Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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New Good Seed and Omake Rule Updates
Good Seed and Omake Spreadsheet Rules:

Firstly, if you have questions about Good Seeds and the like please read here. If that doesn't answer your question please ping me in thread, or on Discord.

If you write a new Good Seed, or write an omake, please update the spreadsheet if you have access.

If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

This is mandatory. If a Good Seed does not record their omake by pinging collabs (or just requesting access and editing things themselves - this is the preferred option), I won't give out awards. If a new Good Seed is not recorded here, they won't advance. By doing this it makes the whole thing manageable for me - it's gotten pretty unwieldy!


Omake Writer Instructions:

There are four fields you need to fill out.

Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

Requested Bonus, which is your requested bonus for your omake. You can leave it up to me if you like. You can see more info in the Good Seed infopost here.

Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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Abel Zeno Talk And Fight

Abel Zeno talk and fight
The preparation for both brothers didn't end with the talk, they of course realized that the coming years will bring them many unexpected dangers and sought to prepare for them as best they can.

"So which mission are you going on? I kind of have to follow my legion for the array master one."Abel asks, well twirling a brush.

Zeno puts a finger on his lips, thinking for a moment. "Normally I would have done another mission involving the Jingshen. The trials have shown me that I need experience leading troops, though. That's not even mentioning Alexandria. Despite just having had kids she fully intends to follow the legates call to the great plains again. I don't know what exactly she hopes to chase there, but I sure don't want to be away again when it happens. Thankfully mother is there to catch us in this case and care for the children." Zeno rubs the back of his head. Gesturing Abel to head inside the training room.

"Well I guess we will both be in the same general area even if we won't have shared responsibility. I expect that I am going to be spending all my time at the walls putting in more arrays." Abel leans back against a wall, an idea coming to him. "Or supervising a bunch of mortals putting in arrays under mine and Cals directions" Abel holds up one of Cals's bodies. The Calculation Caterpillar is blue with green spots. It is the size of a normal caterpillar. Abel always makes sure to carry at least one member of the hivemind with him. It's nice to always do all Math instantly.

Zeno nods in understanding. "That thing is truly a boon to your ability in fortificating any wall. Have you managed to weaponize it directly or use it to defend yourself in some way?" His head inclined, waiting for Abel to enter.

"Besides the fact that they allow me to keep myself well stocked with arrays? Not really, but in general most fights come down to preparation. I can do more of it then most people. Abel holds up what looks like a deck of cards. Flipping them from hand to hand and shuffling them.

Zeno takes Abel by the neck of his robe, shucking him finally into the training room. His brother lying ungainly on the new marble floor in short order. "It's good that you will now get the perfect opportunity to prepare for the unexpected! The enemies in the great plains certainly won't give us any chance for that to happen." Appendix appears hovering above Zeno, a grin on its face.

"Until yield or thrown out the area?" While Abel talks Zeno takes a moment to stretch properly.

"Until you are fully exhausted of course. You are still in a heavenstage where simple exhaustion in a spar makes a considerable change in your combat performance." Zenos takes a combat stance without a saber, the transformed foot of Appendix in hand.

"Ah snap!" Abel punctuates the statement by snapping his fighters activating the array cards he slipped into Zenos pocket's well Zeno was manhandling him. The Right pocket bursts into fire. The left electricity (only earthly and qi power unfortunately). The breast pocket explodes and forces Zeno backwards out the circle. His form shimmering.

A grin remains upon Zeno, prismatic light envelopes the room and Zeno is nowhere in Abels sight moments thereafter. Appendix on the other hand shoots like an arrow right at Abel, harrying the young crafter. While the young array apprentice dodges, weaves and parries with his shots back with his hand cannon where possible, the arrow circles and scratches him. A roiling mass of thunder advances towards Abel forcing him into the air. Zeno right behind him.

Abel fires at Zeno using the reaction force to push him into a wall that he uses as a springboard. Jumping from wall to wall firing at Zeno each time with a volley of grapeshot. With every shoot Abel becomes that much lighter from not being loaded down with so much ammo.

The first few shots are simply avoided through dancing out of the way, while the ones nearer to Zeno get parried by an attentive Appendix with cries of "Hyaah" and "Now this!". The projectiles hitting Zenos shadow get portalled to Abel, forcing the younger one to stop his barrage and move.

Abel drops the canon and draws his sword. Not his preferred method of fighting, but he can only carry so much ammo even with Cinder being able to replace the need to carry gunpowder except as treats. Abel goes into a fighting stance as if about to attack, smoke suddenly rolls from cards Abel placed on the walls filling the room. Abel turns and runs his steps making no sound.

Zenos grin widens from, stretching from ear to ear, before slackening as his eyes glow green. His divination is obvious for all to see and Appendix points Zeno where divination does not reach. Smoke envelops the room. A figure with green glowing eyes advances follows Abel slowly, punching a flat palm towards him to test his defenses.

Abel stabs his sword at the palm. Who knows it might work! The young one's hope dies a swift death with a simple hand rotation by his senior, allowing him into his guard. Zenos loose stance allowing Abel to try once more. "Come on, you can do better!"

"You know the real advantage of a sword? Being big, sharp and shiny?" Abel asks, sweat dripping from his brow.

"Good for stabbing?" Zeno guesses, unsure where the tired sounding Abel might take this. His eyes glow, stopping.

"No, big, sharp and shiny is it's most useful function." Abel activates the circle that Cal had been slowly drawing this whole time. He might not have been entirely truthful about Cal not being able to help in combat. The friction under Zeno's feet completely disappears.

As Zeno slides his lower body splays wide, while his hands clutch his heart. "Oh no! You have laid me prone. Whatever will I do, oh great Immortal!" the grin on Zenos face, inviting Abel to participate in the charade.

"Mwahahaha! You have fallen into my trap and are now helpless before me!" The smoke still in the room gives a nice backdrop to Abel's evil laugh. The walls are pitted with holes from his earlier cannon fire.

Abel Yawns. "And if you are lying down. I think I will take a nap as well." Abel falls to the ground fast asleep from powering all those arrays.

His brother's power nap quickly elicits raucous laughter. The demolished room made the sound echo.

"And Abel didn't even think to turn off the array before going to sleep! I had to wait for him to wake up! Truly helpless!"

Gasps and sounds of "no way" or "Really? Cool!" can be heard over the family table. All four of which are entranced by the story told, despite the little variance in tone. His gesticulations make more than up for it.

"It's not like I could really do anything to Zeno at that point. Any force I tried to apply would have just helped him get out." Abel explains between mouthfuls of mashed earth apples. "Only thing I could do was nothing."

A small voice to Abels right asks. "Uhm, Big bro Abel. What is "force"? Is it like the sun lotion the smith uses?" her dainty finger raised to her lips. Maria besides her helping one twin brother with his salad.

"Force times velocity equals momentum." Abel repeats the old equation "So force would be anything that would have pushed Zeno in any direction which anything I might do to affect him in that position would be sure to do."

Her eyes widened. "Woah, so cool!. Can I learn it like now?" Zeno stops her before she can gain momentum herself. "You can after you eat your greens." A pout follows promptly.

"But they are disgusting!" She says while her three brothers beside her munch happily on various fruits and vegetables. New plates being handed out in short order.

Maria whispers beside. "If you do that I will help you become as good as Abel." After the little one confirms the good news with her mother, she shovels the salad like it's a contest. Another brother on the table raises a hand to ask a question, which Maria takes care of, allowing the adults to talk.

The matriarch, normally just enjoying the moment, asks her most troublesome sons. "And what harebrained schemes have you two thought of this time? The grin on her face, making her stern face look silly. The candlelight framing her face just right at the head of the table.

"I figured out what the errors with my qi gathering arrays in the Qigui secret realm were and fixed them." Abel pets the tiny Cal on his shoulder. "We went over it very carefully. I am so certain that it will work now that I have put down a huge amount of contribution points onto a bet on me leaving the Yuan Clan Man-As-World Mountain Array at least 8th heavenstage. The bookie required me to do all sorts of tests to prove that I am in fact still only 2nd, but I got really nice a hundred to one odds. Do any of you want to cash in as well?

Iulia promptly answers. "Do I want to cash in? Of course, but you hear me son. Survival is more improtant than some dumb points. Got it?" her gaze piercing across the table corner.

Marias eyes searching for something on the roof, makes her all the more obvious. After a nudge by Zeno she elaborates. "I-I may have bet somewhere else."

"What, that he gets another artifact?" Zeno asks beside her in between bites. His raised hand confirmed his stake in Abels bet.

While biting her lower lip she confesses. "Well, that too. I actually put my main bet down on Abel finding a friend." while the children slurped and munched happily, the adults were perplexed.

She elaborates. "Well, Abel, you..sorta just wander between assignments and rarely talk to people about personal stuff, but sieges tend to put groups together, so I thought it fit, kinda."

"I find it odd that anyone would accept a bet that subjective. The difference between a friend and an acquaintance isn't that big and I get along well with the builder brotherhood." As usual Abel skillfully focuses on pedantry and avoids the implied message.

Iulia cuts in, while poking her lettuce. "The Grand Elder still has a bet running about his friendship with the elder of diplomacy and that man is an antisocial hermit in all but name. You'll be fine, just join some tavern tours once or twice and It will sort itself out."

Letting that topic peter out, Zeno continues. "Interestingly enough Abel's Legion will head to the Song empire once more with ours. That will occupy quite some time, of course. Not seeing the children growing up properly is a damn shame, but what can you do. Duty calls." His shrug and frown underlining his mood.

"And the Yuan secret realm, as you know. That will be interesting and the reason why our sparring room looks that way, ehh. Sorry about that by the way. Heh." Zenos right hand behind his head, giving away how sorry he truly is. Iulia was not amused, though accepted the cost with only a sigh.

"Wasn't my idea. Sort of hard to use a cannon without trashing the room and Zeno dragged me into that" Abel nods to himself "If Zeno had just not dodged, the room would be fine."

Without heat he answers."Dodged? I distinctly remember you going on and on at length about how your canon stuff works and specifically how much it can hurt even a great realm above. You truly can't believe I would just stand there and take it?!" His right eyebrow arches, while he points at Abel with a fork. Alexandria gently reminds him that this is not the time, their hands intertwining. The tension in Zeno vanished just as suddenly. His posture became more relaxed.

"It isn't as if the training room walls are that hard to fix. It's just the brick. We didn't harm the concrete underlay."

Zeno and Alexandria snort. Their children looked shocked at them. His better half elaborates with her teaching voice. "Marble is commonly sold in the Organ meat desert out of various mines spotted in many places across the desert. The uses of which are many, but most often are found to be exported for the special tunist halls, found across the territory of the Mountain bell sect." Zeno explains their topic to the little ones in the meantime.

"Well then it has no place being used in the wall of the training room, use something cheaper!" Abel actually felt a bit offended at the waste.

"Normally I would agree with you, but the training room my idiot dragged you two was intended for beginners to learn or in the rare case we entertain guests, for light spars, not the intense fight you two had." Alexandria waves over at Iulia who takes over.

"We simply didn't have the time to build a good sparring room after you and Goergy were born. It was just one event after another, but with so many new members to our house we need to expand the manor anyway. Feel free to chip into the plans, they lie in my workroom, Abel'er." Her proud smile beamed across the room.
Collab with Juugo. @Alectai, @TehChron, @Humbaba, @ReaderOfFate, @Kaboomatic
Choíros Pentekonter 3 - The Pig Man At the Gate
Choíros Pentekonter Omake Turn 11 Three

The Pig Man at the Gate

So here I stood on top of a small hill looking down to the Scorpion Road that became wider this close to Emporikipolis. The road was teeming with people,
from trade caravans to Golden Devil units that looked like they had once been in better shape. They slowly made their way to the city as I watched. The "Trial" had ended three weeks ago at least if I assumed the notes my new father had left me in his jade slips where correct. My journey could have been faster but I was still getting used to my new speed which was incomparable to that of a mortal. For some reason, while the charm my father gifted me for the journey worked wonder for protecting me from spirit beasts, cultivators and the like, I seemed to run into storms pretty often. I mean really we are supposed to live in a dry region, so it was quite notable that it either rained, stormed or both for more half of the time it took me to travel this vast distance. If this had to do something with my Bloodline I certainly hopped it gets more controllable as I am getting more familiar with it.

It was good that my father had the time to write down his will and this notes he left me, although I only discovered the latter as I already had passed the halfway point of my journey. In this notes he also left his full name Theodosis Pentekonter and a general explanation of his status in the clan. I mean I knew he was powerful but to think that I would be adopted by one of the Core Formation Elders of the clan was still hard to accept. Oh well I would take the things as they came. At least for the next part of my mission father had left me instructions, I was sure everything would work out just as it should.

Thanassis Rubiadis had a great day, the trial was over and he had survived.
He finally could relax as he took the easy mission to guard the main gates of Emporikipolis. Monotonous yes but every mission had it pros and cons and Thanassis just hopped that his shift would be over soon without interruptions such as quarrel in the lines of people entering or a spirit beast attack or a dust covered pig man wearing simple work clothes that used the clan courier line that was reserved for important messengers. Wait a minute there was a pig man using the courier line, Thanassis cursed his bloody mouth. Why did such things keep happening on his shift?

