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Auspicious Nine 12: The Many Molds of the Blood
TURN 13, OMAKE 5 [Auspicious Nine]
Auspicious Nine 12: The Many Molds of the Blood

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Purchasing an essay on the different expressions of the Blood of Bronze?

Recommended: An essay by Researcher Auspicious Nine titled "
An Overview of Known Mutations of the Blood of Bronze", reviewed by Tribunus militum Alexandra Dodehedron and assessed as "Average". This is the 1st edition, published in 248 E. K. It costs 5 Contribution Points to gain access.

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Essay "An Overview of Known Mutations of the Blood of Bronze" purchased.

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An Overview of Known Mutations of the Blood of Bronze by Researcher Auspicious Nine

A) Preface

The Blood of Bronze is central to the identity, nay, the very existence of the Golden Devil Clan. Even the very name the Clan has chosen to adopt reflects this fact. Bronze Demons, Golden Devils or many other monikers are ascribed to the Imperial Optimatoi by the natives of the Third Sea, the distinctive features of our bloodline clearly identifying the Clan.. Much has been lost and rediscovered about the Blood of Bronze over the length of the Clan's decline to its current status in the Virtuous Flipper Region. The purpose of this article is not to provide an exhaustive interrogation into the workings of the bloodline itself, that it is a feat of such daunting scope as to require an entire lifetime's work measured in the lifespans of Experts and Elders. This essay limits itself to a brief presentation of the known variants of the Blood of Bronze that this researcher has been able to reference in his study.

Fundamentally what is known of the Blood of Bronze is that it is the chief legacy of the Sea-Conquering Army handed down to their descendants. It is a bloodline foreign to the Turtle World, brought from foreign lands during the invasion by the Clan's ancestors. Clan legend traces the origin of the bloodline to a legendary figure identified as the Earl of Bronze, who supposedly performed some noteworthy feat for the honored Imperator, Supreme Overlord of the Sea-Conquering Army's homeworld, and was rewarded for his loyalty along with the soldiers under his command. The basic character of the bloodline is presumed by this researcher to hold then as it does now in that the Blood of Bronze is a tool intended for an army, for beyond the strength it provides to the individual the Bronze unites a force in force projection and discipline.

The most obvious marker of the Bronze's presence is that the complexion, beards and hair of bearers are a bronzed metallic yellow. The Blood of Bronze in its simplest expression is not an elemental bloodline, or an inheritance from an ancestral progenitor whether spirit beast or some other entity treading the path of cultivation. It is closest to a symbiotic construct bonded to its bearers, the spirit and substance of the Bronze itself singing in the blood of the Clan. The meanest form of the Bronze can be extracted in the debased form of Gravebronze, usually from the dead. As bearers advance in cultivation, so does the Blood of Bronze thicken in them, and at concentrations usually found in Core Formation Elders it is distinguished as Celestial Bronze. The Bronze-Blooded thus can inherit the bloodline through direct lineage or have it infused into them with extracts from sufficiently thick-blooded donors. To bear the Blood of Bronze is to possess great toughness though resiliency and regeneration, as well as pure strength of both arm and body. Thicker and purer blood means the strength of the Bronze is expressed better as is evident by the recent Clan-wide initiative spearheaded by the Chartoularios Tou Kanikleiou to purify the bloodline which successfully increased the average strength of the Legions. However, bronze is a stiff metal, and those of the bloodline are much slower than normal cultivators. As they age, their bronze features are progressively covered with a patina of green.

Having sufficiently established in brief the baseline features of the Blood of Bronze in its most typical presentation, the focus of this essay will as aforementioned turn to the mutations of the bloodline. Like the mundane metal it is associated with, the Blood of Bronze takes readily to transformation and incorporation in the manner of an alloy. The primary nature of this is that the Bronze accommodates a large variety of physical and spiritual influences. Many Third Sea natives adopted into the Clan find that preexisting bloodlines are maintained with the infusion of the Bronze as do natural inheritors find that novel traits and physiques may be layered onto the Bronze. Not all do so, however, and this is where the adaptability of the Clan's bloodline is seen. Bronze-Blooded have been known to have the expression of their bloodline warp from impactful experiences, or mixed bloodlines melding into a new variant of the Bronze. These changes to the Blood of Bronze are in the subsequent work categorized into two sets, physiques and constitutions. Where the change is a singular report and not proven to be inheritable, the mutation is classified as a physique but where the generational stability of the alternative permutation of the Bronze is demonstrated, it is deemed a constitution.

B) Physiques

Half-Life Bronze – The sole known bearer of this mutation, designated the Half-Life Bronze by Ariadne Taurus, is the hero of the All-Blinding Array attack, the Single Pillar King Antonius Emmanuel Eleanora. This variant of the Blood of Bronze appears to be the result of the Clan's bloodline being affected by a matrilineally inherited second bloodline, identified as the Curse of Metal. The confluence of the two bloodlines produces a mutated physiology that maintains the standard enhancements of the Bronze with an accelerated lifespan depletion that appears to speed cultivation progress. It is estimated that in each realm of cultivation, Antonius effectively has half the maximum lifespan naturally supported in the Third Sea.

Living Metal – This unique expression of the Clan's bloodline is recorded as belonging to Lihua Kokkinos arising as a hybrid of her father's Bronze bloodline and her Third Sea mother's Phoenix bloodline. Centurion Kokkinos' entire physiology is wholly comprised of living metal, but rather than rigid bronze, molten metal courses through her veins, bones of iron, flesh of copper and skin of tin. The gifts of the Blood of Bronze are amplified in her by the inclusion of a Phoenix's recuperative strength, her body's regeneration swiftly repairing wounds and her metallic nature allowing her to readily incorporate inorganic materials into her form. However the Living Metal physique carries the drawback that many cultivation aids intended for use on organic subjects are ineffective with its metallic nature. This mutation resembles a variation of the Pure Bronze Constitution at its highest expression.

Flowing River of Bronze – The reports available indicate that there is at present only one bearer of this mutation, Jiang Chrysanthos, although said bearer has several siblings with their own progeny. Should it subsequently prove replicable in more than one person, this mutation will be re-categorized. What is know of the aptly named Flowing River of Bronze is that it grants the bearer greater flexibility than the traditional Blood of Bronze along with an aptitude towards water qi without sacrificing any normal advantages. The origin of this physique lies in a fusion of the Blood of Bronze and a weakened Third Sea bloodline, the River of Ancestral Heaven.

Boiling Blood of Bronze – An early childhood of misfortune and ill karma warped the Bronze within an orphaned lost clansman such that by the time they were reunited with Clan and given the name Matthaias Outi, their body had transformed into a Living Cauldron. Someone that by tempering others, tempers themselves. This physique grants the ability to consume "impure" materials and then produce "purer" materials from them, with the ability to purify even more tainted consumables or to produce even more refined products rising in cultivation stage. This effect applies even to ephemeral materials, affecting curses and bad karma.

Flawed TrueBronze – The Flawed TrueBronze physique is the result of failed experiments by researchers Hadriana and Valeria of the Clan to recreate a long-lost constitution in an infant gestated within Hadrian herself. The intended constitution boasted near flawless qi conductivity, boosting qi capacity and refinement. The inferior copy produced in the body of the ill-fated Augustus Servius was a physique that blocked off any advancement in cultivation beyond the 2nd​ Heavenstage. The failed constitution created in Augustus a crippled energy system whose acupoints, and meridians were absent and spread out uniformly through flesh and bone, resisting any attempt to structure it beyond increasing saturation. At best, this mutation will create a highly useful corpse for its owner's cultivation strength.

Bloodsoaked Bronze Body – Amaranth Castellanos, the Devouring King reports that his physique contains a unique mutation of the Bronze, one well suited to his Dao. The accounts provided indicates that the mutation manifests initially as a very weak expression of the Blood of Bronze compared to a typical member of the Clan. However, he discovered that his body naturally strengthens the more people he kill, so long as he physically touches the blood released to fully absorb the power. Like the consumption of the Path of the Blood Demon, stronger foes result in greater gains, however the effect remains solely at physical tempering and not extending to spiritual cultivation. It is hypothesized that the acquired gains go directly into the Bronze within Amaranth, acting as a buffer against Blood Path corruption.

Bloodline of Eightfold Metal - The Eightfold Metal physique is a mutation that sacrifices the physical power of the Blood of Bronze in favor of greater qi strength and capacity, potentially expanded Dao strength. Reports indicate that this is not a natural mutation but a deliberate intervention on its bearer, one Morgraine, to create a new expression of the Clan's bloodline. Testing indicates that this mutation is total, likely inheritable but this has not been confirmed. The effect of the mutation is to effectively compound the existing dantian within the bearer, creating nine total structures that operate like dantian. Qi concentration within the bearer is much higher than normal for cultivation stage as permitted by the altered internal energy system. The intervention that produced this mutation also appears to have embedded the seeds of nine separate Daos within Morgraine, a cursed blessing that promises great strength if fully developed but requires nigh insurmountable challenges in advancement.

Plated Bronze Shell – The researcher has herein chosen to identify the distinct mutation recorded on induction by then Aspirant Samson Murus as the Plated Bronze Shell physique since none was given in the information investigated. Records available from testing at the time record that Legionnaire Murus manifests extremely prominent metal plates all about his form making him look like a metal statue or construct of some kind and providing him great durability. There are no reports of significant motor penalties from the mutation that are not already accounted for in the typical Bronze-Blooded.

Vital Golden Arbor – The late Legate Jin Muyi at the time of his passing visibly possessed a physiology much changed from the Clan's norm, becoming a hybrid of man and plant. By some quirk of nature, he was the progenitor of a dozen similar hybrids, born physically already fully grown, their human aspects seemingly young adults, and possessing some language skills, but beyond that, nothing. All of them possessed the Blood of Bronze to some degree or another, albeit mutated to a massive degree. This mutation has been designated the Vital Golden Arbor physique since it is as yet limited to only one generation, Jin Muyi himself not counted as he possessed a much suppressed standard Blood of Bronze even in his changed form. The Vital Golden Arbor physique is a Wood-aligned mutation of the Bronze, amplifying recovery ability and largely eliminating the dexterity challenges of the Bronze.

Tarun Acmonides: As yet there is not much information on the physique possessed by Tarun Acmonides, not even an official name. What is known is that as part of the recent bloodline purification protocols put in place for new Aspirants, the unfortunate young man not only had the Bronze Blood strengthened but also an unknown bloodline latent in his heritage as a descendant of Fifth Sea refugees. This second bloodline appears to be based upon some sort of purifying fire and is constantly attempting to purge him of impurity and sin, which in this case includes the Bronze Blood. The conflict between the two bloodlines has caused Tarun to liquefy, somehow preserved by the warring bloodlines. He currently lacks the ability to suppress this effect and thus needs a suit of Gravebronze to retain human interaction. It has been theorized that achieving the Body Purification of the 10th​ Heavenstage should stabilize his condition.

C) Constitutions

Clear Summer Bell's Constitution – This mutation of the Blood of Bronze is the legacy of the Myia family. Inheritors of this constitution exchange the physical superiority of the typical clansman for a peerless ability to transmit and assimilate Qi in the form of Sound. The Myia thus possess a noted affinity for Demonic Tunes, in addition to a superlative advantage in mastering the art of Soul Investigation as they are easily able to train in Soul Resonance. As a result of their constitution's advantages, the Myia have been hunted down for their corpses by Demonic Tunes cultivators, Righteous and Demonic alike, eager to obtain an unspoiled body to create an artifact suitable for their cultivation.

Boiling Legion of Glass Body – After one millennia of lying quiescent this constitution was revived within the form of Ferenike of the Indomitable Thirteen. This is a mutation well suited to the sands of the Organ Meat Desert because it transforms it bearer into a fearsome molten combatant, flash forging silica into weapons that can strike enemies near and far. It is rumored that this constitution was the inspiration for the Burning Glass Javelin array network that secures the Clan's territory.

Cheimasan Silver-Blood – The variant constitution possessed by the Cheimos family while similar in appearance to the Blood of Silver from a great distance and the briefest of looks is nothing like the pure legacy of the Sea-Conquering Army. The qualifier of Cheimasan Silver-Blood is affixed to the description to distinguish their far more recent origins. The rogue cultivator Cheimas left a wake of death and suffering in his wake as he attempted to improve upon the blood of Bronze a thousand years ago. The product of his work lack the same durability as that of their kinsmen, have other advantages to make up for it. The Silver-Blood has been infused with the purifying and healing qualities of silver, and so they boast of near immunity to poison, increased resistance to curses and disease, overall increased capacity for healing, and high qi conductivity. Much like the Myia, these very blessings became a curse around their necks. Their bodies made for valuable reagents and very useful consumables to Blood Path practitioners. Constant predation reduced their number and they were thought extinguished 600 years ago. Now a hidden remnant had announced itself to the wider Clan seeking reintegration.

Pure Bronze Constitution – The Rhodessus family has long made their mark in the vanguard of the Clan's Legions and the family's mutation is largely responsible for their storied accomplishments in that role. The constitution shared by all members of the Rhodessus family massively multiplies the physical advantages available to the average bearers of the Blood of Bronze, though they suffer the drawbacks to a similarly greater degree. The thickening of their their blood as they advance requires careful attention to their weight but there is little recourse for the progressive stiffness that comes over them and eventually they calcify into lifeless bronze statues in old age or as they approach the peak of the third great realm of cultivation.

Devil Silver Body – A minor family in the Golden Devil Clan, the Aparámillos family's only claim to fame is their mutated constitution inherited from the influence of their founder, a wandering cultivator from the Plains. The mutation allows family members to transform their bodies, forming an odd silvery exoskeleton that acts as living armor. This armor grows apace with its wielder's cultivation adapting and enhancing its abilities with training. When the armor is active, Aparámillos cultivators enjoy increased strength and self-healing and can extend the enhancements of their armor to other nearby living creatures if they can afford the increased upkeep. At greater development, the armor can form lesser constructs.

Enduring Colossus Constitution - This mutation is a variation that has independently been developed several times over the Clan's history. Its simplicity is most likely the cause of the frequency of its appearance because the Enduring Colossus Constitution simply enhances the base strength of the Blood of Bronze and adds on increased stature and massively expanded stamina. The military doctrine of the Legions and the nature of the Clan's home lend themselves to selective pressures that favor the solutions this constitution provides. The latest recurrence of the constitution is in the person of Ajax Tripedes.

Bronze Thunder Bloodline – A much diminished house, the Hekurion family are newly hopeful from the reemergence of the family's mutated bloodline in one of their young scions. An elementally-aspected mutation, the Bronze Thunder Constitution focuses on the strength of bronze as a conductor, increasing the affinity for Metal, Lightning and Storm qi. This strength like all elemental affinities produces a corresponding difficulty in the use of Wood Qi, at worst risking meridian damage and dantian rupture. Bearers of this constitution also show an improved qi conductivity across board where their elemental affinity does not work against them.

Bronze Spire Body – If some are favored by Heaven and others hated, the Alexeikeranvo family are truly frontrunners in the competition for Heaven's ire. The Bronze Spire Constitution is a product of the Blood of Bronze responding to a relentless persecution by the Heavens, beyond even that other Golden Devils face, supposedly because of the family's progenitor rousing the rancor of Heaven with an array he created. For their troubles, Alexeikeranvo have developed an incredible resilience to lightning of every kind and can even cultivate from it within reason. While the family has been preserved by the adaptation, their advancement is forestalled by the sheer fury they face in Heavenly Tribulations while attempting to ascend great realms and that is not even speaking of the necessary preparations required for newborns to survive their entry into the world under the threat of Heavenly neonaticide. Family members do make for useful good luck charms in the Legions since they tend to draw away Heaven's attention from other clansmen onto themselves. It is rumored that Elder Destacia Duca's singular innovation that eased the breakthroughs of several Core Formation Elders through the sacrifice of one other was inspired by inverting the arrays the family uses to conceal their presence from the Heavens.

Resonant Bronze Compass Physique – This physique is one of the oldest known variant of the Blood of Bronze. The Delphi family are marked by their mutation with blank ebony eyes. The Resonant Bronze Compass provides exceptional sensitivity to qi and expanded aura abilities, at the cost of being somewhat less resilient than the standard bloodline. The death of the Third Turtle-Child at the hands of Demonic Soup Chef struck hard at the Delphi with a lingering curse upon their blood. The Harrowing, as the Delphi call it, is an antagonism to the world's qi against any member expressing the bloodline's sensitiveness which is nearly all of them for the Blood runs thick in their veins. The faded Will of a dead supreme existence lashed out at everything in its madness and the Delphi of the Golden Devils being without the Heavens' favor and doubly cursed for their sensitivity are wide open.

Body of the Bronze Bull – In recent years there have been two confirmed bearers of this Constitution, Heraclius Staurakius and the junior infused with Bronze from his corpse, Liu Mang. Wielders of this Constitution can withstand damage far beyond the normal resilience of Bronze, attacks several small realms ahead of them simply breaking against their skin.

Golden Eye – Long considered a dead minor house of the Clan, the Golden Eye clan was recently revived by the surprise surfacing of a clansman, Shennong, who had grown up separated from the Golden Devils. This minor mutation presents as a heightened perception and sensitivity for Qi greater than most other cultivators, which is of great utility in many disciplines including array engineering and alchemy.

Liquid Bronze – Like molten bronze filling a mold set out for it, the Liquid Bronze physique subverts the normal expectations of the rigidity of Bronze Blood by allowing the Theophylaktos family to physically change body shape in order to mimic other beings. They sacrifice the resilience and some of the strength of the Bronze Blood for this flexibility but they gain astounding polymorphic ability that at higher levels requires incredible perception to see through. As much as they are capable as infiltrators and rogues, the Theophylaktos have a long legacy of artistry, performing in plays and dances.

Dull Bronze Bloodline – Another resurgent mutation, the Dull Bronze physique was recovered to the Clan when a young Victor Wulf enrolled as an Aspirant. This altered physique makes him highly resistant to qi in addition to the usual strengths of the Bronze Blood. His body is remarkably resilient with qi techniques but as easy to hurt with brute force or non qi related attacks. The same strength of the mutation is also its biggest drawback because it slows down qi absorption for cultivation and makes it harder for him to in turn expel qi for use in external techniques.

Nameless Fate – Traditional scholarship has long declined to consider the karma workings of the Outi family as a product of a constitution. The argument has been that the Outi evince no unique physical ability peculiar to themselves which could be identified as a shared physiology. After all, it is said, the Orphans of the Blood take any and every one in need, including within their ranks several physiques themselves. This researcher disagrees with this line of thought and contends that the contemporary opinion is overlooking that the cultivator's existence is not solely limited to the material body. The soul and mind also form part of a cultivator's being. It is well known that the inheritance of the Blood of Bronze extends beyond the physical into the ephemeral spheres. This researcher proposes that the Outi share a mutation, here named the Nameless Fate, in the Bronze Blood's presence in the structures of the connections between mind, body and spirit, those corners on which fate and karma find their purchase.

D) Addendum

It would be remiss to close an essay on the varied mutations of the Blood of Bronze without at least addressing the other bloodlines similarly characterized among the Sea-Conquering Army's legacy. The disparate Bloods of the Golden Devil Clan's history are distinguished by a fundamental essence. All the mutations discussed beforehand have a base foundation in the Blood of Bronze which the other Bloods like say the Blood of Iron do not possess. The unity between the varied Bloods exists along a broad spectrum of spiritual resonance wavelengths, while the commonality between Bronze mutations operates within a narrow band within that spectrum where Bronze is dominant.

I. Blood of Iron: This is the closest cousin to the Blood of Bronze among the bloodline legacies of the Sea-Conquering Army. It is so close that it still has a presence in the Third Sea within the Theodoros family. Archival records and reports of extant Iron-Blooded scions indicate that the Blood of Iron sacrifices the recovery strength of the Bronze for indefatigable spirit and strength. The resilience offered by both bloodlines is relatively equal though the Iron Blood beats out the Bronze in speed. It is rumored that where the Bronze has instincts influencing bearers towards cooperation and massed unit tactics, the Iron improves the potency of qi per equivalent stage and has a higher floor for training in using melee weapons.

II. Blood of Silver: Project Amphora has been a spectacular success justifying the secrecy and undoubtedly great expense of it. The public ascension of the Noble Spirit Lord, Tisamenos, hastened the declassification of certain aspects of this project and this researcher has had the opportunity to analyze what has been made available. All indications are that this bloodline was intended to belong to a class of superior officers. The reported reactions of the artifacts held by the Sorrowful Blacksmith Sect and the Legionnaires who have interacted with the newly ascended Silver-Lords speak of domineering command authority inherent to the bloodline. The added ability of the Silver-Lords to strike as though four small realms above where they ordinarily would is a testament to the strength of our ancestors. With the observation that the Blood of Silver can be awakened from among the Bronze-Blooded, the hypothesis that the different legacy bloodlines are not wholly separable but exist along a scale of purity and affinity is strengthened.

III. Blood of Gold: Records of the Blood of Gold are fragmented and obscure. What little this researcher has been able to ascertain is that Athenia Callista was the last confirmed bearer of this bloodline and that Rina Callista of her bloodline is able to temporarily manifest a faint shadow of its strength using the strength of her Single Pillar Cultivation. Athenia Callista is recorded as being able to match three peers of Nascent Soul strength to a mutual kill whereas Rina Callista is able to elevate her strength to a height unmatched within her great realm for a while. Relying on the recent revelations about the Blood of Silver, it is theorized that the Gold-Blooded sat further up the hierarchy, exerting wider command over the Sea-Conquering Army's strategic directions with the attendant strength.

IV. Blood of Orichalcum: Truthfully the Blood of Orichalcum is nothing but supposition and speculation. It is only assumed that the ranks of the Sea-Conquering Army did not terminate at Gold but there existed a supreme command echelon above them with final authority over our ancestors forces. This is largely born from observation that records call out a magical metal named orichalcum as being among the most precious materials available to the ancestors as well as the existence of the Effigy of the Earl-of-Bronze in the Dawn Fortress. This statue is described as being made of orichalcum and indeed the metal of the statue is unknown anywhere else in the Clan as are its properties or provenance

E) Conclusion

What has presented here is but a fraction of the secrets and potential latent within the Blood of Bronze. This humble researcher does not doubt that with the dawning of the Great Era new opportunities will arise for unlocking the mysteries of the Clan's bloodlines thought lost to time. Perhaps we are on the advent of a recovery of the Clan's full strength sacrificed to reduce the ire of the Heavens? Whatever it might be, it is the steadfast belief of this seeker of knowledge that the Clan will be preserved by the steadfast strength of its blood that has carried it through the millennia, diminished but ever defiant.

End essay.

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AN: (4820 words) Somebody stop me. I have other omake to write not just this scientist. I will admit that I shamelessly stole most of this from other Good Seeds so don't be surprised if you see your presence in here. Please threadmark @ReaderOfFate.
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Auspicious Nine / Matthaias Outi - Six Degrees of Separation / The Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad, Week
Auspicious Nine / Matthaias Outi

Six Degrees of Separation / The Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad, Week

Cursed Mushrooms. The curious breed of sentient humanoid mushrooms grew in the depths of dark caverns north of Waycastles Pleuron and Acrocorinth. They were born as fungi sprouting from spores to consume qi and awaken to spiritual wisdom, growing to the average height of human children at four to five feet tall. By their very nature they were one and all cultivators, although their strongest peaked at Foundation Establishment. The legends the quirky little folk told about their history traced their origin to the efforts of a Nascent Soul cultivator named Shiitake who had set out to create powerful cultivation aids and managed to become the progenitor of a new species. Mythical retelling narrated how the original Cursed Mushrooms had taken Shiitake as their lord, serving him faithfully until his disappearance whereupon the Gao clan who had been warded off by his presence began persecuting the Mushrooms. The final straw came when a fearsome foe, remembered only as the Red One, rampaged through the homes of the Cursed Mushrooms forcing them to abandon their territory and flee for safety. Somehow they had made their way into the territory claimed by the Golden Devil Clan and parlayed their masterful skill with curses into an exchange of services for protection.

Auspicious Nine had only heard about the rare trader from the Cursed Mushrooms in Pleuron before he had left. The promise of the Legions had been the access they would give him to the full breadth of Clan territories but he'd been tempted by the idea of setting out on his own as a wandering cultivator to go where interest and resources led him. One of the first areas he'd considered visiting were the Cursed Mushroom lands. Now as a member of the 1313th Legion, Nine felt that he had a decent compromise of the two options of his youth: the backing of the Legions and a wide latitude of independence in his plans. He was returned now to a changed city and was eager to make up for previously missed opportunities.

Nine left the Pleuron manor fleeing the grasp of his sisters, Three and Seven trying to draw him into a spa day. The treeman shuddered at the thought of the last time he'd foolishly accepted their invitation. He appreciated self-care as much as anyone – fondly remembering his patronage of Feng Theros' Warm Baths and Sauna – but the hellish torment those two came up with was more likely to give nightmares than relaxation. He would be much better served using the time for more gainful pursuits and one such opportunity had just come to his attention. Trader Clam of the Cursed Mushrooms was in town and Nine was much minded to pay him a visit.

On his way towards the market plaza where Clam was reported to have set up shop, Nine took a more circuitous route than was necessary. People watching was always a fascinating avenue for social research. Pleuron had always been a city where Golden Devils dominated but presently, there was a heightened background showing of patriotism. A lot of traditional clothes and styling was on display, even the odd toga in the wild. The Clan's colors were very much in evidence in fabric choice and the number of flags bearing the heraldry of the thorny black spear on gold cloth had increased since the last week. Legionnaires from the official final clash of the Jingshen war in the Underworld Spirit Palace had carried back with them the story of the Archegetes' proclamation of victory in the sky and it was fast becoming a popular image to reference the Clan's rising strength. The greatest change was simply the number of serving legionnaires visible on the streets of Pleuron. The Protostrator was organizing a muster to send the Legions to reinforce the beleaguered Righteous powers of the Great Battlefield and Pleuron sat right on the Scorpion Road's path to the Colossus Footsteps Pass.

Nine winced in remembered pain at the cost of just accessing the Elder of War's missive but it had been worth it to be able to take up the mission to plumb the depths of the former Jingshen final redoubt. The idea of joining the detachment going to support the Poison-Crushing Siege had warred with delving into the depths of the Underworld Spirit Palace within him. On one hand he had the opportunity to observe firsthand the Insidious Poison Maze, a living archive of knowledge compiled by the most dedicated researchers of the entire region and one that was manifested as the epitome of verdant growth. On the other hand, he'd already had a taste of the possibilities in the hoarded vaults of the Jingshen at the close of the war and the Protostrator's mission offered the chance to quest as deep as any within their greatest storehouse. In the end, it was down to the fact that the conversion of the vast spirit stone mine into the Underworld Devil Palace, a secondary hub for the Clan, meant that he would have an easier time transferring and maintaining his more permanent research than marching across the Plains to set up shop under a host power.

Passing by the many young juniors flooding the streets, he wished them the best of luck in not dying as he'd found a number of intriguing research subjects among them who he'd love to follow up on. At this time of early afternoon, he was moving with the crowd towards the markets so he was able to reach his destination fairly quickly.

The Autumn Plaza was one of four large spaces in Pleuron named after the four seasons, littered with shopfronts and stalls as traders and customers made brisk business. Nine eyed appreciatively the increased health and growth of the vegetation planted in the plaza. His alterations to the city-spirit's domain were improving the strength of the land as intended and the effect still had some ways to go before the optimized qi flows plateaued.

He cut through the bustle to arrive at a quaint little booth which aset out a variety of dried mushrooms, small talismans and other odds and ends. Manning this business was a squat figure smoking a long pipe, features cast in shade by the large cap that crowned his head. The Cursed Mushroom trader resembled a Lingzhi blown up to humanoid proportions. The features matched the descriptions Nine had been given so he bowed in greeting to the Mushroom. "Greetings, trader Clam. I hope this afternoon finds you in good health."

Clam took a deep pull on his pipe and held it for a long moment as he looked up to study Auspicious Nine. Apparently satisfied with what he found, Clam released the held breath in a puff of black smoke and replied in an unexpectedly gravelly voice, "Greetings to you too and I suppose I'm as well as can be this afternoon. How may I help a seed of the honored savior Jin Muyi?"

Auspicious Nine paused considering Clam's words. "My name is Auspicious Nine," he said, "I suppose that my heritage is immediately obvious. I was hoping to peruse your wares and discuss a few matters about your people. I hope that won't be a bother?"

Clam waved at the set out items on display lazily, puffing on his pipe. "Have at it. I promise I'll listen to your questions but not that you'll get an answer you like or any at all."

Nine moved closer to the booth, looking through the items on offer. As one would expect, the bulk of the goods on sale were mushrooms, mushrooms of all kinds; toadstool, lingzhi, golden needle and more. Wile there were mundane specimens among the lot, most were fit to be considered Lowly Spirit Herbs, useful for alchemy, spirit cuisine or as cultivation aids. Nine picked out several interesting and rare specimens he wanted for his experiments, Clam taking his orders with grunts in reply. Moving on from the mushrooms, Auspicious Nine examined the talismans set to the side. They were simple affairs of stone and wood, carved into odd shapes.

From his counter packing Nine's selected mushrooms, Clam looked over and commented, "Those there made like prayer beads are Cure-Repelling Wards. Good in a pinch if you are caught unprepared but they are fairly weak so don't be relying on them to protect you for too long. The bundled up sort are Debilitating Afflictions. They're really minor annoyances that won't do much against anything beyond the first great realm but they can be a nasty surprise for those not expecting them. Nothing like shitting their pants to disrupt an opponent's focus when you need it."

"I think I'll have a few then," Nine said intrigued, picking up several of both items identified as well as a few other items of interest. The Afflictions came in a wide variety, causing all manner of discomfort from tinnitus to genital itching. Idle thoughts of revenge drifted through Nine's mind, memories of a certain raccoon-eyed expert bubbling to the surface as he rolled the smooth black stone of a Luck Twisting charm in his hands. This should help him match certain treacherous Experts taking advantage of a naive new peer.

Satisfied with his haul, Nine joined Clam at the nearby counter where the Cursed Mushroom trader stood on a stool totaling up Nine's expenses. Handing over the money was pleasantly not painful, largely because it wasn't from his personal funds but an allowance he'd wheedled out of Athena. There were perks to being home and part of the governing family of the city.

"So do you actually have questions for me or was it just empty talk?" Clam said as he handed over the sack containing Nine's purchases.

"Ah well, I thought it best to get my official business done with, before I took up your time," Nine said following after Clam as he returned to his seat in front of his booth.

When the other cultivator was settled into his seat, Nine continued, "First of all, why do you call Jin Muyi the honored savior? Did he perform some great service for your people?"

Clam shifted in his seat feeling for the most comfortable position before replying, "It must be about a century now when they came to our lands. This was your progenitor, Jin Muyi together with Ferenike of the Indomitable Thirteen. Exactly why they'd sought us ought I do not know but they heresy of the Devourer Cult and purged their nest, rescuing those who the cannibals had taken for their sacrifices. I was one of those they saved, just a young shroomling at the time."

"I don't think we've heard about this Devourer Cult?" Auspicious Nine mused.

"You know of Lord Shiitake?" Clam asked to which Nine nodded in assent, "Well those lunatics think that if our ancestors had insisted on being consumed by him, our creator would have remained to protect us in our ancestral lands. To them all shrooms that do not worship him in the aspect of the Devourer are heretics and can be turned into feed and consumed. In their thinking the Qi of those consumed will enhance a chosen one so that they can better grow for Lord Shiitake to prompt his return. Utter madness as you can imagine."

"I have heard of your people's veneration of Lord Shitake. Were these the only beliefs deemed heretical in your faith?" Nine asked.

Clam sighed and said, "If we're going to be talking worship then you might as well pull out the stool from behind the counter. This is going to be a long conversation."

