: the wondering by Kamkong, Almech and others.... is it just me or does this really sound like a description of the Sufficient Velocity logo Little Miss Speedster might like the idea of Acceleration=Force , after all.
As far as votes.....
I'm disinclined to anything that seeks to add more characters to the main cast right now or bring secondary ones closer to main (can't ruin the magical GIRL dynamic, and we have our five-man-band already). Adepts are better saved for someone having a much more specific idea than just "we should spend time with them" or even better a non-social quest chain that happens to involve them.
Similar not all that interested in the focus on Pentagram, both for the elements it has of moving away from "Cape Culture" (possibly unpopular opinion ) towards extra-militarized standard policing, and for diluting the impact of our being the high end mage team standing atop the Cape world (of America anyways). We've got the gears moving for those who want to see Earth uplifted, we don't need to personally focus our camera on shepherding it further before our inevitable potential departure for TSAB life.
That all has me a lot more interested in following up on the hinted Cassiel (team pet!) and Laura (team shipping!!) hooks from the update, whether they're combined or not. I know SW doesn't always like trying to squeeze multiple actions into one , so whether they synergize enough really depends on the details of Cassiels grump. Pure venting or whatnot can easily enough fill chatter during a patrol.
Likewise, I'm always down for moar worldbuilding so whatever sort of question-phrasing we need to actually get the Galea / Orianna Brevetti lore we've only scratched the surface of due to past vote attempts is a big yes from me. Whether some exotic backdrop like volcano-earth can be the stage for that talk (up until whatever results we find, if the visit isn't single-chapter) or a separate action is another QM Call like Cassiel/Laura.
I do wonder, can we as voters suggest events to happen off-screen , say as a suggestion from Taylor? I'd like seeing Kayleigh spend a day enjoying mahou-shoujo fandom with Missy and generally trying to help her with the "Who is Missy, I'm Vista" problem, but that doesn't necessarily have to involve Taylor even if she's also got a bit of it. Some scattered hints of socialization that doesn't orbit around Taylor herself would be good for solidifying the team dynamic I feel like. Maybe include Sarah for the goth-and-rock imput to Kayleigh's Bubblegum-Pop to give Missy choices, especially if she's any better at the cape-hobby life balance equation?
I at first though maybe the symbol was from the Arcana Tarot, but I couldn't find a corresponding symbol that matched the description. Will be interesting to see what it means and why Missy picked it.;
From the description, it sounds like some sort of weeping moon and star icon, but if it's a specific reference to something I can't remember what from.
Galea was a tidally-locked planet and for millennia only its terminator zone was populated. So the sun barely peeking over the horizon was the only sky the Galeans knew before they managed to colonize the dark side.
Just imagine how shocked were their explorers when they visited another world for the first time and found out that the sun is moving. 😱
My votes will be for:
Meeting with the Adepts. Remember, Maclibuin can create Cape Booster artifacts which can be extremely useful for Endbringer battles, if Epoch won't be the only one who uses them. Not sure about them joining Arcana, but cooperation with Dragon to distribute Boosters is a must-have.
Lore dump. I'm sure there is plenty of interesting things Silently wants to explain about Galea and despicable Belka.
Something Social, not sure what yet. Cassiel and this thing she had done? Laura and her Winter Hill problems? The Pentagram?
While I tend to agree with adding more main cast members, I'm all for adding more support cast to fill things out and boost our capabilities further, and part of figuring out how to work them into the current dynamic is getting a better feel for the characters themselves by interacting with them. It's a necessary evil, because as @Shaseyu points out, Mac at least has an ability that could be invaluable in certain situations if we can figure out some method of distribution to the people who need/can use his artifacts. I'll also add that Epoch's ability, like Clockblocker's, is capable of affecting Endbringers and essentially temporally locking them for a short period, which is a Massive force multiplier in those battles when used correctly to give people time to regroup or into better lines of fire. If we can figure out some way to make that safer for him to pull off, we can figure out ways to integrate it into our endslayer plans, but we can only do that if we pull them closer into Arcana's orbit.
I have made my opinions on the STAB known in the past, so I won't go into them now, but as far us working with Pentagram goes, I'm more inclined to work with them on the bigger projects until they get into a position where they have enough field personnel to handle them as a matter of course even against large organized groups like the Wolfheads, or even the Elite eventually. The thing with our encroaching "irrelevance" and moving away from the toxic attitudes of "cape culture" is that that is sort of the point. We're returning Monopoly of Force to the hands of the Government instead of the domestic terrorists known as "villains". Further, in their own way Arcana will never be totally "irrelevant" since our members are most definitely at the top of the curve of power, ability and skill and will continue to keep rising on all metrics for some time yet. We'll just shift from a "cape team" into a private security force for Dragon, and a "Consultation" group for the government when they need help with things that their own people can't handle for one reason or another, which isn't all that much different than what we're doing right now.