The Pigman was somehow faster than he had any right to be and soon arrived at the gates. Thanassis sighed and got in his way. "Hold, identify yourself, know that only couriers with highly important massages are allowed to use this way through the gates." It was of course just a formality Thanassis thought to himself, what massage of importance could a pig man of all things bring?

The pig man though, did not look like he knew he was not supposed to be here.
He nodded sharply and bowed. "Greetings clan brother, I am Choíros Pentekonter and I bring news about Elder Pentekonters death, and I am here to bring his belongings and remains back to the family"

Thanassis froze, in his life of cultivation up to the 7th​ Heavenstage he had heard a lot of things but this was certainly one of things he would be questioning his sanity about the most. That could wait for later though, so he shrugged himself free of his stupor "And I assume you have proof to your claim "clan brother"" he asked almost desperately hopping the pig man was just insane.

"Of Course" the Pentekonter answered and took out the token of a clan elder
"but I would like to only show my new family his remains, they are all in his storage ring"

"Alright than, please follow me than I will bring you to the legate on duty"
Thanassis answered and started to walk through the gate as if this was an everyday occurrence "He will want to hear your report, after that we will gladly lead you to the Pentekonter residence here in the city"

Well, I thought, that really went fluently, the report would be a pain to get through but I dreaded meeting my new family more, so I was fine with it.
What if they did not like me? What if it was unacceptable that I was a Pig Man?
What if they had all died in the trial?

At least the last one seemed unlikely as the guard probably would have reacted differently. Soon at least this worry of mine was relieved as the legate confirmed that according to the records most of the Pentekonters were still alive. After three hours of boring report taking in which the storage ring was confirmed to be indeed Elder Pentekonters ring and yes I was indeed adopted by him, I was then led by the gate guard that had questioned me earlier to the Pentekonter residence in the city.

@Alectai @occipitallobe @ReaderOfFate my third omake of the turn
that's a very interesting start. A Pigman joining a family from the start. Will he inherit their family techniques in some way or just become their young master, doted upon, because of his late father. 🤔

ok, Now I am jealous. Storange rings are made of the corpses of Nascent soul cultivators. Just with that thing alone he is rich. What else will he get? Anyway. He truly has the luck of a Good Seed.

The storage ring does not belong to him at the moment but it might will in the future.
As for techniques, yes he will inherit some techniques form the family and more importantly other techniques the family had guarded for his bloodline.
But for those he will have to proof himself first to his family.
Abel Angelus 35 - Preparation for going to the secret realm to try again.

Preparation for going to the secret realm to try again.
I wasn't joking when I said that I am confident that I will reach at least 8th heavenstage in the Man-As-World Mountain Array. If anything I am low balling it. With any luck at all I should reach 9th heaven stage and beyond. I consider what that actually means. The original reason I started going into secret realms was because I was terrified of soul attacks and wanted to reach the 12th heavenstage to help defend myself against them. With time though my fear has abated.

Also with time I have been able to learn basic soul defenses. It might have taken me longer than a 12th heavenstage would have done it, but I managed in the end. I even made a few arrays to help supplement my defenses. I keep meaning to tattoo them onto the back of my neck, but everytime I start preparing to do it I seem to come up with an improvement or refinement to them. I am sure I will reach a final model eventually.

The main point is that if I am only interested in qualia forge defense then I don't need 12th heavenstage. I certainly don't need it enough to at least triple how long I stay in the qi condensation stage. I have other options. Also when I am using my qi gathering arrays in the secret realm I am going to be gathering far more qi then I can possibly use or cultivate. At least more than I can in the qi condensation realm. If I break through to formation I should be able to make full use of all the qi I can gather. It does seem like a shame to miss the opportunity.

I have actually been doing stretching exercises on my Dantian. To prepare for intaking so much qi all at once. Most people talk about their Dantian being in their navel below the belly button, but I have always found the center of my qi system to be at the top of my spine. Cal has been really useful from practicing stretching it. I mostly do it by straining myself with ever more complex mental math. At this point I am good enough at it that I can write and read in a number based cipher as fast as I could read normally before I started cultivating. Really at this point math when I am not deliberately trying to push my limits comes as instinctively and intuitively as walking, eating or breathing. Calculation cultivation, as I am calling it, has benefits. Even if it is just as painful if mentally instead of physically. I am keeping it up to help expand my Dantian even though I have long stopped finding practical uses for the evermore exotic math.

Of course breakthroughs are dangerous, but in this case I am going to have enormous amounts of qi to work with. Meaning that I should be able to power a very interesting array for absorbing all the tribulation lightning into 64 qi cards. Our clan's tribution lightening has more killing intent than is normally the case which means that the killing intent is not bound to the vital force. My array will quickly merge-sort the 64 qi cards (before the lightning burns them to ash) discharging all the ones with the most vital force to me first which should allow me to better handle the killing intent.

Also I can make it so that every bolt hits a different part of my body. Don't know if that actually helps, but it might make the difference between burnt in one place rather than just well done all over.

Of course I would also be advised to take advantage of the fact that the Man-As-World Mountain Array is in the mountains. Mountain tops are widely considered to be the best place to do a tribulation. I hope that I don't have to play games of king of the hill with other people that also want to do their tribulation there. I doubt that anyone else without my Math advantages can duplicate my qi gathering arrays as I found to my cost in the last secret realm, but there must be all sorts of ideas that people come up with to use extra qi to help them through their tribulations. I wonder if I will be seeing lightning striking every mountain top?
I think that it is very fitting that this Omake brings me up to 40K total words allowing for an instant breakthrough to formation. @Alectai, @TehChron, @Humbaba, @ReaderOfFate, @Kaboomatic
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Jin Muyi 33 - Let Darkness Reign, Part 3
Jin Muyi:_________________________Let Darkness Reign, Part 3____________________________

Ironically, it was the low casualties from the Trials that allowed the rumors to begin. Cultivators who should have been busy with missions to hold the Clan's Territories together, who should have been vastly overworked during to being thrown into a position way above their skill-sets now find themselves remaining in the duties they had long been accustomed to.

That amount of "free-time" and the Clan's good fortune soon lead the idle to talk about how it all happened. It started out with the tales of the Heroes who confronted the Invaders. Lady Rina who seized Power from the Heavens to smite down the Invader that destroyed Pleuron, The Diviner Zeno who gathered a group and led them in stalling a genius among the Invaders and his retinue. The 'Undying' Wei Feng. Lady Aretaphila last of an Old Line who found enlightenment among the Trials, Magnus who proved himself more then equal to Minervina in his Mastery Of Poison.

Yet in an unspoken agreement, nothing was spoke of the Devourer, Jin Muyi who had somehow consume the blood and flesh of the Invaders. Deep in the dark night, stories spread among the few juniors tasked to gather the corpses of the Invaders. Of how those slain by him were found with not a single drop of blood left if they were fortunate, if they were unfortunate their bodies were not only drained of blood but also marred with huge gaping toothmarks.

Those sensitive to Qi found themselves adding their own insights to the stories, of how in the entire duration of the trials not once did Jin Muyi run out of Qi. Of how they could even sense it recover to it's peak whenever it dropped low, with some of the best even mentioning that they could sense the Qi of the Invaders near him flowing into him. That little addition to the stories was all that was needed for rumors to spread of Jin Muyi using a dark Bloodpath Art to drain the Qi of the Invaders to grant him enough might to slay 2 Core Formation Cultivators, and that done once can be done again, perhaps even to fellow Clansmen if there were no foes around for him to Devour.

Those from his former Legion and those who went on missions with him attempted to speak up in his defense. On how, while he might have some bloodpath techniques he had used them solely on the foes and remained in full control the entire time. That it was usually used as a last resort, with Jin Muyi preferring to use his Martial Skills or his ability with Formations in a pinch over the taboo that was Bloodpath. Yet, all that did was spread the message among the Clan of "Jin Muyi had been practicing the Blood Arts for a long time without even attempting to conceal it" that he used his appointment as Legate to force his subordinates to ignore his acts till he could convince them that he did it for the Clan.

So prevalent were such rumors that even some of the Cultivators of the 1st Mobile Infantry couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to it. After all, each and every time he used his ability to consume a cultivator, it was during a time of crisis such as the 2nd Cannibal War. Was his claim of leaving the Legion to make a Stand at Pleuron not as heroic as it seemed? Could it be that he choose to do that because he knew that he could reap a ripe crop from the Invaders and gorge himself on their blood and qi before presenting his improved strength to the Clan as a fait accompli?

After all, there were reports of Jin Muyi leaving the spot he had fought to defend to pursue and chase down Invaders to drain them of their Qi. For all his grand claims of not letting Pleuron fall till he did, he was nowhere near when the shockingly powerful Foundation Invader made an appearance. Another piece of evidence that lent credence to that theory was shared among the masses by the few observant cultivators who were stationed near the room Jin Muyi was assigned with, and how sometimes when he slept he would start talking out loud to himself, a potential sign that he was so deep within the Blood Arts that he had amass enough impure Qi for a Blood Devil to form within his heart, one that appeared to be instigating him to Kill, to Hurt and to Consume based on his fervent denials.

The man himself seemed to have become more short-tempered, constantly on the verge of lashing out and sometimes looking on the juniors as if they were food. His melancholic state a drastic contrast to the rest of the Clan that were celebrating the low casualties of the Trials, rumors of that being due to there no longer being any Invaders he could consume being the cause. There were reports on how he seemed to be attempting to work off most of his mood by destroying the training fields available to Clan members, the juniors sent to clean up after him reporting that the damage done to the field was consistent with that done on the corpses of those he slain, a series of large holes, giant slashes and bite marks.

To say Jin Muyi was shunned would be inaccurate, for he was still a Foundation Establishment Cultivator of some standing who had achieved great deeds during the Trials. Yet to say that he was applauded with praise was not right as well, for the rumors and evidence of his deeds during the trials found fertile soil among the Clan and no one was willing to associate with a Bloodpath Cannibal especially since the Clan had just driven out the last of Old Cannibal's brood in the last war before the Trials.

The more Clansmen who reacted in this fashion, the more clansmen believed that there was some truth to the rumors. And like ripples in a pond, Jin Muyi became a pariah that was interacted with only when Duty demanded it, his lack of attempts in changing the situation tilting the balance even more towards there being Truth to the rumors that were spread among the Clan...


For Muyi, life with Xin residing in the Darkness was different. Instead of having to constantly deal with the urges of letting loose and lashing out at those around him, Muyi now only had to deal with Xin and his suggestions. While admittedly most of the suggestions were taboo in nature, all that was needed for Muyi to explain the reasoning behind his rejection of it for Xin to drop the idea.

Oh there were still times where some of the urges would escape Xin's grasp and rack Muyi with tremors to Act, to Do Something. But the frequency of such cases only dwindled as Xin got better and better at handling the Darkness. Thankfully, Muyi had been assigned a room of his own where he could work in private with Xin on how to fully mesh Xin's control with his thoughts so that things happen near instantaneously.

It was something that require work, to slowly shave off seconds one by one between Muyi's thoughts and the Darkness acting under Xin's commands. The training fields were a godsend, a place where he could focus purely on speed via giving simple commands to Stab, Slash or Tear. And while Muyi felt sorry for the Juniors who had to repair the fields whenever he was done with a training session, there was nothing else he could do but work harder at working with Xin.

This overwhelming desire to once more gain Mastery over the Darkness and what it can do, to be able to wield it once more as part of his body helped Muyi with the demons of the last Trial. His broken vows and even the guilt from his rampant feeding orgy all put aside till he could gain the strength needed to ensure that it would never happen again.

His world had narrowed down towards that goal, and Muyi found the rest of the outside world just passing by as if it was a leaf in the wind. He could only feel a sense of relief that the Clan celebrations remain mild despite the overwhelming success of the Trials, only a few ceremonies he had to show up to and no invitations to any decadent parties or celebrations he had half expected to be invited to. Even the Juniors seemed to be focusing purely on their duties, reaching out to him solely for Official Work and not to hear his accounts of the Trials.

This self-delusion Muyi was in would have remained if it wasn't for the announcement of the 3 Great Expeditions the Clan was about to dispatch and the recruitment of members for them.

The Thousand Song Siege:

Grinding to a halt, the siege in the Great Battlefield was a mere formality that the Noble Devil Alliance would be pushed back until the raids in the south happened. With massive withdrawals of elders and experts, the power that had been painstakingly built up by the Righteous Path for a second counterblow evaporated, leaving a defensive triangle in the north, as well as another grinding siege line in the south. The Fearless Line that had been retaken suddenly fell, the massive exodus of forces to the south making it no longer tenable to hold. With a huge number of Righteous forces having broken through to relieve the north, the Song Empire suddenly found itself becoming a main battlefront once more.

The plains around have been denuded of mortals, refugees pouring into Thousand Song City. Almost four and a half million mortals are in the city, with no way out. A column of relief troops - including array-masters and formations from the Golden Devils have been sent, two Legions in their entirety deployed to hold the city alongside the various Righteous forces. If the city falls, it will mean the death of millions as Blood Path cultivators gorge themselves on the human qi of the mortals.

It must be held.

Qi Condensation cultivators will be deployed to the One-Boat, One-River Pass, working to evacuate these two towns. Both are under attack, but only sporadically - the main Blood Path forces sits at Thousand Song City. Success would mean an evacuation of one or both cities, saving nearly a hundred thousand mortals per city. A Failure would see the destruction of both cities, and few enough mortals would escape.