Nine obliged him and the two talked throughout the day and into the night. The treeman seeker of knowledge was eager to pump Clam for every piece of information he could from the nature of Cursed Mushroom society to their life cycle and more. Nine's interrogation of Clam was relentless, continuing around interruptions for the trader to attend to customers and eat. When finally night had fallen and Clam was closing up for the day, Nine finally put a pause to his questioning.

"Sheesh, you sure got a dire thirst for answers there, lad," Clam growled, "I feel like I've been wrung out and life sucked out of me."

"What can I say?" Nine flashed a smile, "The quest for knowledge has captured me and I could hardly waste this opportunity to get firsthand access."

"Hmm," Clam thought and then spoke up, "If you are that interested in learning about the Cursed Mushroom people, why don't you come with me when I return home? I'm just about done here and Pleuron was the last stop in my circuit before I head back. You can't do better than visiting in person to get answers to all your questions. I'd put in a word with the elders to grease the wheels for you. So what do you say?

Auspicious Nine didn't have to think about it. "Give me a time and a place and I'll be waiting for you."

Clam was true to his word and weeks later, Auspicious Nine found himself at the entrance to the labyrinth of caverns that the Curse Mushrooms called home. Eagerly he went forth into the dark and damp, chasing after knowledge.


Matthaias Outi sat in the dark catching his breath, his entire body feeling like a leaden weight. With practiced familiarity his hands found their way into his travel pack pulling out carefully packed rations. Careful bites of dried scorpion and spiced lamb jerky were taken, washed down with some… enhanced water from a flask. After a certain point in cultivation, one could go without eating and drinking, but just because one could didn't mean they should, and after all those years he absolutely was not going to pass up a chance to eat while he could before he suddenly very much could not. Unfortunately, for all that the taste of his very expensive rations were good, another sense was robbed in return—he was without conventional sight, everything around him swallowed by complete darkness. This was no natural shadow he found himself in but an oppressive umbral shroud consumed that even the slightest bit of light. With more unconventional senses, it was as though he was embraced by a thick fog of anti-light, although sound and smell were still there, thankfully. After Qiguai, this much didn't actually do more than irritate him, but the rather malicious Will saturating the air around him did its job of snuffing out light and warmth very well. It knew him in some crude way and matched his efforts to oppose it, so much so that he chose to focus on his other senses rather than wasting more energy. An almost mocking intent caressed him as his efforts to grasp it, much less his initial attempts to consume it, finally ceased. The curse of the Light-Killing Abyss was firmly beyond his reach, and as such, by the reckoning of the timepiece he'd carried with him, this was the ninth day he'd been traversing this so-called trial.

Sighing as he was forced to get back up after a few stolen minutes of rest, he permitted himself the luxury of muttering under his breath in irritation. "What was this Chief even thinking? I ask for a good starting point to get better at using cursed technique and he talks to me about a trial for young Cursed Mushrooms—did he even remember or care to tell me that the trial scales to the challenger and that the Mushrooms haven't sent in anyone above 9th Heavenstage in centuries? No, of course he doesn't! Nobody remembers the important things when I ask them! So now I'm bloody late—I should've been out of here—" and then he abruptly fell silent, hearing some scurrying nearby. Well-deserved venting aside, misery did not want for company around here.

He clenched the sturdy shaft of the walking stick that had served him so well—he'd have to investigate this wood, at least, it would be a nice spare spear haft—he'd get something out of this side trip. His useless sight already cast aside, he cocked his ears, listening carefully and straining his spiritual senses to search for telltale shifts in the fog of the shadowy curse. His rest area was a shallow curve in the wall of the cavern, a small recess where he could secure the entrance while taking his break. It was dangerous to stay within in an area with just one exit but he'd needed a moment's reprieve from constantly surveying around him for danger, but after some time here he realized that all the creatures were bizarrely… loud, and thus rather easily sensed. Which was pretty good for him, because he e could not spare the energy for constant fights, weighed down as he was—combat as he was would drain him. The lightless depths were teeming with life and unlife, as the rents in his clothes attested. Spirit Herbs that undoubtedly would've glowed unnaturally if it were not for the miasma and Beasts well-adapted to the darkness made their home in the Abyss. Even the higher-level creatures wouldn't have been particularly threatening to Matthaias ordinarily, but these were certainly not ordinary circumstances—even the Legions' boot camps wouldn't have been this bad.

—that was a lie, but at least he knew they had a safety net and was doing it with friends, but still.

Qi burnt through his meridians to wield his aura, although it was more of a blind man's groping hand in his crippled state, not helped by the fact that he was still in Qi Condensation, despite all his supposed strength. The boiling cauldron of his stomach deepened as the additional use of spiritual energy provoked the delicate balance he was maintaining within himself, the Five-Elements Disharmony Curse roiling for use after so relatively long without use. Boiling Blood of Bronze, one of the researchers back at the Dawn Fortress had described his body as when he'd been assessed on joining the Golden Devil Clan after Iphigenia's death. They had talked a lot about internal alignments and karmic ties but the distilled version he knew from lived experience was that he drew in misfortune and his body had the ability to cleanse that which he consumed producing pure substances from what had gone in. It was simplest to describe it as being a Living Cauldron, except right now he wasn't exercising that nature as he normally did.

A cauldron could serve other uses than that of a purifying crucible and he had accepted tutelage under the Cursed Mushrooms to polish his skills in that area. What they had taught him used the body as a vessel that for lack of a better word, fermented a curse. Just like foodstuffs containing sugars could be treated to break down into spirits, so too could the malignancy of a curse be left to fester, curdling into a persistent rancor that possessed previously lacking tenacity and penetration. The problem that made Matthaias feel so vulnerable as he held himself ready at the entrance of his current nook was that this methodology was almost entirely at odds with his prior areas of strength. As a practitioner of the curse arts, he had focused on the refinement of grudges by accumulation and consumption and found spectacular success. During his very first Hundred-Year Trial, he had strained his abilities to the limit to survive that ordeal and had formed his own Five-Elements Disharmony Curse within his dantian from the sheer amount of curses he consumed, although the qualia used by the Fifth Sea hunters certainly added a special weight to it. If they be the righteous hunters, and he the villainous devil, then oughtn't the devil be able to turn the tables with curses of all things? The malediction bolstered his physical abilities to heights beyond few others in Qi Condensation, and let him ravage the flesh of his foes with the lightest of touches as well as expanded his powers of curse consumption.

After no attack came, Matthaias relaxed slightly, his "gaze" sweeping over the tunnels as he rubbed his hand over his trachea where it felt like his gorge was rising. He hated feeling like this as though he were a weak cultivator not even past the second bottleneck rather than at the 12th Heavenstage. To master the training the Cursed Mushrooms had given him, he had to take into himself a minor curse and grow it without consuming it, battling against his instincts born from decades of survival. This trial forced him to go against his training, his strengths, and his own very body—which, he supposed, was the very point. Nevertheless—

"I feel so weak," he muttered, feeling his limbs tremble from that minor exertion of alertness. "Fuck, I thought I'd never have to feel like this ever again after Qiguai, even those damn Chickens didn't hurt so badly." As the curse he was keeping nestled within him grew, it felt like his very body was being weighed down progressively, sickened and poisoned. A relentless pressure that sapped his strength and will. As if that wasn't bad enough, suppressing the Five-Elements Disharmony Curse wasn't like turning off a switch but rather akin to keeping a barely tamed beast in check. It constantly tested the limits of his control and pushed at boundaries when his will was weakened. Losing his grip on it for the slightest moment allowed it to reach out and try to consume the lingering death he was currently cultivating, creating a reflection in his body like very painful acid reflux. If it wasn't for his previous experiences, he very well would have collapsed and given in. But you don't survive being a legionnaire, much less being a veteran of the Blood Battle Cannibals' predations by being weak of will. Feast upon leather and drink poison like it's wine, that's what it meant to be a Golden Devil, after all.

Despite nothing coming of his earlier alarm, Matthaias was quickly on his way after a few minutes. Traveling through the Light-Killing Abyss was a hauntingly stressful experience. He moved slowly, feeling for his way with his walking stick with every step. It had taken him the first couple of days to learn the relaxed alertness that conserved his energy by relying on his passive perception, keeping his aura tight around him to warn him of any close surprises. This trial was an excellent tempering experience for the lessons the Cursed Mushrooms had imparted to him, for all that it was a damned pain in the ass. The loss of his primary mortal sense, the rigorous focus needed to maintain the brewing curse, the general atmosphere of the Abyss, the persistent threat of that kept his nerves taut; these and more were excellent whetstones to sharpen his will against. It didn't hurt that the curse he carried was a useful container for the dark feelings in his heart from this damned journey, guzzling on the river of his spirit and growing fat on the abundance of curdled ill feeling he sent its way. A literal hate sink, he mused. He'd have to look into it more, once he actually got out of this fucking place.

By this time during his exploration of the warren of caves, Matthaias was confident that he'd identified the exit he was supposed to take to leave. Scouting it out previously had detected the presence of several patrolling Spirit Beast insects that he'd been ill-inclined to face off against in his condition at the time. But after checking all other routes, he had determined that there were no other means of bypassing the encounter and refreshing himself as much as he could, he was ready. And he was ready, because if he wasn't, he'd be dead, and he had too many debts to pay to simply die in a backwater where they peaked at Foundation Establishment, of all things.

Tap-tap-tap. He advanced in the impenetrable gloom. As he approached, he could hear the distinctive chittering of the insectoid creatures who were the most aggressive denizens of the dark. He'd not yet identified what exactly they were but running his hands over the corpses of those he'd defeated painted a picture of a segmented armored creature somewhat like a tailless scorpion with giant crushing limbs, serrated all along, and the ability to spray a noxious cloud of caustic poison. Most specimens had only come up to his knees but there had been a few terrifying encounters with larger versions. The fight ahead was not one he was looking forward to because there had been all indication that one of the rare large insects was in his way with two or three smaller others, and remembering his experiences with Lady Destasia's insane scorpion cavalry, this would be an absolute pain in his neck.

Getting as close as he dared, Matthaias set down his pack at a safe distance and waited on the edge of the insects' territory, tensed for his inevitable discovery. When it came, the shrieks of the beasts shifted to a piercing screech as they plunged towards him. Through his feet, he could feel the faint reverberations of their approach on the rocky ground of the caverns. Matthaias knew that he could easily clear out this nest if he took up the strength of the Five-Elements Disharmony Curse but that would come at the cost of it consuming the curse he'd painstakingly nurtured. He'd be damned if he spent all that time and leave with nothing to show from a trial meant for literal children, scaling be damned. No, the trial had given him all the tools he needed to secure victory in this encounter.

Closing his useless eyes, Matthaias smiled grimly as he detected the approach of two spirit beasts, one driving straight for him while the other circled around to come at him from the side. The cursed atmosphere of the Light-Killing Abyss was odd in that as he grew accustomed to its presence, it sort of faded into the background. Always present but other impressions came through quite clearly. The flanking beast was quite stealthy, but after so long straining for any hint of warning for attack he'd become extraordinarily sensitive to ill will directed at him, and the beasts, both of them, had a lot of that. It was rather curious that they were so open, considering how anything in here ought to be extraordinarily sensitive, and he wasn't arrogant enough to think he was "just that good," but—and here we go.

The first insect came into range, opening with a blast of noxious poison. Matthaias knew from prior experience that while contact with the vitriolic substance was survivable, it was a foolish risk to take it head on, especially in a fight so he moved The barest edges of the expelled cloud brushed him, stinging his skin and then the beast was on him. Knee high, it launched a flurry of bone-shattering bones. But the trick to not getting hurt was to simply not be there, and so a lethal dance began. Matthaias bounced around the attacks, claws a hair's breadth away, and in return he landed blows on it with his qi-reinforced staff to survive the impacts of the limbs. The second beast waited eagerly for him to become engaged with his first opponent before attacking itself. Rather than poison, the miserable excuse of a creature struck at his knees with both limbs when he was in an awkward position dodging the first. With a twist of his body he squeezed between the two, like the meat in a badly made sandwich.

With its advantage of its so-called surprise gone, the second beast fell back on the classics, yet another bloody poison spray. Matthaias almost swore, as the attack caught much of his left side, the acid stinging across the exposed skin on his hands, the need to kill as much noise as he could, even in combat, overcoming everything else. He'd covered up tightly everywhere else in preparation but the need for a firm grip left his hands lightly protected. Hearing the beast chitter loudly in what he presumed was frustration at his continued survival, Matthaias remained silent but grinned—he absolutely was not going to die here.

The two beasts as though seeing his smug aura chittered louder in response and stalked closer, slower than before. When they stopped for a brief moment and screamed loudly, likely in some attempt to stun him Matthaias triggered the art he'd kept ready. The Brief Winged Dash Art was a transformation movement art that allowed one to dash quickly by gaining powerful wings for a moment. This time he used the technique to move himself vertically, rising high into the air and leaping over the form of a larger insect that had struck as silent as a ghost from behind him. Caught in a charge without a means of quickly stopping, the larger beast bowled into the forms of its two smaller compatriots, knocking all three to the ground. Matthaias seized upon the opportunity and struck downwards like a crashing meteor, staff leading his fall like a spear.

Wham-crunch, he struck with a heavy impact, briefly immobilizing the beasts for a moment, and a moment was all that he needed. In an instant, the curse gestating within him rushed forth, finally free of constraints. From beneath the cloth wrapping around his face, an unseen haze passed out of him through the matter of the mask unhindered in the slightest. The writhing pile beneath him struggled fitfully as he breathed out the carefully seeded and tended malaise he'd fermented throughout his journey. His staff had punched through the larger beast, pinning it in place and trapping the smaller forms below. The rudoing jing zhong, the creeping, still, weight found easy purchase on his opponents, sinking into them quickly, gravity doing its work. The movements of the beasts slowed and stilled, but he still sensed life within their bodies. It would be better for him to wait until they died, but honestly at this point, he wanted to be out. He twisted the staff, and stomped hard. Crunch went the bugs, and he finally stepped away with a sigh of relief.

Matthaias walked over to the flattened heap and extricated his staff, flicking it to the side hard to get the worst off of it, and finished the work with a leftover rag. He passed through the territory of the now-dead insects swiftly, scurrying forms of the lesser beasts fleeing from his wake. It would appear that his victory had placed him firmly at the top of whatever threat ranking the beasts hereabouts used. Good, because he really wasn't up to another engagement. His time in the depths had sapped his already weakened reserves and he'd only won that battle by stacking almost every card in his deck. If the larger beast had declined to intervene in the fight with the two lesser beasts, he'd have had to get creative, and he absolutely did not want to rank dealing with a trial for children as one of the top five most difficult fights he'd had been.

It was a very worn out Matthaias who was escorted into the Cursed Mushroom chief's quarters. He'd insisted on being led straight from the exit of the Abyss by the guards posted there to see the chief so he was little in the mood for niceties as his eyes stung, recovering after more than a week of disuse. He ignored the strange figure sitting with the chief – some sort of plant person – and planted himself in front of the current head of the Cursed Mushroom people, somehow still forcing himself to sit up, rather than slouching from exhaustion.

"Chief Kuro, I thank you for your tutelage—it's advanced my understanding of things I've left unlearned for far too long by leaps and bounds. However, I dearly hope that you do not forget to mention important details like the scaling of a trial to all your guests. Now if you would pardon me, I find myself in desperate need of succor, and I feel like I would be of little use to you now, Matthaias said bluntly before bowing as shallow as possible while still being polite, leaving as quickly as he'd come. Behind him, apologetic guards poked their head into the chief's quarters to explain why they'd let in the rude interloper, before the Chief waved them off with a grin.


Auspicious Nine found Matthaias hungrily wolfing down a meal in a nearby canteen. The squat Cursed Mushroom matron in charge of the kitchens looked rather bemused at the Legionnaire currently speeding his way through a meal fit for a whole mortal family. She seemed to take it as a challenge to find out Matthaias' limits, quickly carrying over more food whenever the man cleared his plate and lifted up the empty dish imploringly. Nine sidled over to the bench where Matthaias sat and slid close to him ignoring the glare from the matron.

"Greetings, Matthaias Outi, I hear it is? My name is Auspicious Nine. I believe we have a mutual acquaintance, Anastasia Outi." Nine introduced himself.

Speaking through swallows of food, Matthaias replied curtly, any grasp of manners finally having escaped him. "Anastasia? It's good to hear that's she's still alive enough to send me more work, but you're getting in the way of my meal. I don't care enough about you nor know enough about you, and you've already wasted fifteen seconds of my mealtime. Go away."

Utterly unperturbed by the dismissal, Nine retained his seat and casually ordered his own meal from the matron. Fixing him with a beady-eyed look, the matron brought over Nine's meal, breaking off her stare only when Matthaias requested for a refill. Nine leisurely consumed his meal, enjoying the uniqueness of the Cursed Mushroom menu. Wriggling grubs, crispy fried insects and arthropods, and of course, the ever present mushrooms made for a nice taste of pace from the fare he'd been having in Pleuron.

"Matron Mussel is truly a remarkable cook, don't you say? Her meals are always a delight to take in." Nine commented.

Matthaias gave him a side-eyed look, knowing exactly where this was going, but remained focused on his task of satisfying his hunger. Nine kept up a running one-sided conversation managing to wind his way through a plethora of topics from the juiciest insect grubs to the question of who were the best swordsmiths in the region. When Matthaias finally satisfied his hunger, he set down his plate to join a stack taller than Matron Mussel, and then slapped down a bag of unidentifiable things as payment—although considering it went squish rather than thunk, it was pretty clearly not spirit stones or gold. The matron gave Matthaias a bright smile of appreciation at a customer who enjoyed her handiwork and carted off the evidence of Matthaias' accomplishment. Turning to Auspicious Nine, he interrupted the other cultivator in the midst of a lecture on the life cycle of Scarlet Pigweed.

"Alright, I'm finished eating, and you're persistent enough, so I'm willing to hear you out. Why the Hells did Ana send you to me? You've got… five minutes, because I really want to go to sleep right now" Matthaias asked, face leaning on a curled fist.

Auspicious Nine replied, "I am on a research trip to the Cursed Mushroom clan to study them. They are a curious people, closer to ordinary cultivators than awakened Spirit Herbs or Spirit Beasts despite their clear non-human heritage. In fact they have been known to enroll with the Legions, accepting an infusion of the Blood of Bronze without reported ill effect. As might be obvious from my appearance, I am likewise of non-standard heritage so I am seeking out any similarities that may exist within the Cursed Mushrooms to myself."

"That's nice and all but what does that have to do with me?," Matthais interrupted, patience thinning as exhaustion encroached on him. "I'm not a Cursed Mushroom or in any way related to a plant, so I'm not exactly sure why you're here. Ana knows better than to waste my time by now.."

"Ah, but you possess the physique to qualify as a Living Cauldron or am I wrong? Chief Kuro made mention of that after you burst into his quarters when I was with him." Auspicious Nine asked.

Matthaias quirked an eyebrow as he replied. "So he feels free to make mention of my own—well, I suppose it's not a secret, at this point. What's that to you? Do you have a curse that needs resolving? I can do that after I take a nap, since I can tell you're not afflicted by anything lethal."

"Not quite that," Auspicious Nine laughed, "No, I actually want you to help me firm up my body so that I can better employ internal alchemy. I've already made some initial forays into the discipline but the texts on the necessary body cultivation make it clear that securing my foundation would give the best long-term results. Chief Kuro described you as quite accomplished in that area."

"Hmm," Matthaias considered, "What exactly have you worked with in internal alchemy? I'd rather make sure you're not going to be wasting my time, if it's all the same to you."

Auspicious Nine proudly declared. "I have been successful in completing a brew using the Grudge Vessel of Gu. Are you familiar with that method?"

Matthaias looked at Nine in renewed consideration. "Yeah, I am, that's a pretty difficult and dangerous technique. I did it on the fly when I was younger, and it was a pretty tight balance to maintain without exploding into bloody chunks, although I guess it would be splinters for someone like you. I'm pretty curious on how you swung it, because I only got such a critical mass through a Trial."

"I am an accomplished scholar," Nine said as though saying that the sun is hot, "It was a challenge but well within my means. I am now eager to expand my capabilities which I am willing to pay you to assist me in doing."

"Oh, payment, huh? Sure, I'll teach you what I know about tempering your body into a suitable body for internal alchemy, but I can't promise that what worked for me will do the exact same for you. This type of body cultivation is pretty notorious for having varying effectiveness depending on personal idiosyncrasies and heritage, and I only really got the hang of it after chewing on a mountain's worth of rocks. However, I have a rough process that works using the Bronze Blood which is common to both of us so we should be fine, and I suppose it's the job of the teacher to make sure the student doesn't have to suffer through the exact same thing they did" Matthaias replied, and took a few moments to consider the idea. He decided to accept, because he'd probably have to deal with this sapling chattering away while he slept if he didn't get things done, so, here went nothing. "I give no guarantees, though, because despite the efforts of a few friends, I'm not an accomplished scholar myself."

Undeterred, Auspicious Nine stretched out his arm and asked, "When do we begin?"

Shaking Nine's hand to shake on it, Matthaias replied, "As soon as we settle the matter of my price."

A swift haggling ensued which left neither party fully satisfied, a hallmark of a good compromise. Matthaias got access to certain valuable reagents Nine reluctantly parted with in exchange to a fee in Contribution Points, half paid immediately and the other half to be paid if his intrepid student survived. True to his word, if nothing else, Matthaias begun immediately after they had agreed on payment, leading Nine to a secluded area outside the caverns where the Cursed Mushrooms resided.

"So I'm going to take a page out of the methods the Cursed Mushrooms use and start you of with a test they had me undergo when I sought tuition from them," Matthaias said as he handed Auspicious Nine a vial of gray green powder, "Before we work on strengthening your internal system, we need to improve your awareness of your body. This vial contains specially made Boo Dust. It will cause the usual psychoactive reaction but once you get past the initial disorientation it will heighten your spiritual awareness of what's going on within your body. Do you have any questions?"

"Not at this moment," Auspicious Nine replied, "How much do I take?"

"A pinch on your tongue should do it. We'll adjust the dosage from what you report under the effects." Matthaias replied, and then continued as he remembered something, "You might want to give me your saber. This stuff is pretty potent and you really don't want to risk it with a weapon within reach."

Nine blinked at the suggestion, "By virtue of being a cultivator, my whole body is a weapon."

Matthaias nodded and pointed his thumb behind him. "Yeah, I know, but I don't think you want to stab yourself. The only one that's really in danger is you—I'll be hanging out over in the corner over there for extra safety, but I'm not fast enough to keep you from killing yourself if you're swinging around a sword rather than just thrashing around. Dealing with any extra surprises you have in just your body'll be more of a pain than I'm willing to suffer through."

Auspicious Nine decided to follow his paid tutor's advice and divested himself of his blade. A quick ping of the Boo Dust was placed on Nine's tongue after which Matthaias took back the vial and settled himself on a boulder he'd marked out as far enough to avoid the incoming fireworks.

From his seat he heard Auspicious Nine shout at him, "Are you sure you got proper Boo Dust. It doesn't seem to be working."

"It sure is." Matthaias said as he watched his erstwhile student shout in the opposite direction from where he was actually seated. If everything worked out as planned, they'd be able to quickly move past the Sense Awakening stages and get to the actual tempering exercises quickly enough, and then he'd actually finally get to go the fuck to sleep. He'd managed to wrangle a nice concession out of Chief Kuro for failing to be transparently clear about exactly what his trial experienced. As he watched a completely out of his mind treeman trying to serenade a heap of stones, Matthaias wondered if Auspicious Nine would be regretting trying for body cultivation after this session or when he had to ingest a Four Devils Screaming potion as a foundation building recipe. He'd pretty comfortably bet on the latter before anything else, uncomfortably remembering the burn of the portion on its way out, and if anything it'd be worse for a treeman. Sighing, he began cycling again, the massive meal he had beforehand providing ample fuel to work out anything that may have gone awry in his surprise weeklong trip. At least he had a good show.

A/N: Big credit to @Insane-Not-Crazy for writing most of this monster of an omake as well as their patience--I honestly just did a bit of editing after procrastinating a ton. Hopefully I'll get a bit more of a balanced workload later on--but there's only so much you can do after coming home from finals to forty-hour workweeks from your "part time job" while on break, haha. Time to collapse--oh wait no shit I've got more work to do--
Auspicious Nine 13: Auspicious Nine & Matthaias Outii - Six Degrees of Separation / The Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad, Week
TURN 13, OMAKE 6 [Auspicious Nine]
Auspicious Nine 13: Auspicious Nine & Matthaias Outii - Six Degrees of Separation / The Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad, Week

Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest] Original - Fantasy

Auspicious Nine / Matthaias Outi Six Degrees of Separation / The Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad, Week Cursed Mushrooms. The curious breed of sentient humanoid mushrooms grew in the depths of dark caverns north of Waycastles Pleuron and Acrocorinth. They were born as fungi sprouting from...

AN: (7500/2=3750 words) Please threadmark @ReaderOfFate. It was a pleasure working with @BlueHelix.
Kakos Alexikeravno 5

Kakos pondered. His recent expedition to the Bandit Kingdoms had been... helpful. The wards on his robes were fully refreshed, he'd made great strides in refining his understanding of the practical art of building functional arrays with low-grade and nonstandard inks, and he'd successfully demonstrated a real, meaningful use for blood charged with tribulation lightning. Between his final payoffs for the task and what he'd managed to loot from the bandits, he'd had enough stones left over to visit the arts pavilion for the Blood-Launching Art. It was a follow-on to the Blood-Spraying art that allowed the practitioner to fire their blood as damaging darts, rather than just spraying it. He'd wanted a Blood-Writing Art, but apparently the intersection between "capable array-crafter" and "wants to use their own blood as a weapon" was rare enough that there was no such thing. Unfortunate, but he could deal - especially since his initial studies of the Blood-Launching art offered some understanding of what would have to be done to increase its precision to an appropriate degree. He might not be handed the art that he truly wanted on a jade slip, but the Clan had given him the tools he needed to develop it for himself. For the staff, though... well, his old staff was half-melted, dented, bent and sundered - useful only for scrap. He'd scratched together enough money to buy a replacement, but it was no sturdier than the last, and was already showing signs of wear. Long-term, he would need gravebronze. Of course, what he really needed... his mind shied from the thought.

Still, the issue of the staff aside, he had come back from the Bandit Lands in a far better condition than he'd left. He even had a few spirit stones left in his purse... and there lay the problem. It was a few spirit stones in his purse, and his fundamental difficulties hadn't actually changed all that much. Admittedly, the ability to craft low-grade arrays from locally sourced materials did help some. He could take jobs that were priced in the expectation of spending a few stones on materials, acquire those materials from the local area, and pocket the difference. It made subsistence quite a lot more manageable. It wasn't nearly enough to advance, though, and he hadn't really made any progress in acquiring on-demand tribulation lightning. Still... perhaps there was a resource he'd been ignoring.

Before he left for the Bandit Lands, he'd entirely dismissed the idea of getting help from his family. Generally, families were run by high-cultivation elders, who controlled the family assets, provided for the needs of their juniors from the proceeds, and received loyal service in return. It was an ancient and respected practice, and it worked. Having a family like that would have been great, and Kakos would have happily jumped through whatever hoops needed to be jumped through to keep the elders happy and keep the stones rolling in. Unfortunately, as far as he could tell, he was the highest-cultivation Alexikeravno there had been in over a thousand years, and trying to provide for his cultivation requirements would bankrupt his elders even faster than it would bankrupt him. Him trying to "share largesse" with the others would be even worse. So that wasn't going to work. In the Bandit lands, though, in those tiny scrabbling villages, he'd seen a different way. Their families didn't really have a lot of largesse to hand out either. Often they didn't have anyone with any cultivation at all. Instead they just... helped each other, with whatever it was they were good at. The elders would maintain the lore of the family, the adults would assist with whatever work the elders were too frail to do for themselves, and the children would be assigned to do whatever they were capable of. It was not so grand and glorious a thing as the Great Families of the Clan, but it might offer a way forward. Thus it was that Kakos set out to visit his widely-distributed relatives.

His first visit was a thriving family. The couple had four living children. Four! Their eldest had finished her initial stint in the legions, met a boy, and was looking to settle down to have children of her own. It almost hurt. They were family. They understood... but they didn't understand. They were still trying to be good, quiet people... and he could not quite bear to tear that from them. It got... a little awkward. Still, they were family, and, unsurprisingly, he had a great deal more cultivation than any of them. He'd expected that he might be able to help out with array-crafting insights, or perhaps the raw strength of his cultivation, but it was not so. For the latter, they had plenty of higher-cultivation customers who were happy to help out when the need was great enough. For the former... oh his insights were welcome, to be sure, but that's not what they'd really wanted. No... the thing that made their eyes light up when they heard his story, the thing they wanted more than anything... was a Head of Family. They wanted someone with some gravitas to take their side in the marriage negotiations, and possibly to... mediate certain long-running "misunderstandings" with other branches of the family. It was... not what he had been expecting. Still, he was blatantly the highest-cultivation member of his line, and he could certainly trace his lineage back plenty of generations, and... in the end, the paperwork and legalities were grueling, but not in doubt. The other family was charmed to have a ninth heavenstage cultivator presiding. ("Oooh. He could be Foundation-Building by now, if he weren't aiming for even better things.") As for the misunderstandings, he was given a list of names and towns. It was not a short list. Apparently dearly-departed Uncle Pikros had had "misunderstandings" with quite a number of the far-flung branches of the family. Past that, though, they hadn't had much to offer. Kakos had looked at the time he'd spent struggling with bureaucracy, compared it to the little he'd gained in response, and nearly despaired of this plan ever paying off. The week before he left, though, sharing wine with a "scion" who had fifteen years on him, an offhand comment in a conversation about array theory let to hidden gold. It turns out that somewhere along the way, someone in this branch had discovered a series of small refinements on the Hiding of the Blood array that made it both 10% cheaper and moderately more effective. More than that, it didn't just scale up - it actually scaled marginally better than the original! It... well, okay. It wasn't nearly enough to save his immediate problems. Still, it was more than enough to make it well worth the trip. Then, too, the list of family members had three entries he'd not known about before. That felt much better as a bonus than it had as the sum total of gained benefits.

In the second town, he discovered that the local line had been extinguished in the Trials that took his father, that the town had not been able to find any next of kin, and that their home and possessions had remained unclaimed since. It was by this point considered something of a ghost house by the local children of mortal families, who'd made a game of daring each other to run up and touch it. The personal effects... well, they hadn't had much to start with, really, and there'd been even less after one of those heaven-sucking bastards from the Fifth Sea had broken into the hidden cellar, murdered the last two of them, and broke everything they could find, followed by four decades of neglect with occasional bits of surreptitious looting by the neighbors. Still, the house itself was good, solid stone, and the town had recovered to the point that such a house had at least some value. He claimed it as Formal Head of the Alexikeravno (still feeling some awkwardness) and figured he'd find some other family member to hand the place off to. He also managed to find a family Blood-Sealed Array that hid away the cache of array-crafting lore and reference notes. The notes didn't have anything really new for him, but the Blood-Sealed Array itself was interesting, and offered some insights into how an array might distinguish between different kinds of blood.