As I told @kamkong about their suggestions, this is on my to-do list, but I'm more in favor of advocating we take this rare opportunity to pace ourselves a bit more, slow down, and take some time to just relax and have some fun for a bit. Taylor can work on her Magical Girl History 101 Homework later. (It's in my plans for next vote)
This has been suggested in the past, and SW has explained that if something is an "important enough" development, it gets its own vote/scene, and we generally have no control over what happens off screen. That has not, however, stopped SW from integrating suggestions of less critical/amusing off-screen developments made in the comments into the story from time to time.
This has been suggested in the past, and SW has explained that if something is an "important enough" development, it gets its own vote/scene, and we generally have no control over what happens off screen. That has not, however, stopped SW from integrating suggestions of less critical/amusing off-screen developments made in the comments into the story from time to time.
Almech has the right of it. An "off-screen" event has to be truly momentous for it to get a dedicated chapter featuring a non-Taylor perspective. Compare when we told Alexandria the entire truth about magic (getting an Alexandria interlude shortly after) to a recent arc where we split Arcana between three buildings and only got to see Taylor and Sarah's fights while the others we just see the aftermath. However, it is always possible that by offering up ideas of what is happening, it will encourage someone to write an omake about potential off-screen events, and if it is plausible and entertaining enough, Silently could canonize them (Alpha's daughter making a Guardian Beast, Tim studying up on Unison Devices, and Laura having a few heart-to-hearts after the first Wolfheads fight are all canon omakes now).
I at first though maybe the symbol was from the Arcana Tarot, but I couldn't find a corresponding symbol that matched the description. Will be interesting to see what it means and why Missy picked it.;
Not knowing what this is is really bugging me, because it sounds like something I've seen or read about before but can't remember where. From the description, it sounds like some sort of weeping moon and star icon, but if it's a specific reference to something I can't remember what from.
re: the wondering by Kamkong, Almech and others.... is it just me or does this really sound like a description of the Sufficient Velocity logo Little Miss Speedster might like the idea of Acceleration=Force , after all.
So this is kind of silly, actually. If you add another curve beneath the lines coming off the crescent, it becomes a very wide mouth, and the dot looks (in my head) kind of like a cat's nose. So it's really a reference to the Cheshire Cat. Missy thought the final result was too cartoony though, so one part got taken away to make it more abstract.
Actually, a question about her Round Shield. Since it's likely been updated to the next generation of hardlight projectors, is it any different on her new arm? Her old one was likely projected with blunted edges, so can this new one be made to shift between blunt and sharp like her Khopesh? And could we modify it's shape to increase the "Obviously you shouldn't be fighting me" effect of Missy's new arm (a saw blade shape, perhaps?)
We can also pin down Tim and ask what this is all about. I assume it has to do with our decision to analyze Sparky's cannon, and whatever Exotic Physics he has picked up from it, so learning about it sooner will be to our benefit.
[] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
-[] Go to Earth He to practice Vampiric Ray. Use up some magic first investigating the ruins. Bring Samantha along for a target/companionship as she is also immune to the environment.
-[] Taylor has a Flare Mana Conversion Affinity that converts Mana into Fire/Radiation . Let's test if that functions in reverse by using Vampiric Ray on the volcanic surroundings to convert Fire/Radiation into Mana.
-[] Ask Perfect Storm for some more lore on Orianna Brevetti. How she got her Flare Mana Affinity or what made her develop Starfield Harvest are on-topic questions to ask.
I'll go ahead and say that this is a noodle incident until/unless I get the PHO interlude off the ground. Suffice it to say that she said something online she shouldn't have said.
I do wonder, can we as voters suggest events to happen off-screen , say as a suggestion from Taylor? I'd like seeing Kayleigh spend a day enjoying mahou-shoujo fandom with Missy and generally trying to help her with the "Who is Missy, I'm Vista" problem, but that doesn't necessarily have to involve Taylor even if she's also got a bit of it. Some scattered hints of socialization that doesn't orbit around Taylor herself would be good for solidifying the team dynamic I feel like. Maybe include Sarah for the goth-and-rock imput to Kayleigh's Bubblegum-Pop to give Missy choices, especially if she's any better at the cape-hobby life balance equation?
[ ] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
[ ] Go on patrol. You can bring other characters with you if you want.
[ ] Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
[ ] Explore somewhere on Earth Bet. A location must be included. You may bring other characters with you.
[ ] Explore another world. You may bring other characters with you.
-[ ] Pick a world Taylor already knows about
-[ ] Find a brand new world
[ ] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
[ ] Write-in (subject to my approval)
[X] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[X] Ask how her "date" with Armsmaster at the tech conference went. Was it a successful "Unison?"
-[X] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
[X] Go to Earth He for some proper exploration of the desolate planet. Bring Samantha along for a travel buddy who won't be cooked by the environment.