Foundation Establishment cultivators will be deployed to the Thousand Song Siege, their status as Experts making them crucial in the various sallies that must come out of the city if supplies and reinforcements are to be brought in. Success would mean an extension to the time that Thousand Song City can hold, perhaps enough to let the Righteous Path reorganise their forces and retake the Fearless Line. Failure would mean that the city would begin to fall. While it has seven walls, one or more might fall, depending on how poorly those defending the city perform.

Joie De Banditisme:

While Lady Yao seeks out new bandits, many among the Golden Devils seek to help her, both as recruiters and as part-time bandits themselves. Her temporary bandits will look to recruit new experts and the like, seeking out those in surrounding territories of the Golden Devils to let new Flood Dragon Gang members rise and grow. In agreement with Manuel, this mission will take place primarily in the Heavenly Bandit Kingdoms - a group of rebels who already are righteous bandits in their own right, and also stand against the Jingshen, a double advantage.

Qi Condensation cultivators will attempt to raise up cultivators of their own level, and will raise cells in various nearby powers. Success would mean a major cell of bandits will be raised in the Heavenly Bandit Kingdoms. In time, that cell will develop into a larger group, and in a few centuries might offer bonuses to the Clan. Failure will mean none are.

Foundation Establishment cultivators will attempt do the same, raising up a group of bandits in a nearby power. Success would mean a major cell of bandits will be raised in the Heavenly Bandit Kingdoms, with said cell offering bonuses to future Clan intrigue actions there. Failure would mean the attempt fails, and no new groups of bandits are raised.

The Hong Xuan Debt:

Much of the Hong Xuan repayment is not happening in simple coin, but much is in contributions in-kind. Labour and assistance from Clan cultivators makes up a substantial portion of that repayment, and those cultivators willing to go south to assist the Hong Xuan will earn Contribution Points for their labours.

Qi Condensation cultivators will go to Seven Tourneys City, as part of those that the Hong Xuan must test themselves against. Success would mean closer relationships with many Hong Xuan juniors - in a few centuries, this will trickle up, and we will find ourselves with more loyal Hong Xuan scions in positions of power, though only a few - most of course will never reach Foundation Establishment. Failure would mean we insult or even cripple such juniors during their tests, damaging our relationship with our vassal directly.

Foundation Establishment cultivators will be deployed to Pyre City, where they will be tasked in hunting down a powerful rogue Fire Spirit, a creature that has taken the life of three Hong Xuan Foundation experts already, and wounded a Core Formation elder. It ravages various forces and consumes Qi from arrays, causing huge amounts of damage. Such spirits are far weaker against the Clan with their Blood of Bronze, and so hunting this creature down will be an important matter. A Success would mean the thanks of a Core Formation Hong Xuan elder directly, strengthening our alliance with the Hong Xuan and guaranteeing us an additional Core Formation elder in our next conflict to repay a debt of gratitude. Failure would mean the Hong Xuan face a drop in economic activity as Pyre City faces a Spirit weakening it, and the Hong Xuan are likely to look on us with some contempt as we are unable to resolve a matter as simple as this.

It was the first time in a long while since Muyi had broken his Closed Door Cultivation to mingle with the rest of the Clan. While on the surface picking which of the three Expeditions to join could be done from the privacy of his room via the Contribution Board within in, it was an unspoken custom to do it among fellow Clansmen if possible. Not only to ensure that the Clan's renowned camaraderie could get a early head-start among the fellow Clansmates who had picked the same Expedition, hereby increasing both the odds of success as well as the safety of those involved, but also to ensure that if there were any personality conflicts among the members, they could then seek out a expedition consisting of members they can work with instead.

Muyi had fond memories of meeting fellow Clansmates and meshing together into a competent enough team that the Expedition was conducted successfully. Admittedly, he had usually done this Expeditions with the 1st Mobile Infantry hereby ensuring that regardless of the other Cultivators involved he had a decent enough chance of success with just them by his side. Now however was the first time since his Qi Condensation days to join a Expedition without any comrades by his side, thus making it even more important that he found a group he could truly work with to ensure the Expedition would be a success.

The Warrior part of Muyi was also anticipating the dangers of the Expedition, a way to compare how much stronger he now was with Xin's aid over his previous state of having to constantly hold back to keep the Darkness under control. The Legate in him couldn't help but murmur that this was also the perfect chance to show the Clan's strength to the vultures that came in after each trial, to show them that this time the Clan had no weak spots they could chip away at. And the part of him that was in grief over Pleuron couldn't help but wonder if he could atone by succeeding with the Expeditions and with their success perhaps help rebuild the lives of those who had lost everything when Pleuron fell as they fled it with naught but the clothes on their backs.

It was with this mixture of emotions churning inside of him that Muyi stepped into the Training Field that had been set aside for recruitment. He had chosen to arrive early, past experience teaching him that the earlier he went, the easier it would be to gather like-minded compatriots who he could easily work with. Yet unlike the times before, the Training Field went utterly silent as he stepped into it, the many juniors within it staring at him with what looked to be fear on their faces.

Their faces were all new to Muyi. New juniors who had just started on the Path of Cultivation and who should be brimming with enthusiasm towards getting a Senior Cultivator to join their groups for the Expedition. Their reaction towards him was telling, a sign of what was to come if only Muyi had paid attention to the many rumors swirling around him since the Trial ended....


"I believe that i will like to sign up as a member of the Expedition helping with Lady Yao's recruitment efforts for the Flood Dragons. Please hand over the Communication Jade for it so that i can register my Qi signature."

"I'm...I'm sorry Sir Muyi. I have to reject your application! You have been assigned to the Expedition helping our Hong Xuan Allies with the Fire Spirit dwelling in their land, please acknowledge and sign the Communication Jade for it! I have to inform you that this order came all the way from the top and that failure to do so will lead to a Court Martial as well as punishment as listed in the regulations for disobeying a Military Order! "

The words from the Junior manning the Contribution Board booth threw Muyi into confusion, for not once in the last 200 hundred years had he ever been forcefully assigned to a Expedition. Oh the Clan would give orders and assign Cultivators to duties and missions that help kept the Clan running, but Expeditions were a different matter where the participants voluntarily took greater risks to obtain better resources or to serve the Clan.

It was the Clan's ethos of Duty and Loyalty that led to the constant influx of volunteers whenever a Expedition was planned, the underlying meaning being that all Clan Members need not be forced to do their Duty. Yet here was a junior telling him that He, Jin Muyi had been conscripted to a expedition by the Higher Ups utterly ignoring his own personal choice in that matter!

Half in a daze from the shock, Muyi found himself moving like a automaton as he took the offered Communication Jade and registered his Qi Signature on it, hereby "volunteering" to join the Expedition to aid the Hong Xuan.

Master, from the memories i got from you, are Expeditions a voluntary matter? Yet, they're forcing you to do a specific one now? Could it be that they no longer trust that you will join one of the Expeditions? That in their eyes, you're not a Golden Devil who could be trusted to do his duty without the threat of martial law?

No, don't be overly paranoid Xin. It's likely due to my betrayal of the the trust put in me when i left my post to conduct my own personal war against the Invaders. It is understandable that the Elders feel that they need to use Military Law to prevent me from doing the same again.

If you say so master... Just that it's not the impression the rest of the Juniors are getting from it. Here listen.

As if a switch was turned, the indistinct murmurs Muyi had been healing since he approached the Contribution Board Booth became clear:

"Look, the Devourer is being forced to do the only Expedition in Clan Territory. Probably so he can be easily subdued by the Elders if he goes full Bloodpath."

"Whew that's a relief, can you imagine if he was in the Expeditions to the Great War or to the Flood Dragons? What will they think of us if they see him devouring a Cultivator?"

"Crap crap crap! I was going to join that Expedition! Luckily this happened before i signed up! I better join one of the other two."

"I have family there! I better go along to make sure he stays away from where they live. He hasn't sunk to the point of consuming fellow Clansmen right?"

"Do you think the Elders wanted to take this chance to eliminate him? He's Wood nature and being sent to deal with a Fire Spirit, the results of a confrontation seemed to be obvious."

"It might be better to quickly sign up for a Expedition and leave before we get forced into the Hong Xuan one. I don't want to be a unfortunate statistic."

Each and every single whisper struck Muyi like a spear. The idea that he would be so distrusted by his juniors, that he would be treated as a bloodpath cultivator in the making due to his actions in the Trials had never occurred to him. Yet putting himself in their shoes, he could understand their fear and caution towards him. After all they had been drilled during their days in Basics on the excesses of the Blood Path, excesses that fit exactly with what he had done with the Darkness with no worthwhile results to show for it.

Looking once more at the Juniors in the Training field with his new insight, Muyi could see how they shunned his presence. Gathering in groups here and there but making sure to not come close to him, inadvertently recreating the same empty circle around him as the Invaders did during the last trial. Deciding to not spoil the mood and ruin the experience for the Juniors who had not arrived, Muyi moved to leave the Training Field now that he had no business left within it. Just as he was about to leave, Xin brought him to a sudden halt with a message.

Master, i think you should listen to this. It might help you with your current reputation.

" undergone the Strengthening Ritual? I just did mine and when it was over, i could feel the improvement! My speed with using the Hoplite Formation increased twofold!"

"Same! You know, i heard rumors that the Editor of the Times, Konstantinos was the source of the Ritual? He found something after being taken away by Old Gold to a secret location."

"Wow, can you imagine the rewards they must have given him for finding it? Just the contribution points amount must be huge!"

"Contribution points? If he's really the source of this, the Merit he did to the Clan would be immeasurable! My guess is that they're not announcing it yet because not all the Qi Condensation cultivators have gotten the chance to undergo the ritual."

"Hmm, you think i should volunteer to go to that location as well? If i bring back something like the ritual, i'll be lauded as well right?"

"Don't be stupid. I heard that he almost died getting out of the place. And he's a rich SOB who can afford to buy items and talisman to ensure his safety. You think you have the same amount of resources to do the same..."

As the words of the juniors faded off in the distance, Muyi couldn't help but ponder what he had overheard. Xin was right, if he went to the same secret location and managed to get something that would benefit the Clan, the Merit could make up for the insubordination he did during the Trials. Not to mention, how volunteering to go into even greater danger for the Clan's sake will help in convincing the other clansmen that he remain true to the Clan's Ethos of Duty.

And if the worse should come to past, him losing his life while seeking out opportunities to improve the Clan's Fate should at least meant that Gui Hua would be well taken care off.

Thank you Xin, you were right. This was very helpful. I will volunteer to head to the secret location when we return from the Expedition.


Even as the idiot thank him for his help, Xin couldn't help but salivate at what the idiot did not realize. Namely that the Secret Location was likely some sort of Secret Realm filled with Danger and Treasure and hence a prime opportunity for him to hasten his plan by more then a few centuries if he could absorb enough blood and QI from the realm as well as acquire enough fortune from it.

It had not been easy manipulating matters to drive the idiot into a corner and make him think that he had to redeem himself, thankfully the idiot's lack of guile meant that he did not realize Xin had only conveyed certain murmurs to him. Although the conscription by the Elders had not been expected, it had more then help Xin in selling his narrative to his fool of a owner.

Yessss, Things are looking up for me. I wonder if i can tilt things so that he gets badly hurt dealing with the Fire Spirit? I could gain more freedom in that way....No, better not. They might claim he's too wounded to go to the Secret Realm. More Opportunities will come....

(3.436 words)

Third and Final part of Muyi's Stand at Pleuron, where he has to deal with the consequences of going full Blood Path with his weapon. As mentioned, i had the rumors be mainly be among the new cultivators, those who had no personal experience with him. With matters not help by how Xin is manipulating events to make things seemed worse then they are to Muyi.

Based on the last Official Story Post about Manuel keeping an eye on Muyi, it makes sense that to do that he'll make sure Muyi stays within Clan Lands where he has eyes and ears to help. So basically, Muyi's take on things is the reasoning on why the orders were given. Xin just manipulate stuff so that it comes across as being untrusted by the Clan as a whole.

I made sure to remain vague about the Ascension blood since it's a biggo secret. Just sticking to Good Shit was found by Konstantinos and that it came from a secret location that is dangerous. The reasoning behind Muyi choosing to go Cloud is a bit simplistic, but please treat it as due to being manipulated into a corner by Xin basically shoving him into darkness and then showing a way out before he could take the time to really analysis the situation.

@Humbaba or anyone i guess, Threadmark please. I think i'm pretty much done in terms of Omake for this turn.
I don't actually know why that name is supposed to be funny.
Since the Three Frog City Omake I tended to write Maria(Here people think of the GS, while I personally know many people actually with that name) instead of Alexandria. It's such a problem with my writing that every longtimereader knows when I mean Maria the GS or Alexandria, the wife and best friend of Zeno.
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Adhoc vote count started by TheCount on Jun 27, 2021 at 8:00 AM, finished with 43 posts and 29 votes.
Abel Angelus 36 - Jingshen Diplomacy in the Man-As-World Mountain Array

Jingshen Diplomacy in the Man-As-World Mountain Array
Deng Jingshen was having a good day so far. He had successfully hunted two valuable spirit beasts and now he had found a great mountaintop to do his breakthrough. He had collected many tribulation treasures for a bargain price because they required a higher ambient qi level than was normally affordable. Getting a spot in the Man-As-World Mountain Array had been expensive, but taking all the costs as a set they had been a great deal.