The third was tragedy again - this of a more recent make. His cousins had become incautious, and complacent. They had carved a Heaven's Eye Blinded array into the floor and walls of their home, and activated it and left it, and for a surprisingly large number of years - a full century, almost, it had worked perfectly. It had worked so perfectly for so long that they'd relaxed. They'd stopped bothering to wear warded robes about the house, they'd stopped running the daily checks... and then that array had failed, like arrays do eventually when not carefully maintained. Lightning reached out of a clear blue sky, blew through the roof of the house, and took every member of the family but one. Their middle daughter had been out shopping for groceries, and was wearing her robes as a result. She'd returned to a gutted house full of fresh-burnt corpses, and no idea what to do about it. Kakos had arrived scant days later - short enough that he'd heard the thunder from those strikes. He'd found her, still wearing those same robes, quietly going mad with fear. She begged him to save her. She did not know any other members of the family, or how to get in touch with them. What archive her family had had had been ruined with the house, and she'd never been taught even enough array crafting to maintain her own robes. He was, quite literally, her only hope. All she had to offer were the corpses of her family, a lightning-broken residence and her own desperate tears. Of course he agreed. He was her patriarch, after all. He understood his responsibilities. Even if he ignored that, though, it was still an offer he could not afford to let go. Six months later, her robes had been reinforced for long-term wear, he had taught her the bare minimum that she needed to survive in this world as an Alexikeravno, he'd transcribed for her the most important parts of his own collection of the lore, and he'd found a family (the fourth) who could continue her education. Also, he had gravebronze in hand - Alexikeravno gravebronze, from family dead by lightning, in the kind of quantity that one usually only managed from families who could consistently get to reasonable levels of cultivation. It was the material he'd known he needed all along, but had not been willing to let himself wish for.

The Alexikeravno of the fourth town were boring. They were blessedly, gloriously boring. It was a stable family of five with appropriate levels of paranoia and a reasonably healthy library, and... they didn't need anything. Of course, that left it a bit awkward that he was asking them to take in a fosterling but... Oh? Well when he put it that way, they might be able to think of a thing or two that they could use his help with.... It took the better part of two months more to work his way through their actual needs, once he got them to start talking, but he left poor Althaia in good hands.

Those of the fifth were short on money, and long on children, and had already fully saturated the local demand for lightning-prone array crafters. What they really needed more than anything else were places to send new families, with no other Alexikeravno nearby and... well, could he possibly offer some help on getting settled? Land was so dreadfully expensive after all. Kakos almost laughed, and when he revealed that he actually had two full houses, free for the taking (one, admittedly, in rather poor repair) their eyes got very large indeed. Sadly, they also had little to offer. As noted, they were poor, and their library of array-lore was anemic. He spent a fair bit of time helping them with that, after extracting a promise that they'd ensure that full copies of their newly expanded libraries would be made and sent with both of the departing groups. At the same time, he'd learned from his previous experience, and so he paid particular attention in his late-night conversations, and he was not shy about admitting his own struggles... and lo and behold, it paid off. It turned out that while they had no money, one of the eldest here had done a few meaningful favors for an up-and-coming weaponsmith a century prior, and that weaponsmith had managed to hit the early stages of foundation-building in the intervening time. They weren't big favors, per se, but maybe they'd be of value to him? Kakos left that town with a staff forged to his specifications, and rather more hope for the future of his family than he'd left the third town with.

On the sixth, finally, he hit the jackpot. It didn't look like much. It was a simple house, of thicker stone than most, built up against a large outcropping of rock. There were only two Alexikeravno there - a man old enough that age was starting to weaken him even through his cultivation and a grandson still too young for the Legions. They would not have seemed like much, but they had the fire, in a way that none of the rest of his family had had. Althaia had been a spark thinking about whether or not to catch when he had left her, but old Nikolaos had eyes that burned, and young Feofan's shone with reflected light. They welcomed him into their house, but refused to talk, or offer bread or salt. They led him far enough in that it became clear that the house was not just abutting the outcropping, but actually carved into it... and refused to talk, or offer bread or salt. The two worked together with practiced efficiency to double-check and then activate one of the more impressive Heaven's Eye Blinded arrays Kakos had ever seen, and only then, hidden from the sight of the hateful heavens, did they offer bread and salt, and speak to him. It turned out... well, it turned out that this branch of the family had secrets.

Many generations previous, before the Alexikeravno had fallen to its current state, they had actually had members who were Core Formation. This was not their story - the last of those had died before they left the mountains. One of them had left a legacy, though - a library full of ancient lore about arrays with which to carry on the bitter struggle against the heavens. Nikolaos and Feofan had a library, but it was not that library. That library was also somewhere in the mountains, in the land wrongfully claimed by the "Sorrowful Blacksmiths", if it still existed at all. Kakos scowled at the naming of them, and his two cousins matched the expression. Miserable dogs of Heaven with their false "virtue". No - this library was a lesser thing, smuggled in by a Foundation Building ancestor who had successfully fled to the desert. The trick, though, was that that Foundation Building ancestor had seen the Core Formation library. he had visited it, and read of its contents. He had been one of a number of Foundation Building family members who had discovered it centuries after its creation, entered past its wards, and read what there was to read. He had felt his cultivation shake with the weight of the insights that it carried. He had been one of the group when they had left that place, some bearing transcribed notes (for they'd not been prepared to safely transport the originals) and talking about what they had seen. He had been one of the much much diminished group of cultivators who had fled back into the safety of the archive's wards after lightning reached out of the sky and consumed half their number, when they knew that the Hiding of the Blood arrays had been stitched in redundant layers and also double-checked just before departure... and then scuttled back to the archives to try to understand what had happened.

The secret was simple, once they understood it. The heavens hated. They did not just hate the Golden Devils. They did not just hate the Alexikeravno. They hated knowledge itself. The Heavens, it seemed, listened for certain statements, and looked for certain runes, and sought to wipe the knowledge from the earth any time it was shared - seeking to obliterate both the teacher and the student. All the things that the heavens hated were true. It was simply that the heavens did not wish man to know. Nikolaos held that it was the despots seeking to ensure that they could not be challenged. Feofan nodded, as one who received wisdom from his elders. Kakos? It would fit. As morally corrupt as they were, as much as the systems of the world were clearly created to suppress? It would most certainly fit. Still, the archives that ancestor had hidden in held a solution, too, for they had been able to read and speak while within its protective wards, and detailed instructions for those same wards had been among the lore that it contained. A mere foundation-building crafter could not harness their full power, but it was enough to smuggle out some scraps of knowledge that went well beyond what the Heavens intended that a lowly Foundation Building cultivator should possess. That ancestor, then, had himself built an archive, with all that he had smuggled and all that he had known, including the journal of his own experiences, and sought to make his archive as easy to maintain as he could. Thus it was that Kakos found it - almost certainly the most robust collection of family lore that he might find outside of Sorrowful Blacksmith territory, and possibly the most robust anywhere. Nikolaos and Feofan were in desperate need of spirit stones to see to the maintenance of their arrays, and it would hurt to provide them, but it would be worth it. The potential benefits just for refining his understanding of the Art were immense. As for the deeper insight...?

Three weeks later, Kakos sat on open ground - away from any other people, and any other buildings, and a full half day's walk from the library. He sat inside of the largest, most ornate Heaven's Eye Blinded array he'd ever made. He painted neat letters in his own blood onto a ceramic tile. Picking the truths that Heaven found blasphemous from those that were simply truths was not simple, let along picking either out from raw speculation, so for the moment he wrote small. "Heaven does not hate. It fears. Those it curses are simply those who have touched a path that might one day overcome it." "If the heavens have created the world, then in this they are not special. Any cultivator of sufficient power could do the same." Twelve. Twelve statements should be sufficient. By the seventh his shoulder had started to itch severely. Seven it was. He flung the tile away as hard as he could. Lightning shattered it before it touched the ground.

Kakos smiled.


3279 words

@ReaderOfFate could you please do the honors? I would like a Lifesaving Treasure. (For some reason I just keep burning through them. Can't imagine why.) As far as missions go, I should probably be investigating the Underworld Spirit Palace, rather than doing anything at all that would expose members of the Righteous Path to Kakos and his particular opinions on the heavens. I apologize if this mucks up any of the numbers.

Oh, and his last name is Alexikeravno, rather than Alexikeravnos. My apologies there, because I'm pretty sure the confusion was from me messing it up myself, but could you please fix the incorrectly named threadmarks? I have now fixed all of the errors of that variety that I put in myself.

Admittedly, I'm falling behind chronologically, as this is actually set shortly before the entirety of last turn, but I have some hope that I'll have more writing ergs in the new year. Some day... some day I will have Kakos pick up that snazzy bow he earned last time and try to figure out how the heck he was supposed to make use of the thing.
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Lipita Delphi 31: Gaius Antonius and Lipita Delphi - Ties of Bronze
TURN 13, OMAKE 4 [Lipita]
Lipita Delphi 31: Gaius Antonius and Lipita Delphi - Ties of Bronze

If a person managed to look down from above on the bowl of the Tall Wheat Fields cupped within the borders of the Indomitable Peaks, they would bear witness to a testament of eon spanning struggle. The Dawn Fortress, mighty bastion of the Golden Devil Clan, was but a pale remembrance of past glory. The arrays that girded its walls, the weapon emplacements that festooned its heights, the cunning artifice that built up its looming structures, the steadfast strength of the troops manning its defenses these were all as nothing to the might that time had stripped away from the lingering remnants of the Sea-Conquering Army. Half forgotten myth and tattered legends spoke of domineering Towers of Spite that stood unbowed against the full fury of Heaven in its unbridled might, abjuring the curses flung at hated enemies. The inheritors of these tales were themselves degraded and debased, the strength of their bloodline fallen away to the ages and desperate sacrifice to leave only mere dregs of a power that once challenged and conquered the Nine Seas of the Imperial Heavenly Turtle System. So much had been lost and the abyss still yawned wide below ever ready for more.

From that lofty perch in the sky surveying the embers of greatness that remained – whether by innate effort of a Nascent Soul, clever technique use by Core Formation Elder or genius accomplishment of someone junior – if one so cared they could focus on a patch of land in the tamed greenery of the Wheat Fields, tiny relative to the totality of the expanse about but still a sizable allotment compared to its neighbors. Zoom in on this estate bounded by gleaming white stone and observe the buildings within, the evidence of a centuries long habitation, built up, refurbished and expanded upon over time. Look further if you had sight capable of piercing tile, stone and timber, centering your discerning gaze on a pagoda at the heart of the compound and delving within past the highest storeys to the bowels below buried the pagoda's height in the earth. There, o wondrous voyeur, you would bear witness to the struggle of a flawed scion of the Bronze, suffering the consequences of a desperate bargain.

Calliope Delphi stared open eyed at the wall of the closed-door meditation facility she was making use of. She knelt cross-legged in lotus position as still as any statue in the center of the room. The room was a sealed box of white stone bare of any decoration apart from the intricate patterns of the mandalas that covered each of the four walls, floor and ceiling. The facility had been given the name the White Room owing to its sparse décor and it was considered the best cultivation chamber in the estate, a fitting setting for the arch-councilor's trial. Calliope kept her gaze fixed on the image ahead of her, a blossoming configuration of symbols she'd personally laid down using several expensive reagents, her blood included. The very air around her roiled and crackled with potential, saturated with heavy spiritual energies. Without a means to exit the chamber the energy continued to build up, drawn out from several dearly purchased spirit stones set into stands about the cultivator, focused onto the woman within by the arrays set upon the enclosing surfaces.

Naked as she was, the blood leaking out her pores and every other orifice – unmentionable and otherwise - was clearly visible against the bronze skin of her body. Despite this indication of strain, her posture did not shift the slightest iota not even as qi was used to clear her airways and cycle breath in and out her without muscle activity. The Head Elder of the Delphi family was a cultivator gifted in the use of her family's legacy arts. In that singular body, a multitude of consciousnesses were at work: maintaining homeostasis through focused application of qi, monitoring and modulating the effect of the arrays and artifacts placed around her, and of course, striving earnestly to prevent her core from shattering and killing her instantly.

The core of a cultivator in the third great realm was a peculiar thing. Partly physical and partly immaterial, by the philosophy of the Third Sea it was a singularity of concentrated qi and personalized Dao principles. From there – if you were so lucky to reach this point despite the manifold pitfalls of the cultivator's path – the path forward was remarkably simple: advance with stubbornness. Forget the mundane business of purification that is the lot of the Qi Condensation junior or the endless philosophizing and navel-gazing of the Foundation Establishment on their quest of discovery, within and without. The path trod by the Core Formation was one of steadfast accumulation, fixing your beliefs at the very center of your being and single-mindedly doubling down on what you have decided is Truth with every thought and action. It is an oddly simple process compared to the travails that preceded it such that a full half of those who manage to first forge their core are able to condense it to the fullest extent, undoubtedly because any who has managed to come so far in their advancement wields immense willpower compared to the average. The goal of all this labor is to produce a perfect, invincible Core, immune to doubt. It was therefore most assuredly not a good thing that Calliope's core felt like a carved globe of gossamer thin ice in the midst of a solar furnace made of the qi she had roiling through her body.

In the ruins of an ancient temple overgrown with jungle greenery, a host of identical nude figures, each a perfect representation of the form of Calliope Delphi seated in the chamber, gathered around a fiercely spinning construct resembling an armillary sphere on the verge of catastrophic failure, arms outstretched to feed cables of will into the sphere. The central sphere was a rampaging white star blasting off arcs of energy battering the whirring rings straining to hold it steady. Already the four innermost layers were so much molten slag and the outer three circles still hanging on were looking very weathered, dripping metal all along their circumference.

"By the Imperator's phallus, this is not good," Calliope swore to the other Calliopes with her desperately trying to hold together the lifeline of her existence, "I'd like to kick whoever came up with this insanity in the ass but it's a little hard to do that to myself."

Another Calliope barked a short laugh as she weathered the strain of holding together the walls of her core. "If we get out of this alive, I figure Chiron could serve as a good enough stand-in to deliver the ass-kicking."

The other genii of Calliope created by use of the [Erudite Sibyl's Stairway: Kaleidoscope] bore their their task grimly in silence not enough mental energy available from the whole to allow them to do more than hang on desperately to the flailing maelstrom in their grip. The armillary sphere that represented Calliope's core continued its raging but made no further progress in rupturing its shell for several long moments. Suddenly the entire space containing the sphere and its attendants shook, tiled flooring and crumbled walls jerking with violent motion.

"Oh shite!" the Calliope that had spoken first earlier, Calliope Prime, swore as the tremor was immediately followed by a hiccup in the motion of the armillary rings. The three rings slowed in their rotation and the star within erupted at the weakness, blasting away a fifth ring and leaving the sixth more hole than substance.

"Outer containment just lost ground. We're going to have to finish this now or we're going into the ground if they can scrape enough of us to bury." Prime screamed out as the loss of one ring increased the pressure a magnitude across board. If they had been teetering on the edge of disaster before, now they were in freefall merely waiting for the termination of the descent in fatal contact with the ground. Each of the surrounding mental constructs took a step forward then another in a resolute advance, flesh scorching and blackening as they burst into a furious blaze of flame, consuming themselves to push back against the runaway calamity.

Beyond the shrinking ring of women pushing towards the armillary sphere, a second group of genii drew nearer facing outwards and fighting a desperate retreat to maintain a cordon against an enemy seeking to assault the centerpiece of the ruins. These genii were commanders of a beleaguered host of puppets made in the form of sacred beasts and stranger creatures. Mechanical terrors clawed and bit at their foe which resembled nothing more than a singular mass of congealed shadow projecting grasping limbs and tearing maws. An infernal cacophony poured out from the shadowy horde, endless mouths across its length screaming out madness.

This was the Harrowing given horrid life, the vicious curse of the Delphi bloodline represented as the pernicious foe it was. In the sealed chamber where Calliope's body sat, blood sprayed up from her lungs, evidence of qi deviation injury induced by the malignancy of the malediction within. Were Calliope any lesser her meridians and other internals would have collapsed from backlash as the Harrowing sowed discord throughout her body and reaped a bloody harvest.

"kiLL TeAR RiP HuRts SaVe Me…" It was a babbling confused rant that communicated only one thing clearly, unrelenting rage at anything not of it. Against this enemy, the brave forces of the puppets were depleted, ground down like grist in a mill. Imposing giants and scurrying creatures stood against the divine curse, desperately buying time. The skies above the ruins were not left unchallenged, avian flocks of artificial constructs dueled with cast off fragments of the encroaching horde.

"Outer containment is on the brink of failure. Initiating final stabilization processes." A calm voice among the much reduced outer cordon spoke up, showing no hint of concern at the gains the Harrowing had made so rapidly pushing them within spitting distance of the inner ring. The speaker was a stylized replica of Calliope in the form of a mechanical automaton of bronze. Calliope Beta had been the focus of Calliope's divided attention throughout all this against the ever present menace of the Harrowing.

The inner circle made no response, lacking the need or energy to do so. All the genii had now been reduced to blackened skeletons covered in the flame of conviction standing within touching distance of the armillary sphere. Within the sphere itself, the star that had been steadily growing from the very beginning even as it vented its fury against the rings constraining it, swelled to kiss the inner circumference of the sixth ring, engorged with the qi Calliope was funneling into it. As soon as it made contact, the skeletal sentinels wrestling with it seized the last whole ring and exploded, directing all the force of the bound will released from the mental constructs inwards. At the same moment in the room outside Calliope's inner realm, the mandalas all around the White Room burst into dazzling brilliance and the artifact stands holding the spirit stones crushed them, forcing out every erg of energy. The array mandalas seized that energy and hammered it inward as though explosively hydroforming a steel sphere.

The outermost ring contracted implosively seizing the remains of the sixth and forcing the bloated star back beyond the limits of the rings. In fact it was pushed back further than it had originally been, condensed into a sphere of cloudy plasma half the size it had been at the start of the whole process. The sphere fought against its renewed constraints but the container held barely. Slowly it stabilized reduced from an armillary sphere with seven rings to just one.

In the outer cordon, the implosion of the sphere had surged renewed vigor in the last remaining defenders and they had stood steadfast against the assails of the Harrowing surrounded with a radiant golden aura that ate scorched the shadow matter of the curse. As the core settled down in its new containment, the Harrowing slowed its assault, countless eyes glaring balefully at the shackled core and then broke off its attack. Within Calliope's battered meridians, her qi settled down as her core settled into quiescence and she could muster enough strength to beat down the usurping intent of the Harrowing

Calliope Prime joined Beta to watch as the shadows fled away scurrying back to where they hid within her. Cheerily Prime hocked flaming spit from charred jaws at the departing figures. "That's right you miserable bastard, run off like the loser you are. I'm still here despite everything you've got."

Beta without inflection spoke to her sister. "We have to beat it every time while it only has to win once. Don't ignore its threat because only constant vigilance preserves us."

"Given the fact that I'm also you, I'm pretty certain I already knew that but thanks for the reminder anyway." Prime turned the gaping eye sockets of her skeletal visage towards Beta, grinning as skulls were minded to do and pointed to the armillary sphere. "Oh look, isn't it lovely, we're now at Cloudy Core Formation. Never thought that just advancing one small realm would require so much effort."

Beta replied to her, staring at the core. "The Heavens send down Heavenly Tribulation to every challenger who tries the Gate of Resolve, designed to test the contradictions in a newly seeded Dao. We of the Blood of Bronze greatly draw the ire of Heaven heightening the killing intent of the tribulation but even the tribulations that all clansmen face is not without its utility. Tribulation lighting both attempts to kill, and reveal the possible contradictions between the parts of a challenger's Dao, trying to separate their Dao Pillars even as they try to fuse them into one new Core. A successful defense of a personal Dao and the fusion thereof results in acknowledgment from the self and the Heavens; a nurturing aspect to the tribulation helping along success. We sidestepped much of the testing involved in the tribulation which improved our odds of survival but also drastically weakened the core we formed."

Blank-faced Beta looked to the side at her sister. "As it stands, the Chartoularios Tou Kanikleiou is entirely right in her assessment. We will never successfully progress into Mid Core Formation with the current foundation of our core. It was a miracle and genius combined that permitted us to make this much progress. Any further attempt and our core will shatter leaving us dead."

Prime shrugged, "Ehh, we'll deal with that when it comes to it. Who knows what might come up in this Great Era? Besides, if a certain grouchy bastard steps up there's the option of last resort."

Clapping her bony palms together in a clacking rattle, Prime walked over to Beta and looked in her eyes, smooth orbs of jet set in a bronze mask. "Alright, time to make like lovers and get back out there."

"Indeed, we will need to recover long from this effort." Beta agreed with Prime and the two forms dissolved into glowing mist that merged and then coalesced into a singular form.

Rolling her neck, Calliope Delphi undivided examined her mindscape and then satisfied with its condition for now, returned wholly into her physical body. The pain that had been blaring at the edges of her consciousness resolved into a hellish insistent awareness that her body was gravely strained. She opened her eyes to find herself fallen on her side, unable to recall when this had happened. Standing up proved impossibly agonizing so she settled for crawling to the door and unlocking it with a hand against the door and a pulse of qi. As the door swung outwards, she caught sight of dutiful Pelagos standing in the corridor beyond.

"Ahh, Pelagos, good to see you there. Huh, guess that means my estimates weren't too far off if you're still waiting," She muttered, "Could you be a dear and carry me to the medicae? I seem to have overexerted myself after a bout of intercourse."

Normally unflappable Pelagos stared down at the arch-councillor of the Delphi family who looked an inch away from death and then sprang into action, setting off the alarm wards that were set into the corridor and then reaching down to lift up the Elder. As she drifted off into unconsciousness, Calliope mused that she was going to have to rework her jokes if she couldn't even get a flicker of a smile.


"You know I can sense your disapproval quite clearly no matter how much you try to hide it. Your spirit gives you away." Calliope commented as she completed the second set of threefold acknowledgment in the tradition of the Delphi. She couldn't easily make the full ninety degree arc as custom required, seated in her wheelchair as she was but she made a good go of it, sinking her face into her lap three times per set. The ancestral shrine of the Delphi family was a simple affair if also a large space to accommodate the history of a bloodline spanning millennia. Bare stone and wood formed the structure, kept clean but unadorned. The names of the honored dead were carved into plaques of gold alloy and organized by lineage in shelves along the walls and in the interior of the shrine itself. There was a simple stone altar at the entrance where visitors lit sticks of incense for those they wished to remember before making their way within to where the death plaques were stored. Every member of the family served a time as an attendant in the shrine under the supervision of the senior caretakers. It was expected that all family members memorize the roll of the honored dead for posterity during their time of service, updating the archives they held within their Memory Palace whenever they visited the family estate in the Dawn Fortress.

Pelagos remained silent behind the arch-councilor, only tightening the veil he'd placed around his dantian to conceal any sign of his feelings. He stood a step back from Calliope's wheelchair, ready to attend to her needs.

Calliope sighed as she finished her bowing and mouthed a brief prayer to the Imperator. Once she finished her entreaties, she spun her seat around and looked up at Pelagos with a cocked eyebrow. "You know, the previous head councilor Agamemnon used to tease that to an Elder, the entire family were like open books revealing their secrets to him if only he cared to look deep enough. I find that he was right in that as he was in so many other things. Your aura suppression is excellent, almost impeccable but familiarity on my part and your proximity combined with my superior perception means that you might as well say what has you so wound up."

Pelagos accepted the invitation to speak his mind and relaxed his stiff posture slightly. "After your recent injury, I have been badgered by the medicae staff to get you to rest. I am not as skilled as they are in the arts of medicine but I was there when you first left closed-door cultivation and your condition was grave. You are the main pillar of the family at present and any risk to you is a risk to the vitality of the family itself. Honoring the departed is certainly a commendable responsibility especially the previous head councilors but perhaps it could have waited until you are further along in your convalescence as could the other duties you have taken upon yourself."

Calliope smiled faintly. "Our Resonant Bronze Compass physique might trade certain strengths for our innate advantages but the resilience of the Blood of Bronze is still with us particularly in someone who is well advanced in their cultivation. Have no fears about my health. The greatest danger is past me now and I am taking the time to heal despite what it might seem otherwise with the work I've been doing so far."

Pelagos nodded once accepting that his superior had given her final remark on the matter. Trailing Calliope as she wheeled herself out of the shrine, he followed her out of the shrine and into the hastily converted new office for the head councilor on the ground floor of the main administrative building where she had previously made her office at the topmost floor. Moving to face Pelagos from behind the desk, Calliope instructed him, "Please inform matron Iphigenia and her attendants at the Sorrow's Ward that I will be making a visit there this evening. I'd like to visit the residents and take my report in person."

Pelagos marked down the appointment in his calendar, shuddering as he thought of the Sorrow's Ward. Ware the Harrowing, lest the grave or the ward be your fate; a childhood refrain that passed through the family called to mind. Not every Delphi could overcome the bloodline's curse and for those who faltered but did not pass into death's embrace, the Sorrow's Ward was where the Delphi maintained their afflicted family members, trying to restore them or at least ease their suffering. He honestly didn't know which troubled him more, the comatose figures lying unresponsive on their beds, the catatonic lost trapped in a fugue or the psychotic lunatics cast adrift from reality. Better to be crippled in body or cultivation than that for at least then you had your mind with you. The aftermath of the Blood Mists had seen a heavy influx of new patients for the Ward. Pelagos deliberately kept his mind from dwelling on the events of that terrible day as he knew so many other family members did as well. He suspected that Elder Calliope's recent risky advancement had in no small part been prompted by her experience during that madness and having to supervise the recovery of the family afterwards.

In turn Pelagos informed her that the estate had received the allotment of cultivation aids suitable for an Elder Calliope had procured from the Legion Contribution Board. Calliope looked pensively at the report and said to Pelagos, "Add it to the stockpile I have set up. My recent endeavors have conclusively proven that I will only be needing to maintain my cultivation. Advancement further is impossible. Let these materials be put aside for the next head. Speaking of that matter, where's our current forerunner making trouble for me now?"

Consulting his notes, Pelagos replied, "Chemos is being surprisingly helpful as a senior family leader for once. He's working with councilors Galen and Thalia on the Simmering Soup Sect venture although he's complaining to everyone who listens that he refuses to make this a more permanent affair."

Calliope sighed. "Uh, why talent and filial responsibility are so imbalanced in that old geezer I'll never know. Let him know that the council would be more than willing to discuss how we can come to a compromise. The old fool needs to step up his responsibilities and he knows this especially after the prestige he won for the family with the All-Blinding Array."

Pelagos said, "I'll see to it that he is informed."

Calliope drummed her right fingers on the table, thinking. "What's the progress with the expansion plans?"

From memory, Pelagos updated her. "All indications are that deliberations by the Optimatoi Kainon are still ongoing as regards the disposition of the conquered Jingshen and vassal territories. Given the number and variety of proposals being fielded, the recommendation from the analysts is that we maintain our strategy of expanding into the Heavenly Bandit Kingdoms, specifically Seven Temple City. Whatever the conclusion of the next Great Plan for the following two decades, gaining a significant claim there will place the family in a good position to capitalize on any opportunities that present themselves."

"Alright then," Calliope stopped her drumming, "Tell the council that we're committing to our planned strategy. We'll be reaching out to the other noble houses and other powers within the Clan. This expansion will require partners to optimize our gains. Let's cash in some of the favors we hold for the support we'll need."

Pelagos and Calliope working the rest of the day, organizing the greatest growth stratagem of the Delphi family in recent memory. The gains from the Coloneia had whetted the appetite of the family and they were poised to secure as much benefit as was possible in the great victory over the Jingshen Clan. Councilors and aides were sent to work, across the length and breadth of the family's holdings.


The Daedalus Atelier in Emporikipolis was at once training quarters for young family members, workshop for more experienced hands and the beating mercantile heart of the Delphi family. Apart from the specialized commissions that were taken delivery at the Shrouded Glade Arboretum in Pill-Forge Forest or the Chimaera Echidna Ranch in the Beast-Raising Forest, the output of the Delphi family's prodigious industrial activity flowed here to be dispersed across the Scorpion Road to varied customers within the Golden Devil Clan and beyond. The twin councilors, Galen and Thalia were considered the unofficial heads of the Atelier, spending much of their time there when not attending to other responsibilities.

Galen and his twin Thalia sat themselves across a desk in their shared office within the Atelier, reviewing the business' activities and the results of certain diplomatic outreaches. The office was richly decorated, featuring luxurious carpets, exquisite wooden furniture and expensive artwork. Settling into the plush comfort of his cushioned chair, Galen browsed through the earnings of the last quarter of the year, a pleased smile on his face. Thalia idly watched her brother, sucking on a sweet, as she waited for him to finish.

"Business has been excellent these months," Galen smiled looking up from the documents, "War is good for business and a short victorious conflict is even better. I am positively loving the balance I'm seeing in the books."

Thalia scoffed at her twin's statement. "Of course business is good, we're in charge of it. The family's reputation for quality has not been allowed to suffer under our watch. Besides, our name has been doing the rounds among the Legions that participated in the Jingshen offensive. Those juniors I trained made a pretty good showing of themselves in the war which is excellent publicity. The Experts the family sent in under Chemos managed to play a part in capturing the All-Blinding Array and the old goat himself worked directly under the Protostrator to refit the array into a weapon that helped the Archegetes take the Underworld Spirit Palace."

Galen checked the accounting again and said, "There's a good chunk of income coming in from sales of the Heavenly Furnace Entrapment array. It's nothing spectacular in the fullness of things but a lot of Legions like the array itself and the reputation of its maker has boosted sales a bit. We should see if the Senior Mechanikos Achille Adephos has any other arrays that we could include in our listings. New work from a reputed array-engineer would go very well."

Thalia agreed. "Let's have Linus handle that. He made the initial agreement so he's best placed to make inquiries there and negotiate if there's anything to be done. That oafish drunkard does have his uses some times."

Moving on from their past activity, Galen discussed a current venture with his sister. "Profits aside, the Simmering Soup Sect contract is finally making good headway. The Sorrowful Blacksmith Sect can't be content to be squatters and looters of our ancestral holdings. No, they have to muck up the simple task of keeping the Colossus Footsteps Pass open by allowing a Blood Path rebellion to prosper within them. I'd expect this from those in the Verdant South but the mountain factions should be hardier."

Thalia disagreed with her brother's assessment of events. "I wouldn't be so dismissive of what they faced. The family and the Clan as a whole managed to weather the insanity well enough but that was in spite of the strength of the assault rather than because of it. Others were not so advantaged."

Leaving the comment unaddressed, Galen informed Thalia of the progress they'd made in fulfilling their contract with the Clan's penultimate vassal power. "Whatever the cause might be, the results were still bad enough. Trade to and from the mountains and plains has been disrupted all across the region and is only now getting back into something like normal order. Good for us in that it meant the Soup Sect came to us to help them address their shortfalls, bad for us in that we had to find a way to navigate the headache of the chaos currently taking a dump on the plains. I reached out to every supplier we could rely on to get this contract fulfilled even that extortionate thief Chow Pei.

Thalia flashed a questioning look at Galen on hearing that last name to which Galen scowled in reply. "Don't ask me how I haggled that rotund weasel down to a reasonable price. It cost me my dignity and several days of my life I am never getting back. Even with all that work it wasn't looking good for our prospects for making the deadline in the contract until Envoy Tisamenos stepped in. It turns out that the 'Noble Spirit Lord' as the Clan's observer on the Council of Righteous Elders had some pull to ease our way. He even got us a good deal with the Eastern Trade Society of Strength Purity Sect for some of the more exclusive herbs on the list from their Herb Mountains."

Looking over at Thalia, Galen said. "Apparently it was a favor in return for supporting an initiative of his?"

Thalia smiled smugly. "So as it happens, Tisamenos has been enamored with Ferenike of the Indomitable Thirteen and her work since they met in Pleuron. He considers it his duty to carry on her legacy by pushing for the wider adoption among the Clan of the Century Oasis Formation she pioneered. I learned it myself and taught it to the juniors deploying to the Jingshen war. It's a good technique so I told Tisamenos he had my support and the head councilor backed me up for the family's approval. Word has it that the Elders of War and Disciples are apparently considering developing it further since they've gotten so many in favor."

"Hmm…" Galen said in consideration, "Odd how I missed that. Oh well, it worked out for us because we're on track to deliver what was ordered by the Souplords. Fulfilling this contract would pave the way for further profitable dealings with the Soup Sect. Elder Calliope has a vision of expansion and this is just what we need. If we could find some way to boost our presence in the Hong Xuan territory we'd be pretty much set for now as regards the desert."