-[X] Looking down at a volcanic hell world makes you think about the mage you're based on and her arsenal. Ask Perfect Storm for some more lore on Orianna Brevetti and her Flare Mana Affinity.
[X] Hang out with Epoch & Mac. Check in on how they're doing, and see if we can help them with anything and feel out how interested they might be in being brought closer into Arcana's orbit.
-[X] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and catch up with her friends.
-[X] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
[X] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[X] Ask how her "date" with Armsmaster at the tech conference went. Was it a successful "Unison?"
-[X] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
[X] Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
[X] Hang out with Epoch & Mac. Check in on how they're doing, and see if we can help them with anything and feel out how interested they might be in being brought closer into Arcana's orbit.
-[X] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and catch up with her friends.
-[X] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
[X] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[X] Ask how her "date" with Armsmaster at the tech conference went. Was it a successful "Unison?"
-[X] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
[X] Go to Earth He for some proper exploration of the desolate planet. Bring Samantha along for a travel buddy who won't be cooked by the environment.
-[X] Looking down at a volcanic hell world makes you think about the mage you're based on and her arsenal. Ask Perfect Storm for some more lore on Orianna Brevetti and her Flare Mana Affinity.
[X] Hang out with Epoch & Mac. Check in on how they're doing, and see if we can help them with anything and feel out how interested they might be in being brought closer into Arcana's orbit.
-[X] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and catch up with her friends.
-[X] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
[X] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
-[X] Epoch and Mac
[X] Go on patrol. You can bring other characters with you if you want.
-[X] Patrol Winter Hill territory with Laura Kayleigh have Cat Sith, Sam, and (Standstill?) ready as backup in case something goes pear shaped
[X] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
-[X] cross training with Team Pentagram in team work to help smooth over any issues in the future
[X] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[X] Ask how her "date" with Armsmaster at the tech conference went. Was it a successful "Unison?"
-[X] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
[X] Go to Earth He for some proper exploration of the desolate planet. Bring Samantha along for a travel buddy who won't be cooked by the environment.
-[X] Looking down at a volcanic hell world makes you think about the mage you're based on and her arsenal. Ask Perfect Storm for some more lore on Orianna Brevetti and her Flare Mana Affinity. Also any other lore of Galea.
[X] Hang out with Epoch & Mac. Check in on how they're doing, and see if we can help them with anything and feel out how interested they might be in being brought closer into Arcana's orbit.
-[X] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and catch up with her friends.
-[X] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
[X] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[X] Ask how her "date" with Armsmaster at the tech conference went. Was it a successful "Unison?"
-[X] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
[X] Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
[X] Hang out with Epoch & Mac. Check in on how they're doing, and see if we can help them with anything and feel out how interested they might be in being brought closer into Arcana's orbit.
-[X] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and catch up with her friends.
-[X] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
-[X] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
Oh, I actually forgot about that. Hey, @Silently Watches, did we tell anyone we could do this? Because I distinctly remember Eidolon could use some magic and we have this as an option...
[X] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[X] Ask how her "date" with Armsmaster at the tech conference went. Was it a successful "Unison?"
-[X] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
[X] Go to Earth He for some proper exploration of the desolate planet. Bring Samantha along for a travel buddy who won't be cooked by the environment.
-[X] Looking down at a volcanic hell world makes you think about the mage you're based on and her arsenal. Ask Perfect Storm for some more lore on Orianna Brevetti and her Flare Mana Affinity. Also any other lore of Galea.
[X] Hang out with Epoch & Mac. Check in on how they're doing, and see if we can help them with anything and feel out how interested they might be in being brought closer into Arcana's orbit.
-[X] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and catch up with her friends.
-[X] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
[X] Taylor and Tim meet up with Dragon and scan her workforce for Linker Cores to create more magi-engineers for DragonTech.
-[X] Ask how her "date" with Armsmaster at the tech conference went. Was it a successful "Unison?"
-[X] Have Tim do a Tech demo/display of what he's built and what he's working on. Specifically mention the Linker Core mutation and stress the risks of it. See if any of the non-mages are interested.
[X] Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
[X] Hang out with Epoch & Mac. Check in on how they're doing, and see if we can help them with anything and feel out how interested they might be in being brought closer into Arcana's orbit.
-[X] Bring along Sarah to show off her new abilities and catch up with her friends.
-[X] Now that we can make Linker Cores, ask Epoch about the former members of the Adepts, specifically who he thinks might be amendable to becoming heroes (ie. actual heroes, well-meaning rogues, circumstantial villains).
[X] Go on patrol. You can bring other characters with you if you want.
-[X] Vista, Dragon
[X] Explore another world. You may bring other characters with you.
-[X] Find a brand new world
[X] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
-[X] Train Ragnarok in simulator and than on other world
Oh, I actually forgot about that. Hey, @Silently Watches, did we tell anyone we could do this? Because I distinctly remember Eidolon could use some magic and we have this as an option...