Deng looked around himself using his 'eye of the eagle' before starting his tribulation. It wouldn't do to be attacked midway though. Wait there on the next mountain over there was a Golden Devil! He wasn't even trying to hide his metal hair gleamed in the starlight; he had built a tower of all things on top of his mountain. The sheer arrogance.

Well now such arrogance was about to be punished. Deng looked forward to going through the loot later. Anyone so gandy as to build a tower in the middle of a secret realm was bound to have treasure worth having and if it was worth having then Deng Jingshen should have it.

Deng prepared his bow made from great phoenix bone. It would strengthen his already powerful fire element archery arts. Taking aim at the Devil on top of the tower that didn't seem to have even noticed him yet he unlessed his Falling Stars Art. It would strike the fool like the wrath from the heavens above! As his arrow left his bow it ignited into a giant ball of fire so bright that it bleached out the stars in the sky. The Devil turned to look in his direction, but it was too late!

Halfway to his target something impossible happened. The giant ball of fire of his art started dimming and shirking such that by the time it reached the Devil there was nothing left but a wooden arrow shaft with a metal tip. The Devil struck it out of the art with a large metal club.

No, not a club, a tube of some sort. That Devil pointed at him and with a bang a metal ball the size of a head flew out of the tube directly towards Dang. Dang scoffed, no matter what defensive arts the Devil was using he was certainly underestimating Dang if he thought a metal ball would cause him any damage no matter how fast. When it reached him he contemptuously swatted it aside with his iron fist techniq-

There was a blast of heat and light and Dang Jingshen knew no more.
Good to know that my new explosive shells are working. I wonder why that guy attacked me out of the blue like that? Also good to see that the qi gathering arrays drains the qi out of attacks just as well as everything else. That giant fireball arrow was amazingly powerful for qi condensation. It was bigger than some formation level attacks I have seen. I consider going out and looting the treasures that guy must have had, but it isn't worth leaving my arrays. Whatever he had they will be drained like everything else around here.
More inspiration. @Alectai, @TehChron, @Humbaba, @ReaderOfFate, @Kaboomatic
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Gaius Antonius & Lipita Delphi - Crash Course
Lipita Delphi 6: Gaius Antonius & Lipita Delphi - Crash Course

Two hundred miles north of the Dawn Fortress, an understated yet elegantly beautiful villa sat next to a large oasis, keeping watch over a small town with a population of 8,000. Within this home sat a well-furnished sitting room, in which two old friends sat and conversed.

"I really must thank you again for coming on such short notice." Centurion Xie Chin said pleasantly, swirling a goblet of wine as she reclined on a small couch.

"It was no trouble." Replied Gaius Antonius, sitting across from her in a comfortable leather chair. "It wasn't a long trip, and I needed to take a few days off anyway. I got stabbed in the side a few weeks back and I don't think I gave my lung long enough to heal. Must have-"

The Seeker caught himself, taking another sip of wine. It was sweet and powerful; undiluted too. Undiluted Devil wine was more like poison for mortals and Qi Condensation, but as a body artist with purified organs, Gaius could handle a bit. Still kicked like a mule though. "Apologies, friend. Don't just lie down and let me trample you." He chuckled quietly.

"You're still the same boy, deep down." Xie Chin tittered through painted lips. "It's only because I know that, because I know you're a kind and thoughtfu person, that I'm asking you for this favor."

Gaius mulled that statement over for a moment before he crafted a response. He liked to think of himself as kind, but 'Thoughtful' was just flattery - Gaius was a man prone to tunnel vision, which didn't exactly breed thoughtfulness. Still, after two cups of this wine, he had to admit that some flattery felt good right about now.

"About that favor…" he began in a neutral tone, finishing his cup and steepling his fingers. "Your letter wasn't entirely clear. You wanted my help instructing an Aspirant?"

Xie Chin seemed to consider weaving more florid words, before sighing and deciding on plain honesty. "Just so. It's an intensive endeavor, not something I could just ask anyone to do; you're someone I can trust… and you're in a sweet spot in your cultivation. Asking this of you is not as much of an insult as asking a Centurion."

"Oh?" Gaius' eyebrow perked up. "I do have a fondness for ambitious endeavors. "What kind of bizarre favor are you asking of me?"

"As you know, the Yuan Clan will activate their Man-As-Mountain Array in fifteen years." The Centurion began, in a tone Gaius recognized as the kind you use to ease a person into something ridiculous.

"That's correct, I'll be going there myself."

"I was certain you would be. There is an Aspirant under my command, a child of the Delphi family."

Those words alone hit Gaius like a brick. Of all the myriad bloodlines in the Clan, the Delphi were probably the most infamous. Whereas the average cultivator had between two hundred and five hundred meridians, the Delphi averaged two thousand, though they were smaller than normal. They not only had qi reserves nearly twice as deep as their Clansmen, but could command those reserves more efficiently and, most importantly of all, take in qi faster. Each and every one was a powerful mystic and valuable ally.

If only they hadn't been stricken with that curse of madness.

"A Delphi is already a unique asset. You'll need to manage her carefully so she doesn't lose her mind before she reaches her potential." Gaius shot back. Xie Chin obviously knew this, but he knew that she preferred to go back and forth with someone rather than monologue in their face.

"Surprisingly, I'm not as worried for her mind as you might expect." Xie Chin smiled proudly, taking another sip of wine. "She's extremely determined. Mentally, she's like an ox. Extremely ambitious too, says she wants to uplift her whole family."

"She wants to cleanse her bloodline of the curse of madness? And, I presume, do it while keeping its advantages?" Gaius blinked incredulously. "It's a curse born from a Turtle Child's death-rattle; she would have to become a Nascent Soul at least to have a shot. Even then it would be difficult."

"I've told the girl as much, and she's affirmed that she'll go as far as she needs to. I'm telling you, Gaius, she's strong." Xie Chin sat up, putting her cup down and looking Gaius in the eye. "She wants to go to the Yuan Lands when that array starts up."

"She'll die." The Seeker replied without skipping a beat. "If she's just an Aspirant now, then you know fifteen years isn't enough time to be ready. It's not just cultivation. Even if she's a prodigy and hits the Ninth… shit, even if she hits the Tenth by that point, raw power can only do so much. She'll need masterful instincts, a keen tactical mind; ideally she should go in with powerful protective treasures…" Gaius muttered to himself, pacing back and forth.

That damn Xie Chin, she really knew how to play him like a lyre. Already he was caught in a mental trap of his own making. "She'd need practical field skills, a suite of support techniques, support arrays too. Her spiritual senses would also be a double-edged sword, I'd need to inure her to soul-pain…"

"It sounds like you've caught on to my idea." Xie Chin laughed, standing and walking in front of Gaius, steely eyes pinning him in place. "For the next fifteen years, I would like you to try to get her ready for the Yuan Secret Realm. I'm not asking you to babysit her full time; approach this however you wish. And when the time comes, I would like you to take her with you into that place."

Gaius groaned and massaged his temples, as if hearing the words from the Centurion's mouth had made the situation become more real than it already was. "I don't suppose there's something in it for me, then?" He asked wearily.

"Ten percent of all Contribution Points made by both myself and my Century, paid to you in the form of mid-grade spirit stones for the duration of the fifteen-year period." Xie Chin spoke without a moment of hesitation. "That should cover all of the costs, both in things you buy for her and in lost opportunities. Unfortunately I can't rob my own subordinates any more than that."

Gaius rubbed his chin in thought. "That is a lot of stones…" Forget making up for the costs, Gaius would be turning a decent profit compared to if he hadn't taken the job. But even more than that, The Seeker could not deny a burning desire blooming in his heart. The urge to Seek, to discover just what lay within this ambitious Delphi girl.

"I suppose there's no harm in meeting the Aspirant. I'll give her a year, and if I like what I see I'll keep her on for the full period." Gaius nodded decisively. "I can't deny it; I'm intrigued."


Alchemy was as much art as science.There were entire libraries devoted to recording the observations of cultivators on how alchemical processes were sensitive to all manner of interactions between reagent components, equipment and concocter. It was a popular teaching amongst any who progressed any significant way along the discipline of pill refining, and associated endeavors that products developed from the fruits of the labors of other fellow practitioners were best tested on subjects not oneself just to be safe. It made comprehending the legacies of seniors in the path an exercise in frustration because so much of what distinguished a satisfactory outcome from disaster was in the minutiae of detail that somehow never got recorded in all the recipes and cookbooks.

Lipita swore fiercely enough to have had her mothers wash out her mouth with soap were they present as several days worth of contribution points vaporized in a cloud of oily black smoke. The pill furnace containing her ill fated attempt at a Meridian Scouring Pill jumped fitfully as the backlash from the released energies of the Spirit Herbs running rampant jostled the expensive equipment she was renting. Subtle arrays worked into the ceiling of the backroom of her workshop pulled the offending fumes away and out. Taking off the inscribed mask she was wearing, Lipita reviewed her actions in preparing the pill, comparing them to the instructions in the notes she'd accessed from the Delphi family archives.

This particular variant of one of the more common cultivation aids had the overly pretentious name of the Fierce Banks Overflowing recipe and was largely unknown in the popular circles of alchemists. It had drawn her eye though for using an interesting substitution of herbs and minerals than the more popular variants, attractive in their lower cost to an aspiring refiner who needed better than razor thin margins to fund all manner of projects. Lipita was quickly coming to the grim conclusion that the Fierce Banks Overflowing recipe was in disfavor because the damned thing was too finicky for the penny pinching mindsets of most cultivators. The recipe seemed simple enough on the surface but the ever evolving failures she produced despite following the instructions as provided indicated that some vital reference was lacking. In a sense, she was in effect reverse engineering the pill from repetitive failure but the pace of progress was cutting heavily into her bottom line.

A sharp buzz and flashing light overhead alerted her to a presence requiring her attention at the entrance. She stripped of her protective clothing, quickly but carefully taking care to avoid touching her bare skin with any of the outer surfaces as she disposed of the set in a bin for cleansing before reuse. Striding into the fore room of her rented workshop, she pulsed qi through the inscribed formation set into the wall with a slap and the warding protections on the portal relaxed at her command, the door to the workshop opening by itself. It was simplicity itself to set the last feature up but it had a useful effect in setting the tone for visitors.

Tall and lean, black cloak, big hat; a striking and memorable silhouette. Even after taking it off her unexpected visitor had to duck a bit to get in the doorway. Past the door, he placed his hat back on his head and looked around silently. Subtle probing gave her a tightly constrained aura, well into Qi Condensation. At least 9th Heavenstage; that was all she could tell without probing deeper, which would be rude.

"Are you Aspirant Lipita Delphi?" The man asked quietly, glancing first at her, then the cluttered contents of her desk. "Apologies, I didn't mean to disturb you while you were working, but I don't have much time to spare today. I need to ask you a few questions."

When she got up to greet the strange man, Lipita noticed something else which the cursory glance hadn't covered: this man was cultivating. He was doing it right now, while standing and talking to her. The efficiency was poor, of course; around 40% of the Qi was going to waste. But the fact remained that this man had a profound enough grasp of cultivation to do it while not meditating.

Lipita focused on the ingrained routines from the Delphi head family on interacting with respectable seniors. "Greetings, senior. This one is indeed Lipita Delphi. How may I be of service?"

There, a hint of humility and an invitation to open discussion.

"Centurion Xie Chin, your commanding officer, asked me to give you some instructions." The man said plainly, stroking his chin as he carefully considered his words. He frowned and tapped his foot a few times, lost in his own head. "You plan to enter the Yuan Realm in fifteen years, but the fact is that you were born at an unfortunate time. To be ready by the age of thirty-five will be very hard, so…"

There was a halting quality to the black-clad Legionnaires words as he hemmed and hawed over how to go forward. At least Lipita wasn't the only nervous person here. "There isn't an easy way to ask this, and I can't do anything at all with you until I know the answer. Answer this question not to me, but like you're looking in a mirror, admitting the truth to yourself. There will be no shame regardless of what you say." With all that said, he turned his gaze down to look Lipita directly in the eye, and in that moment, she felt something unfathomable brush up against her soul. Half-real; no, quarter-real as it was, it still made her shiver.

"Are you willing to endure profound pain and suffering far beyond the norm? Are you willing to put your pride aside when necessary, embrace danger, and walk straight into terror? Because that is the minimum needed to truly excel."

This strange man walks into her shop, apparently on the request of her commander and asks her if she is willing to suffer for gain? Xie Chen certainly knew how to pick them. Whatever offense she might have taken by his brusque approach was squashed by that lingering sensation of ephemeral examination. This man, whoever he was, had expressed the hints of a Dao so early in the progress of cultivation. This was no simple visitor and she would treat his inquiry in like manner.

Nodding briefly, Lipita replied, "I am young and acknowledge that I have barely grasped the depths of what it is to be a cultivator. But I am of the Delphi and even in my ignorance, I still know what it is to walk in lockstep with suffering. I will not bore you with a history well-known throughout the Optimatoi but I will share this of myself. To become an Aspirant inducted into the Legions, I wrestled a curse laid by the dying breath of an infant god. I did not overcome it but I bear it daily as it harrows my very being with each iota of progress I make in cultivation. Pain does not scare me for I have never been without it. Where else will I prove my will save in the face of terror and danger so I will not flee from them? I might suffer from an excess of pride I must admit, though. After all, I seek to undo the work of a god."