Concluding his report, he sat back and asked his sister. "How's your progress with the Old Blood of the Clan? The newer houses of influence are a mixed bag from those I managed to meet with. Most are like the Adephos, eyeing the newly conquered territories and waiting on the upcoming Great Plan to hedge their bets. None of the good prospects among them like the Rhodessus are feeling particularly bold now or have the capacity to offer support while the risk takers are not the kind of business the family needs the headache of dealing with."

Thalia finished off the sweet she'd been nursing and responded. "It went just as expected. Those families whose history and strength runs as deep as ours are all concerned about seizing any benefit now that we hold the lands of our perennial rival. The Xie are up to their necks in their usual skullduggery. It looks like they are making a play for Hong Xuan since the Everburning Phoenixes deployed with the detachment from there and they are not interested in sharing. The Callista are consolidating their holdings after their sponsored Legions got mauled by Jingshen Jiao. They are not looking outwards right now no luck there though I did manage an agreement for the resupply of their forces. The Sarantapechos are boldly waving the flag of the Second Elder and trying to crawl up her skirt. That's a scorpion pit we want to stay well clear off. The Nikeodemos are willing to entertain deals to equip their scions and there are good gains there if not enough for what the family aspires to accomplish. Surprisingly the Quintia have been the most receptive."

Galen disdained the sweets his sister favored and had been steadily consuming grapes as Thalia spoke. He paused his feasting as she referenced the Quintia and mused out loud. "No doubt it's because they are looking for allies to support them in the wake of recent events. On one hand, they are now one of the few noble houses to have a Single-Pillar King within their influence. On the other hand, they are now the family with the most infamous cultivator marrying into their ranks. Gaius Antonius is a name that is going to make as many enemies as it is allies with the rumors implicating him in the Bloody Mists.

"What exactly are they amenable to giving us and what consideration do they want in return?" He questioned Thalia.

Grinning like the cat that got the cream, Thalia replied, placing on the table and pushing towards Galen a summary of her draft negotiations with the other noble houses. "Look at the section bookmarked," She said.

Opening to the indicated portion, Galen read the brief notes therein once and then twice over. He looked up at Thalia in surprise. "This is nearly everything we put forth in our opening negotiations. Nobody ever agrees to the opening offer just like that. What did you do to their negotiator, drug them into insensibility?"

Thalia swiped one of Galen's grapes, popping it into her mouth and said after swallowing, "The Quintia really want friends in their corner right now and I'm very good at what I do. They are willing to cede control of several prime settlements to us in exchange for an agreement that we will build expansive private workshops in those towns for their use. In addition, they are making a large order of pills, elixirs and other cultivation aids in exchange for access to some of their private Spirit Herb collections. They're offering us first right of refusal on commodities produced in their territories and exclusive contracts for certain artifacts. Hell they are proposing marrying some of their younger generation to ours to help strengthen alliances and give us some of their political backing."

"You know," Thalia said plopping several more rapes in her mouth, "I think a good part of the favorable terms is down to Gaius Antonius mentoring that junior Lipita. We supplied Gaius with high quality medicine after they returned from the Yuan Clan and that gave us a chance to open up negotiations. He and the Quintia family for that matter, appear to be impressed with the quality of our work since they're also including a request for specialized crafting services for the newly crowned King. Something to get Linus excited about I suppose."

Galen considered this development and then said. "We're going to have to take this back to the whole council for deliberation. Elder Calliope will definitely need to be appraised of what this portends for our plans and the other councilors will doubtless want to weigh in."

Thalia wriggled her fingers at Galen. "Way ahead of you there, dearest brother. Pelagos has booked us a full meeting as soon as the others get back into town which shouldn't be later than the end of the week. I don't think we're going to see any major deviations from the current strategy there. The Quintia are among the wealthiest families of the Old Blood and what they are giving us is worth the cost to fuel the growth we intend."

"Well then," Galen said standing up, "I think this calls for a celebration, don't you say. What do you say we break out a batch of the special moonshine."

Joining her brother on her feet, Thalia replied. "You read my mind. I bet that I can drink you under the table this time."

"I'll take that bet and raise you a gamble that you can't last longer than three jugs." Galen retorted as they walked out of their office.


It was a trio of councilors that met the Quintia delegation in the Daedalus Atelier to conclude the negotiations. Thalia, Galen and Agatha represented the Delphi family, hosting Alethos Quintia, grand-nephew of Giorgos Quintia and his aides. As the guests were served, Galen reflected on the unusual nature of the negotiations so far. The Delphi council had decided to go as far with this partnership with the Quintia as they could and that was very far indeed. The terms as agreed so far placed the Delphi in a firm place to expand their industrial base and market access to a scope of magnitude that dwarfed the last few centuries of the family's fortunes. The Quintia were ludicrously wealthy among the influential houses of the Clan. Being able to raise up and maintain two Core Formation Elders spoke to a depth of resources that even the famed Callista could not quite match even before the Quintia had acquired a Single Pillar King of their own. Given the disparity between their means and the nature of the Delphi as supplicants, Galen was very well aware of the face the Quintia were showing his family by coming to their territory rather than making the Delphi attend to the Quintia family in their own estates.

Setting aside an empty tea cup after dispensing with the pleasantries and refreshments, Alethos Quintia passed over a scroll case. "This should be the finalized partnership agreement between the Delphi and Quintia families as negotiated between our two august houses. If you have no problems with the contract as described therein we can conclude this matter as binding and start execution immediately."

Agatha received the case from Alethos, and retrieved the scroll within to peruse its content. This was largely a matter of course even though the minutiae of the agreement had been settled well before this meeting. Finding it satisfactory as the elder councilor in attendance she affixed her seal to the contract using her personal stamp. Galen and Thalia did likewise as witnesses and the scroll was returned to Alethos who repeated the same action as did his aides.

When both parties were done, Agatha spoke up, her snake Stheno coiling around her shoulders. "As per the agreement, the Delphi family is ready to begin work on the production of an artifact weapon for Gaius Antonius. The necessary major components are to be provided by the Quintia family so whenever you wish to begin, please inform us."

Alethos calmly replied, "We are ready to begin immediately. The materials have been secured at the Quintia Manor and the intended recipient, Gaius Antonius, as well. Whenever your family wishes to take delivery of the materials and meet with the man the artifact is to be commissioned for, we only await your notice."

The three Delphi councilors exchanged brief glances and then Agatha spoke once more, "If that is the case, then I will be returning with you back to the Quintia estates."

Alethos nodded in agreement and the gathering relaxed into more sedate conversation as the main events were concluded.


Agatha Delphi looked out the window of her carriage and gazed upon the wealth of the Quintia family. They had entered the holdings of the noble house some time ago having set out from Emporikipolis in a luxuriously appointed conveyance pulled by Bronzemaned Horses of exceptional pedigree in the second great realm provided by the Quintia. That very fact was a first indicator of grandiose wealth because these Spirit Beasts required lavish amounts of resources to successfully survive the Heavenly Tribulation provoked by attempting to ascend past Qi Condensation. The Horses shared a resonance with the Blood of Bronze making them excellent companions for the Golden Devils but also causing them to be included in much of the disfavor of the Heavens the Clan bore. The carriage itself was a masterwork of artistry, plushly cushioned and equipped with a suspension that made the course of the journey move as smooth as though in a dream. In fact Agatha's traveling companion had taken advantage of the comfortable furnishing to currently ensconce himself in slumber, polluting the atmosphere with his obstreperous snores. Agatha resisted the urge to let Stheno have a little nip of Linus to express her appreciation of his presence, choosing to survey the scenery visible beyond her window. The Quintia had long held tight the lands around their family estate, working the land in agriculture. Vast fields tended by irrigation arrays and other farming engineering had passed by at length as the carriage sped down well-maintained roads to the Quintia Manor.

Settling in to await their arrival at the manor, Agatha caressed her boon companion, rubbing at the scales on the head of the Seven Step Viper. Jet black in color, Stheno was currently shrunken in size wrapped around her neck nuzzling her chin. Agatha had been drawn to the lethal beauty embodied in her spirit beast companion. At her current cultivation, Stheno was capable of varying her size from the width of a toddler's arm to that of a grown man's thigh. The strength lurking within her constricting coils could bend steel but even deadlier was the clear venom she could inject into an opponent in a flash. Her breed was so poetically named because even immediately from hatching they possessed a venom of such potency that a mortal bit by a youth would drop dead in the time it took them to take seven steps. The strength of that venom became ever more refined as the Viper advanced in cultivation. Now death was nearly instantaneous to mortals, venom racing with a mortal will of its own through the body of those bitten faster even than their cardiovascular organ systems could transport it. Cultivators who were Agatha's peers or juniors were little better protected barring specific defenses and those her senior by just a great realm were not without serious risk. There was good reason the Righteous Path feared competent users of poisons, categorizing them as Demonic in character.

Glancing over at Linus who had managed to maintain his somnolence, Agatha groused at having to leave her habitual residence in the Chimaera Echidna Ranch. The councilors of the Delphi family had unofficicail domains among the holdings of the family. The twins squatted in the Emporikipolis making cozy in the Daedalus Atelier while Linus justified the expense of his upkeep in the forges and pill cauldrons of the Shrouded Glade Arboretum in the Pill-Forge Forest. If Calliope called any place hers it was the ancestral estates in the Dawn Fortress. She herself preferred to be among the spirit beasts and their handlers in the Ranch. The newly developed Scorpion Cavalry had made for interesting times as sought to obtain breeding pairs and learn the husbandry required to make the most out of the innovation.

She was well aware of why her presence was required on this journey, she'd been awake through much of the council deliberations unlike certain irritants but that didn't mean she liked it. Yes, the deal with the Quintia was a massive windfall for the family and making a journey to undertake a commission for a personalized artifact was small enough price for the gains the Delphi was obtaining but with age came selfishness as zeal burned away. She was the oldest member of the Council, having served under Agamemnon at length before he'd even taken Calliope as his successor. Now she was one of the few remaining of the old guard, slowing down in Mid Foundation Establishment after a blazing ascent to crawl her way to the Great Circle over the centuries. She would not live past this next Hundred-Year Trials whatever the outcome may be and she was finding that a clear awareness of impending mortality shifted her priorities.

Seeing those bright young faces marching off to war with the Jingshen despite the looming sword of the Harrowing hanging over their heads reminded her of her youth when she'd also sought fame and accomplishment. The passing of the centuries had brought both hard won experience and cooled passions. She'd always considered Chemos an odd duck for running around like a naive junior but she could understand him a bit now. There was wonder and mystery for those willing to seek them out. A few decades ago she'd taken the news of genius loci arising in Pleuron as the dawn of a Great Era. How wrong she'd been, mistaking the surf retreating from the shore for the ponderous wave of the onrushing tsunami. Heaven had firmly declared the advent of a true Great Era and what magnificent terror it's coming had been. Now she traveled to meet the man named at the center of the breaking storm, Gaius Antonius

The rest of the journey raced by and their carriage reached the Quintia Manor just as the sun was dipping below the horizon. As always, Linus managed to rouse himself just when needed and peered through the windows at the manse in whose courtyard they had arrived. He whistled slowly, admiring the architecture, "This place is a pretty thing, truly."

Agatha shared Linus' appreciation as she descended from the carriage, Stheno wound about her right arm, The Quintia Manor was truly beautiful. No expense had been spared in maintaining the greenery around the house and the building itself was magnificent, imposing in its grandeur without tipping over into boorishness. Behind them the carriage and the attendant who'd ferried them to their destination departed the courtyard as a young woman with a stern expression walked down the stairs at the entrance to greet them. "Good evening Councilors Agatha and Linus Delphi. My name is Peretheia Quintia, aide to Hortesia Quintia matriarch of the Quintia family. If you would please follow me, I will see you inside."

Following along they were seated in one of several waiting rooms by Peretheia and informed that the young mistress would see them soon. Agatha rolled her eyes at the habits of the wealthy, to fetch them at great cost and speed only to have them wait on arrival. She took the opportunity to partake of the refreshments set out for them, pleasantly surprised to find the uncommon South Wind Oolong Tea. The delightful aroma teased her senses as she sipped the beverage ignoring Linus' scurrying about to examine every inch of the waiting room.

Their wait was not overly long as such things were counted and soon enough a muscular, elegant-looking woman in a subdued dressing gown walked in. "Thank you for your patience," she said, "I am Axia Quintia, heir of the Quintia family. The artifact you have been commissioned to produce is for my betrothed Gaius Antonius. I am most appreciative that such accomplished Experts and artisans as yourselves have traveled to my home for this labor."

Peak Qi Condensation, Agatha assessed, nothing dissimilar from the intelligence reports there. Tilting her head slightly in acknowledgment, she replied. "The honor is ours, miss Axia. Your family has done mine a great service and we are eager to show our gratitude."

Nodding briefly, Axia clapped sharply and a maid, who had to have been waiting just outside for that exact prompt, entered bearing a wrapped bundle. Even before the bundle was unbound to release the contents within Agatha sensed Linus tense up as he noticed what she did. The cloth had concealed a mess of amateurish construction. Some dunce had crudely fused together several artifacts into an ungodly abomination that screamed discord to her senses. The integrity of the individual components was barely preserved but they were barely hanging on by a thread, saved largely by a preservative melding effect emanating from an off hilt at the end of the atrocity pretending to be a sword. Beside her Linus moaned as he observed the crime against artifice and craftsmanship.

"As you can see, my beloved was forced to resort to crude workmanship to secure himself a usable blade in his exploits in a secret realm," Axia said pointing to the table, "We were hoping that you could refine what he managed to extract from his delving into a serviceable complement for someone of his status."

"Lady," Linus said slowly, "Even if you hadn't asked I would have demanded to be allowed to repair the insult that thing represents."

"I do not follow," Axia replied to him, her brow furrowed slightly in confusion.

"Whoever created that mess did the equivalent of taking an assortment of pack animals, dismembering their parts and attaching them to one another to create a horrific monstrosity that hasn't managed to kill itself from self-rejection. The creator of this offense to all good thinking should chucked headfirst into a cesspit." Linus explained his perspective. The sensitivity to the substance and energies of materials which had made him the Delphi family's foremost artificer were likely not helping his manner.

Axia fixed them with a glare. "I would like to remind you that you are referring to my fiance who made the best of what he could find in an extremely lethal environment and this was a tool that helped preserve his life in those moments. He might not have produced something up to your standards but it served its purpose faithfully."

Stepping in before Linus could run his mouth further, Agatha coughed politely. "Ehem… We apologize for any insult unintentionally made. We were just taken aback at the condition of the artifact and would like to take some time to examine it as best as we can."

Axia was mollified by the apology and indicated that they should do whatever they needed to with the artifact. Linus and Agatha gathered around the rough sword, analyzing its material composition and testing the energy flows through the blade. Linus even resorted to striking it with a tuning fork and licking the length of the weapon. As he progressed in his examination, he began to mutter excitedly as he deciphered the makeup of the cobbled together sword. "Is that Darksilk I detect around the hilt? Yes, that's Darksillk alright and the blade looks like Bloodmetal melted around some sort of crystal? Intriguing, how did he manage this without wrecking the items entirely?"

Agatha left Linus to his puttering content to focus her spiritual sense upon the sword. The blade was soaked in the traces of a potent presence. It was faded now, separated by time and distance from its wielder but every inch was permeated with remnants of a shockingly potent Dao. In fact, given the completeness of the saturation she was detecting, the link between the blade and the source of the traces went beyond just use. This weapon had been crafted by a means that heavily involved the will of its owner, one of the many techniques which were in the shorthand of artificers termed Craftsman Needs No Tools, representing construction by the use of qi and focused intent alone. Fascinating truly, the strength she detected lingering on the weapon. She was at the peak of the second great realm and yet this presence challenged her, oozing an arrogance and sense of superiority that was astounding. Indeed, the mantle of King was a fitting title for those who successfully set foot upon the path of Single Pillar cultivation.

Halting her inspection, she pulled Linus to focus on her and conferred with him briefly. Satisfied that their findings were in agreement, she made her thoughts known to Axia. "It should be possible to refit the materials that form the weapon as is and refine it into an excellent artifact. However, given the original means by which the weapon was put together we are likely going to need in person assistance from your betrothed. We had originally planned on meeting with him to discuss the specifics of what he wanted in a weapon as well as assessing him to shape the product to fit him. This would merely be an expansion on that."

"That should not be a problem," Axia replied, "Gaius left the manor to attend to some business and should arrive shortly enough."

Accepting the response, Agatha went over to Linus to sketch out possible designs based on what they had in front of them. Obviously they were going to make a longsword from the shape but that still left a large number of possibilities to be considered. The Dao she had sensed carried hints of perception, inquiry and investigation which meant that they would likely not be incorporating common elemental effects in any significance. The more abstract techniques were always interesting and headache inducing to factor into an artifact.

Agatha and Linus had been at it until true evening came upon the estate but the night was not yet mature. They felt the moment that Gaius Antonius came near because nothing else could explain the repressive aura that came over the atmosphere. Perhaps to those in the estate more familiar with the presence or less spiritually sensitive, they felt little more than a slight weight upon their spirits. To the councilors of the Delphi whose path to leadership in the family had necessarily meant honing their spiritual perception to a razor keen edge, it was as though they had been smothered in a swarm of squirming questing insects, blanketing everywhere within reach. Uncomfortable but not distressing though as the presence approached that less part was progressively less true.

Stheno who had been quiet all throughout the evening reared in threat sensing the upset in Agatha. Her weight around Agatha's shoulder increased as she expanded looking for the source of the disruption. Through their beast bond link, Agatha soothed her companion, settling her down. Stheno shrunk back down to her former size but remained active.

Linus swallowed, "I've had the occasion to meet the Callista and Myia scions. This is nothing like those encounters. Perhaps it's because he's had less practice controlling his aura but right now he's reminding me of sensing the Archegetes or the Second Elder at a distance."

Agatha silently agreed. Her sensitivity had always been one of the best among the family and as such meeting the Nascent Soul heads of the Clan had always been a pain. She remembered the late Alexios as being a terrifying brash presence, comforting and upsetting in equal measure. The presence she was feeling now lacked the weight of a Nascent Soul's inexorable gravity but it was a grating assault on her spirit nonetheless. Muffling her senses in a veil helped alleviate the discomfort though it didn't eliminate it fully. It was a short while after the presence had entered the estate that they tracked it moving towards their waiting room.

Gaius Antonius was tall and lean, dressed in simple clothes and a headband with all the indicators of a man who'd just taken a quick wash. Gaius Antonius was a shell of a man, a pregnant womb incubating a host of unseen things squirming beneath his skin. Gaius Antonius was a swollen tumor covered in eyes, bursting with terrible truths and ruinous secrets. Agatha saw the Truth of the Single Pillar King before her, the Seeker crowned in all its horrid glory, grasping at all the world about it.

She took in a deep shuddering breath and greeted her host's betrothed. "At last we meet. I offer my greetings to you, Gaius Antonius as Councilor Agatha of the Delphi family. With me is my fellow councilor Linus."

Say what you will about Linus but he managed to keep his reaction down to a long stare before bowing as Agatha introduced him. Gaius accepted their introductions with a brief bow himself and walked up to the two.

"Thank you for taking the time to come all the way just for this commission. I had heard much about the Delphi competency and had the benefit to witness them firsthand in your junior Lipita. She was a most commendable student and companion in the Yuan Clan's secret realm. I am honored that you have made your services available to make something worthwhile from my desperate fumbling." Gaius said, looking down at the weapon on the table.

"It is not a matter for concern. I'll admit that I wanted to tar and feather you initially but after examining what you managed to make I must reluctantly admit that there's gold in there beneath the dross. We just have to uncover it." Linus said, touching the sword.

"If you could tell us how you produced the artifact in its current form and what exactly you want from the finished work, we can get started immediately." Linus continued.

Gaius' face turned pensive as he recollected the experience. "It's a long story with far too much detail so I'll present only the highlights. I was on a long expedition into a secret realm and found myself in need of a suitable weapon to arm myself with. During my exploration of the secret realm, I had discovered a number of disparate artifacts that while useful did not much address my need for armament as they were."

Presenting his palm to them, a flame appeared in the bowl of his hand colored a dull gray. "However I was also fortunate to gain this Forge-Fire which I discovered was a fire that can be bestowed on any weapon I use, allowing me to shape and reshape it at will. The idea to craft myself a weapon came to me when deep into my delving I came across the hilt to the weapon you see now. It had the interesting ability to bear any blade, even knapped stone or carved wood, melding with what was provided to transform the object into a makeshift sword. This made me give it the name, the Swordless Hilt for its effect. I was not much spoiled for choice so I selected those artifacts I could put together and created a crude blade with the Swordless Hilt after which I then used the Forge-Fire to refine the collection into a more fitting whole. Although as you can see that wasn't exactly the most successful effort."

Letting the flame die and dropping his hand, Gaius said, "As to what I want from the finished artifact, I want to uncover the incredible potential I glimpsed while I used the weapon down in the depths. My Dao lends itself to foresight, perceiving the strings of fate that bind present and future. The sword acted as a crude focus granting me easier insight into what opponents were going to do, somehow allowing me to force foes into unfavorable positions as though cutting at their fate with successive strikes and diffusing attacks against me that used Demonic Tunes as a vector."

Agatha and Linus shared a glance and then gathered to conference with each other. After several long minutes of discussion they were in accord. The specifications as given were a tall order for one artifact. It strained the limits of their skills but it could be possible. Agatha spoke up, "Your request will not be an easy one to fulfill but we will try to see what we can make happen. Your fiancee has graciously offered us the use of the rooms in your estate as long as we need and that might be a while. Also, we had intended to complete much of the work on the artifact in our workshop but in light of the Forge-Fire you mention an alternative option is available. Rather than deconstructing what you currently have in its entirety, we'd like to refine the crafting you already started. What do you say to becoming a temporary workhand under us for as long as needed?"

Gaius smiled. "I am at your service. When do you want to begin?"

"Now," Linus declared as Agatha let the better skilled craftsman take the lead for the next part of this, "First of all, we're going to have to identify the artifacts used and then work out a plan for a thorough integration before refinement."

Linus was true to his word. They spent that night and several days afterwards conclusively identifying the components that had gone into making the sword. Through their combined experience and resources they were able to isolate each component, establishing their nature and effect: a piece of Seer Jade, a natural treasure that served as an aid in scrying the future; a length of Bloodmetal, an excellent foundation metal for a weapon; a single thread of Darksilk spun out of the skein of fate that constrained the fates around targets, narrowing the possibilities available to enemies and the expanding the user's own; an Echo of Song, an incomplete conceptual manifestation of a Songblade representing the potential of a musical note sung by a blade yet to come into existence; the Swordless Hilt, which was indeed an artifact that took on any blade.

That was the easy part. Several weeks were spent in frustration trying to figure a way to merge these items into a unified whole with a synergistic effect. Bloodmetal of all the materials was more available for testing so it became the focus of the project, trying to use it as the backbone of the future artifact. Exploring the use of the Bloodmetal had led to them, mostly Agatha, examining Gaius' Blood-Forged Constitution as he'd named it.

Whatever secret realm Gaius had plumbed had not just provided him with a bevy of artifacts but also changed the internal alignments of body in the manner of an innate constitution, making Agatha wonder at the good fortune littering Gaius' path. The Forge-Fire he'd used was not a technique per se but a trait worked into his body, disappointing Linus who'd wanted to take it up himself. Trials and experiments revealed that using the Forge-Fire was harder and gave weaker effects than it had in the secret realm, likely from damage incurred during that perilous journey. In addition, Gaius had received another trait, one that was previously known in the region, the Blessing of Fire which allowed him to reduce damage taken from fire, and absorb limited amounts of Fire Qi. To top of the bounty of gifts Gaius had come across, he'd somehow had a Will of Fire infused into the connection between his soul and body granting him a defense against soul attacks – those who employed such attacks against him were lit aflame themselves, their souls suffering as they struck at him.

Multiple ruined prototypes required the three cultivators to start over again and again from scratch, beating their heads against the complexity of the design they wanted. Finally Linus, drunk in his cups, had a burst of inspiration and they made headway by using the Bloodmetal in an alloy rather than purely on its own. Testing to find the correct alloy might have taken another long span of weeks but Gaius proffered a Celestial Bronze Dagger in his possession which miracle of miracles took to the Bloodmetal perfectly.

Examining carefully the dagger Gaius had handed him surreptitiously, Linus spoke cautiously, "I am not going to ask exactly how you got this dagger or why miss Quintia did not mention that it had been attuned via the Celestial Inheritance ritual. All I need to know is two things. Are you the currently bonded wielder and are there any other attuned persons?"

Gaius responded, "Yes to both questions. I managed a 10-Ring synchronization with myself and Scylla."

Blinking in surprise, Linus said, "That's rather impressive. You must have a very good affinity with your companion and the Blood of Bronze to manage that. Bloodmetal is already very useful for incorporating binding effects to artifacts so using an already attuned Celestial Bronze dagger will make it so much more easier. This works well with the use of Forge-Fire we'd planned out."

Securing the dagger within his effects, Linus sighed, "Now I have to go tell Agatha that we most definitely don't have a rare artifact worth more than we want to think about and that we certainly don't know of anyone who would have bound said artifact to themselves or provided it to us. I'm sure that all that nullity is going to find her in a good mood."

After that the pace of development sped up until they were ready to make the final attempt.

Linus, Agatha and Gaius gathered in the workshop on the Quintia estate that they'd commandeered for their exploits. Linus considered it remarkable how much they'd done by sidestepping a lot of the usual crafting process and using the Forge-Fire to do away with several tools that would otherwise have been necessary.

Clapping his hands to warm them up and drawing his companions attention, he set out the plan of action. "The foundation for this entire process is going to be a reworked version of the Celestial Inheritance ritual. You're going to be the focus of the array channeling your Forge-Fire into the artifacts under the effect of the ritual while we provide support from the sidelines. Our goal is to create as deep a bond between you and the product as we can get. We are going to be doing this in three parts. First we finish the hilt, setting the Seer's Jade and Darksilk into the Swordless Hilt. Next we allow the Celestial Bronze Bloodmetal and Echo of Song into the blade. Finally, we fuse the two components and bind the artifact to Gaius. Everyone clear on the order?"

"Just one question," Gaius asked, "What do you think the binding will do to the artifact considering my Blood-Forged Constitution?"

"I don't know exactly. These are uncharted sands we are crossing here. We're already avoiding including Scylla to reduce the number of variables. From what I can guess using examples of other artifacts, the Will of Fire will complement the Echo of Song. We are definitely relying on the Blessing of Fire to boost your Forge-Fire a bit to get everything done properly, so do inform us if you actually start cooking. Any more questions?" Linus replied.

No one else spoke up so Linus started them off with the first task, crafting the hilt. Agatha had worked some magic on the Darksilk thread weaving it into a dizzying knot around the Swordless Hilt that seemed to start and end in impossible directions. The Seer's Jade had been shaped by Linus with a master lapidary's eye, and then set into the hilt of the Swordless Hilt. Those parts were easy but what they intended now was to alloy the three items into an inseparable whole.

Gaius stood in an intricate array on the workshop floor concentrating the effect of the Forge-Fire. The design Agatha and Linus had used bore only faint resemblance to what Gaius himself had used in the past. It was a stripped down pattern that relied on their veteran expertise in array crafting and active participation to maximize the effect. The value of reagents that had gone into the array's construction exceeded what Gaius had earlier expended in his clandestine performance. Abyssal Devil bone marrow, powdered Volcanic Juggernaut horn, blood from a Celestial Chicken and more. Having free access to the Quintia coffers meant only the best was to be used.

Agatha and Linus stood well clear as Gaius took the Swordless hilt in both hands. With a nod to the two supporting cultivators, he focused his will on the artifact in his hands covering the entirety of it in Forge-Fire. The two artificers assumed their positions on opposite ends of the array, lending their contribution to his efforts. Qi flooded the channels of the array lighting up its design and converged on Gaius, intensifying the power of the Forge-Fire currently drenching the artifact Gaius was holding.

Linus and Agatha had run him through what he needed to do, practicing with mundane and lesser artifacts. The Forge-Fire was of him, shaping the armaments of his treasury according to his will. He needed to claim the combined items he was holding and assert upon them a singular identity. Perhaps attempting such a feat using nothing but Qi flame and intent was a foolish idea for the average cultivator even one backed by two Experts but certainly not for a King crowned because of his unyielding obsession.

An hour and then two passed as Gaius strained at the task. It was an oddly unexciting spectacle, watching a man stare into his hands at a hilt but to the observers who could see what was at work, it was a marvel of alchemy performed solely by flame and will. Three substances dissolved and became one. After the three hour mark, Gaius stopped, his qi nearly bottomed out from steady consumption but successful in his effort. The Swordless Hilt had been transformed, its grip becoming a dizzying twist of ebon metal and a jade stone fixed seamless at its pommel.

Linus excitedly broke off the ritual and came over to examine the finished work, ignoring the panting Gaius, "This is truly remarkable. I can't make out the separate pieces anymore with my eye or qi sense."

Agatha more reasonably handed Gaius a flask of water and spirit stones to replenish himself. "Excellent job there. I think we safely upgrade you from workhand to apprentice." She said to Gaius.

The trio waited for Gaius to recover before picking up the next task. This time Gaius was not alone in the array but standing together with Linus and an anvil. On it, lay two blade blanks precisely measured to reflect identical proportions. The Echo of Song and the Bloodmetal-Celestial Bronze alloy were ready for working.

"Alright, so this time your main job is to channel the Forge-Fire onto the anvil. It is inscribed with arrays that will pick it up and carry it to the blanks. Focus on the melding and I'll be assisting." Linus instructed.

Gaius nodded, too drained to want to speak. Like before the gray flame of the Forge-Fire emanated from Gaius' hands though this time it covered the entire surface of the anvil. Linus waited several minutes, searching for the opportune moment. Seeing it, he picked up the Echo of Song with tongs and placed it upon the alloyed blank, activating an array script of the anvil to hold the two blanks fast. He swung down his blacksmith's hammer with an echoing clang and waited listening. Again he swung and then listened. The blows began to fall faster and faster, soon becoming like the pealing of bells. Agatha was alone in the outer section of the array this time but the old councilor was more than up to the task. Even as she poured out her qi into the ritual array, she began to hum, feeling the pattern of the blades' essence in her spirit. Linus picked up the tune, hammering down to the beat of a wordless melody. The Echo of Song reverberated with the force of the strikes, squealing in disharmony at the earliest strikes but slowly falling into resonance as the process continued. Like before this was no short process stretching on for hours. As Gaius began to flag, the array below his feet activated a secondary function, dumping qi into him, Fire Qi specifically to help sustain the Forge-Fire. Five hours later, Linus brought his hammer down one last time and a beautiful clear peal rang out in the workshop, seeming to echo for an impossibly long time. The two blade blanks had become one blade, a pure golden length. As Gaius cut off the Forge-Fire, Linus picked up the blade with the tongs marveling at his shared creation. It was for moments like this that he had become an artificer.

Speaking to Gaius while still scrutinizing the blade, he said, "If you ever decide to pick up blacksmithing seriously, come see me and we will craft wonders."

"I might do that someday," Gaius replied hoarsely, "That is of course, if this work doesn't kill me today."

Guffawing, Linus placed the blade down, weary but too wound up to rest. Agatha looked at the condition of the two men and made a suggestion. "Let's leave the final fusion for tomorrow, Gaius looks worn out and Linus, you could do with some downtime."

Gaius quickly took her up on her offer, "I would hate to mess it up after we have come so far."

Linus pouted but his entreaties found no purchase on either person so all three retired to their rooms to rest. The next day they were gathered afresh, jittery with excitement like nervous children.

Linus reverently handed the blade and hilt to Gaius and reminded him, "No pressure, this is just like the first time. Claim and meld the parts of the artifact but focus on the connection you feel between your body and soul like the Archegetes taught. I can't be more specific because I don't quite have that capability myself but what you want to do is build a resonance by plucking that connection and trying to match the qi you are moving through the artifact to that note."