The man smiled brightly despite the grim statement. "Chin'er was right about you after all. You're remarkable. With an outlook like that, you might just make it." He ducked again to walk out of the doorway and motioned for her to follow. "My name is Gaius Antonius. Come with me; your first lesson starts now."

Oh… that was a name she recognized. After Rina Callista had demonstrated that the slim potential of the Single Pillar Path could in fact be grasped, a number of prospective successors had made waves amongst the Clan. Gaius Antonius was a noteworthy contender, having reportedly reached the 12th Heavenstage before he turned 100, and being backed by the Quintia family. Talent and wealth drew attention from powerful figures, not least among the Delphi looking to recover fallen glory. This promised to be interesting in every sense of the word.

Quickly locking up her workshop, she followed after her new teacher out into the enclosure of the Dawn Fortress. Lipita roused her Memory's Palace to active use, creating an indelible record of the instruction.

"I won't ask about how good your cycling is; you're a Delphi after all. Your family probably has their own cycling technique only they can use, just to keep up with their bodies." Gaius began, leading Lipita toward the outer wall of the fortress with long, smooth strides. From there, he launched right into a prepared lecture. "So from that foundation, we can begin with the most important lesson of all: time management. If you want to advance quickly, you need to use your time efficiently, not wasting any of it. This doesn't mean not taking time for leisure; that's an important time for maintaining your mental and physical health."

He fished several small, low-grade spirit stones out of his pocket and handed them to Lipita, as casually as if he were giving her some candy. "Cultivating while walking. Most people can't manage it, but a Delphi can. We're going to walk around the whole fortress, and as we do so I want you to cycle qi from those stones. Don't worry about waste - even if 99% of it dissipates into the air, that's fine. The important part is getting a trickle into your body and maintaining it. You can raise the efficiency with practice." Gaius then demonstrated, drawing another stone and pulling in qi as they walked. His intake was even less stable than when he'd been standing still; half of the qi slipped out of his channels and emerged from his pores as a heat haze.

"Boring, right?" He chuckled. "But get this down, and that tiny amount of progress will add up tremendously over the years."

Lipita felt a frisson of excitement run through her. Masochistic as it might seem, the prospect of extending the self torture that was her daily cultivation was exciting. She'd suffered to excel in the use of the Oasis Formation, even beyond the basics required by the trainers during induction because it was an excellent tempering experience for extended qi channeling and recovery for someone afflicted with her family's curse. Moving beyond recovery and maintenance to genuine advancement in her cultivation would be a heaven-sent boon to her race to power.


From there, Gaius' lessons continued in that same vein: difficult but practical. Not flashy new abilities, but the kind of hard work that showed itself over the course of years.

After teaching her the walking-while-cultivating technique(there was probably a proper name for that somewhere, but Gaius didn't know it), the lessons became something even more simple: physical training. Gaius would take the only key to her shop and put it somewhere out of her reach, and tell her to go get it before she could go home. Sometimes it was on a rock in the middle of a large, fast-moving river. Sometimes it was at the peak of a small but steep mountain. Sometimes he hung it from the uppermost branches of a very old tree, forcing her to chop the whole thing down with nothing but mundane steel axes.

"If you want to rank among the best, you can't have any glaring weaknesses." The Seeker had explained. "Your family draws a lot less strength from the Bronze because it's too busy holding those two thousand meridians together. Everything the Bronze didn't give you, you must take for yourself."

That wasn't to say she was slacking on other training to do this; he insisted that she put just as much time into cultivation, weapon training and her personal studies. Rather, it was more like her muscles were pushed to the limit of what they could take while still doing all of that.

On her weekly rest day, Gaius would take the time to lecture her on all manner of subjects; how to suture a wound without qi, which spirit beasts could be scared off and which would fight to the death, how to perform basic body enhancements more efficiently, how to regulate your breathing with a punctured lung, things like that. Again, he still didn't teach her any techniques, but strove to give her an education and foundation more solid than Gravebronze.

Much of what he taught she knew in theory but he had the benefit of experience to make up for the deficiencies that inevitably crept in when firsthand knowledge was being recorded for indirect transmission. Chemos, her old master, was a competent apothecarist for all his harebrained flights of fancy but he'd been a Foundation Establishment expert for long enough that in training a barely broken through youth he'd focused on general basics ignoring several stopgaps intended for when good enough was all you had and waiting for better was worse than doing nothing. Gaius' approach was much more in line with standard legion doctrine than the usual Delphi strategy. Sometimes you didn't have the means to put down your enemy from afar and fighting through pain and distraction alone was all you could do.

As Lipita clutched her knees, throwing up her breakfast after running drills for what seemed hours in end, she acknowledged that had this been a mere twenty years ago, she would never have made it in any way through this training. Crazy Elder Destacia had worked a miracle in boosting the strength of the Blood of Bronze in the most recent inductions. She shuddered to recall how her body had run riot as the infusion had first taken place but here she was. A Delphi managing to hold out in extended combat channeling qi with the resilience against the Harrowing that the family usually only saw in Foundation Establishment experts.

The elders in the family approved of the closer ties to a favored protege of the Quintia family and the archives had had their restrictions loosened. It was always interesting to surprise her senior with detailed follow up to introductory topics he brought up on her rest days. The Delphi might be fallen from their heights of glory but they weren't content to wallow in mediocrity. The family adapted and sought the power inherent to knowledge. When much of your strength relied on preparing your ground and stacking the odds in your favor, everything was fair game. There wasn't enough time to master everything but just being able to know and reference topics of interest was a hidden advantage.

By the time the first year of teaching was up, Gaius found himself pleasantly surprised. In that time, Lipita had shown a commendable work ethic, and grew more capable by the day. With this kind of promising start, she had the potential to go far(and all those stones he was making didn't hurt either). And so, he eventually got back to Xie Chin and agreed to go the full fifteen-year distance.

AN: (3800/2=1900 words) Threadmark please. @Alectai, @TehChron, @Humbaba, @ReaderOfFate, @Kaboomatic This is a collaboration with the excellent @no.
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Zeno vs Prakash(collab) - ReaderOfFate, no, and Juugo.
Zeno vs Prakash(collab)

(collab with Chimerical Tesseract/ @ReaderOfFate, @no. and @BadAtScreenNames)​

Getting the prisoners out was the easy part. Sneak in while the enemies' backs were turned and cut them loose without using qi. The captured centurions were lightly guarded, while Kalki ascended. And very much willing to get out of here, while holding their ears. Zeno's first assumption of someone being a demonic tunist were thrown out after a short conversation through standard legionary hand signs. Normally they would not have the time to establish this much, but this cultivator was a disciple of the most honourable school of lazy does it and was trying his hardest to sing, Zeno guessed. His screeching could surely be heard even in the deepest parts of the Fort.

One centurion specialising in expendable arrays was even willing to give Zeno an array. It clearly does not work, but the man had more life changing processes on his mind, with all the blood dripping from his nose.

In between the signing of the group in the distance the disciple continued his screeching without remorse or thought for tact, Zeno thought morosely.

Before the fight, Zeno reminded himself of what he knew. His enemy, Prakash, is a telekinetic with a childish streak and by the looks of it doesn't take us seriously. To our disadvantage he's guarding the only (intended) exit out of this, qi draining glass in the windows letting little light from the sun shine through. The acknowledgement tasted bitter in Zeno's mouth.

He also thought that we cannot let him notice the scorpions digging an escape tunnel to the maintenance corridors and soon changing the echo so even Prakash can discern the difference. Knowing this, Zeno's purpose is clear, to distract the child.

With great effort Zeno forces as much qi as possible into the broken stone carved array, while the horrible screeching continues in the background.

As Zeno steps out of the shadow of the cell, Prakash finally stops screeching, stepping right.

With arms splayed wide and an easy grin he advances leisurely towards Zeno. "Well, it seems a very colourful rat escaped its cage." A rock embeds itself in the window between the two combatants.

"I am more of a mountain rabbit." Zeno rebuked with an even tone. Hollering and laughter greet the divinator's declaration, while Prakash takes the time to dramatically lean on a wall, seemingly ignoring the devil mere meters away.

"Ooh, you are going to be amusing." Despite his good demeanour, a ring of various weapons starts to float around him. "Come back to the jail and take that slab of rusted metal away, now!" A force of qi swirl around him, to hold up the weapons. The crack in the windows begins to get wider.

As Zeno sidesteps the first jab at him, aimed to intimidate him rather than truly harm. "With that screeching of yours I am amazed that our glass can withstand it." Zeno grins.

Annoyed, Prakash rebukes. "As if you would know talent, devil." In the small confines of the hall, the swirling weapons of Prakash now focus on truly harming Zeno, sparking qi when blade meets ground or wall. Zeno parries and dodges all the while, a lazy smile forming on his lips with every blade not wounding him and small cuts healing before the eyes of Prakash.

With time Zeno learns of the patterns employed by Prakash. Two swipes are either followed by a precise cut or a hammer blow from above. The small number of weapons and little room, helping Zeno anticipate where to dodge next.

In the same timeframe Prakash clearly grows annoyed at Zeno.

Zeno's answer to Prakash's order "Die already, devil!" is another cut, which Prakash Blocks with a swipe.

The growing childish anger of Prakash was obvious with every swipe dodged by Zeno. "Why would anyone want to follow your orders anyway? You are clearly just Kalki's guard dog! Bark!" The streams cut the air faster with every missed strike, a frenzied river of blades.

"At least the crafter lady could do more than bark!" an unused left hand showing the still healing burns on Zeno. The flesh deforms in strange ways to the visual displeasure of Prakash.

"Disgusting! He's my brother, not my master! his screech makes the windows wobble. Meanwhile Zeno is forced to reorient himself and step back out of striking range to gather himself.

Betting on a hammer blow from above, Zeno dodges under the stream of weapons to cut the token. That plan is foiled by Prakash sidestepping towards the cracked window. The momentum of Zeno's cut forces chunks of rocks loose, which Prakash quickly adds to his arsenal. The forming projectile hail flowing faster and sparking even more on every surface. The cracked windows behind Prakash break under the strain, the following explosion ripping Zeno and Prakash from their positions.

The flows of weapons continue to assail Zeno with a battle cry of "Die!" as they land on the rubble that were the walls of the fort. This time more weapons find their purchase on Zeno under the weight of a King. Only the wider arcs of the projectiles, his enemies temper and Zeno's new mantra to ward off some Dao effects allow the dancer to avoid the worst.

In between dodging doom by a thousand cuts Zeno could not help but think that at least the charred hair of Prakash fits his personality now. There's nothing left to be saved.

The situation changes quickly, as Amaranth kicks Zeno out of the way of a backstabbing hail while draining away much of the Qi from the projectiles. The unprepared rocks chunks falling high towards the Sun.

Chucking another hail towards the glowing Amaranth, Prakash exclaims. "Now this is better, dance for me!" not all the weapons returned this time.

Behind the fallen rock a discordant battle cry of "Diediediedie!" demands the combatants attention. Sand turns into stone and their crash from on high forces Prakash to sink into the sand. Glass steadies his feet, while rooting him. The onslaught countered by hundreds of blades.

"Ha did you really think that wo- '' not letting their opponent get any breath the World shudders under Amaranth's might. His will and passion expressed in the burning fist, shatters Prakash's veil of weapons. Maria and her Twin flying off into the distance, their shadows stretching far under the dim light of the Sun. The shadows swirl.

A Reserve dagger quickly plucked by Prakash, never Hits its mark, as a sudden saber from behind forces Prakash to dodge.

Prismatic light enveloping Prakash slows him down enough for Zeno to try cutting. His saber comes nearer than before, but it's not enough. A rock rushes over to Prakash, which he uses as leverage to leap to the side, prepared to send an attack just as he moves away, but then Prakash sees something, and his eyes widen. The feeling of Dao-Might permeating the air soon winks out like a doused candle. Soon after, he crushes his token and vanishes in a burst of golden light.

With a moment to breathe and the fight seemingly over they meet up again to walk back.

The twins holler everyone's frustration into the winds. "That fucker didn't die!"

"But we cooked the dog at least!" a jubilant Lyssa answered as they trudged towards their base Camp.

"WE didn't even destroy the Token." A morose Zeno corrected.

A deep voice beside them asserts. "WE survived and the hunters Left. Nothing else matters in the trials. "

With frustrated sighs and/or nods all around they marched onwards.


As Zeno stands in the entrance of the tent, Gaius is ready to greet him back, puffing all the while.

"So you made it back..." Gaius sighs in relief, the remainder of the day's tension finally leaving his body. "I tried to find you after we won, but you weren't in the rubble. We must have passed by each other." He turned and spat some blood into a handkerchief. "Sorry. Tongue's still growing back. Probably shouldn't smoke until it's done." Despite his words, Gaius made no move to put down his cigarette.

A moment of silence passed between the two men, neither sure what to say in the aftermath of all that fighting. "You look like shit, Senior." Gaius eventually interjected. "But then, so do I." He gestured to his limply hanging arm and gave a smile with several missing or broken teeth.

Accepting the comment as his own shoulders slumped, Zeno continued. "Was it the result of an explosion or someone just throwing fire at you?" While they sat down on what furniture was available, Appendix made some tea and handed them to anyone who wished for some refreshment.

"Either way, the fort blew up in the fight with Prakash and the only thing we hurt was his mop of hair and his pride. Nothing the ass can't grow back, unfortunately. Please tell me it went better with the others. Did we at least banish Kalki or whoever you helped to fight properly?" Zeno pleaded.

"We won't know exactly what happened until Wei Feng's out of the medical tent, and that's a way's off." Gaius turned to said tent. It was overflowing, with so many surgeries being conducted within that the lesser treatments were outside in the open air. "He's still in critical condition; he was mostly bone by the time things were over, and his guts were hanging out. Even for The Phoenix, that's quite bad…"

He took another drag, drawing on the slightly memories of what happened to him. "I was fighting the honor guard at first, and in an open plain like this I took out several pretty fast. Then I saw Xiao Yingzi chained to the ground and saved her with my Earth-Gliding. One thing led to another, I laid my hands on a Six-Pillar Foundation expert, and the only reason I can walk right now is she only had a few seconds to spare for me." He gazed off into the middle distance, humbled by that glance of how far the path went. "That's how I lost my tongue - she hit me so hard I bit it off."

"Did you not want to stop smoking until it grew back?" Zeno asks, an eyebrow arched.

Gaius quietly scowled for a moment, annoyed at having been caught. But Zeno was a superior officer… he regretfully put out the cigarette and tried to ignore Zeno's smug look. Wanting to at least put something in his mouth to distract from the painful squirming of his healing tongue, he chewed some medicinal herbs instead.

Taking the momentum Zeno says."At least Wei Feng will get the medical attention he needs. Let's hope he'll make it." With another sip of tea taken he continues. "On better news. The prisoners in Fort Deadsand escaped successfully and should make it to another holdout for the little medical attention they need."

"That's good, at least." Gaius opened the flap and looked, seeing the prisoners joining the camp. "Because we're not quite out of this yet. The Trial's still going on, and we've got a whole lot of Clansmen who can't fight right now. We'll need to stay here for a couple more weeks."

Zeno nods. "That's true. I'll get on divinating the next qi surge, so we won't starve to death and can move in time then." Taking another sip he explains. "According to Abel'er Fort Deadsand is only a temporary fort we maintain in times when its flows allow us to man it. Since this is the trials I would not put it beyond Heaven to shorten this qi surge and starve us. We should probably move sooner than later, though."

"Mm." Gaius nodded grimly. "Then… maybe in a week. It'll be a hard march for those who are worst off but they should make it if we pace ourselves. We can disperse once we reach northern Hua land, get back to the usual routine of these damned things." Gaius stopped at that, contemplating something. Zeno meanwhile gets another cup.

"It feels strange, to pull off something this big and just… go back to business as usual. I suppose time never stops flowing no matter how important an event is. Every day is as long as every other." He limps out of the tent, looking upon the assembled soldiers. Zeno followed closely behind him. Almost everyone was wounded, some badly, but there was some ephemeral quality visible in each and everyone, some spark that would normally be snuffed out in this year. "We won't be famous like the Thirteen." Gaius laughed. "Not nearly as many people saw this. Still, no matter what happens, the fact that we were here, that we did this… no one can take that from us."

"You can say that again, friend. Strange is a good word for it, I believe. You know, I didn't think so many people would heed my call in the first place. I thought the Clan's mentality would be keeping them away from something so obviously manipulated by Heaven, but I am happy in a strange way to be proven wrong. We weren't the Thirteen and with this I feel, none of us that survived will ever be considered under their shadows of fame. We chartered our own paths, and thanks to Wei Feng in particular, succeeded in what we set out to do."

Giving the cup to Appendix, Zeno asks one last question to Gaius beside him. "Do you think we'll be able to carry the momentum of our path we built today?"

Gaius rubs his chin, pondering that statement. "I'd like to think so. Even if only to a few people, we've proved that we won't lie down and be their treasure vault anymore. As to what response that might provoke… that I can't know." He put his hands on his hips. "Although this might be cold to say… I won't regret what we did. Not even if they try to burn us to the ground next time. This week, we proved that we're warriors, not animals."

Zeno merely nods at the truth of the statement, the tranquil silence between them all that needs to be told.

After a time Amaranth approaches the tent, Zeno still standing before it, clearly elsewhere with his thoughts, a slowly painted map being filled out, under his glowing gaze. He waves at him a bit to get his attention, but soon realizes that Zeno isn't focusing on his surroundings at the moment. Finally, Amaranth decides to speak.

"So, Zeno Angelus, was it? I hear that you're the one to look for if a person needs information, right? Or at least, it seems like you're a solid diviner to me. Getting warnings about things as far as another Sea sounds like a feat I've never heard any other diviner in Core, forget Foundation, to manage to accomplish."

"Wha-" Zeno backs away. Loud guffawing starting behind Zeno, the tea spilling in the sand. "Eh, yes. I am Centurion Angelus, Senior." A glare to his side stops the mocking laughter.

Straightening up, he says. "I am a good diviner, yes, but not to the level most legionnaires would love to claim, heh." Zeno shakes his head at the thought of their claims. "Heaven tipped the scale, because Kalki offended it. Simple as that."

"Heaven, favoring one of us Golden Devils over one of the Fifth Sea? I have to admit, that's a bit of an odd thought, and if I hadn't seen the lightnings sent down at Kalki today, I might have had a hard time believing it. But I have, so it's just one more thing to take into account, I suppose." Finally, he shakes his head as if to clear it of something. "But, that's enough of that. It's just good to see that Wei Feng managed to send him back in short order. The power of that Dao…" Amaranth shudders. "If he managed to get into the greater swathes of the Fifth Sea push, there'd have been a whole lot more deaths than there were, that's for sure. Not just from the emanations themselves, but also from those wretched invaders getting strengthened in the process. It was almost like those four were getting pushed over the crest of a wave, if the wave served solely to raise them up instead of crushing them over."

Zeno nods at that. "I got a similar feeling from that. Mind you the telekinetic we faced, Prakash, was a handful even without the boost by his brother Kalki. Everything he did, everything he was, simply became more for lack of a better term. He reacted faster, his precision with his weapons got better and I am pretty sure without that boost your punch should have at least made some damage. With the boost everything we did seemed to just glance off, somehow. Very frustrating." A bunch of kicked sand flies into the air.

"Anyway I am happy this went so well, to be honest. This could have gone so much worse. If the crafter lady had some stuff to entrap us we would have been done for, as only one horror scenario that could be painted." This gives Zeno pause. "It certainly showed how easy it was to lose everything with that. Not just our lives. A victory here could have wiped out the work of the last century, if not even more." his eyes looking upon his saber, while he thinks.

"Hm...Senior. I know that may be forward, but do you know what legacy you will leave behind?" Zenos eyes wander from his sword to Amaranth's face.

Amaranth's face, despite being a cultivator near the end of his lifespan, surprisingly enough still looked like he was in the prime of his life for a mortal. Given that cultivators tended to rapidly age as they approached their final years, this was undoubtedly due to the use of a technique. Even so, his bronze skin carried the characteristic tarnished patina of an elderly Golden Devil. There were parts where untarnished bronze still showed through, obviously the work of long effort scrubbing it clean, but the vast majority still was covered in tones of green and grey. That was rather odd, because Zeno could've sworn that he had seen Amaranth's face completely clear when he had first seen him, but he supposed that the patina piled on faster than he had thought.

"Legacy, huh." Amaranth looks a bit distant, for a few moments, but comes back to himself and straightens up. "Well, to be honest-"

"To be honest, what, senior?" Zeno's voice and posture indicating his full attention.

Amaranth looks like he's about to say something, but stops himself. Then, he continues. "I know I've tried my best to not show it, but to you, my age must seem as clear as day, so I'll get to the point. I've been thinking about what would happen if I'll fail the tribulation that stands in front of me. Failing and dying honestly scares me less than if I fail and survive. This'll be my one-hundred and ninety-sixth year, you see." Zeno nods.

Amaranth continues unabated. At this point, his chin is on his hands, eyes flitting from place to place in clear worry. "Even if the Heavens don't claim my life through the sky, the earth will take my corpse within a few years, maybe even a few months. You know, maybe it's a bit arrogant of me. I'm still at the Twelfth Heavenstage at this age, and even though I feel that the Thirteenth is at the very next step, waiting that bit longer when time is rushing out behind me, only to face a tribulation that's even greater than the one that I'd otherwise face, it's just— maybe that's why it hasn't come yet. Maybe that's why I haven't gotten there. And now, I don't know if I should be planning for a death that's more likely to occur than not, or if that would just make these doubts worsen even further when they shouldn't. So, when I say I've been thinking about legacy, that's really all I've been doing. Thinking. I haven't taken any steps—"

Zeno holds up both his hands. "Peace, friend. You do not have to convince me about the righteousness of your way." Amaranth finally notices the position he's in, and hurriedly moves back into an attempt at looking relaxed.

"Your story is scarily similar to that of my own father Georgios decades ago. He too faced certain death by old age and feared to not make it in time. Admittedly, he had the advantage of my mother, whose information network spied a particular dream trial she could accompany him within… He made it in time, advancing quickly afterwards with his bottleneck washed away. The price for that we pay even now, his body and soul lost to the liminal and serving under the dreaming Mount Tai." Zeno takes a moment to gauge the reaction of his listener.

Amaranth looks shocked. "Wait, that can happen? I don't know much about how the world of dreams works, but the Heavens can seize you in your entirety over there? That's horrifying."

Zenos eyes narrow. "It is. The power we attain in our journey always has a price, especially the kind my father bargained for in his trials. Ours may be made more by our own hard work, but make no mistake nothing exists alone." Zeno pauses, so Amaranth can have a moment to think.

"It should not be of concern to you anyway. You have every intention to face your tribulation head on, no? Zeno asks.

"Honestly, I didn't even know you could avoid a tribulation in that manner, but given the costs… No, that's certainly not a path I would take. Serving the heavens for eternity is far worse than mere death, and to be honest, I'm not sure the Heavens would be that kind to someone seeking to avoid the Five-Elements Tribulation. I'll face it head on. No matter my worries, that's the only path." Amaranth's face firms with resolve. Then, looking like he remembered something, he continues. "Though, is there anything that you know that could help increase my chances of success? I'd be foolish to not take any advantage I could before going through the process, after all. I hear that the wrath of the Heavens is lessened the higher you go, but that's about the limit of my own knowledge of the matter regarding the effect of the site chosen. That's actually what I came to ask you in the first place, by the way."

Zeno rubs his chin and contemplates the matter. "The information I have is secondhand, gleaned from many nights of talking with legionnaires in her legion and reading her official essay on the board, but I think I can at least give some insights."

Three fingers raised he continues." The first thing you need to be aware of is the horrendous cost in spirit stones your cultivation will consume after your ascent." Pointing with his other finger to the second finger he says. "Secondly, Your tribulation, as it is unorthodox in nature, is bound to destroy large swathes of territory and in the case of Callista made these lands even workable by farmers, small as it was. The last part is the most important. Where do you want to perform this tribulation? Not just, because you consider it optimal. All the people I have heard talk about it in the legion say the personal significance, like the Feng Shui, is important." With his points made, Zenos lowers his arms, waiting for Amaranth to consider this matter. His comrade is already pacing up and down as he talks to no one in particular.

"I expected the tribulation to be destructive, yeah. The tribulations of the Golden Devils tend to be that way. What was it, eight-parts killing intent to two-parts vital force for the 'standard' type? And that's before whatever that enhancement does to the thing. Though, her tribulation made the land fertile? That's pretty remarkable, though I suppose with what I've heard of her Dao, that makes sense. The Heavens challenge your Dao at the moment of a tribulation, to crack it, to find imperfections. In her case, the imposition of the existing world over her own, the world from before the Turtle Child died. I'm unsure if whatever countermeasure the Heavens would pull against my Dao would be as kind to the surroundings, though. That being said, if a place of significance is needed, then the sacrifice must be made to push through. But what place? That'll require thought."

Zeno stands beside the pacing Amaranth, a cup of tea for him in his hand. "Would you care for some after, well this? You certainly can't voice a plan with a dry throat."

Amaranth gratefully takes the cup, and takes a deep sip. "Thanks, Zeno. I needed that." A solemn grin is his only response as Zeno waits for Amaranth to collect himself.

After a few minutes, where he tilted his head to the side and stroked his beard, he nods once. Zeno noting his words on vellum, the tea handed over to Appendix in a quiet moment. "I think I have a place in mind. If there was ever a place that was fundamental to the birth of my Dao, it would have to be in that spiritual oasis, where over a century ago, I tested myself against thousands of toads and learned of their nature that echoed mine in some ways. There was a specific type of toad, actually, the Thunder Toad, that attempted to consume tribulation lightning at the Ninth Heavenstage in an attempt to forge their first pillar. Most died, of course, but it gave me an idea." Then, he frowned. "Though, that place lies flat on the desert basin. I'd have to use some sort of ramp, or tower, to make it a non-suicidal endeavor, but from what I heard, the tribulation might lay waste to such a contraption in the middle of the ordeal."

"Wouldn't it also make the surrounding spirit beasts wary of engaging you, with all the heavenly lightning gathered?" Zeno suggests, noting the Thunder Toad Basin.

"Ah, I see, perhaps there's been a misunderstanding. See, my relationship with the toads of that region, while certainly nostalgic, isn't amiable at all. If it made those toads more wary of me, frankly I'd consider it a bonus."