It sounded easy enough. It most certainly wasn't. Touching the connection between body and soul was a torturous act in the best of time without taking into consideration the effort required to claim the artifact. The improved Swordless Hilt accepted the blade easily enough but using the Forge-Fire to sublimate the resulting sword under his authority was as hard for Gaius as lifting himself up with his own hands. Impossible even with the leverage of the Celestial Inheritance ritual. Struggling without success and feeling nauseous as he strummed the body-soul connection he was about to give up on Linus' insane idea and accept the blade as it was when a drop of blood from his nose struck the blade in his hands. The metal of the blade absorbed the blood and in that moment he felt a connection. Seizing upon that thread he ever so carefully poured his will into the blade and then began trying to match the resonance of his soul. As he was doing this, he was surprised to feel another touch within his spirit resonate as well, his bond with Scylla. Guided by the two tones, Gaius poured qi and intent into the blade seeking a harmony between the three and then finally it slipped into place like a key into a lock. The sword was now a presence he was dully aware of in his spirit. Laughing tiredly, he held up the blade and named it. "I think I am going to call this the Dream-Sword."

Agatha and Linus stared at the fruit of their labor admiring the blade. They were tired and more than ready to depart for home but this accomplishment validated everything that had brought them here. Linus could not repress his excitement, urging Gaius to test out the Dream-Sword. Gaius held the blade and flooded it with qi, closing his eyes to focus on the sensations he was picking up and then opening them to look around.

"It's like there's a haze around each of you, ghosts of future action that's incredibly faint but still perceptible. Likewise I can feel a pull to move in a certain way to attack or defend against you." Gaius said, staring at Agatha and Linus.

"Interesting," Linus cheered, "It's not a common thing to work with materials that touch on fate and predictions but I can only presume that as you build a stronger bond with the Dream-Sword and familiarize yourself with its handling, those insights will become sharper to you."

Gaius placed the blade in a sheath brought along and then bowed to each Expert. "You have gone above and beyond what I sought. Thank you for your assistance."

Agatha replied disarmingly, "We are the ones who should be thanking you for the opportunity to work on this project. Artificers grow by adding to their knowledge and experience and you have certainly added to our stores of both."

Linus reflected Agatha's sentiment, "It is not very often a craftsman gets to make a weapon that promises to do great things in the hands of a legend. Somehow I don't get the impression that you are a man who will be satisfied with mediocrity."

Gaius accepted their compliments without fuss but Agatha noticed his grip tightening upon the hilt of the Dream-Sword at their words. It was oddly humanizing to realize that even genius Kings were not unaffected by the weight of expectations placed upon those that stood at the forefront of their generations. After all, how bright a star shone in the beginning did not guarantee the length of its prominence or prevent its eclipse by clouds of failure and mishap.

They retired to the Quintia manor afterwards where a distressed Scylla and Stheno were awaiting them. The two spirit beasts had become well acquainted after an initially rocky start during their introduction when Scylla had followed her draconic instincts and tried to exert dominance over the other beast coming into what she perceived as her territory. It had been an interesting sight to see the Sacred Carp posturing in her fish tank, flaring her aura at Stheno only to swim in panic to the furthest corner away from the Seven-Step Viper as the snake had expanded to her fullest size and radiated the honed killing intent of a centuries long life. Axia and Gaius both had to soothe the Carp for quite a while after that incident, plying her with treats and distractions. Watching Stheno swim lazily in Scylla's tank while Gaius' companion flitted about seeking reassurance that all was well with her bonded partner, Agatha chuckled at the memory of how the young pseudodragon had bounced back after her fright, her prickled pride making her challenge Stheno to a duel. The resulting fight had gone as one would expect given the disparity between the two combatants. Scylla had made a good showing of herself, demonstrating the innate potency of her heritage and borrowing a bit of the strength that would come to her after advancing with the use of a Miniature Waterfall artifact. Stheno had suffered to allow the younger challenger some face by not ending the bout quickly and permitting a few more blows to land than strictly necessary but had finished things quickly at the end with a threefold assault by her physical body and accompanying qi projections.

Agatha and Axia stood off to the side of the glass wall of the tank conversing while Gaius placed his hand on the surface to communicate with Scylla and Linus busied himself scribbling down ideas inspired by the recent success.

"The second young mistress looks in fine form today," Agatha teased, "I see she is very well fed and cared for. Her weight might be a problem though, you know, on the brink of her breakthrough."

"Please don't make fun of my little darling," Axia mock scowled, "It is only fitting that she receive the best of care as my little tyrant. I have no doubt that she will easily leap the falls in her growth. Besides, aren't you providing certain aids to help ease her breakthrough?"

"Don't worry about it. The Delphi family has a reliable if extremely aggravating source providing the requested items," Agatha replied, "The core of Waterfall Defying Carp to strengthen her cultivation to the maximum just prior to advancement, the flesh of a Heart-Cleansing Ningyo to speed recovery and strengthen the newly built foundations and finally, the prepared liver of an Impurity-Devouring Porcupinefish to make sure that no toxicity remains behind to hamper future progress. You will have the best quality of service that the Delphi family can provide. It is only befitting an honored partner."

"I have absolutely no doubts about your family's ability to deliver on what was promised. You have certainly proven yourself in producing the artifact requested." Axia said, then she added a bit worriedly. "Tell me truly, do you really think that Scylla is getting too large?"

Agatha merely laughed in response and engaged the Quintia heir in tales of her experience of the girths spirit beasts could achieve. The two women were a reproduction in microcosm of the newly strengthened relationship between the Delphi and Quintia families. The coming decades boded well for the ambitions of both families of the Old Blood of Bronze, riding the swelling fortunes of the Golden Devil Clan in the newly dawned Great Era.

AN: (13710 words.) Please threadmark @ReaderOfFate. This was an interesting one working with @no. I'm finally all but done with Auspicious Nine so I can focus on Lipita and Ferenike.
Auspicious Nine 14: Choíros Pentekonter & Auspicious Nine – Seniors who Lead Effectively Are Worthy of Double Honor
TURN 13, OMAKE 6 [Auspicious Nine]
Auspicious Nine 14: Choíros Pentekonter & Auspicious Nine – Seniors who Lead Effectively Are Worthy of Double Honor

The simple understanding that the average clansman of the Golden Devil Clan had of the Contributions Points Board was that it was a Spiritual Treasure that ensured each member of the Clan could offer missions, sell and buy goods, and complete missions from individual cultivators or influences in return for points which the magical artifact automatically allocated, ensuring fairness. The Board was considered an indispensable element of the Clan's culture and economy, allowing the Imperial Optimatoi to maintain a command economy designed to maximize the efficiency of the Legions and the prospects of individual cultivators as well as improved discipline within the members of the Clan.

Auspicious Nine considered any Legionnaire who settled for this basic level of comprehension without any attempt to expand their knowledge of the Contribution Board as an utterly uninspired ignoramus, a disappointing example of a disinterested and unsophisticated mass. The Contributions Points Board was a superlative exemplar of the sheer heights that the Clan's legacy had reached. The present system in use was the fusion of scraps left over from the support infrastructure the Sea-Conquering Army had brought with them to the Turtle World. There were two tiers to the operation of the Contribution Board, the Legion Contribution Board where the recognized heads of the Clan's fundamental units were organized and then a basic Contribution Board which facilitates a massive market economy for cultivators in resources, items, and missions. The system enabling the basic Contribution Board was largely underpinned by nodes of spiritual jades storing information, mediated by artifact-spirits who could render impressions of will into text. The basic Contribution Board had significant range limitations on where activity could be recorded and relied on a network of couriers transporting encrypted communications accessible only by the proper artifact-spirits, each update normally sent via three separate couriers and requiring at least two updates to reach a node for verification to see the update reflect in that node. The various Legions of the Clan were responsible for running their own nodes and terminals as well as those in the areas under their supervision.

Of course the genius of Auspicious Nine was not much fascinated with the mundane workings of the basic Contribution Board. No, rather he was drawn to the secrets behind the Legion Contribution Board which worked over vast distances with startling speed. This was the primary means the Optimatoi Kainon, headed by the Archegetes, expressed its will to the Clan at large. The Legate received the Grand Elder's instructions and disseminated it to the basic access of their subordinates. Investigating just how the Legion Contribution Board worked had so far led Auspicious Nine to theorize that it operated on a wider application technology permitting the contactless transmission between Contribution Board terminals that was available in major settlement hubs in the Clan territories. Testing that theory unfortunately had had to join other interests on the back-burner waiting for his schedule to clear up.

It was evidence of the Clan's intent to hold on to Yangshen Fort whatever became of the other captured Jingshen lands that the field infrastructure for the Contribution Board installed after the fortress' capture had been upgraded to more capable fixed terminals. Try as he might to distract himself in his knowledge of the minutiae of the Contribution Board and hope that the information he was accessing would by mysterious means reflect better fortunes, Auspicious Nine found the Fates unhelpful and was compelled to face the stark truth before him.

"I'm flat broke," he grumbled, refreshing his Contributions Point balance once again only to see the same information repeated. Sighing, he withdrew his will from the public terminal and closed down the projections from the jade screen. He walked out the door to the service room in the administrative center of the converted fortress, passing by the queue of Legionnaires waiting their turn to use the terminal and out into the heat of the courtyard. It was high noon in Yangshen Fort and even the bustle of the encamped Legions within had slowed in response to the scorching atmosphere. Nine walked distractedly through the scattered crowd in the courtyard, letting his feet carry him without a destination in mind as he thought of the situation.

The problem was that he'd gotten a bit over-excited with the bounty he'd received from successfully clearing out a persistent holdup in the offensive by eliminating Jingshen Lilin's party in addition to the bonus Antaeus had given him as part of the 1313th Legion's incentives for advancement to Expert status. The significant boost to his Contribution Point balance had led him to go on an ill-advised shopping spree picking up looted materials posted to the Contribution Board. The core territories of the Jingshen Clan suffered from a dearth of atmospheric qi, funneling the entire land's worth of qi into bountiful spirit mines, the most productive in the whole Virtuous Flipper Region. That wealth meant that the Jingshen could afford a truly astounding amount of variety in their purchased cultivation aids, artifacts and reagents. He'd splurged on rare components, mysterious pills, antique artifacts and more, depleting his hefty balance to the pitiful barrenness of the present.

"How do I earn myself enough Contribution Points without unduly delaying my departure to Pleuron?" He mused out loud. A few ideas certainly leapt to mind immediately and thought on them as he walked weighing their pros and cons. Nine was deep in thought, gaze cast downwards when his movement was halted by collision with a some sort of barrier in his path. Rising out of his introspection, he looked ahead of him to see that the barrier had in fact been the broad back of a particularly rotund junior. The other man turned around and glared at Nine, a prosthetic lower jaw chomping angrily on a skewer of dumplings. Nine followed the legionnaire's gaze down to the ground where a solitary half eaten dumpling lay.

"Ah, my apologies, I didn't see you there. Sorry for your meal, such things happen you know." Auspicious Nine spread his arms in regret. The victim of his distractedness did not look much appeased by expressed remorse. The hefty figure stared daggers at Nine for several long uncomfortable moments before he stomped off. Nine was increasingly thankful of his new rank. Now the rank and file of the Legions would be less likely to try and slug him after a series of unfortunate events made him the entirely undeserved subject of their ire. Seriously you'd think that people had never heard making sacrifices for the advancement of knowledge and research.

Moving past that entirely innocent encounter, Auspicious Nine looked around where he'd ended up. Apparently, his idle wanderings hadn't been so idle after all. Around him, legionnaires in casual clothing were gathered in clumps and groups around varied entertainments. Cards, dice, cups. Every game of chance known to bored soldiers on deployment was on display. The Protostrator declaring an official end to the prosecution of the Jingshen war had meant a relaxation of the normal uniform code of conduct for the Legions and members of the Legions were quick to take advantage. The fellow he'd run into had been watching a game of checkers nearby when Nine had made his acquaintance.

"Gambling! Why didn't I think of that? With my erudition and intellect I should be able to make my winnings cover what I need." He said brightly, Contribution Points dancing in his eyes.

What followed next was an education in the fickle affections of Fortune and the studied competence of veteran legionnaires in their mastery of the art of gambling. Nine had joined a few games early in his quest for lucre. He won them quite handily, reading through bluffs and matching wits across game boards. Unfortunately those early gains petered out as the juniors he trumped so easily made him unwelcome at games with their peers and his favored entertainment in board games were both increasingly lengthy and average in payout. If he wanted to make this worth his while, he had to explore other avenues. It was when he moved up to the games of chance hosted between Centurions that he met his match. Wagered Contribution Points flowed into and out of his possession with distressing ease until finally the rate of his winnings began trending sharply downward. He was initially perplexed at the sudden cloud of misfortune but as he sat in a circle of fellow Experts playing for a pot in a game of cards, he came to the sudden realization that everybody but him was cheating. The rules to the games had an unofficial addendum that cheating was only bad if you were caught doing so. Quite frankly, Nine found himself outmatched by the deviousness exhibited by his fellow players and only managed to leave after breaking even in his losses.

He slunk away to reconsider his options and returned later after choosing to try his hand at the duels going on in roped off circles at the edges of the leisure sections. Whatever else might happen he was confident in his skills with the saber against any peer. As he watched his first opponent hop over the rope barrier of the ring, he felt a sinking sensation that he might have to adjust that calculation.

"I don't think this is going to go well for you," commented the statuesque woman limbering herself up across from him, metal skin gleaming in the sunlight as her eyes glowed with faint radiance..

"No, I don't think it is," Nine said somberly, as he drew his saber and set himself into a low guard stance, "However I am not one to retreat from fear. Come and face my blade and let us settle this with our martial accomplishments."

Lihua Kokkinos obliged him and immediately proved that she was a terror in the ring, outright testing her bare skin against his blade and winning. Her light based qi strikes were simply too fast and hard hitting for him to handle and before the bell for the first round rung, he was on the ground wondering dazedly why the sky was spinning. After being helped out of the ring by his gracious opponent, he stalked over to the organizer of the duels, practically boiling with frustration.

Gaunt, sandy haired and raccoon eyed, Jin Malus looked like someone you expected in a medical ward rather than haunting the sidelines of a betting ring collecting markers and taking odds as a bookie. He looked up as Nine approached, greeting him, "Hey, tough luck there. Lihua is a beast I know. Shame you got her on your first draw."

"Don't tell me about tough luck," Nine bit out, "What the hell was I doing going up against an Expert solidly in Mid Foundation Establishment? I thought there was supposed to be at least a semblance of fairness in the match-ups. You took my initial stake and mentioned nothing about throwing me to the wolves. If you're going to prevent the use of artifacts, talismans or other aids, be consistent in maintaining the restrictions."

Jin Malus gestured lazily and drawled around the toothpick between his teeth. "What can I say? I've got to work with what I've got. The only things permitted in the rings are skill and physical ability and that's what you got. You're a baby Expert, fresh from his breakthrough. I can't put you up against the Qi Condensation juniors because that's a guaranteed loss for them. So that leaves only the Foundation Establishment bracket. It's not my fault that there aren't too many newbies signing up like you. War's an excellent tempering experience for those who survive so them's the breaks that you meet up with veterans. If you know any other freshers willing to hop into the ring, you might have better luck. Perhaps try that Goatman,Cao Wei, I hear survived his breakthrough. The two of you would be a good fit."

Auspicious Nine swallowed the invectives he so sorely wanted to hurl at the other Expert but in a reversal of the encounter earlier in the day he only spun and his heel and walked off. He might be an Expert now, a Centurion in the ranks of his Legion but that mattered little in the face of seniority by another longer serving clansman. He might have been tempted to throw down anyway, regardless of the disciplinary action he might have faced just for the insult of the situation, but he'd seen Jin Malus fight. After his recent drubbing by Lihua Kokkinos, he held no illusions that he could overcome the fell-handed reaper that had slaughtered his way across the Jingshen lines.

As he put distance between them, a faint mocking from Jin Malus followed after him drifting on the winds no doubt by some qi technique into his ears, "I'm always up to let you have another go, fee included of course. Who knows, maybe you'll work a miracle and cause an upset. Think of the winnings there. You know where to find me if you ever change your mind."

Retreating back to his quarters, Nine reassessed his options. Gambling had proved a waste of time. Fighting for stakes was likewise unfeasible at present. He'd already listed some of the less desirable items he'd unwisely purchased for resale on the Contribution Points Board but in the wake of the conquest, everyone was finding themselves burdened with loot and they were unloading them just as hew was. The market was flooded and he was not going to make back what he needed if he rushed the sales. Normally, as a last resort he would have fallen back on family in Pleuron, casting aside his pride to beg for the needed funds but he'd already asked Athena before this whole mess and the matriarch he knew would make him eat his mistakes by selling off everything he'd purchased before she sent additional currency.

"No, Nine think, thinky. Surely there has to be some way for you to make a quick stavraton." Nine said to himself as he paced in his room. "Every problem is best resolved by breaking it down into smaller parts. From the top, the problem is that I need Contribution Points or their equivalent value in some easily convertible form. The difficulty is that there is no available source that does not conflict with other priorities. Missions accessible to me now tie me down too much. The resources I have currently are my rank, my erudition, my skills, a large assortment of research materials of varying utility and my experience. So what does that give me?"

Auspicious Nine thought of this breakdown of the situation looking for some edge to leverage. When his mind remained stubbornly blank, he looked up at the ceiling of his room and groaned, "Who would have thought that advancing would leave me in the same straits as before?"

As he said those words, inspiration finally struck. He'd been so focused on his current status that he'd forgotten where he'd just left and the opportunities there. Every legionnaire pursued advancement in their cultivation path and with the drawdown of Clan forces he'd already seen the masses of juniors with time on their and more importantly, Contribution Points, on their hands. They would undoubtedly be reflecting on their experiences in battle and surely appreciate a helpful senior to help them progress in their cultivation.

"I'm a genius, a genius I say!" Nine cackled loudly until he caught himself and bashfully eyed the thankfully empty corners of the room. He coughed into his hand and hurried to check his stock of supplies, there were bound to be useful materials in the melange of items he currently possessed.

As the next morning dawned, Nine had set up shop in the central courtyard of Yangshen Fort. The Contribution Points Board had received a late night update to include a notice of his newly founded enterprise but the best means of capturing clientele would be to make his presence known personally. He'd borrowed a booth from his neighbor who surely had no better use for it and set up a bold banner advertising his services, "Accomplished Expert offering Discounted Training to Juniors for a Short Time only! Sign Up Early and Receive Bonuses!! Prices Very Reasonable!!!". He'd seated himself at the stand and waited for the droves of eager juniors that would no doubt seek patronage.

Three hours later, he was no longer seated, but standing in front of his booth, concerned. It wasn't that his idea had no merit in its appeal. Qi Condensation juniors who had passed by had stopped off at the booth, drawn by the bold advertisement. It was as they'd made inquiries into the details of the training he was offering that they'd fallen away, running off of such disparate errands that you'd think the war was still going on in force. Who could resist an opportunity to sample an impurity cleansing tonic at half the standard prices on the Contribution Points Board. Yes there was a one in three risk of coma and sudden death but that was surely a minor risk compared to paving the way for speedy advancement. The legionnaires who questioned his patented meridian widening alchemical treatments perplexed him. Of course it contained caustic poisons. How else did they expect to scour their energy channels clean and stretch them to increased capacity? Nine could barely restrain himself as he recalled the insult that unlettered fool had paid him when he described Nine's mind-expanding Dao revelatory potion as hallucinogenic claptrap. Was he not testament to its efficacy, employing it to ease his formation of a Dao-Pillar in that hasty Heavenly Tribulation?

Fools, one and all they might have been but they were also lost business not just in themselves but in the others they dissuaded by their departure. Eyeing the passing crowds, Nine decided he needed a demonstration of success. Someone to use his services and make clear the value they held to any too dimwitted to see it for themselves. Someone like say, the bandaged pigman stopping at the booth, who Nine happily recognized as a junior that by all rights had made a name for himself during the Jingshen war as just a 1st Heavenstage cultivator.

Eagerly Nine leapt to present his pitch, adjusting the now well polished speech. He clasped the pigman by the shoulder, exclaiming loudly, "Welcome to my humble enterprise, my good gentleman. I see that you have been drawn by the quality and excellence available here. Don't be shy, come closer and take a look at what I have ready for you. Surprised, yes you must be! Meridian cleansing pills, dantian expansion tonics, qi refinement catalysts. I have it all and at very reasonable prices. Nothing but the very best for a rising star like you, of course."

Not allowing the pigman a word in, Auspicious Nine continued rattling off his spiel, "To have the renowned Choíros Pentekonter as a customer is an honor, a great honor indeed. Please make your selection, everything is on sale. Guaranteed speedy advancement just for the taking! Don't miss your chance to leap the stages like the good seed that you have proved yourself to be."

Nine leaned in close, almost kissing Choíros. Whether the head movement that Choíros made was a nod towards the wares set out in front of him or an instinctive reaction to having his personal space breached, Nine didn't quite care. It was enough for Auspicious Nine to consider it assent and he seized it. Plucking a pill container from the table he pulled out a glistening red pill and shoved it into Choíros' mouth. On reflex the pigman swallowed and blinked rapidly as the pill took effect.

"I see that you are injured. That will certainly not do! Have a Scarlet Sunset Soothing Pill to ease your pains." Nine declared, drawing on his recollection of the bombastic mannerisms of the loudest personality he knew among Experts, the Ninth Prince. The pill was a personal recipe of his, more reasonably named Painkiller No. 4. It was an effective pain reliever and if it had the added effect of paralyzing the vocal cords, that was just a fortunate side effect.

"So what will you have? Please don't be shy!" Nine declared, seizing his unfortunate victim. Choíros was pulled along to stand in front a rack of glowing vials. His confused gaze by chance landed on one deep green as he made an aborted attempt to speak up. Bullying along, Nine picked up the glowing green tube and spoke loudly for the benefit of the onlookers who'd gathered to see someone actually try one of the strange concoctions, "Ahh, you have bold tastes, I applaud your selection. This Vitriolic Bronze Cleansing Elixir will clear out blockages in your major and minor meridians. Drink up."

Once again, Choíros found himself cleverly force fed a product of Auspicious Nine's laboratory. This time it took a subtle pinch to the nerve in the shoulder of the uplifted arm the pigman had raised to block Nine and then a quick pull away from the crowd to pour the unstoppered vial's contents into Choíros' mouth. A last tilt of the head to prevent expulsion and it was done. By this point in time Choíros was clearly aware that he was being used. Nine shrugged off the glare, trusting that in this case forgiveness would be much better for him than permission. The glare in the pigman's eyes faded to be replaced by a look of shock. Nine took a brief step back knowing the effect of that particular elixir. Choíros flushed red and a loud gurgle echoed in the air before he bent over and vomited a large blast of reeking black fluid. Nine blinked in surprise. That was a far larger amount of impurities expelled than he'd expected. Choíros heaved several more times, expelling less and less fluid until nothing more came up. Nine silently offered his unwilling customer a flask of water and gave him a questioning gaze. If he was right, he wasn't the only one who stood to benefit now. It was slight but the nod this time was clear. His customer was no longer so unwilling.

Pointing to the pigman rinsing out his mouth, Nine loudly called out, "Do you doubt the efficacy of my products? See, the good gentleman has cleansed his meridians at a rate unheard off. Watch with me and I will show you how I can help him blaze through the Heavenstages."

Auspicious Nine had decided to go all in on the spectacles. The initial plan of just two forceful samplings to draw in customers was set aside. Now he was going all out. He'd frantically dug through his recollection of the exact details about Choíros Pentekonter and he was reasonably confident – 80%... okay 65% really – that the junior with him could replicate a feat of the strongest of porcine Spirit Beasts. An ability to transform into beast form and a consumption art hinted that pill toxicity was likely a distant concern for the pigman.

Grinning wildly, Nine reached under the desk of the booth and brought out his secret stash. Potent but unstable cultivation aids he'd brewed using what reagents he could spare from his purchases glowed in the morning light. Turning to Choíros, he beckoned him, "As I said earlier, nothing but the very best for a gentleman of your standing. If these don't push you up at least four Heavenstages, I'll eat my hat."

Choíros' eyes rose confused to the crown of Nine's head where no hat was in evidence but despite that, he stepped forward to join Auspicious Nine. The pigman's stare was remarkably communicative, promising retribution if this didn't go as indicated with just a simple look. Nine met his gaze head on with the grin in place and picked up a sooty black pill. "Shall we begin?" he challenged.

Choíros took the pill and swallowed it down. Over the next several minutes, the now quite sizable crowd that had gathered was treated to the remarkable display of the pigman guzzling down pill after potion after elixir. In the end, the vast quantity of cultivation aids Choíros mainlined compelled him to transform into his Greatboar form and utilize his consumption technique, the Eat-All Art, to process all that Nine cheerfully shoveled into him. It was a very satisfied boar that lay on its side beside Nine's booth at the conclusion of the matter, the cultivation base of a 5th Heavenstage clear to all. Come night, Auspicious Nine was sold out even considering the surcharge he'd placed on all sales to cover the materials used up by Choíros. As Nine, packed up he gave a grateful nod to the junior who had broken the ice for him. Choíros had lingered around after his rapid rise in small realms, the roiling energy that had fueled his ascent forcing him to burn off the energy in his transformed state. The massive powerful boar snorted and trotted off. Auspicious Nine whistled as he returned to his quarters thinking of what gifts he'd purchase for siblings on his return. No prodigal could return without mementos of their journeys surely.

AN: (4300/2=2150 words) Please threadmark @ReaderOfFate. This is Training Juniors bonus for @Gajoti
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Hey everyone, here's a quick mission briefing update for those interested, I counted out the current objective potential spread:

(Note: The second value for FE takes into account the AtC boost, while the first is the base value without AtC factored in).

Poison-Crushing Siege
Qi Condensation 75, Foundation Establishment 69 / 88
Aid the Clan?: (1x) Brave

Secrets of the Underworld
Qi Condensation 75, Foundation Establishment 68 / 93
Aid the Clan?: (2x) Brave

Mountain Bell Expedition
Qi Condensation 38, Foundation Establishment 71
Aid the Clan?: None at present

Last Update: January 14, 2120 GMT

The current threshold for Bare Success on a mission is 63 QC / 69 FE. As you can see, Poison-Crushing is still leading the pack and will probably achieve Moderate Success.

Secrets of the Underworld has also stabilized and should achieve Moderate Success on both Cultivation brackets.

Mountain Bell Expedition has reached the minimum threshold for Bare Success on the FE bracket. Qi Condensation remains deficient and will probably be a Failure, but that's fine because of its low priority overall.
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I wouldn't say they'll Triumph. Nobody's AtCing, and you can only really fish for Triumphs if you're willing to dumpstat something else or someone steps up.

Bare to Moderate Successes though seem likely.
Ferenike - Good Seed Background #2 (Adopted)

NAME: Ferenike


COOL THING: Resilient Will - Ferenike's willpower and patience is absurd in her cohort, giving her resistance to the doubts brought on by Tribulations. How ironic then that it was not doubt that stalled her path.

From the sands at the edge of the Hong Xuan Clan and the land where Child Corpse Gulper fell in battle with Archegetes Konstantinos, a girl in the 1st Heavenstage walked into the lands of the Clan. In her hands she held the broken spear and half shorn shield of one of the Legion, and strapped on her back she carried the corpse of a Legionnaire. When she arrived at a Clan outpost and stepped into the small oasis the Legion maintained there the sentries found her trailing drying blood from a dozen wounds and broken bones marring her bronze flesh and staining her sandy hair pink with dried blood, her flesh blistered by the heat of the Sun and her brown eyes dead with exhaustion. Having fulfilled her self appointed task she collapsed into the grass and lost consciousness.

When Ferenike amazingly awoke the following day the doctors there found her able and willing to move even with her horrible wounds, her force of spirit driving her on as she requested to speak to a Centurion in the tongue of the barbarians. One was already waiting for her and swiftly set about interrogating her for her story.

What came out was a tale of a journey across the sands in the lands of the Hong Xuan Clan. She had been separated from her nomadic family by bandits of the Blood Path before being saved by pair of cultivators, one of the Golden Devils and a Flood Dragon Gang member, both Qi Condensation cultivators. With her family dead and their bodies spread across the sands she traveled with these two men for two years, helping them in their battles using what little she had learned in her family as the Golden Devil regaled her with tales of the Clan to which her appearance indicated she was likely related.

Until tragedy struck again and the Flood Dragon member was swallowed by a Thousand Glass Furnace Scorpion and the Golden Devil member was grievously wounded, breaking his equipment on the chitin of the beast before it was slain. As the poison of the beast ran through his veins the Golden Devil scion directed her to bury his friend and gave her his remaining Spirit Stones. Then he told her what would be his last wish, to be carried to the nearest Clan outpost so that he could either receive treatment or be buried on Clan lands.

Ferenike carried him across the sands, fighting off beasts attracted to the smell of blood and poisoned tissues with the man's broken spear and the sharp edge of his broken shield, gathering wounds across the journey, not sleeping or resting as she walked through the day and night as the sun boiled at her flesh and the night winds lashed at her with whips of sand. The man died on the third day of her trek, just before she reached the outpost, but even as her failure crushed her with despair she kept going. Endless patience and insistence drove her limbs forward as the sands seemed to stretch to infinity before she reached the outpost.

When she finished, she asked the Centurion if she could join the Legions. Moved by her compassion for one of his former men and her willful determination he accepted the young girl and arranged to have her sent her off to the Fortress for training with a recommendation. After attending the funeral of her friend she traveled to the Fortress in a supply caravan, spending the travel there healing and going over the pamphlets on the Legion and there she was tested and found fit for the body of the Legion, those individuals who provide the mass of cultivators for the Hoplite formation.

She took to it like a bird to the sky, becoming a solid reliable core of her squad, finding the circulations and breathing regimen of the Hoplite coming to her naturally. Her incredible well of patience pushed her on, a rock for her squad-mates to center around and follow after. She excelled with the spear and the aspis shield of the Legion, one a dancing scorpion tail and the other an impenetrable bulwark in her hands. She couldn't do less than excel.

She'd decided that horrible day in the Desert when her last friend died that she wasn't strong enough now to change the world into what she wanted, and remembering his final words to her she knew that the only thing standing in her way to that strength was time and effort. Her Dao is the Dao of Patience, the grinding sands of millennia wearing away a cruel edifice which would see her happiness crushed between its gears, every breath she takes, every gasp of Qi torn from the world one more victory for her and one more loss for the Heavens.

HIGH CONCEPT: What happens when ambition dies and great expectations fade into the ash of mundane drudgery? Ferenike is an old faded legend seeing the end of her life approaching and looking back on the spent glory she once possessed. She committed the greatest sin of genius: she gave up and settled for mediocrity. Now in the twilight of her years as the Great Era dawns, she fills a flame rekindled in her breast. Old companions have fallen by the side or surpassed her entirely but the turning of the Age brings breath to the embers of her ambition. An old dream is revived, to seize the seat of Protostrator and prove that she was worth something.



Turn 7: 1 LST, 1 Tribulation Treasures
Turn 13: -1 Tribulation Treasure (At turn start), +1 LST
Turn 14: +1 LST
Turn 15: +1 LST
Turn 16: +1 TT


HEALTH: Healthy
Healthy (Turn 13 Start)

DAO: Patience

CULTIVATION: Foundation Establishment 7-Pillar
1-Pillar, Early (Turn 13 Start) > 4-Pillar (Turn 13 End) > 7-Pillar (Turn 14 End)

100 (Turn 13 Start) > 207 (+107, Turn 13 End) > 357 (+150, Turn 14 End) > 473 (+116, Turn 15 End)

CULTIVATION GOAL: 9-Pillar Unorthodox, Silver-Blood Core

IMPACT (Orthodox/Unorthodox): 26/13 (Effective Cultivation: FE 22)
Orthodox: 13 (Turn 13 Start) > 16 (+3, Turn 14 End) > 26 (+10, Turn 15 End)

Boiling Legion of Glass Body (+3 Impact)
– After one millennia of lying quiescent this constitution was revived within the form of Ferenike of the Indomitable Thirteen. This is a mutation well suited to the sands of the Organ Meat Desert because it transforms its bearer into a fearsome molten combatant, capable flash forging silica into weapons that can strike enemies near and far as well as belching forth terrifying flame. It is rumored that this constitution was the inspiration for the Burning Glass Javelin array network that secures the Clan's territory.