"So just another obstacle, huh." Zeno says.

Amaranth visibly considered that for a moment. "Not a bad description, yeah. Though, if I'm not mistaken, the Foundation-level Toads in the region that may seek to go after me after I'm weakened from the tribulation shouldn't be of the level to be too much of a threat, if the strength of the Single Pillar shows true as it did earlier today with that Kalki. I could even call it a bit of a morning snack— though perhaps I'm underestimating how badly I'll be beaten up in the process. Actually, nevermind that, you have a fair point."

Zeno says. "That sounds like you need Dao Guardians and some kind of artifact to ward off Heavenly empowered toads."

Amaranth, about to respond until he heard the last part of what Zeno said, comes to a stop and looks at Zeno with an intensity that he didn't have until now. "Heavenly empowered.. toads, you say? That sounds— surprisingly plausible. Incredibly plausible, actually. If the tools are already present, why not use them? Or at least, that certainly seems like the ethos they've taken with the Trials. Toad-men…" Amaranth continues to mutter to himself. "Did that Thousand-Tongued Toad doom me by telling me that story, or was it inevitable all along?"

Zeno cuts in. "Divination is not deterministic I think, and it constantly fluctuates. You know, the archives tell of so many individuals wielding the laws. It gets complicated fast and that is under the System of Heaven influencing us. So it most likely was not some kind of prophecy intended for you, but you just fit the role." his uncertain , but steady voice underlining how complicated that topic is.

"Divination wouldn't, sure, but curses of Fate are another breed entirely. Though, it seemed peaceful enough, so perhaps that's just my paranoia talking. Anyways, you mentioned getting Dao Guardians and artifacts? That's probably a wise move. I hear that you can rent the services of a Centurion for a hefty sum of contribution points, though I don't know anyone who would be willing to deal with something on this scale. I guess I"ll have to search around." Amaranth glances at Zeno one more time, and appears to be thinking hard about something. "By any chance, would you mind?"

Zeno steps back, shocked. "To be your Dao Guardian!? Would I as an Orthodox cultivator even make a difference? Not that I am not grateful, but… you know."

Amaranth laughed, which was rather unlike the somber attitude he was showing earlier. "No, I'm not asking you to strike at my tribulation directly. That'd just be foolish, the Heavens send down more power in response to interference. What I meant was that after my tribulation, I'm almost certainly going to be severely injured or unconscious, very possibly both. I'll be ripe pickings for whatever Toad decides that I'd be a nice meal to have after I've been fattened up by my ascension, so I'll need a protector to prevent that from happening." But then, Amaranth's face changed. "Though, considering the scale of the thing, even staying close enough to be able to protect me when Heaven's judgement has ended might invite collateral damage. Hm. Though, you'd think it'd be weakened from the distance, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Probably, at least."

Zeno rubs his chin, thinking deeply about this. After he's done he straightens his back, as every legionnaire learns for a salute and his eyes gaze directly at Amaranth. "I will do it, but I would use these circumstances for some poetic justice if you will. I would try to empower my fathers saber with Heavenly Lightning as its whetstone. Would my help still be acceptable, with you knowing this?"

"Absolutely! First of all, I should thank you for deciding to help me at all. I was just a bit overenthusiastic earlier, so apologies, that slipped my mind. Taking advantage of the tribulation in any shape and form would honestly be completely fine just for that, but taking advantage of it in a manner to deal justice to the heavens who have stolen your father from you— as a Golden Devil, I can only commend you for the idea. I hope you can take that saber and plunge it into the Heavens themselves for their sins." Amaranth catches himself miming thrusting a saber into the air, and sheepishly laughs. "Ah, that's my enthusiasm again. Essentially, go for it." A grin appears on Zenos face at that statement.

"Nice! that sounds like the beginning of a plan!" Zeno offers Amaranth his right swordhand.

With a smile on his face, Amaranth clasps Zeno's hand and shakes it. "Indeed. With Prakash and the Trials, we were the ones who reacted. We'll decide where the fight is next!"

AN: It was fun to work with everyone of you and it really helped against my writing bottleneck! @Humbaba , @ReaderOfFate

words: 5396
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Zeno vs Prakash (Collab Link) - ReaderOfFate, no, and Juugo.
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Minervina Barda 28: Conspiracy in Quigai Part 1
Minervina Barda 28: Conspiracy in Quigai Part 1

"Revenge is a dish best served cold." This was the wisdom told to Jingsheng Hui Lui when he asked his Elders for guidance. After months of grieving, painstakingly slow physical recovery and emotional desolation, they were exactly the words that he needed to hear.

His heart was full of fire and pain ever since that Poison Devil had walked into his life. Her callous black magic had slaughtered his disciples, his nephews and cousins, all of whom he loved like sons. As soon as he regained consciousness he had searched the scorched and blasted remains of the compound for hours, worsening the wounds to his body and cultivation base as he fruitlessly searched for survivors.

He had sworn a Dao Oath of vengeance that day and had since dedicated every moment to that end. He had spent wealth like water, liquidating centuries of assets and treasures. His path to Core Formation, the labour of centuries, severed forever as he exchanged all the reserves of Tribulation mitigating arrays and Breakthrough Pills he had squirrelled away.

Even his Dao was willfully undermined in his quest for bloody satisfaction. He had cast aside his chivalry and scorned the code of honour that had defined him for so long. What use were the Laws and Rules of the Righteous Path if the Demons could wantonly slaughter the most upright of men? How blind was Heaven that such injustice could be allowed to stand?

As he pushed open the door of the seedy bar, the Witch's mocking voice rang in his ear again, as it did so often these days. Finally, coming to see things my way then?

His face took on a pained expression as he shook off the vision before concentrating on the denizens of the sleazy bar. Even his Qi enhanced eyes struggled to penetrate the thick haze of fog left behind by all the opium and other more exotic narcotics.

It had cost the better part of three decades of effort, his life savings and his faith, but he finally had almost everything he needed to claim his vengeance. He knew where the Devil would be and he had the tools to bring her to justice. Now he just needed a team of fellow Foundation Building experts insane, angry or impoverished enough to try and hunt down one of the Golden Devils most infamous Poison Masters in the midst of the seething pit of madness that is the Quigai Secret Realm.

"Stop looking so glum Hui! Tomorrow we finally set off on our quest!" A jovial bear of a man, Kong Mo was his first and most steadfast companion. Lui grimaced but let his blood brother press a jar of wine into his hand and guide him to the table he had prepared for the forthcoming interviews.

He still felt a little awkward and ashamed around his old friend. His beloved firstborn was amongst the disciples he had lost, but instead of blaming Lui for his failure, the indefatigable man had joined him in his vendetta. To the casual observer, he would seem untouched by grief. He was always quick to make a wry comment and eager to embrace life's pleasures, but Hui Lui could see the yawning chasm that lurked under the thin facade. While his left arm tapped merrily on the gameboard set before him, his right was an angry white as it clenched too hard on the hilt of his Jian under the table. Whatever the disreputable nature of their other companions on this quest, Lui took heart that at least his fellow Clan member would march into the shadow of Death with him, whatever Tribulation the Heavens might set on their path.

"Introduce me to our new acquaintance," Lui asked while peering at the board. Across from it was a plainly dressed man of indeterminate age who seemed to consist almost entirely of knobbly knees and awkwardly gangly limbs. Despite his unfortunate physical aspect, he clearly had some gifts, as he was definitely dominating the ongoing game of Go. No blade sat beside him, but a fine Erhu instead. Not waiting on Mo, he introduced himself. His voice was soft and low but somehow painful to Lui's ears. like the scrape of chalk against the grain of a blackboard. "Call me Cricket. It's a pleasure to work with such distinguished gentlemen."

With that pronouncement, he placed a final stone that definitely sealed Mioa's fate. After his opponent let out a defeated groan, the loose Cultivator deftly pocketed the handful of coins they had laid on the table. Lui had never experienced the difficulties faced by those stubborn few who tried to reach Heaven without a Sect or Clan, but he guessed the man needed to take what wealth he could. "You know what you are getting into then little 'Cricket'? This isn't a task for those faint of heart or lacking in resolve. Our quarry is one of the darkest and most depraved evils to have crawled out from the deep desert in centuries. Why should I find a place for a bug in so hazardous an expedition" He had already decided to be brusque and straightforward in these interviews. Brother Mo had done the legwork of vetting and inviting them, but he had insisted on having a final say on their chosen companions. While he could scarce afford to frighten away potential allies, he could afford a comrade who would flee or baulk at the key moment even less.

Lui had expected bluster, the venting of a wounded ego, but he was perhaps too used to the prideful mannerisms of his Clanmates. Cricket, instead took the jibe with the self-assured humility of a peasant. This was a man who had reached the Great Circle of Foundation Establishment on his wits and fortuitous encounters alone, he would not be so easily drawn.

"I assure the Master, an Adept on the Path of Discordant Strife is exactly what you need for this mission. My Arts have undone Poison Masters before when I sought my fortune in the Demon War. With my Erhu at your side, the Demons wiles will not lead your eyes or ears astray, and when the time to kill arrives, you will not find this humble insect wanting." The man's soft voice rang with painful notes that scratched at more than just the ears. Lui suspected that if the man was to merely raise his voice, a lesser cultivators skin would be cut open in a thousand places. No doubt a side effect of whatever partial legacy or forbidden technique the rogue had been lucky enough to uncover. Traversing such a perilous Dao spoke of bravery and commitment if not necessarily wisdom. Lui suspected the coming days would find him needing unorthodox courage far more than pompous sagacity. Without further questions, he fished out two tokens from his robes and placed them on the table.

"Very well then, I look forward to seeing the truth of your words. As agreed, one slot for the Quigai Secret Realm. A treasure beyond any but the favoured Disciples of a major Clan. Once the deed is done, you will be free to pursue opportunities as you see fit. The other token will only activate on our return but will give you access to the rest of your payment." He pauses for a moment, his voice growing solemn. "The cash payment is good only once the Demons death is confirmed. Even if neither I or Mo make it out, so long as the bitch is dead you will get your money."

After a few more brief exchanges about schedules and other practicalities, Cricket departed. The Jingshen duo refreshed their drinks and ordered a large meal. Their next guest had a reputation as a big eater.


"Little Brother Hui! Is it true you are giving out entry slips to the Quigai Secret Realm!"

The cacophonous voice belonged to a barrel-shaped man clad in so many axes it was hard to pick out exactly where his body ended and spirit steel began. Exiled long ago from the Bear Enslavement Sect for crimes unknown, Huang Ken was a virtuoso with those blades and over four centuries of warfare had played the part of bodyguard, assassin, monster slayer and bounty hunter. If you were going to wade through blood-drenched battlefields, you could not ask for a better guide.

Subtlety though. That was not among his strengths. At the loud mention of Entry Slips, the raucous bar noticeably quieted as its denizens started to listen in. Sighing, Lui pulled a privacy talisman out of his Storage Ring and slapped the enchanted paper on the table. There was a pop as an almost imperceptible bubble of air qi surrounded them, a barrier against both sounds escaping and intrusive espionage techniques.

"The cost of that talisman is coming out of your fee Ken. My letter said to be quiet about the details. The devil we are hunting is a slippery one."

Lui's tone was quite different with Ken compared to Cricket. The Axeman was a known quantity, and they would need his skill at arms if they were to safely traverse the Secret Realm. This interview would be less about whether the two blood brothers wanted to hire the burly Cultivator and more about whether he thought the quest worth his time. Lui couldn't afford to let the veteran expert get too cocky, or his terms would become ever more outrageous.

Laughing and stroking his copious beard, Huang Ken threw himself down into a seat, utterly failing to apologise for his lack of concern for information security. "Ai! I have heard a few tales about this shiny devil woman you have taken such a fancy to. Now, I understand as well as any man the urge to give chase when the pretty ones play hard to get, but don't you think you're taking it a bit too far? The Quigai secret realm isn't the safest place to go shopping for a bride. Now I have a granddaughter who's quite the looker, would be a good match, gets all her looks from her mother's side thankfully…."

To Lui's eternal surprise, it was Mo who broke his composure first. His fist slammed the table so hard that not only did it shatter, the flagstones beneath it did too. "How dare you! Why would you even come here if you only intended to insult our purpose? We are here to kill the whore, not carry her off you addled wastrel!"

Of course, Lui's pricy talisman had been destroyed along with the table, so now the whole bar was watching the fracas open-mouthed. Huang Ken was watching Lui, ignoring Mo's increasingly frustrated ranting, a small smirk on his face and his eyes calm and calculating.

So, that was his game. Well, it looks like the old dog wins this round.

Lui grabbed Mo's arm, quieting him with a gesture and gently pulling him back into his seat. That done he put his hands together in a warriors salute. "Big brother Ken. We have clearly gotten sidetracked here. Let's start the conversation again, properly this time." A flicker of his cultivation base silenced the rabble in the bar, most of them little better than mortals. He retrieved two genuine Mid Grade Spirit Stones from his robes and left them on the debris of broken furniture and crockery. "A private room, with a better quality meal."

"And much better wine!" The older Cultivator nodded and clapped his hands together, for all the world a magnanimous senior elegantly preserving the face of the junior generation.

'All the better to scalp me when the bartering finally starts' Lui mused helplessly.


Their last interview took place a few weeks later. Mo had been circumspect about some of the details, but he had assured Lui that this particular Expert was eager for her own revenge against the Poison Witch and had been happy to forgo the promise of a monetary payment if it assured her a spot on the team.

Since Huang Ken had gleefully helped himself to much of what was left of his life's savings, even going so far as to demand payment in advance, Lui wasn't inclined to look a gift horse in the mouth. He did start to develop a few misgivings when he heard the meeting was to take place outside the arrays and wards of the city. Those misgivings blossomed and grew fruit when he scanned the woman's peculiar cultivation base and noted her distinctive attire.

"Seriously Mo, A Xin Sorceress? Why are we meeting with a scion of one of the Devils servant clans? Why would one work with us? She could easily be a spy for all we know."

Mo tried his best to reassure him. "I have done my research brother. Her grudge with the Poison Witch is real, and her skills should be invaluable. If she can deliver what her letters promise, then you will agree with me that we could ask for no better companion on this quest."

With a 'hmmph' of doubt Lui approached the woman. Her steel-grey hair and matronly green dress gave her the air of an aged and kind grandmother. Not exactly the qualities he was looking for. The delicate-looking porcelain teapot and tray she had out didn't do much to alter his impression.

"You are Leling, correct? Prove to me why this is not a waste of time."

The sorceresses answer was a mere quirk of one immaculately sculpted eyebrow.

That was all the warning Hui Lui got before the vines almost killed him.

Writhing like serpents and with the strength of a giant, they burst from the ground all around him. The air filled with the iron tang of fresh blood as they latched onto every conceivable part of his body and held him fast. In shock and sudden fear, he thrashed around with the full power of his Cultivation. The vines bent, but did not break, he was bound and helpless.

"My name Sir Hui, is Zhou Leling. You can call me Miss Zhou for now." She sipped her tea as the vines tightened uncomfortably in some undignified places. "I take it that we can continue on a more professional basis now I have proven my suitability?"

With a nod and a word of acquiescence, the sorceress let the vines retract into the ground. She poured the stunned warrior a cup and passed it to him.

Lui took it, but did not drink. He had learned his lesson about witches the hard way. That technique… it was far more potent and fast than he had any sorcery he had seen before. All accounts of Xin Cultivation indicated it was a broken path, flashy and with a degree of utility, but ultimately limited in both combat prowess and growth potential. This display did not tally with those reports at all. The aura of blood and death that surrounded it….

The revelation hit him as he glanced back at Mo in horror, who stood to one side in silent vigil, looking sternly at the ground, refusing to meet his blood brothers eyes.

Blood Path.

And what's worse, Mo had known. True, they had pledged to discard all honour in their quest for vengeance, but this? It was unthinkable. Evil.

A nightmare vision of Barda rose in his thoughts again. A slim black outline of pure horror and spite. Rampant destruction and entropy given physical form. Vast power, knowledge and lethal intent, wrapped up into one terrible package and set loose on the world.

Must he accept one evil to slay another?

Leling, no Miss Zhou, looked at him silently, as if she could hear his thoughts. Heavens have mercy, maybe she could.

"Why. Why are you here speaking to us? Mrs Zhou."

"Because my coven has been trampled on by Minervina Barda twice now. It seems fate has a habit of drawing her near us at the worst possible opportunities. I will not risk her interfering a third time, not now, when the work is so close to being complete." She smiled, the first expression he had seen on her face. It chilled him. "And because I want to see her ground into bloody paste at least as much as you do."

He considered. He weighed his choices. He had always taken pride in being a diligent and rational man. With a heavy heart, he damned himself.

"Well, its a pleasure to have you on the team."


(2850 words)

I am late starting this turn, but I do have a bit of an arc planned, of which this is part one.

In terms of admin. Minervina will be attacking the Yuan Secret Realm, and is willing to risk up to 2 Life Saving Treasures to maximise her chance to benefits.

For Omake rewards, I would like a new Life-Saving Treasure.

A quick note on who the 2 recurring characters are.

Hui Lui was the Cultivator in charge of guarding the great Drill that Minervina destroyed in chapter 25

Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest] Original - Fantasy

Minervina Barda 25: The wrath of the Memory Stealing Shade Jingshen Hui ‘Mist Turtle’ Lui was a respected member of his Clan. An Expert of three centuries standing, he had seen all manner of horrors emerge from the blood-soaked desert to haunt his family and its domain. In all that time he had...

Zhou Leling was an uncooperative ally in the Bad Moon Rising Arc. Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest] Original - Fantasy The twist of her turning out to be a Blood Path Super Sorceress is based on a small part of an old fate roll I never quite got around to using much.

During this time she uncovered a minor conspiracy among some members of the Tower of Wood to betray the Xin Kingdom to the Cannibals, and was forced to kill a considerable number of Xin Kingdom cultivators before bringing her proof to the Clan.
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The Builder 10 - Meet the brotherhood – The Second Brother.
Meet the brotherhood – The Second Brother.

Appearance: xxxxx is a well build (muscular) man, with dark hair that is usually in a ponytail. With either a clean shaved face or an excellent groomed beard. But his eyes have big shadows of too many days where he sleeps far too little. His clothes always go to the practical approach. Unless some of his brothers' schemes requires otherwise.

Background: If one would be reality critical of the second of the five sworn brothers. One could call him 'average'; he is not the tallest of the brothers, he is not the strongest or the weakest, he is not the faster or the slower of the five brothers.

But like all the other five 'average' should not be the first word to come to mind. Because even before the brotherhood got new members, one could say the second was the most responsible of the brothers. He was one of four voices of reason, and his ability of dealing with any of the brothers plans, using their small amount of money and resources to so. Which he only got better when he got older.

He was the second most productive worker when the five sworn brothers had to do some hard work, and while he was not creative, he always kept the bigger picture in his mind.

He was the second brother to shift to a manager like position after more people went with the crazy (at that time) plan of the first brother of creating rest time/meditation time to the members of, yet to be create brotherhood, by working hard enough to two or more people. He and the third 'brother' were the ones that coordinate all tasks, put on paper what was being done to 'trim' the unnecessary parts and made sure that the faster/better brother in a task got the right job to do so.

He was the third of the five sworn brothers to get married. Getting thirty wonderful years of marriage and even get a beautiful child from that bond. His son would later on become one of the next generation of 'the five sworn brothers of the brotherhood'.

He was the fourth brother to become a cultivator. And like the first brother the event that took his wife what the 'spark' that, probably, cause him to start the path of defying the heavens. And all the five brothers pray in thanks to the ancestors for the child survival of 'Fluffy'.

That monster was a former pet that was throw away in the sewer and, somehow, become a spirit beast.

Its evil rampage was stopped by the first brother with his mighty strength (at that time) of a four heavenstage cultivator. After crippling the pig, the first builder offered to his brother to be the one to kill it. Which he did, that action allowed him to calm himself and meditate thinking about his family while using 'the builder style breath arts: first form'.

And that was enough to make him a cultivator. And create another brother that was vengeful against of heaven. Because if he were that strong even by a day before 'Fluffy' rampage, his wife would still be alive.

As a cultivator he still works as manager for most of time, using his greater stamina and even his regeneration that are grated parts of those that become golden devils. He went to lots of work trying to improve his brothers' skills and knowledge while holding even growing amounts of paper from the meteoric, in the brotherhood point of view, grow of his brother. And the absurd number of points and merits his brothers got doing only a few missions.

Appearance as The Second Builder: Like someone put a bull in a worker clothes. From the absurd number of muscles in a small frame, he now has many scars in his hands from some kind of 'spiritual transference' that he got from the first builder, the wounds were, thankfully, reduced, just like the amount of leather-like skin when compared to what Xi-Wang had. The second builder's eyes no longer have shadows because his greater cultivation might grand him even more stamina and regeneration than what he had before also because he had more help from a larger number of brothers that took logistics to help the brotherhood and/or to become of Senior Diomedes' subordinates.

The only difference in the clothes of the second brother is a choker of steel that protect an especially important treasure.


Goals as the second builder: The new builder and the brotherhood are readying themselves for an even greater task that the one that they did while trying to help the scions of the clan.

word count: 804 (counting everything)

@Alectai, @TehChron, here a short intro, before the great elders march^^.
It would be nice if even the good seeds that aren't writting Omake could at least pick missions. It doesn't take much effort and it really helps.
It would be nice if even the good seeds that aren't writting Omake could at least pick missions. It doesn't take much effort and it really helps.
iirc the missions are scaled based on how many people sign up for missions that turn. So it doesn't actively hurt for them to not select one; that would be pretty mean.
Good Seed Profile - Pleuron
Name: Pleuron
Age: 20
Health: Wounded
Cultivation Stage: 1st Heavenstage of Qi Condensation
Current Cultivation Goal: Reach 9th Heavenstage
Dao: ???
Cool Thing: Living City.
Formerly Waystation Pleuron, the clash between the Single Pillar Dao of Rina Callista and Heaven has awoken the remnants of the city, which immediately set out to repair itself. Forms Avatars to help it both interact and cultivate on more human scale. Cultivates and learns "techniques" through construction, renovating and the activities of its inhabitants.

Life-Saving Treasures: None
Impact: +6 (Lightning Cannons)
Plot Coupon: None

Current Goal: Become fully functional.

Appearance: An emptied city, lacking in features. Mainly buildings are scorched and partially formed of fulgurite currently. Avatar takes the form of a hollow statue of Rina Callista with short hair, formed of sandstone and fulgurite. Bits and pieces are missing, showing it's hollow interior, and with the right angle, you can see inside and see a beating, human heart of flesh and bronze.
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Pleuron 1 - Pleuron Reforms Itself, Part 1
Pleuron Reforms Itself, Part 1
























Xie Jun was nervous. Even now, nearly a month later, the ruins of Pleuron crackled with the remnants of the energy released during Rina Callista's battle with the Invader, making it an annoying risk for Mid Foundation, dangerous for Early Formation and deadly for those in still in Qi Condensation. Since that included her, her grip on the Disaster-Repelling Lantern, that was the only thing keeping her and her team from certain harm and likely death was quite firm.

"Decurio, I've detected activity, 137 zhang east-east north east."

Nodding to Gregorius, she bellowed the order. "Form up, we're moving to section GO-89, defensive formation, quarter-step!"

As her team formed up around her, she let her free hand enter the pouch containing two jade slips, one that would send her teams last moments back to the command base, ensuring no information would be lost, and the other, a normal jade slip, would record a last message for her mother and sisters. Assuming it was recovered, of course.

Oh, death wasn't certain, but the probability was strong. Whatever was causing the altered energy flows and causing energy to disappear, likely absorbing it, was not here with the Clans knowledge, and was almost certainly powerful. With luck, it was a non-hostile Beast taking up residence, something they could freely ignore until a Centurion or Legate arrived to deal with it. She wasn't feeling lucky.

Walking through the ruined streets, lantern raised high, it was easy to tell which parts had been magically reinforced, as they were the only parts that remained, albeit broken and warped, as they were the only parts that remained. Everything else had been reduced to molten ash that had since formed into strange, warped glass, sometimes crackling with energy and sparks, lined with broken, gnarled skeletal remains of buildings, arcs of lightning occasionally flickering between them.

As they got closer to their target, the sparks and flashes of miniature lightning only increased in intensity, the altered energy pattern agitating what was once a steady but slowly diminished flow outwards. The only place where this did not occur were the parts illuminated the light of the Lantern and the Qi-Calming Candle inside, her team huddled together, shields at the ready as she sat atop Basilia's shoulders above them.

As they emerged into what appeared to the be remains of a plaza, they came to a stop as they saw... them. Abominable amalgams of flesh, stone and glass mashed together, various parts of a body random spread throughout them. Nearest to them is what looked like the upper half of a woman's leg split down the middle dragged itself along by opening and closing, allowing glimpses of what looked like tongues where bone would be, while a liver with teeth and toes crawled beside it.

But the part that was truly surprising to them was what these things were doing. As they scuttled, rolled and crawled around, some were using make-shift tools to break and shape the rubble and ruins, while others carted off the bits as they were finished towards others that had jury rigged what appeared to moulds and scaffolds.

"Yang, assessment?" Jun ordered, hoping for both an idea of what they were looking at and to ensure her team remained focused.

"Preliminary guess: ghosts of those killed by the lightning. Threat: High with environment, probably low directly." The man snapped out as his gazed swept the plaza.

"Decurio, group approaching us from the left with sacks of some kind, we've been noticed." Eirene spoke up her warning, with the team reorienting itself so that they were ready if a fight broke out.

Stopping a little away from them, the menagerie of twisted creatures opened the sacks and began to assemble...

Mildly surprised, Jun watched as the creatures assembled a tall lantern stand, while underneath a large cloth covered a mostly flat piece of ground, which was followed by a mat, upon which sitting mats and containers of snacks were placed, while in the centre a cracked but workable tea set was arranged, with a hydria to supply the water.

Well, there was only one reply to that...

"Scenario 54, Synesia, Fang, Shuren, with me."


We/I/they/it give fuel.

We/I/they/it fix self.

Them/inhabitants/rulers/subjects observe.

Must fix.

Must serve.

Be better.

We/I/they/it assemble us/me/those/it.

Keep them/inhabitants/rulers/subjects safe.

A/N: Life-saving treasure as my first omake reward please.
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