Errorless Ghost Stoneflag (+14 Impact) - A formation flag carved from ghosts that had been imprisoned for so long they petrified into a sort of stone. With it, formations are easily set up, less easily broken, and it serves as the keystone of any major formation with ease. A Hoplite led by Ferenike will not break until the last drop of Qi is exhausted from all within, and will work with immaculate efficiency.

Refined in the Trial of Formations within the Man-As-Mountain Array, the Ghost Stoneflag has been elevated. It had bonded with Ferenike perfectly, and her power over formations had grown. Any formation she was a member of she could now understand and guide perfectly, allowing those under her command to far exceed the ordinary limits of a formation. Where others might be limited to fifty, or a hundred at best in a single formation, Ferenike could keep thousands - though perhaps no more than two or three at most - in such a formation. Given command of sufficient Foundation Establishment cultivators, she could cut a great swathe through Core Formation cultivators, and even challenge Nascent Souls briefly. Of course, such a force was not easy to bring about, so it would remain merely a potent force multiplier in most situations.

Sorrowful Shrinking Mountain (+6 Impact) - This was part of the arts of the Yuan Clan around mountains – a small hill had been shrunk into a powerful artifact that could be slung at enemies, aimed with immense speed and power. It could only be used once every few years, and relied on the Qi of the cultivator to be used properly – and left one exhausted and defenseless afterwards. However, it was able to overpower enemies on the same level with casual ease, killing anyone in the same Heavenstage or even a few above with near-certainty.

Sorrowful Shrinking Mountain: Mountain-in-Man Transformation (+3 Impact) - This is a technique developed by Ferenike from contemplation of the shrunken mountain Wudang. For brief moments, she can increase her density and mass to a proportion of the mountain she possesses giving her incredible offense and defense during those moments.

Unorthodox: 13
Body Purification Stage, 10th Heavenstage (+9 Impact) - Cultivator's body is cleansed of all impurities, gains considerable strength, speed, and toughness.) 10th Heavenstage is of immense benefit to Foundation Building (offering one small realm worth of strength) and of mild benefit Core Formation cultivators (offering roughly a quarter of a small realm), but falls away during Nascent Soul.
Qi Purification Stage, 11th Heavenstage (+4 Impact) - Cultivator gains pure Qi that flows through a pure body. This pure Qi allows them to fuel more powerful techniques, and makes a cultivator unparalleled in their small realm.) 11th Heavenstage is of mild benefit to Foundation Building (offering half a small realm), and Core Formation (offering half a small realm), but falls away during Nascent Soul.

Century Oasis Formation: This formation is the precursor to the newly adopted Millennium Oasis Formation. It draws on the power of the desert sands, air, the sun and the moon, tapping into the dragonlines which flow through it and it concentrates this power among the members of the formation. The users of this formation share vitality, speed of healing, and endurance which is further amplified by the concentrated amount of desert Qi. Thus, cohorts using this formation find themselves expending fewer Spirit Stones to heal and march through the desert or improving the effect of Spirit Stones they do expend, thus enhancing our advantages in our home.


Turn Three Fate: Ferenike and her squad were patrolling a road as they were attacked, a Foundation Building rebel expert against the Cannibals seeking to use them, as well as a caravan of five thousand mortals they were guarding as his own Blood Path foundation. The entire squad were badly wounded, but managed to hold out - after their Hoplite Formation fell, Ferenike managed to personally distract and delay the enemy enough for an allied Foundation Building expert from the Flood Dragon Gang to arrive. An excellent contribution that won her enough Contribution Points to quickly recover her injuries and cultivate frantically, reaching the 8th Heavenstage in a mere two decades. One of the mortals was the son of a Core Formation Elder, who forged her a Teleportation Amulet, 'that you may escape danger once as you have saved the life of my son once'.

Turn Four Fate: Sent south to the war. With her group of trainees, she was involved in the disastrous defeat where the Elder of War was killed. Wounded, she managed to shepherd most of her trainees into a southern city, only to find it under siege by the Devil Bees. After months of siege, the city of Guo Wo fell, and the remaining garrison of the city were driven out. They were rescued by a column of relief troops, but Ferenike was Badly Wounded, trying to save what little remainder of her command. The only bright point in her past decades was her ability to break through cultivation-wise prior to heading south.

Turn Five Fate: Lead a makeshift legion at Pleuron, leading the defense after the city was abandoned by the Elders for almost three weeks before the Foundation Building Experts arrived. Several forays into other besieged cities to rescue juniors. Seized a Dark Sin Mango from an enemy cultivator who fled, gaining much cultivation as a result. Able to gain forty years of cultivation in twenty, no small thing.

Turn Six Fate: Falling from the sky, Ferenike saw two unfortunates fall around her, thrown away by the tearing and ripping of space. Luck was with her, though, and as she reached a whirlwind, she was thrown again into the sky, flying hundreds of thousands of li away. Eventually she landed, in the home of what had clearly once been an ancient cultivator. "Kowtow three times and take me as your master, and I will acknowledge you as an honorary disciple in the art of formations.", said the notes on the grave outside. She did, and a fragment of will poured into her brain, existing for only a few seconds. In those few seconds it redesigned her Century Oasis Formation, turning it from a thing only usable by the lower echelons of Qi Condensation into something usable by all below Core Formation. 'A gift to a new disciple', was the whisper. Alongside the legacy was a small book with a number of notes on formations, a powerful Ghost Stoneflag (+4 Impact), a formation flag carved from ghosts that had been imprisoned for so long they petrified into a sort of stone. With it, formations are easily set up, less easily broken, and it serves as the keystone of any major formation with ease. A Hoplite led by Ferenike will not break until the last drop of Qi is exhausted from all within, and will work with immaculate efficiency. Lastly, some insights on cultivation, along with a few scattered herbs and spirit stones - trash to an ancient cultivator, but enough to push Ferenike into the 11th Heavenstage, and barely a step from the 12th. Escaping was not easy, however. On leaving she found herself surrounded by a series of angered Star-Eels seeking prey, and had she not used one of her precious treasures, her chances of escape would have been nil.

Turn Seven Fate: Ferenike, seeking the Dao in the Yuan Clan found much else. A conspiracy, aimed at the Clan's airship fleet - or rather, the Simmering Soup Sect's fleet. While these ships facilitated trade, they also beggared a number of merchants who relied on their own ground routes. As such, they brought together a group of mercenaries to destroy several key bases in Yuan Clan territory, and to poison wells and the like, to make the airship trade less competitive. Ferenike had travelled with these mercenaries for a year, and it was at the end of her journey she convinced a group of them to betray the others, and shattered the company into several parts. Carrying news of treachery to the Yuan Clan itself, she was hunted for months by the conspiracy, who knew well if her news reached the Yuan Clan their deaths were certain. Deep in hostile territory, those who remained named themselves the Two Thousand and marched thousands of kilometres north, hunted and savaged all the while. Ferenike served as a second-in-command to a dissolute Foundation Establishment expert, Hong Mai. In their final battle, Mai was slain, and only three hundred and twelve reached the Yuan proper. Once they did, vengeance from the Clan's elders was swift. For her services on return to the Simmering Soup Sect, she was returned Suffusing Truth-Bones Stew, a simple method of letting one discern truth from lies in all things, if only for a few key seconds. Her insight into her Dao leapt immensely. From the Yuan came another reward, the Sorrowful Shrinking Mountain (+6 Impact). This was part of the arts of the Yuan Clan around mountains - a small hill had been shrunk into a powerful artifact that could be slung at enemies, aimed with immense speed and power. It could only be used once every few years, and relied on the Qi of the cultivator be used properly - and left one exhausted and defenseless afterwards. However, it was able to overpower enemies on the same level with casual ease, killing anyone in the same Heavenstage or even a few above with near-certainty.

Turn Thirteen Fate: Ferenike had returned from retirement, and it was with no small fanfare. Upon meeting with her former protege Tisamenos, he lavished her with gifts, cultivation resources, and festooned her with various items of power (+32CY). Six or seven powerful items to be used in combat, as well as a piece of Silverblood she could consume herself to gain the power of the Blood of Silver for a few precious minutes.
She would, as it so happened, need it all. The sieges on the four forts they were sent to relieve were going badly. Ferenike used her experience in command to take command of a group of Mountain Bell cultivators, and broke through the siege at Kenshin Fort. The losses were severe, however, and as the Blood Path broke through, she relived her experiences in the original Devil Bee War - safeguarding a group of fleeing cultivators to safety. Of the eight thousand six hundred cultivators in that fort, she managed to personally save two hundred and sixty-two - or at least get them to Lu Fort, where their story continued.
One of them was the great-grandson of the Grand Elder of the Mountain Bell, who gifted her with a massive array of cultivation resources. These, alongside what Tisamenos had given her pushed her cultivation forward massively (+75 CY).

Turn Fourteen Fate: "For some, the Qiguai Realm was merely dangerous, for Ferenike it was simply a fated land of opportunity (+20 CY). Others suffered, but it seemed in this generation with the Favored rising so too did some of the Clan. The Realm shook and shuddered at her entrance, and spat her out - throwing her far into the sky-sea, and into another place entirely. Where she had come to stood above even the sky-sea, situated on the back of what after many months she realised was a giant whale of some sort, massive beyond belief - perhaps, she figured, even outscaling the entire Virtuous Flipper Region. Only the sound of its blowhole allowed her to realise this, and carved into its back was a peculiar lakebed. She stepped into it, and was immediately split into seven. The Mirrorlake split her into seven, and the seven dueled, each willing to slay the other - or absorb them, rather. Seven became six became five and eventually became one, the Mirrorlake heightening her willingness to slay the parts of herself that stood against her success (+30 CY).
From the Mirrorlake she travelled onwards, finding a shrine made of pearl entirely. In it sat a single congealed droplet of water, having been sitting there for what must have been centuries. Ferenike drank it, and in a single moment gained decades of cultivation (+40 CY).
In her attempt to chart where she was she travelled many, many leagues, and found a small city of mermaids, living on the back of the whale. An ancient prophecy said a travelled would come and rescue their holy priestess from a tribe of sharkfolk, and Ferenike saw no reason to gainsay them. Rescuing the priestess through a series of dangerous adventures, she was rewarded with a pot of fine soup made from the whale's own cast-off flesh (+20 CY).
The same prophecy told her where to return to the Qiguai Realm from - she would need to venture to the blowhole itself, a hole larger than entire provinces of the Clan's territory, and let it throw her back. She did so, avoiding three guardian beasts and making it just in time. The blast of water should have killed her, but left her untouched instead, filling her with Qi (+40 CY) and returning her to the exit of the Qiguai Secret Realm just before it closed."

Turn Fifteen Fate: "Ferenike entered the Trial of Formations, a rather extensive trial within the Man-As-Mountain Array.
It was a four-parted trial, one designed to kill rather than maim or wound, and ninety-nine out of a hundred who entered die. Naturally, Ferenike entered.
The first part was a trial that stretched out time around her, forcing her to solve formation after formation, finding the correct flags to cause them to dissolve and allow her to escape as time sped up, a process which would eventually leave her trapped without Qi in a field of sped-up time. After escaping a formation designed to burn her to death, a small gong sat in front of her. She rang it, and it burst with power (+10 CY), the shattered formations moving ingeniously to empower her.
The next set of challenges were the same, yet this time she had to fight against enemies in Foundation Establishment while unravelling formations, and yet she succeeded easily. The rewards were far larger, and despite being attacked by six puppets in her small realm, she avoided them and the gong appeared again. Striking it she gained a massive burst of Qi (+80 CY), pushing her cultivation forward, towards the final pillar she sought.
The third set were... oddly familiar. As though they recognised her. The Stoneflag quivered as it worked, and she heard whispers of her once-master's ghostly voice, though she could not make out the words. To her surprise, she managed to solve a number of formations that should've crippled her, perhaps even killed her.
The gong returned a third time, but this time in a ghostly form. She herself could not strike it, yet the Stoneflag did.
The fourth set of challenges were unlike anything she had ever faced in terms of difficulty, forced to understand and unravel complex formations in mere moments, mistakes threatening to tear off limbs, gouge out eyeballs, flense off skin. At every point she simply avoided them, her skill rising above what it had ever been. The gong rose up one last time, and a whisper came with it.
"Well done, student."
The gong was struck by the Stoneflag, and the Qi there transformed it into something new entirely. The Errorless Stoneflag (+10 Impact). Brought into reality by the sheer power wrought on it, the new Stoneflag was complete and without the slightest flaw. It had bonded with Ferenike perfectly, and her power over formations had grown. Any formation she was a member of she could now understand and guide perfectly, allowing those under her command to far exceed the ordinary limits of a formation.
Where others might be limited to fifty, or a hundred at best in a single formation, Ferenike could keep thousands - though perhaps no more than two or three at most - in such a formation. Given command of sufficient Foundation Establishment cultivators, she could cut a great swathe through Core Formation cultivators, and even challenge Nascent Souls briefly.
Of course, such a force was not easy to bring about, so it would remain merely a potent force multiplier in most situations.

Total word count: 143,421

Ferenike 1: Clan History and Friction (4148 words, Early Training and gaining a Lifesaving Treasure – Using Omake Bonus for Turn 3 to obtain the Eight Silver Wind Binding)
Ferenike 2: Differences (1572 words, Experiences with Cultivating the Hoplite Formation and something strange with her body - Cultivation Supplemental to Turn 3)
Ferenike 3: Mortals and Direction (3629 words, Adventures in Water Wings and Golden Tile City and her statement of cultivation goals with a toast between friends - Supplemental to Turn 3)

Ferenike 4: Disaster in the Sands (10355 Words, Hunting for a Scorpion and a disastrous battle in the sands with a Battle Blood Cannibal rebel named Zu Jing – Using Omake Bonus for Turn 4 to obtain a Cool Thing in a special bloodline called the Boiling Legion of Glass Body that boosts her combat ability)
Ferenike 5: Flood Dragon Gong Rencao (2979 Words, Heading to Triumphant Jade City to find Gong Rencao so she could start the hunt for Zu Jing – Cultivation Supplemental to Turn 4)
Ferenike 6: Pursuit (2746 Words, Hunting down Jianxi Bai the Leg Thief in the vicinity of the City of Golden Bells and finding a lead to his master Zu Jing – Cultivation Supplemental to Turn 4)
Ferenike 7: Seeking Peace (4946 Words, Fighting Zu Jing near the City of Golden Bells and contemplating the twin threats of the Devil Bees and Hundred Year Trials facing the Golden Devil Clan -- Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 4)
Ferenike 8: Birds of a Feather (Letter Exchange with @Mochinator's Xiao Yi on Formations and our troubles, becoming friends -- Fate Supplemental for Turn 4 for both of us.)
Ferenike 9: Scorplings (2843 Words, Ferenike begins training her juniors and dealing with the burdens that brings -- Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 4)
Ferenike 10: Mother Scorpion (4407 Words, Training of the Salviati and an important realization - Cultivation Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 4)
Ferenike 11: Settling your Grave (5117 Words , Preparing for War and finding the Scorpion - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 4)

Ferenike 12: Terror or Horror? Part 1 (5776 Words, The Defeat of the Protostrator and flight to Guo Wo - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 5)
Ferenike 13: Terror or Horror? Part 2 (9944 Words, The Siege of Guo Wo and Ferenike's Determination - Using my Omake Bonus for Turn 5 to obtain a Healing Treasure, the Seven Venoms Serpent Coffin, to fix my injuries)
Ferenike 14: Coffins (2740 Words, Ferenike heals herself and goes out to meet with Rina Callista and her fellows - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 5)
Ferenike 15: Shadows Beneath the Sun (2961 Words, Ferenike works with the nomadic tribes of Clan lands to obtain materiel and otherwise prepare for the Trials and in her training discovers more about her bloodline - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 5)
Ferenike 16: No Rest For the Wicked (3601 Words, Ferenike begins to write down and codify her knowledge and experience for future generations, and then kills a handful of Saber Palace disciples who wished to loot them - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 5)
Ferenike 17: Scorpions Lie in Wait (5019 Words, Ferenike tracks down and fights a Trial Hunter in Winding Pillar City during the first phase of the Trials - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 5)
Ferenike 18: A Bit of Light Reading (1261 Words, Ferenike recovers in Winding Pillar City and engages in some scholarly research of dragon lines and muses on her connection to the world - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 5)
Ferenike 19: Many Grains of Sand (3376 Words, three perspectives on the Trials and their triumphs and tragedies - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 5)
Ferenike 20: Desolate Winds (1052 Words, The end of the body of the Trials and onwards to the conclusion in Waycastle Pleuron! - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 5)

Ferenike 21: At the Gates of Doom (6394 Words, the run to Pleuron and the rising crescendo of battle before the finale! - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 6)
Ferenike 22: Through Doom's Gate (6619 Words, the finale of Pleuron, the slaying of a Core Formation elder and contemplations on what she wants - Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 6)
Ferenike 23: Paradiso (6604 Words, I finally, finally make the Century Oasis Formation and Ferenike takes the next step onto her path - Turn 6 Bonus: Century Oasis Formation, donated to the Clan)
Ferenike 24: Life's End (5241 Words, Ferenike reaches an understanding of herself in the end of Book 1 and provides companionship to her faithful servant Ales as he dies -Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 6)
Ferenike 25: Hunting, Prelude to the Journey (7029 Words, Start of Book 2 Ferenike has a fight with a bandit and becomes a mercenary Traveler-Guard for the Silver Liesun airship -Fate Supplemental for Ferenike for Turn 6)

Ferenike 26: Hunting, Hunting Flight (5361 Words, Book 2 continuation and guard duties on the Silver Liesun – Omake Bonus of Tribulation Treasure)

Ferenike 27: Look Upon My Works and Despair (540 words, omake bonus - LST)
Ferenike 28: The Dawning of the Great Era (1240 words)
Ferenike 29: Two Old Biddies Talk over Drinks (1250 words Collaboration with @Liliet)
Ferenike 30: Archive of Golden Devils Legion Addendum (4010 words)
Ferenike 31: Cursing, Cussing, Swearing, Insulting – How to Be Profane and Rude (1430 words)
Total word count: 8470 words

Ferenike 32: Seven Divine Saber Palace Negaverse Collab 1 (250 words with @Humbaba @CuriousRaptor , LST)
Ferenike 33: What Happened When the Grand Elder Took a Nap? (6100 words)
Ferenike 34: What Happens Behind the Curtain of Senior Command (1550 words)
Ferenike 35: Senior Advice 2, Assessment (2690 words Collaboration with @BungieONI )
Ferenike 36: Legends Are Made Not Born (1310 words Collaboration with @afterthought53)
Ferenike 37: Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth (1210 words Collaboration with @Ambit)
Ferenike 38: To Remove Tarnish, Soak in Caustic Solution and Scour Vigorously (2540 words)
Total word count: 12,960 words

Ferenike 39: Meeting Old Teachers and Impossible Sights, Pt 1. (200 words, Collab with @Liliet) LST Bonus
Ferenike 40: The Weight of our Sins (930 words Collaboration with @Siual)
Ferenike 41: Soup-Shaking Showdown (1400 words Collaboration with @Xantalos)
Ferenike 42: Advice from Seniors (1011 words Collaboration with @Katana1515)
Ferenike 43: Junior, the Fire of Your Ambition Must Consume All (1250 words collaboration with @MrRageQuit)
Total word count: 4791 words

Ferenike 44: Pressing Onward (1650 words)
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Ferenike 27 - Look Upon My Works and Despair
Ferenike 27: Look Upon My Works and Despair

Talent. That word had her rankled then and even more now. The great were said to possess it while the uncountable masses were united in their lack of it. But truly what was talent?

Was it the providence that saw a youth born into wealth or sound teaching?

Or rather perhaps it was the favorable hand of chance that had circumstance and opportunity conspire to send down lightning to ignite dry tinder?

Some preferred to see it in merit, in the ability to persevere in hard labour and difficult comprehension. Yet truly did such things guarantee results or was their promise only a gamble leaning into the odds?

If there was one thing she truly knew it was the scope of her ignorance. But if she was forced to give an answer to this question, she would say: talent is all of these and none in full.

She should know, after all, had not her name been once on the lips of old and young alike? Her story had been told by youths and elders, inspiration and hope to many. But time makes a mockery of all men and she had faded in deed and in repute.

She felt the ache of age in her now always, old wounds reminding her of the promise of her youth. She'd struggled so valiantly in those days seeking all manner of solution to the bottleneck she was beating her head against. None had succeeded so passion had faded and ambition was quenched in the sands of time.

Why now do the embers rekindle? She asks herself, looking in the mirror and seeing the familiar lines. It cannot be the pricks of stung pride at being surpassed by those who came after. Those pains become familiar companions with time. It could not also be the passing of old friends because she had buried many near and dear already. Perhaps she would never know.

However it had come about, an old woman left her home, passing by in unusual silence those who knew her. Into the desert she went carrying a curious staff and wearing a pyramid darker than night on a necklace around her neck.She went into the barren wastes, alone and stood under Heaven's dome.

Here I am at last, she called out. Come let us have our reckoning. The Heavens roared down at her and she whispered her response in the midst of fury and cacophony. What words she spoke were lost to any who were not there but that day, it was not faded glory that marched back to those four small walls. The sun gleamed off the eyes of stained glass and whispers followed in the wake of a crown of molten fury.

She came to the place where she had waited so long, despairing, then accepting before forgetting. She bowed once to memory of the past and turned around. A child called out to this strange but familiar figure, seeking the identity of this wondrous creature.

"Ferenike," she said, the first remembrance of many.

AN: (540 words) Please threadmark @ReaderOfFate. Kindly forgive the awful prose. It's late and I really should be asleep but wordcount for omake bonus. Yay.
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Choíros Pentekonter & Auspicious Nine – Seniors who Lead Effectively Are Worthy of Double Honor (Collab Link)

Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest] Original - Fantasy

TURN 13, OMAKE 6 [Auspicious Nine] Auspicious Nine 14: Choíros Pentekonter & Auspicious Nine – Seniors who Lead Effectively Are Worthy of Double Honor The simple understanding that the average clansman of the Golden Devil Clan had of the Contributions Points Board was that it was a Spiritual...

A LST for it pls
Are you doing Missions? Secrets of the Underworld could use you
Lihua Kokkinos 7: Lihua Kokkinos & Lipita Delphi – The Light, It Burns!
Lihua Kokkinos 7: Lihua Kokkinos & Lipita Delphi – The Light, It Burns!

Lihua Kokkinos peered through the magnifying lens set on a stand at her work table. Her gloved hands held a smooth sphere and turned it over slowly, examining every surface. The sphere itself looked like a dark stone with the luster of a polished black pearl two inches across. She quietly hummed an off key tune as she continued her inspection looking for the slightest flaw. Finally after spending minutes on the task, she sat back up and placed the stone in a padded case.

"Well, how'd I do, Lihua Laoshi?" Lipita Delphi asked a bit nervous, a fact she'd admit only under the most grievous torture. The young clanswoman had made the effort to conceal her anticipation during Lihua's inspection by forcing herself to glance through one of the reference books Lihua had on hand in her workshop. Were it not for the eidetic memory provided by Lipita's constant use of the [Erudite Sibyl's Stairway: Palace of Memory] technique, it was doubtful that the Delphi scion could have recollected anything more than the title after setting down the text. "Thaumic Resonance in Phase Wave Calculations" by Aristotle Onassis was a dense piece of writing which demanded critical focus to parse through the obtuse style of the author.

Spinning around on her chair to face her junior, Lihua flashed Lipita a warm smile. "It is perfect. You did excellent work resizing the Orienting Bezoar. I could detect no flaws anywhere throughout the structure of the stone. You're proving yourself as a competent artificer, one that lives up to your family's reputation."

Lipita grinned brightly in relief. "Well I do have very good teachers. I could hardly disappoint them."

"You'd be surprised at how little the quality of teaching matters in the face of a student's inability," Lihua shared, "Don't look down on your own contributions."

Lipita picked up the square case containing the Orienting Bezoar and asked, "So what now? Do we proceed to the final portions of the project?"

"You got that right," Lihua said as she rose from her seat and retrieved a wooden case from a shelf, "I had a lot of fun constructing the compass while you were working on reshaping and attuning the Orienting Bezoar."

Placing the case on the work table, Lihua opened the cover to reveal what appeared to be a metallic choker. Lifting it out of the container, she draped the length of the choker across her hands lifting it up for Lipita's inspection.

"Ooh, it's very pretty and the detailing is exquisite. That is some incredibly precise array script to etch in such a small hand." Lipita admired Lihua's handiwork leaning in close.

Pushing the choker towards Lipita, Lihua said, "Here, take a closer look under the magnifying lens. Tell me what you see."

Lipita readily complied and took Lihua's previous seat, scrutinizing the choker. Lihua was on the other end of the lens and noted that from her position, the expanded image of Lipita's ebony eye looked remarkably like the Orienting Bezoar, a smooth black orb without an identifiable cornea, iris or pupil.

"Hmm," Lipita muttered, rotating the choker across every axis to get a good look at the whole thing, "I see that you followed through on the design we drafted using the luopan as a basis. If I'm reading this right, when fastened around my neck the choker should create a complete circuit of the feng shui formulas embedded on the surface. I count 40, 80… no 180 different concentric lines!"

Lihua smiled as Lipita looked up in surprise. The workable surface area of the choker had not been exactly abundant and she had the added difficulty of translating a design normally used a wide horizontal surface on a double-sided metal strip. Her body was made of metal but she'd still felt uncomfortable after the hours each session of inscription had required her to be bent over. "Oy, don't get distracted now. You haven't finished with your report." She chided Lipita.

Bending back down with a muttered 'sorry', Lipita returned to studying the choker, voicing out loud her observations. "Interesting use of bagua principles in the feng shui formulas. I see that you are using Fu Xi's 'Earlier Heaven' style rather than the more common Lianshan arrangement."

Lihua prodded her student to speak her thoughts. "Why do you think I made that decision?"

Lipita considered the inscriptions for a while longer before replying. "The Lianshan methodology is firmly rooted in reliance on the fundamental qi alignments of the Third Sea. Divination as an art is about what you put in as much as what you get out of your interrogation. As a member of the Golden Devil Clan and especially as a scion of the Delphi family, that interaction creates an opening for flaws in the compass' working. The Harrowing alone could warp the compass' sensitivity to geomantic energies. The Earlier Heaven configuration is less biased and a far more favorable working given our Clan's heritage. So while Lianshan is simpler and works cost effectively in most cases for such a delicate personalized construction, Fu Xi's 'Earlier Heaven' gives better results."

"You have a good eye and a sharp mind there," Lihua complimented Lipita, "Now tell me about what you observe about how I oriented the Heaven Center Cross Line."

Lipita's reply was much faster in coming this time. "The socket for the Orienting Bezoar forms the centerpiece for the entire compass. Huh… You aren't using a physical wire for the directional and positional findings. Oh, you're using the diameter of the Bezoar itself as a Red Cross Grid Line since it's a perfect sphere and can rotate in the socket you've designed. That's very clever."

"I'd like to think it is a bit more than clever," Lihua said, "Figuring out the perfect orientation and setting structure to get that effect was a pain."

"Yes, yes, Kokkinos Laoshi is an excellent craftsman. All praises to the great master." Lipita joked as she continued her analysis.

"You little minx," Lihua retorted, "I might just have to take back all those nice words I said about you if you're going to be so disrespectful to your long-suffering teacher."

"Do as you wish but before you spin off in a huff can you tell me what metal you used for the choker?" Lipita replied, "Since it's intended to be personally attuned to me and work as a compass I thought it would be Gravebronze but this isn't Gravebronze or at least it is more than Gravebronze. Did you add in Jadesteel or Bloodmetal? Those would be my first two complementary materials."

Lihua did not reply immediately but retrieved a small ingot from a nearby shelf. Handing it to Lipita, she said, "This is what I used. Let's see how good your material analysis is. I'll give you an hour"

Lipita put away the choker cum compass and focused on the small palm sized bar of metal Lihua had given her. She began with a few basic tests using her physical sensing, checking its texture, rough weight and even tasting it after getting assurance from Lihua that it wasn't poisonous. No quick answer came so she borrowed the use of the equipment in Lihua's workshop for more intensive analysis. Density, ductility, tensile strength, qi conductivity, qi-holding capacity, and more; Lipita put the metal through as rigorous an examination as she could in the time she was given. At the end of the hour, she presented her findings.

"It's an alloy with a base of Gravebronze and Soulsteel. There are also elementally aligned components in there but what exactly I can't make out. The alignments are too many for any type of jade amalgam I know." Lipita reported.

"Not bad." Lihua responded as she explained, "You got the main metals right. Its Gravebronze and Soulsteel because there was no need to reinvent the wheel for the most part and those are staples in the Clan's artifice for a good reason. Now the elemental properties you detected came from Prismatic Jade. It's a very rare substance because it requires a careful balance of the Five Elements in the dragonlines of a spirit stone deposit over centuries to form. I cheated and didn't pay out of my nose for a sample but created a replica myself. My Living Bronze physique allows me to take a lot of shortcuts in sourcing spirit metals and the like. The artificial supplement I made is nowhere near as potent as the real deal but that's all right for our purposes. The goal is to make a compass so resonance is what we need, not amplification. I refined all three reagents internally and produced the amalgam you see."

"Sometimes I feel so jealous about your physique," Lihua complained, "It's a godsend for any alchemist or artificer. I can see why councilor Linus is so enamored with you."

"Let's leave that man out of this," Lihua rolled her eyes, "It's time for the final assembly and testing."

Lipita eagerly retrieved the Orienting Bezoar in its case, placing it near the compass and stood back to let Lihua complete the artifact. Placing the Bezoar in its setting was a simple enough task but getting it properly aligned with the compass functions took almost half an hour. Finally, Lihua announced she was done and told Lipita to try it on. Lipita did not need telling twice, picking up the choker and fastening it around her throat stone facing outwards against her trachea. The choker fastened closed and then tightened progressively until it was a snug fit in a perfect circle.

"It shouldn't bounce too much if at all because of an array I put in to keep it attached. The need for a perfect circular circumference means it wouldn't otherwise hold as firm. How's it feeling now?" Lihua asked.

"Steady," Lipita replied, moving about the workshop gently then progressively more forcefully, "It is not tight but it doesn't feel like it will come loose at any point."

"Good to know." Lihua nodded happily, "Now we just need to get it fully attuned to you. Thread qi through the choker into the Bezoar delicately, and then slowly fill it up until it can't take any more."

Lipita followed Lihua's instructions, finding that the Bezoar was very receptive to her efforts which made sense. The stone was after all part of her dantian expelled after she had suffered a minor qi deviation. It took less than a minute to stuff the Bezoar full of qi.

"Alright it's at capacity so what next?" Lipita said to Lihua.

"Excellent," Lihua said in response, "Now you want to saturate the whole of the compass with your qi, making sure that it passes through the Bezoar first. When that is done you then cycle your qi throughout your body using the Seven Rivers Ascendant pattern, treating the compass as you would a limb. Take a seat, this part is going to take a while but you'll know when it is done."

Lipita obliged Lihua, seating herself beside a nearby table and proceeded to cycle qi as instructed. A full hour passed as Lipita sank into the meditative trance that all cultivators became familiar with. The Seven Rivers Ascendant qi cycle was a qi cultivation exercise that did not focus on expanding a practitioner's cultivation base but familiarizing them with their internal energy system. Qi in the dantian was channeled through the meridians in a closed loop that created seven flows in the head, limbs, chest and groin; the seven rivers that gave the technique its name. It was useful for identifying impurities and learning the width and thickness of the energy channels one possessed. As Lipita cycled qi, passing her spiritual energy through the choker to create an eighth 'river' she felt her awareness of the compass grow deeper and deeper until with a start she realized that she was moving qi though it as easily as her own body.

Lihua noticed the brief jerk Lipita made at the comprehension and stood up, saying, "That's it. You've got it now. The compass should be fully attuned to you. Keep your eyes closed and use only your spiritual senses to make out what I'm doing."

Lihua run Lipita through several exercises to test her ability to use the Orienting Bezoar in the compass as intended. She made Lipita identify various Spirit Herbs at several distances and tested her ability to interpret the bound intent in simple array scripts. The tests grew progressively more difficult as Lipita proved successful advancing to such challenges as Lihua having Lipita identify prepared pills at a distance and refining said pills blindfolded culminating in a short combat where Lipita had to accurately identify where Lihua was aiming Hyperion Lance strikes and dodging before Lihua attacked.

Lipita was a sweaty panting mess when Lihua called a close to the testing, satisfied at last "I think I almost died there at the last," Lipita gasped out.

"Better to bleed on the practice field than to die on the battlefield," Lihua said uncharacteristically somberly, "If you're going to be taking part in the Jingshen war you need to make sure that you have every advantage in the best possible condition. You are already operating under a handicap with the Harrowing. I don't intend to lose my student so soon."

Catching her breath, Lipita fixed Lihua with a determined look, "Don't you worry about that. I have no intention of ding an ignominious death in the sands. I've taken every bit of training my family and other tutors can provide. I am as ready as I can be."

Lihua gave an appreciative look to the confidence on display. "Keep that boldness, you're going to need it. Now I expect to hear from you when we deploy together but it would be best if we go over some of the pill recipes I've had you learn. Jingshen lands are starved for Spirit Herbs but you might find better luck with the inorganic reagents I employ. Run me through the process of crafting a Silver Lake Reflection cleanser."

Lipita snapped to attention, exhaustion forgotten as she reeled off her response. On the eve of war, teacher and student spent some of their brief time together equipping Lipita as best as could be done, hoping for the best but planning for the worst.


The practice fields of Haoshen Fort were the familiar packed dirt common to external training environments for martial techniques pretty much everywhere. Apparently even when you were as wealthy as the Jingshen clan, nobody wanted to suffer the expense or Sisyphean labor of replacing tiling or grass as frequently as dueling cultivators tore it up. For example, take the current scenario where a single figure stood at the center of the northeastern training field circled by four other forms eyeing each other on the edges and the solitary foe between them all. The ground beneath their feet bore evidence of having suffered much abuse. There were deep gashes cut into the earth, treacherous muddy traps, patches ranging from palm-sized to dinner plate width where dirt had been fused into glass and more.

Constantly keeping her head on a swivel, Lihua stood smack dab in the middle of the training field. They were in the closing moments of today's practice session and the advantage favored her holding her ground and forcing her squad mates to come to her rather than going after any one of them. Lihua was silently thankful for all the time she'd spent training Lipita because the younger clanswoman had a prodigious sensitivity forcing Lihua to polish her own skills in that area if she didn't want to be disgraced by losing out to a mere junior in perception. Now even as she kept her eyes on the angles ahead of her, her aura was keeping a watchful observation behind her. Slender pale Erlitou had never looked more like he wanted to flee to the comfort of his sculptures as he stalked her at 1:30 o'clock. At 10:30 o'clock, short bespectacled Athelia Parouisia hefted her spear with visibly tired arms, the bookish woman not used to such exertion. Behind her she could sense Phoebe Callius glared hotly at her back, the red haired woman living up to the passion ascribed to her. With her at Lihua's rear was the final member of Squad Helios, the beautiful Adonis unapologetically self-named Adonis sounding a lot more harried than his usual well put together self. The two had initially been at ninety degrees to her rear but she sensed that they had now come together directly behind her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you keep me waiting any longer, I am going to die of old age," Lihua called out to everyone on the field, "Either come at me now or concede that you are no match for my prowess. What will it be?"

Athelia clenched the haft of her spear tighter, taking in deep breaths while beside her Erlitou clutched his favored hammer, the long handle and blocky head looking ever at odds with his slight frame. The two teammates to her back, often bickering but now in shared silence, tensed up to her senses. As though an umpire had set off a starting whistle for a race, all four leapt forward. Athelia and Erlitou actually had a headstart on the other two, likely intending to force her to focus on them while the other pair struck her unprotected posterior. Good tactics and excellent teamwork to work together like so without prepared plans or communicated instructions. Lihua felt proud of her squad's abilities on display but not proud enough to go easy on them.

Erlitou came in striking high from an overhead swing while Athlelia darted forward, going low and aiming for Lihua's legs. A decent enough pincer movement but one doomed to failure. Lihua moved to take Erlitou's hammer blow on her upraised arm when she noticed Athelia abandoning her lunge and inhaling deeply. Committed to her block, Lihua moved her arm to intercept the haft of Erlitou's hammer. The impact was not as heavy as it should have been and she saw the man drop one hand off the haft to form a mudra. The ground around her feet immediately became boggy swampland, slowing her down. It bought Athelia enough time to complete her technique and the entire field echoed to the shriek of the Screaming Devil Bat technique. Lihua grimaced as the full force of the sonic assault struck her, the impact damaging her internals from vibrations bypassing her tough frame and worse of all, the paralyzing component of the Demonic Tune seizing up her muscles. Lihua had to hand it to them, it was a near perfectly executed stratagem that locked her down, sacrificing Erlitou to hold her while the physical block of her body left Adonis and Phoebe unaffected enough to strike the finishing blows.

This was a far better performance than she'd expected and she would honor their striving by using one of the trump cards she'd developed. Erlitou was the closest person to Lihua so he was the first to notice the rising glare in her pupils spreading quickly to her whole eye. Afflicted by paralysis from Athelia's sustained art, he struggled to get out a warning, slurring the words, "Wath ouw!"

The information came too little too late as Lihua erupted into a pillar radiating the full glare of the noontime sun. The brightness of the radiance immediately blinded everyone on the team, piercing through Erlitou's closed eyelids to stab burning pain into his eyes. He was lucky, everyone else on the squad had not had even that meager protection. Athelia immediately broke of her technique to drop to the ground screaming. Phoebe and Adonis' charge faltered, but they struggled and forced themselves forwards towards the blinding foe ahead.

The aura Lihua was producing embodied not only the sun's brilliance but its heat. Erlitou's pale skin blistered rapidly from his close proximity and escalated to outright burns as the heated metal of Lihua's hands touched him through the fabric of his clothes when she seized him and tossed him behind her into the path of the incoming duo. Blinded and suffering from the edges of the heat themselves, Phoebe and Adonis had little warning of the new stumbling block in their path, tripping over the prone figure of Erlitou. Their clumsy advance was broken and they rolled forward carelessly until they were stopped by an impact with a surface that had them hissing in pain at the heat radiating from it.

Lihua cut off the Hyperion Zenith Cloak technique, left with nothing but the barest dregs of qi in her dantian. The Aura was at present a qi guzzling beast she couldn't sustain for long but it did its job well enough.

The lone figure still standing upright, Lihua surveyed the fallen forms of her squad mates and said with a wry smile on her lips, "I believe this match goes to me."

A chorus of groans was her only response and she burned a little more of the little qi she had left to break out of the baked earth Erlitou's Terrain Reshaping technique had left her trapped in. A quick check proved that no one was seriously injured for cultivators, the worst affected being Erlitou and Athelia. Lihua judged that the burns she had inflicted would heal quickly and without scarring from the medical supplies she had on hand for such inevitable outcomes when she faced off against her squad. Athelia, she assessed, was wholly mistaken in her whimpering about being blind. She knew from studied practice that it took a lot more lumens to cause permanent damage. The halos and sunspots in Athelia's vision would go away in a few minutes and full sight return in less than an hour. Phoebe and Adonis were already struggling to their feet, being the least affected of the squad.

Helping the two to their feet, Lihua said, "Nice work you two. Help me get everyone else settled and we'll go over today's training."

Adonis grumbled as he dusted off his finely made clothing, "Why do we keep falling for this? Every time you promise us a light training exercise and then we finish the session feeling as though we were just run through a drop hammer."

Phoebe beside him picked up her sword, traces of ice qi misting the air around her blade, and answered Adonis' rhetorical question. "It's because when we do manage to get Senior Kokkinos it makes every ache and bruise feel worth it. It doesn't help the many times we lose though."

Lihua spoke over her shoulder as she tended to Erlitou, "I like to think it is because I've taught my juniors an appreciation for hard work and discipline. We are part of the Golden Devil Legions after all and there's a competency we have to live up to. Now please stop talking so much and see if Athelia needs help."

The two cultivators obeyed Lihua's directions and within a few minutes everyone was settled on beautifully carved stone seating at the edge of the practice field. Erlitou was feeling tender but his injuries had been treated with salve and wrapped to hasten healing. Athelia had had a bandage applied across her eyes to let her eyes recover faster without interference and the petite woman was clutching her spectacles in her lap. Those things must have been an artifact for how they were never damaged no matter what Athelia got put through, Lipita thought to herself. Phoebe and Adonis were comfortably seated at opposite ends of each other, their brief alliance during the spar dissolved now.

"Alright," Lipita stood in front of the gathered squad, like the drill instructor she sometimes served as, "You guys know the routine. What did you do right and what did you do wrong?"

First up as always was Adonis with a sardonic quip, "What did we do wrong? The first thing that comes to mind is deciding as a group of Early Foundation Establishment Experts that going up against an opponent in the Mid great realm who hit as hard as a Late Expert was ever a good idea."

Lihua accepted Adonis' comment at face value, replying to his observation, "That's true, the ability to honestly assess the balance of strength before any conflict is essential to anyone who plans to live through such encounters. However plans don't always work out and sometimes you have to face an opponent that outmatches you. So what did you do and what should you have done better?"

This time it was Athelia who responded, "In prior spars, we usually beat you with fair odds if we group up in a formation. That's the Clan standard play book and we should have followed it."

Phoebe interjected at this point, "At the start of this session Senior Kokkinos told us that this was a free for all. Last cultivator standing won. Formations weren't indicated in the instructions."

"It is true that the rules of engagement pitted all of us against each other but there was nothing precluding collaboration. The rule was that victory went to a singular combatant, it didn't say anything about exactly how that victor was to be selected. In the end we teamed up against Senior Kokkinos and although we failed, I wager our odds would have been higher if that had been our approach from the start," Erlitou spoke up to reply to Phoebe, frowning in thought, "In fact thinking about the win conditions as I remember them, there was nothing preventing us from collectively conceding the match to Senior Kokkinos and concluding training early."

Every other member of the team groaned, Adonis loudest, as they reviewed Lihua's exact words and realized that Erlitou had the right of it. Lihua grinned as she hadn't realized she had left such a gaping loophole. Clapping her hands with the sound of clashing cymbals she dragged everyone's attention back to her, "It's good to see that you're widening your thinking about possible approaches to dealing with conflict but I'd like to see some more focus on your martial strengths and weaknesses demonstrated today. We'll start from Athelia."

Shuffling in her seat, the quiet bookish woman began her assessment of her performance. Lihua listened patiently and when Athelia was done, she invited comments from the others, letting Athelia's peers speak out about what they had observed about her, only stepping in as needed to direct the flow of conversation where she wanted. It was familiar practice for the team, involving a review of past suggested improvements and proposing new challenges with Lihua giving a final brief analysis and plan for amelioration of identified flaws at the end. After Altheia, every other member of the squad had their time in the hot seat. It was late afternoon when the gathered cultivators concluded their post-training meeting.

"Good job everyone, both in training and afterwards here," Lihua encouraged the seated foursome, "As appreciation for your performance, we're having Won Tak's tonight and dinner's on me."

A ragged cheer rose from the group at the announcement. The errant cook from the Simmering Soup Sect had joined the forces in Haoshen Fort as a Legion Auxiliary and had won many hearts and stomachs through his superlative cooking. A tire Squad Helios departed the training field, eager to put away the aches of the day with warm broth and tender noodles.


...good to hear that you are safe and well. I have some minor refinements in mind for the Orienting Compass when next we meet. They are nothing significant but they should improve the efficiency of qi use with the artifact. As regards your inquiries about increasing the ranges of sensory acuity, that is a prospect wholly unsuited for the foundation established with the Compass. But have no fear. Your teacher has been working on the problem you described and I believe I have some workable solutions. This Jingshen Tai Hen must truly be an impressive cultivator to vex you so. I have been doing some investigation from Haoshen Fort among the records the Legions captured in its takeover as well as reaching out to contacts in the occupied territories. I am waiting on the fruits of those queries but they should be ready by the time of your next letter to me. That should give you some insight into the opponent facing you, hopefully allowing you to resolve this rivalry without much more risk.

To your earlier concerns about breaking through to the 10th Heavenstage all that I will say is this: secure your foundations first and your path forward will be eased. Achieving the first Olympian Keystone is the culmination of all the exercise of Qi Condensation. Cleansing the body of impurity is the focus so recollect the lessons that saw you through the first common bottlenecks. From the literature I have read and advice sourced from available Experts who achieved that small realm, the key point is being able to identify the remnant impurities left in your system after achieving the Great Circle. These will not be the obvious blockages you encountered earlier in your cultivation but subtler detritus lining your meridians, narrowing your acupoints and lurking within the vitae of your physical form. I can only warn you that it is a slow painstaking task clearing out each of these contaminants and that it will be doubly so for you because your bloodline curse will most likely oppose you in such intensive detailed use of qi. There are a number of pills and elixirs that would be greatly helpful, whose recipes I have enclosed with my missive. If you find yourself without the proper tools or Contribution Points to obtain them, let me know and I will assist.

This letter has run over long so I will conclude here. Keep your spirit alert and your eyes sharp. Try to avoid your enemies getting too close, preferably by filling them with projectiles, your melee ability still needs work. May the Imperator's hand be upon you.

Yours truly,
Centurion Lihua Kokkinos
461st Legion

Lipita Delphi eyed the looming walls of Haoshen Fort with relief. Years of active warfare under the command of Legate Agathangelou had been a wholly different experience from the previous service she'd undertaken with the Legions. Spirited raiding against Jingshen settlements and hardpoints was nothing like the training patrols she'd undertaken as an Aspirant or even the missions she'd accepted after being inducted into the 95th Legion, the Compass Rose where the Delphi family ruled the roost. As she trooped in with her fellow cultivators through the first gates, she realized that the most danger she'd been in prior to this war was venturing into the Yuan Man-as-Mountain Array with Senior Gaius. The secret realm had been treacherous and dangerous in its own right but with just the two of them, they had enjoyed a liberty of action she recalled fondly now.

While she waited in queue with the other relieved raiders to be given the all clear to proceed through the second gates, Lipita reflected on the recent past. The announcement by Legate Agathangelou that she was rotating the Qi Condensation juniors who'd been serving under her in the northern offensive to the backlines for rest and recuperation was met with tired gratitude among the rank and file, Lipita not excepted. Tussling with the Jingshen had demonstrated that while the Clan's vaunted reputation in warfare was well deserved, the merchant-lords of the Organ Meat Desert had some bite to them despite their poor repute. Lipita would certainly know that well, having clashed with a truly aggravating opponent in the form of Jingshen Tai Wen. Early on she and her troop had intercepted numerous Jingshen convoys ferrying spirit stones from the mines to settlements behind the frontlines, seizing an unbelievable bounty in the precious wealth. It had been painful having to hand over their pillaged loot to the Clan's stores but the ache had been mostly soothed by the hefty bonuses the senior command was handing out for successful raids. She'd cultivated rapidly but cautiously and was not a hairsbreadth from breaking through to the 10th Heavenstage. She might have done so earlier despite her reservations but the gravy train she was supping from had slowed to a trickle when the Jingshen deployed a mobile force to counter the raiders consisting of low-flying ships fueled by spirit stones. With them had come Tai Wen, the iron plate she'd been knocking her head against for the past couple of months. One reason she was glad for the reassignment was the opportunity it gave her to return better prepared to deal with her newfound rival.

Speaking of that, Lipita was finally given access to Haoshen Fort proper. Waving away calls from Maximus to join the entire troop for drinks, Lipita moved deeper into the massive fortress. Haoshen Fort was large enough to be considered a sizable town on its own merit. Finding her destination was a bit tricky in the unfamiliar environment but a few polite inquiries to passing legionnaires and Lipita was soon at the door of the central command for the 461st Legion in the fortress.

Lipita was about to knock on the door but before she could approach the portal, a voice called out from the side, "Lipita Delphi?"

Turning to see who had addressed her, Lipita saw an unfamiliar shorter clanswoman scanning her from crown to sole, nodding with increasing confidence as she examined Lipita. "I am her. I don't believe we've met before. How do you know me?"

Approaching Lipita, the petite woman flashed Lipita a smile, "Call me Athelia. Let's just say that a certain statuesque senior of ours has been waxing poetic about her cute student. Come along with me and let's introduce you to everyone."

The 461st had taken a storeroom and converted it for their use. They had transformed the space into a representation of a business office following an open floor plan with desks clustered along the length of the room. Lipita felt out of place in her full marching gear and wondered if she should have visited her assigned quarters before coming over. There was no turning back now so she followed along behind Athelia as the other woman led her to a group of desks towards the far northeastern end of the room. The desks were screened off from the rest of the space by movable paper walls so Lipita and Athelia were unexpected arrivals.

"Look alive folks," Athelia announced to the two people within, "We've got company."

"Who is it?"Lihua said, head bent down as she looked over a pile of documents on her desk. Across from her at her own seat, Phoebe looked up towards the entrance.

Stepping aside for Lipita, Altheia nudged the junior cultivator forward. "I come all the way here without rest only to find my teacher has forgotten all about me," Lipita mock pouted, "Eii, my heart is mortally wounded. Kokkinos Laoshi."

Lihua snapped her head up in shock, and rose to her feet, all prior affairs forgotten. "Lipita, what are you doing here? I thought you were still out on raids."

Lihua grinned broadly and replied, "My troop got picked for the first complement to rotate out from the frontlines. Being recognized for getting a job done well has its perks."

Lihua moved out from behind her desk to embrace her junior, "I see you've been keeping up your training. The veil you have over your aura is impeccable. No wonder you have been getting such good outcomes on your raids if they can't sense you coming."

"Let's chalk it up to talent and good training," Lipita said wryly.

"I see you've already met Athelia so let me introduce you to Phoebe Callius, an Expert with me in the Helios Squad of the Coinpurse."

Lipita bowed in greeting to the senior cultivator and Phoebe stood up to join the impromptu gathering at the entrance. "So this is the student our senior centurion lauds so much. You know from the way she talks about you, you would think that you were a chosen of Heaven descended upon the Clan."

"Oh come on," Lihua scoffed, "I'm not that bad."

Phoebe and Athelia exchanged glances and chorused together, "Yes, you are."

Lipita was feeling a bit flushed by all the attention and tried to change the subject, "So what exactly is the 461st doing in Haoshen Fort?"

"Here, take Adonis' seat. He won't mind any," Lihua pulled everyone away from the entrance to find seating as she replied, "We are here to do what we always do: make money."

"The bulk of us seconded to the war are certainly minimally combat capable or at least supposed to be," Lihua said, eyeing her squad mates, "But we are mostly here to support the occupation and extraction of spirit stones from the Jingshen lands. Every spirit mine the Legions take, every stockpile the vanguard seizes or convoy raiders capture, all that wealth is funneled down the Scorpion Road back home to maintain the Spirit Stone trade. We wouldn't want certain influences in the Plains to start trying to interfere in the Desert because they are seeing their interests affected."

Indicating the space around them, Lihua said, "This is the assigned work area for my team, Helios Squad. This was moved much faster than anyone expected and the Legions captured much of the northern defensive line earlier than expected. The original plan was to base out of Yangshen Fort once it was captured but Haoshen fell even before that so it is now the central gathering area for all transports back to Clan territories. Helios Squad is composed of Experts like myself. We are a small team of five. Athelia and Phoebe you have already met. Adonis, I mentioned earlier and Erlitou, who are out on assignment checking the bills of lading issued for shipments in the past week. My team is work as troubleshooters for the senior command of our Legion but we are mostly focused on discouraging sticky fingers and overly clever bookkeeping."

Lipita realized that this was the first time she was getting a good firsthand look at this side of Lihua. Pill refiner, artificer and soldier, these she had experienced but the bureaucratic official was new.

"It's not all paperwork and logistics," Lihua continued, "We have occasionally been called upon to support other Experts securing cities, mines and forts taken in the advance. They have been deployed as spies and inquisitors to rout out those among the conquered Jingshen capable and willing to sabotage the occupation. In those cases, a stiletto often works better than the blunt hammer of a full maniple."

"So that's pretty much it," Lihua concluded, "Not too much like the excitement of daring raids against a stalwart opponent I suppose."

"It sounds like long periods of boredom punctuated by brief flares of excitement," Lipita said, "That's not dissimilar from the raids tough I have to admit that at least you get to be out the sun and sand most days."

"You know what?" Lihua said as she flexed her aura and checked the qi resonance with the sun above, "It's just about noon so why don't we call it an early lunch and you get to meet the whole squad properly over a meal. Adonis and Erlitou should be heading to our normal spot now anyways so we can meet up with them."

Pointing fingers at Athelia and Phoebe, Lihua said, "These ladies over here have been clamoring to try the new special. You look like you could use some hot food in you."

Lipita was all too happy to agree and the four women left to take their repast.


"I'm beginning to think that the senior centurion has grown sour to me," Adonis complained as he adjusted his concealed position in the darkness of the fortress' compound, "These last few training sessions I have been getting the distinct impression that she is specifically aiming for my face whenever she spars with me. I had to spend a whole week in bandages because of the burn she gave me the last time. And the assignments have been utter drudgery. Check in with Papadopoulos in the war room for information that any runner could have delivered, write up a report on the Callista Legion's expected reformation priorities, fetch the squad's tea for the Imperator's sake; who does she think I am, a gopher?"

Erlitou idly wondered how long it would take his tempered body to repair his ear drums if he burst them to block out the constant one-sided conversation being forced on him. The sculptor was a patient man, capable of examining a block of stone for weeks on end just to set out the proper design within his mind before the first blow ever chiseled away at the block. He was however finding that practiced patience sorely tested by the incessant chatter coming from Adonis. Erlitou had to admit that the other man was a reliable partner in battle and a competent worker in the tasks the squad undertook. It was just that all those qualities tended to be overshadowed by a self-absorbed propensity for self-centered behavior. Take the tea delivery he had just complained about. Every member of the squad, Senior Kokkinos herself included, took turns in a set rotation to provide the refreshment so there was no special regard being paid to him there. The assignment to assess the Callista legion's losses and subsequent needs was given to him because as well as being a capable analyst, Adonis had managed to get on well with the legionnaires of that recovering force while they were bunked in Haoshen. The thing about being a courier to the war room, Erlitou might admit, was a reaction from the senior centurion to Adonis trying to seduce her student after she'd made her breakthrough to 10th Heavenstage before returning back to the frontlines. That probably also explained the particular attention she was paying Adonis' favored features.

Like water over a brook, Erlitou let Adonis' chatter wash over him as he kept his gaze fixed on the door of the isolated storeroom through a cunningly worked slit in the wall, concealed from easy notice on the outside. He and Adonis were positioned across the portal in a hiding hole he'd carved out off the wall of a neighboring building using his earth manipulation techniques. The squat two storey building of the storeroom had been converted into an armory in the take over of Haoshen and was surrounded by bare pavement for twenty yards on all sides. All four walls of the building were built thick, further reinforced with strengthening arrays and alarm wards. The entirety of the building's circumference, including the sole portal, was brightly lit up in the dark, illuminating every approach to the armory. The building was as secure as could be reasonably expected. This made it a problem that there had been two robberies from within the armory in the past week, only discovered when inventory was taken in the morning. Squad Helios had been called in after the second theft when it could no longer be ignored that malfeasance and not some other innocent cause was responsible.

Currently, Erlitou and Adonis were on external surveillance while Lihua, Athelia and Phoebe were hidden within the armory itself to surprise any unwanted interlopers. Checking the arrays set up to cover the other approaches to the armory, Erlitou detected no change either meaning that nothing had in fact happened or that they were dealing with a foe that outmatched the team. This was the squad's third night on stake out and they had rotated through surveillance positions, only Lihua remaining within the armory all three nights. As Erlitou did his best to ignore Adonis' unceasing self-aggrandizement, he remembered longingly the previous night's pairing when he and Athelia had shared a silent station on watch.

Suddenly the alarms Erlitou was monitoring blared and even Adonis fell silent, snapping to alertness. "Those are the vibration sensors on the outer walls. They are reading a series of heavy impacts from within," Adonis noted in alarm, "They're already inside the armory engaging with the rest of the team. Let's go!"

Erlitou and Adonis burst through the thin stone of their surveillance station and sprinted for the armory. Adonis waited impatiently as Erlitou unlocked the sealed door, qi humming though his meridians as he set himself ready for immediate combat. The moment the door was released from its restraints, Adonis and Erlitou seized the heavy frame of the door and flung it open. From within they could hear the sounds of a battle going on inside, the clang of metal on metal echoing as they made out Lihua shouting at someone to halt and surrender themselves. The noise came from the second storey so they raced for the staircase. As they ascended the noise of conflict ceased and they poured on more speed. They burst out from the landing into a short hallway with doors lining its length and only just managed to avoid running into the backs of Phoebe and Athelia standing at the start of the hallway, weapons held at the ready.

"What happened here? Where's the thief? Do we have them?" Erlitou asked, his hammer clasped in his right hand.

Before anyone could answer him, Lihua stomped out of the first doorway to the right, her pupils pinpoint spots of light and radiating heat as her body cooled down from combat exertion. "No luck," she growled out, "They managed to get away before I could subdue them. Athelia, come have a look at something, everyone else should follow her in but don't touch anything until Athelia's done with her examination. I believe it's a talisman marker they used to gain entry."

The whole squad followed Athelia into the room Lihua had just left. Erlitou noticed that the door to the room had been forced inwards, the lock melted. The traces on it were wholly Lihua's which begged the question of how the intruder had managed to make their way inside without opening the lock. The room was largely bare, containing only a few suits of armor. Placed upon mannequins the armor sets hummed with power, their Gravebronze surfaces gleaming in the light. These were no mere artifacts but the treasured panoply of the Legions formed from the mortal remains of the honored dead. Twice already two such of the Clan's martial legacy had been stolen and a third attempt had been foiled tonight.

The four other members of Squad Helios stood back as Athelia examined a slip of paper on the floor cut in half, pulling on gloves. Erlitou saw Lihua cooling down, the air no longer shimmering with heat against her bronze skin and relaxed, Adonis and Phoebe doing likewise. They remained in silence while Athelia worked. Rising to her feet, Athelia held the paper in her gloved hands, identifiable as a talisman.

"You were right, this is a talisman marker, specifically one for a teleport array," Athelia reported, "I can't tell you exactly which array this is but I can give general functions. This looks like the child talisman of a paired set. The thief likely has a parent array that performs the actual spatial transference but this serves as a beacon for them to travel to. Since we have this here and no thief, they likely only need the targeting beacon when leaving from the main array but not when returning to it."

"Can you track it? The main array that is." Lihua asked, focused like a hound on the scrap of paper Athelia was holding.

"I believe so. Spatial qi can be subtle but with such a clear signature I should be able to reverse the linking function. It might take a while though." Athelia replied.

"Get started now." Lihua commanded.

Phoebe, silent until now, spoke up, "Wouldn't the thief have fled by the time we make our way to their array?"

Lihua responded to her, "I doubt it. I managed to get a few good hits in before they escaped so they were hurting before that. Besides I am somewhat familiar with the type of talismans Athelia identified it as. Unless we are extraordinarily unlucky they are rare enough and so costly to operate that the thief should only have the one array set up. Besides, while the main talisman can teleport users back without the paired talisman, it cannot have been pleasant for an Expert so they'll be recovering a while. They fled immediately so they are unlikely to be stronger than myself. Nonetheless I made the request before we began surveillance to have egress from Haoshen Fort restricted should the thief try their luck again. Fortress command will have been informed about the alarms here going off so that is taken care off. Now we wait for directions."

It took several hours before Athelia completed her task, morning dawning in that span but Squad Helios had their tracker and a direction to follow. Gathered back at the Coinpurse's command center, the squad received Athelia's findings.

"Down," Lihua muttered, "Of course, this fortress sits on a played out spirit mine. There are miles of caves and tunnels beneath the structures with concealed entrances littered across the fort. It's a perfect place to hide and allows the teleport talisman to reduce the interference from the defensive arrays we set up on the walls."

"Alright," Lihua said stridently to the assembled members of her team, "It looks like we are hunting a rat in its nest. Easy enough work, eh?"

Four hours later Lihua wanted to reach back through time and slap her younger self for taunting the Fates with her words. Accomplishing that impossible feat would have to however wait until she managed to rescue her squad from the pit she'd managed to lead them into. Heading into the depths of Haoshen Fort had first required them to break open a known entrance that had been sealed up. Following the tracker Athelia had crafted had taken them in a descent deep into the nether regions of the abandoned tunnels. Surprisingly as they went lower, it had grown brighter. At first they had had to rely on spirit stone powered lanterns but then bioluminescent lichen had appeared on the walls illuminating the space beneath with a dim but steady light.

"Shut off the lanterns," Lihua instructed those behind her and she herself did as she had commanded. The squad was forced into a tight file by the narrow passageway with her at the lead followed by Athelia providing direction, and then Adonis, Phoebe and Erlitou in that order. The lanterns were quickly turned off and their eyes quickly adjusted to the natural lighting conditions of their location.

Lihua touched her hand to the surface of the rock wall, feeling at the mossy growth covering the length of it all along. "What do you think, Erlitou?" Lihua asked the resident expert on geology and spelunking.

Erlitou plucked a sample and sniffed it, then rubbed it against his palm waiting for a reaction before tasting it. "It seems to be common Light-Giving Moss," he replied, "You tend to get them where spirit stones form. There must be particulate deposits left in the earth to sustain this growth. They are no danger, no toxins or innate qi use beyond the glow."

"Okay. We'll keep the lanterns off to preserve what little surprise we have." Lihua said, "Athelia, where are we headed?"

Athelia consulted the divination compass she was using to track the qi signature from the talisman together with subterranean maps they had earlier procured from the fort shortly and then replied, "Deeper down. The angle of orientation has barely budged."

"Oh great, and this day was already off to such a great start." Adonis groused.

"Perhaps, you would like me to help you refocus your priorities. A good thump to the head should do it, I think." Phoebe threatened Adonis.

"Shut it both of you," Lihua commanded, cutting short a brewing squabble, "You all heard Athelia. We're moving forward."

The beacon of the spatial transit array pointed ever deeper as Lihua pressed her squad further, through steadily widening tunnels and increasing brighter caves. When at last the trail they were following had evened towards the horizontal, they were passing through enormous vaults beneath the earth, lit up as bright as day.

Lihua carefully expanded her spiritual sense as the squad carefully walked the vast hollow. They were now arranged in an arrowhead formation, Lihua still in the vanguard, Phoebe and Adonis to the wings while Athelia and Erlitou clustered in the middle.

"This feels almost like sunlight," Lihua said, and then tried to check the sun's position but failed. A look at her timepiece showed that the morning was cresting towards afternoon.

"Is something channeling the energy of the sun from above down to here?" she wondered.

"I don't know about that but I can tell you that we are very close to the source of the qi signature I've been tracking." Athelia informed her.

Lihua snapped to high alert. "Everyone keep sharp. We don't know what's waiting for us ahead or even what's living down here. We've only seen smaller animals and spirit beasts earlier but there is a lot more energy around here to fuel growth."

Tracking down the beacon was simple enough, the trail leading them unerringly through a series of side chambers to a grotto cunningly concealed by a false rockfall. No qi technique was used to obscure the entrance, just clever positioning. Erlitou used his earth moving techniques to create a sudden breach into which the squad charged only to find a mostly bare chamber with the only highlight being a set of array flags still humming faintly with spatial qi. A quick search revealed little more than the evidence of ascetic habitation, plans of Haoshen Fort before its refit from capture and other miscellaneous items.

"So we found the source of our qi signature but no thief. Is that good or bad? I'm leaning bad because we've got no criminal and no stolen goods." Phoebe said as she looked around the chamber.

"I'm more concerned with this room and what's not in it," Athelia said holding up a set of standard Legion issued armor, "Whoever was down here wasn't living here permanently and there are indicators that they were likely pretending to be a Legionnaire in some way. I think we've got an infiltrator and all that we can report back at present is that they are likely male from this clothing."

Lihua was feeling frustrated, considering what next to do when Erlitou came back in from where he'd been poking around outside. "I found a trail. It looks relatively fresh," he said simply.

Lihua leapt onto the lead and had the squad moving out after the tracks Erlitou had spotted. It was a fast paced pursuit before they arrived at their quarry.

"Well, maybe one out of two isn't so bad." Adonis commented looking down at where the trail had led them.

They had found the thief quickly enough. Well they had found what was left of him. A head, a foot and a hand shorn off at the wrist weren't much to go on for identification but his features were not that of the Golden Devil Clan and his blood carried no resonance with the Bronze.

Casting a look around Phoebe asked the question everyone was thinking, "So what now? We have a dead thief and no Gravebronze."

Lihua was spared from giving a response to that vexing question by a tickle of qi at the edges of her senses. Turning sharply to face the direction she had sensed the energy, she had only a brief moment to stare at the empty ceiling of the high vaulted chamber they were currently in before that seeming emptiness blurred into a vast winged shape upon her. Lihua had no time to react as she was picked up and carried aloft, claws clutched around her shoulder trying to pierce through her. Below her she caught flashes of her squad's surprised reaction, shouts and the flash of released techniques reaching up to her. Whatever was ferrying her certainly felt the sting of those attacks and let out a deafening screech below that had her ears dripping molten fluid. Shifting in the grasp of her abductor brought a squeal of metal as she took aim and let loose the Hyperion Lance Art in full fury. Scorched and blinded her avian foe released her.

"Oh Fates!" Lihua swore as she curled up in her fall downwards, crashing into the surface of the cavern like a meteor. The impact rattled Lihua and she dazedly rose to her feet, faintly making out cries of pain from where her team was along with screeches of fury from above. Her metallic physique had her sorted to rights in seconds, recovering hearing and senses in moments. Looking back at where her squad was, she saw them staggering seemingly under some invisible assault. Immediately she cast forth liquid sunfire at the hovering enemy above. The avian, identifiable as some sort of owl now that she had the time to properly look, broke off its attack and flew upwards blurring into invisibility like it had done in its initial ambush. Lihua run to her squad's position, eyes lifted up and arms channeling qi to launch an attack at a moment's notice.

"Hoplite Formation on me." She barked out to the wounded members of her team while keeping an ear open for the whispers of death coming from above. Injured and disoriented as they were, her squad reacted as they had drilled, sending out connections of qi to manifest the Clan's iconic martial formation.

As the umbral legionnaire with bronze armaments manifested around the squad, Lihua settled into familiar command of the formation. Her mind raced as she considered the squad's options and what she knew about their opponent. She did not like their prospects trying to fight a far more mobile enemy with the ability to enter into effective concealment at a moment's notice and what appeared to be a mental attack with a strong area of effect. Her subordinates had already proven vulnerable to its offense and she couldn't count on her physique protecting her against an attack that bypassed physical toughness. It was sheer luck that they hadn't already lost someone because if the Spirit Beast had struck at anyone else other than her they most likely would be severely injured or dead. This encounter was best finished fast and decisively.

Pushing her will through the bindings that connected every member of the squad in the formation she pulled at their qi pools and trusting her utterly, they gave it freely. The Hoplite lifted up its bronze spear, the spearhead erupting into a flare of harsh radiance. A startled squawk sounded from above and a feathered form slid into view as the owl lost hold of its obscuring cloak from the sudden sting of the brilliant glare. With her enemy sighted, Lihua held nothing back, dragging every drop of qi she could access into fueling a single. The radiance of the Hoplite's bronze spear coalesced into roiling solar fury around its shaft and then shot out into a piercing strike that burnt clean through the breast of the owl. The bird dropped like a stone to the ground as the Hoplite shattered with no qi to sustain it.

Fatigue and feeling the encroaching strain of qi exhaustion, Lihua looked at the tired faces of her team seeing her condition and worse reflected in their features. She gave a tired thumbs up and fell onto her arse with a clang. A short drum beat ran through the floor as the others followed suit.

"You know what? I think I like the boring drudgery after all," Adonis said to Erlitou beside him. The other man laughed in response, a reaction picked up by the others until the cavern rang to the happy cries of people relieved to be alive.

The squad rested for a while, recovering what little strength and qi they could before moving on. Given the injuries on the infiltrator and the ambush by the Spirit Beast, identified as a Thoughtful Owl by Athelia on close examination, they aimed to find the bird's nest hoping to find what they sought there. Their hopes were not disappointed. Climbing the sides of the expansive cavern led them to nest in the walls where they found the beast had secreted all manner of trinkets that caught its eye, including two battered but serviceable Gravebronze suits of armor.

"With the core from that Spirit Beast, the spatial transference array flags and a possible bonus for uncovering an unknown infiltrator, I think we came out well ahead from this assignment even without considering the payout from the mission itself." Athelia considered as they picked through the nest of the Thoughtful Owl.

"I think we did more than that," Lihua said, drawing everyone's attention to her.

She held in her hands, a curious object of shifting form seemingly made of white light that flowed through several polyhedron shapes even as they watched.

"What is that?" Erlitou asked curiously.

"I don't quite know but I can feel that just holding it is boosting my ability to work with light using my aura," Lihua admitted, "I presume this is how that bird learned to conceal itself so effectively. It's perfect for my skill set per squad rules, I'm forfeiting my stake in any other gains from this mission for an exclusive claim to this artifact. Any challenge to my claim?"

Everyone shook their heads, declining to protest. Phoebe piped up, "None of us could do better with it so there's no need. We already have enough as it is."

The squad spent a few more minutes poking through the nest but didn't find anything else worthwhile. Calling the search to a halt, Lihua spoke to the team. "I think that's all we're getting so it's time to get back. Hopefully everyone kept track of the route so if Athelia got mixed up in her mapping we aren't spending a decade digging our way out. Erlitou I wan-"

Lihua was cut off mid speech by the space around them vanishing into darkness, the sourceless illumination of the cavern disappearing.

"Spirit lanterns now," Lihua ordered, bringing back a little light by flaring sunfire around an upraised right hand.

"What's going on?" Athelia asked as she fumbled with the lanterns they had not needed for a while.

Adonis looked about, his lantern the first to be relit, "Whatever was causing the light down here has gone out. Perhaps the source has received damage of some sort?"

"No," Lihua said, staring at her hand and then looking at the walls of the cavern, "It's not gone out. It's going somewhere else. Look."

Moving her hand closer to the walls of the cavern they could all see the light bend towards the wall, flowing into it. Symbols all around the nest began to light up with dim radiance, their own light being drawn back.

"Everybody out now!" Lihua barked and the entire squad hurried to comply, rushing out the nest and practically jumping down to the ground below.

As they regathered on the cavern floor, every head was lifted up as they felt an overbearing pressure weigh down on them. It felt inexorable, like they were caught in an inescapable furnace consuming them. With mounting horror, Lihua realized that what they were feeling wasn't even directed at them and they were experience the faintest brushes of something moving upwards from them.

"The Fort... something is attacking the fortress. We have to go now," Spinning on her heel, she shouted orders to the squad, "Gather up everything we need. We likely won't make it in time to intervene with whatever this is so we have to hope that the Archegetes and the rest of the Legions can handle themselves. We're making a quick stop at the infiltrator's base to pick up what we left there then we're racing back up. Let's go!"

Squad Helios burst into action at their leader's command, each one hoping and praying that they would not arrive on the surface to find only ruin.


Lihua sat in seiza in the midst of an array in one of the cultivation rooms. The pattern surrounding her was a beautiful work of array craftsmanship well worth the Contribution Points she had paid for it. The Iron Girding Foundation array was a staple aid for Experts forming a Dao-Pillar, boosting the compression of qi required to solidify the construct in the dantian of a cultivator. Normally, someone using the array would require a healthy supply of spirit stones to provide the necessary energy for incorporating the new component to their internal energies but Lihua needed none of that. Even now weeks after that desperate ascent to reach the surface, her skin glimmered with restrained radiance and light bled from her eyes. She'd advanced ahead of her team, drawing in as much of the lingering Light qi as she could to prevent it from harming them as the scorched shadows against the walls proved it could. Although she had continuously pulled and vented almost all that energy in the process, a kernel of it had remained even on reaching the surface. There was enough lingering in the Fort itself that she'd constantly felt like a raging ball of fury was stuffed in her, pushing up her cultivation base to prepare her for this next step.

Her face was somber as she thought of those others who hadn't been so lucky to benefit from the attack of the All-Blinding Array. Won Tak would never again serve her delicious Crossing-the-Bridge Noodles or try to fatten up Erlitou with his special Kobe Beef Noodle soup. Won Tak would never be doing anything ever again, vaporized as collateral damage in an attack that had never even been aimed at him. Lihua knew of fellow clansmen, members of her own Legion even, who had been irreparably scarred in the attack, some crippled. Seeing juniors she'd supervised screaming in shrill pain from unrelenting agony as overpowering Light Qi lingered in their bodies was a type of torture she'd never imagined and wished to never experience. How cruel then in that in their suffering from the affliction of Spirit Severing Light qi – how did the weakling Jingshen had such strength in this waning age – she had experienced an epiphany and crystallized a new understanding of her Truth, advancing one step towards completing her Dao.

"Infinite in wonder and terror, the boundless formless Light shall plumb the reaches of eternity." Lihua whispered to herself, speaking the lesson she had learned from the strike against the Clan. She bent down and activated the array at her feet with a touch of her hands. The array weighed down on her, thickening her qi and forcing it to respond faster and stronger to her will. Lihua reached within herself and inverted reality, appearing within her inner realm, representative of her cultivation. It was a barren void where only a roaring sun floated in the expanse surrounded by three rotating spinning rings of words each formed from iron, fire and bronze based upon the principles of Metal, Fire and Unity respectively. With a steady hand and resolute spirit she reached out her hand and drew qi from the sun of her dantian. She wove that qi into words casting them into the void to join the others. Each word congealed from sunfire into burning radiance was a leaden weight almost pulling her to crash down into the sun but Lihua stoically bore the burden and lifted them aloft. She knew this truth and would carve it into her being.

Three hours later she left the cultivation room, a newly minted 4-Pillar Expert. The very first place she went after her successful advancement was to visit Won Tak's stand. She was surprised to see her fellow squad mates with her at the closed stall.

"Didn't expect to see you here?" She said quietly to the gathered group.

"He was an excellent cook." Adonis said simply.

"And a good listener, whenever you had something to share," Athelia added.

"He always gave his honest opinion about my artwork, unlike certain people," Erlitou said.

"He farted too much," Phoebe said, lifting her hands defensively as everyone looked at her, "What? It's true. Fates I might just miss the smell of his awful farts, I can't believe I'm saying this."

Everyone laughed at that, as they shared memories of a good man who had made their days just a little brighter with his presence in their lives.


As painful as the losses to the All-Blinding Array had been, Lihua had to admit that they were ultimately light, extraordinarily so, considering the scope of the power that the array had been discovered to possess upon investigations. She shuddered to think of what the outcome would have been if the Jingshen stratagem had accomplished its aim of forcing the Archegetes to retreat from the northern offensive. With the Second Elder tied down in the south and still an Early Nascent to boot, Jingshen Junjie could have obliterated the entire Legion presence in the north as easily as stomping ants.

But the Fates laughed at the plans of men, even the machinations of demigod Nascent Souls. Through the daring feat of Antonius Emmanuel Eleanora, the so-called Sacrificial King, the strength of the Jingshen ploy had been turned back on them. Wangshen Fort had been devastated forcing Jingshen Junjie into flight and opening the way for the Legions to seize the fortress from its ravaged defenders. The retreat of the head of the Jingshen Clan back to the Underworld Spirit Palace had given free leave to the Archegetes to exercise his prowess, which he'd done taking the Jingshen Bei mine intact by himself. That alone had brought more work for Lihua and her team, as the influx of spirit stones soared from that first major acquisition and then the numerous minor knock on captures. She was busy now but not too busy to hear word of the capture of the nodes of the All-Blinding Array. Apparently that occasional mentor of Lipita's, Simon Euaerizo had wrested away the core in a daring spectacle, presenting it personally to the Grand Elder himself.

Now everyone was tensed up for a final push on the final Jingshen redoubt. No doubt the All-Blinding Array would have some play in it and Lihua was decidedly glad that the Jingshen would have a taste of the edge of the executioner's blade they had prepared for the Legions. Helios Squad was currently at their favorite training ground, ready to burn off the stiffness accumulated from long hours reading reports on freight transport and logistics management. Lihua led the team in a series of stretches to limber them up in preparation for today's spar. Probably best to go for a three way split, two pairs and her facing off against each other. That should let her straighten out the kinks in her martial forms from her new advancement without risking embarrassing defeat taking them all on. They had learned very well how to handle her after so many bouts together.

Before she could make the announcement, a figure appeared in the sky. Thunder pealed, followed by heavenly lightning. Something seized her gaze, fixing it upon the hovering figure in the heavens. Mists of blood rose up from the earth, blotting out the lightning and the sun itself. Darkness born of blood fell across the sky. As bolts of blood-red lightning fell from on high, swept aside from the figure in the sky, Lihua felt a bubbling fury rise in her. She clamped down tight on the emotion, pitting her will against it and coming out the victor. Around her she could see that the others on her team had not been so successful. Erlitou was desperately trying to fend off a maddened Athelia, the smaller woman acting with uncharacteristic bloodthirst and trying to claw out her teammate's eyes. Adonis was frantically hollering for assistance as Phoebe clutched a frozen blade in her hand and stalked him, murder in her eyes.

Lihua growled and rushed to assist Adonis, judging that Erlitou had the situation with Athelia well in hand. In her mind, she directed the boiling fury in her blood away from the incessant compulsion to hunger and consume towards a much more reasonable goal. She'd recognized that so distant yet near figure from when Lipita had returned from the Yuan Clan. If he survived whatever kind of tribulation this was, Single Pillar King or not, she was going to do much worse than sit on Gaius Antonius. A slow charbroiling in a solar oven should do nicely as satisfaction.


Lihua welcomed her junior back with a cup of tea. Lipita looked tired but whole. Her correspondence had described her experience of the Blood Mists as acceptable but it was good to see if confirmed in person.

"You're looking well," Lipita complimented Lihua as she took a sip of the tea. The harsh metallic elements in the blend Lihua favored took some getting used to but Lipita had found that she appreciated the flavor even after being without it for a while.

"I could say the same for you. You look much more settled into your cultivation than when you left," Lihua replied.

"I would like to say I don't know how forming a fourth Dao-Pillar compares to progressing well into the first Olympian Keystone but that would be a lie from the statistics. Let's just agree we're doing okay and leave it at that," Lipita smiled at Lihua.

"So I hear you're taking up Sheng Yu's mission to explore the Underworld Spirit Palace?" Lihua asked.

"Yes, I am," Lipita replied, "The cost for access wasn't too much considering what I earned in Contribution Points during the war. I find myself interested in challenging myself against the defenses of the Western Redstone Keep. Arrays and traps are the perfect arena for polishing my aura perception particularly with the Orienting Compass. I presume that you are doing the same."

Lihua nodded, "Back in Haoshen Fort, I had an interesting encounter with the Light qi they are sending Experts after. A close up look when it isn't trying to incinerate everyone around would be very helpful."

"On that note, I have something I want to show you," Lihua said and closed her eyes. Behind her head like a crystalline halo, a shape formed of light appeared and hovered there.

"What is that?" Lipita said curiously, setting her cup down to stand and study the object floating at Lihua's rear.

Lihua grinned and said, "What records I've found call it a Facsimile Lightkey. I don't know its full functions or purpose but I do know that it makes command and use Light Qi around myself much easier. I can use it to focus qi into powerful beams and illusions for as long as there is light from the sun to use. Want to join me in researching it?"

"Do you even need to ask," Lipita said eagerly, "When do we start?"

@no. This is a collaboration with @Insane-Not-Crazy.
Will be taking a Life Saving Treasure and put me down for Secrets of the Underworld(Brave)
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Lipita Delphi 32: Lihua Kokkinos & Lipita Delphi - The Light, It Burns!
TURN 13, OMAKE 5 [Lipita]
Lipita Delphi 32: Lihua Kokkinos & Lipita Delphi - The Light, It Burns!

Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest] Original - Fantasy

[Lihua] Lihua Kokkinos 7: Lihua Kokkinos & Lipita Delphi – The Light, It Burns! Lihua Kokkinos peered through the magnifying lens set on a stand at her work table. Her gloved hands held a smooth sphere and turned it over slowly, examining every surface. The sphere itself looked like a dark...

AN: (12858/2=6429 words) Please threadmark @ReaderOfFate
Katha Theodoros 15 - Red Rain and Bad Blood
The mark of a genius is one who surpasses all expectations.

But in surpassing expectation, one simply sets themselves up for further expectations. One who exceeds is one whose expectations must be reassessed, and it is the goal of such assessment to make the proper and right judgement call for any given capability, in any given field. Thus, bluntly speaking, surpassing expectation is a continual process. Once one merely makes the par, they are no longer a genius, merely a talent, an excellent junior with high hopes but no further aspirations than their new goal.

For one to remain a genius, one must improve continually, surpassing their prior selves, not only linearly but exponentially. Only then is a genius a genius… Or, rather, only then can a genius remain a genius.

What happens, then, if a genius fails the grade?

It is the goal of all teachers that this does not come to pass. To nurture good seeds, such that geniuses will continue to exceed and that failure will never pass, for the Clan can do nothing less in the face of such excellence. The Clan cannot afford anything less. But as a teacher, the answer remains: What then? What is one to do, to best guide this junior back onto the straight and narrow?

That, I must humbly say, is a matter for the Junior to address.

- Manuel Konstantinos, Parakoimomenos de Optimatoi, Second Elder of the Golden Devil Clan​


Katha Theodoros 15 - Red Rain and Bad Blood

She awoke with a start and to a light shower of rain, amidst ash and ruin and pyres to her arrogance.

For that single ephemeral moment, Katha Theodoros wondered if she had died, for she found that she could not move. Not a muscle moved, not a breath taken, nothing so much as sensation of wetness or of being. She felt detached, unable to feel the world around her, and through such detachment she felt truly free.

Then the world snapped back into focus as memory and pain reasserted, and she realised what had happened.

She had lost. The arrow in her chest was proof enough of that. And the weight of the world pressing down upon her only added insult to injury.

With shuddering groans and the shuddering pitter-patter of soil, the second - now, perhaps the former - heiress of the Theodoroi pushed herself upright, even as her legs buzzed and she felt faint. Blood stained much of her attire and the soil beneath and around her was black, grey, and brown intermingled, turning into slush beneath the downpour. The inferno that Wulong had thrown up stripped the canopy bare and left her without shelter from the elements as far as she could see, in every direction.

Treating her wounds followed shortly, starting by digging out each of the arrows embedded into her body. The wounds had become shrivelled from bloodloss and the flesh around them flared an angry red, and the sharp stabs of pain had long been dulled by the monotone haze that now drowned all of her senses. It was dire, but necessary work, and when the work was done she had finally dug out every bit of wood and iron from her flesh, at great cost in pain to great gains in sanitation. Recovery will be a while yet, but she might have hope she would not die of infection.

A bitter chuckle as she thought those words. Golden Devils did not die of disease. Nothing so common as infection from the elements, anyways. It was poison, always poison, never the world around them.The real reason she had dug out those arrows was to punish herself for losing to an archer in a fistfight.

Clinically speaking, of course, the odds were stacked against her the moment she decided to stand and fight in the forest. She was wounded - quite seriously at that, though not gravely so - and she had expended both of her Life Saving Treasures by that point, whereas Wulong was completely fresh on both Qi and special assets. Physically speaking they were on even ground, and probability ensured that she would be the less experienced of the two. The only edge in a fight she really had was the Hornsword, and she used that to make a statement of open dialogue, not a decisive opening strike.

A start, and Katha looked around in search of her gifted weapon. It remained only a short distance from her, sunk into the ground and covered in mud and rain, looking every bit as depressed as she felt.

Yeah, she thought, That tracks. She was an unworthy aspirant to the end, all right.

Objectively, and she could figure this by now, Wulong had a plan from the get go, and even when things began to fell apart he had the space he needed to stake a gamble. Meanwhile, she had been gambling from the start. And just like with regards to the Secret Realm, one could only roll so many dice before the result came up snake eyes.

Anger. She clenched her fists and desperately wanted to hit something. But with so many meridians shattered, movement now carried weight and endurance was no longer a certainty available to her. She was mortal again, or close enough. More importantly, it hurt. It hurt a lot. Everything hurt a lot, in fact.

It was a sobering truth, but it would be a long time before Katha was ready to hit anything or anyone again.

Another sigh. She looked up, letting the rain wash over her face, soak through her hair, get into her eyes and leave her both cold and miserable. Cover was impossible anyhow, and she had no techniques at her disposal.

"All this for answers I didn't even fucking get," she said with a despairing sigh. Few gains. Treasures, heirlooms expended, and she missed the fucking Invasion. The 501st's virgin deployment, and she was going to be absent because she decided running a fool's errand was more important than war.

Another weighty sigh. Katha shook her head. "Aretaphilla is never going to let me live this down."

Somehow, that was the worst part of all this.


Miserable, wet, bloody and limping, Katha Theodoros made for an impressively pathetic sight as she shuffled her feet through the Realmgate and returned once more to the Virtuous Flipper Region. By this point the Realmgate was largely bare, most of the aspirants who had come and their accompanying retinues having already returned or given up hope and gone home. Of the Jingshen there was no sign, and neither was there for any of her kinsmen. The Clan had allowed the lot of them to come with the understanding that they would come together and return together, with no further allowances; on the eve of War, the one thing they could spare least was warm bodies. It was difficult enough allowing some of their finest Juniors this opportunity.

That there was no sign either bode poorly for their chances, or meant that they had long given her up for dead. Which was fair. She certainly looked like it. Felt like it, too. And she had returned just as the bubble was due to collapse entirely and strand all who still resided within in the twisting chaos of the sea between seas. The only thing that saved her was pure pluck and pure luck.

One hand clasping the bronze shard, the only thing she had managed to recover from her time in the Secret Realm, Katha limped up towards a proctor ready to provide proof of identity so she could withdraw her deposit and get a shower and maybe a shower. She was not about to stay any longer in the Hard Shell Mountains than absolutely necessary, not while the war was ongoing. Who knew what the Righteous Powers might think of a Golden Devil up and about in these parts.

The first one she saw, and the one she decided to try her luck with, was a hard-bitten Qi Condenser who had likely hit their bottleneck and would die staying at the Ninth. Chewing on a pipe and fumbling with a match, he turned over and gave Katha a good long measure, baring his scarred bald head for all the world to see. "Shit, didn't think there was still a Devil inside," he said. "You look like death even by your standards. Did you get what you came for?"

Katha shook her head. The proctor shrugged. "That's how it usually is. Head to the counter and show your jade slip. There's a fee involved, but honestly they'll probably waive it for you. Congrats on surviving; most don't even get this far back."

Nodding, Katha moved on, exhaling hard as she made a move, stopping only to regard the outside world through the grand entrance to the Realmgate, as the stormy sky rumbled overhead and she wondered if the echo of thunder was anything like the clash of steel no doubt happening all across the Jingshen Clan's territories right now.

And then her heart stopped. The sky turned black.

Like spears of spite, blood red bolts of lightning descended, crashing into the desert sands.

And within her, for an instant, her dormant blood roused with gnashing teeth once more, demanding succour, slaughter, salvation. The people around her, the dogs of the Third Sea, they were but meals for her. If she would slaughter, consume, her wounds would heal in the blink of an eye, she would gain new power and new insight, learn everything she needed to avenge herself and become the paragon that the Clan, that House Theodoros, demanded. Slaughter, blood, all things she was heir to.

Kill, consume, and she would become the perfect soldier. Cast in blood-quenched iron.

She tossed the thought aside, barring the Blood Path to herself forever. She was already crippled and a Golden Devil besides, declaring herself an enemy to all Creation would be the definition of feeding herself to a pack of hungry wolves.

Shaking her head, she turned, and found herself beset upon by a scene of frightful carnage. A feast of blood had already begun as the Qiguai Clansmen tore into one another, partaking of a feast of flesh and blood. There were those trying to resist, those who kept hold of themselves and fought against the beasts within and without, but they were outnumbered even here.

One hand on the Hornsword on her back, Katha was immediately tackled by the proctor she had spoken to earlier. His spittle fell all over her face as he sought to bite into her iron-laced flesh, held back only by the bacer he was chewing on and the hand pushing against his forehead. Pain spiked as old wounds threatened open again. Exertion could kill her. Not resisting could kill her. Once again, a rock and a hard place.

Screaming, Katha fumbled for the bronze shard she recovered and drove it into the blood-crazed proctor's throat. Redness flowed freely, but even as the man died by inches he never stopped trying to eat her.

Heart racing, pain deadened by adrenaline and clothes stained by fresh blood not her own, the young Devil amidst a concert of blood fled as fast as her legs could carry her.

Out of the frying pan, and into the fire.


The hills were alive with the sounds of slaughter.

If the scene she saw in the Realmgate was gruesome, what she saw happen beneath an open sky was truly awful. Villages and cities alight with struggle and the flames thereof as families turned upon themselves in salacious consumption, driven mad by the blood red mist that clouded the skies. Lightning continued to rain upon the desert she called home, and Katha could not help but wonder if this was the work of Gaius Antonius. He had rejected the summons to join the war, too. He was also bound for a Secret Realm.

But where she wandered into the mountains, he ventured deep into the caves beneath the watchful gaze of the Archgetes.

"Gaius, I swear to fuck, if you've done something stupid--"

She never got to finish that thought. Deadened by the wounds wrought of Wulong, her senses failed to notice the blood-mad patrols higher up the mountain before they had almost descended upon her. She drew the Hornsword with a flash, let instinct and training take over, and split the first to descend from head to toe with a crescent moon gash. The other one hit the ground a distance away and charged at her, teeth like knives and nails like saws.

As Katha moved from swing to backswing, her limbs cried out in pain as her shoulder wound tore back open and a fresh rivulet of blood sprang forth. One arm down, she let the Hornsword drop and balled her remaining fist instead. She had one strike left in her before it was all over, so this one had to count.

A second thought and her fist opened into an open palm, each finger held open and splayed like a tiger's claw.

In the skies above, unbeknownst to her, golden lines began carving themselves into the firmament of the clouds and dispelled the redness where they touched.

The maddened scion leapt at her, fangs open and claws splayed. She threw a punch forward, feeling her skin tear as she made contact through the blades and the swords and the steel. All but stripped to the bone, her arm made contact, and her fingers made contact.

Digging hard, tearing through muscle and bone, Katha Theodoros snatched the heart of the blood-crazed right as the sanity returned to his eyes and tears began to flow, as Qi fell from the heavens and treasures of glorious shimmering gold descended from the skies. As she clenched her fist hard and flesh turned to gore, the man blubbered a response before the life left him.

"Thank… you…"

He fell limp not a second after, sliding off her arm now soaked with gore up to the elbow, at least some of it her own. For a long second, she looked at her own hand, and wondered why she had to do what she did.

Then reality knocked her back on her ass as she looked up and saw the four characters that hung over in the sky.


Her breath hitched. That could not be anything good.

She looked around in a hurry. The mist was gone and the lightning no longer rained, but the carnage remained and the feast within the Realmgate was likely to continue. The madness was over but the chaos had only just begun.

She needed to get back to the desert, and quickly. And that meant crossing the territories of two Mountain Clans that were now definitely going to be flush with Blood Path Bandits. While she was crippled. And, still standing in the Twelfth Heavenstage, would be prime cut beef for any Blood Path Monster scoring for a nice meal.

And the moment she looked down the road, there was another Cultivator coming right for her, holding a knife in hand and winding up for a throw. Which she, blind and weak and wounded, will definitely not be able to block and would probably struggle to dodge.

It was really looking like nothing but fights until she got home.

"Ah," she lamented, clenching her bloody fist as she brought it up again, her only available weapon, "Fuck me sideways."

"While you lament your life choices, tilt your head to the side."

Obediently, instinctively, Katha did so. And as the new Cultivator threw the dagger, a white-faced sword thrown from behind her knocked it to the ground. Dumbfounded, the blood-crazed Qiguai Cultivator did not see the black sword that trailed in its shadow before it cleaved his head off, before both white and black swords flew back the way they came and were caught by a cloaked man standing a fair distance behind Katha.

She turned to face him as he sheathed his swords, one by his side and the over over his shoulder, and Katha's breath hitched again as he saw the bronze of his skin, the gravebronze mail he wore underneath that cloak, the red-turned-white hair and hard grey eyes that lurked beneath his hood. Even from this distance, that gaze pierced right through her.

And so Shu Enya tilted his head. "Young Lady, you look like you disregarded everything I told you before you came here."

Her voice trembled as the strength left her arm and she let it drop, and as she began to lean forwards the man raced forward to catch her, leaning her head against his chest as he clapped her on the other shoulder, eliciting a wince.

Shu Enya withdrew his hand, then gently placed it on the top of her head instead. "Sorry. Are you okay?"

"Y…Yeah." She looked up, never feeling more relieved than she had been in her entire life. Is this what it was like to be a Young Master and have someone to look out for you, without even asking? "Father… Not that I don't appreciate that you're here, but why are you here?"

He grunted, looking out for further stragglers before leading her deeper into the woods, where there might be cover. "To keep an eye on you. I already let you go to one Secret Realm without an escort. I'm not doing it again. Come on, we're leaving."


Looking over the shoulder, as the path they came through was swallowed up by more and more mountain foliage, as normality returned and a sense of security set in, the oddest thought came to her mind.

"Father, why didn't you help me sooner?"

"I was fighting a receptionist in the Realmgate," he replied nonchalantly. "By the time I came out, you'd just crushed someone's heart. Decided to give you a minute to process that first."

"...Thank you for being so considerate, I guess." A beat. Katha smirked. "Principales Theodoros."

"Anytime, Centurion Theodoros," he said back without missing a beat. "But if I may speak frankly, Centurion?" Katha began to speak, but he cut her off first. "You're an idiot. Don't go seeking death like that ever again."



As the caravan trundled on, the consequences of the Blood Mist continued to show themselves.

"What a shitshow," Katha sighed, as she watched the mountains they had left behind. Even now, she could almost hear the sounds of fighting, brother on brother and father on son. However brief the actual Blood Mist had been, its echoes would scar the Region for centuries to come. Idly, she wondered if the Nascent Beetle she met in the Man-As-Mountain Array noticed at all. Probably not; his concern was, and will be, the maintenance of the Array.

Shu Enya grunted, but his eyes were shut as he tried to rest, even as his own mind was surely sharp and alert for the slightest sign of trouble. Every so often he would open one eye and peer out the window, before shutting it and going back to sleep. His blades were sheathed, but their sheathes were on his lap, presumably for easy access. Katha did not expect him to have reforged the broken blade by now, but there it was, now returned to her father's hands as it should have been.

She closed her eyes as well, trying to put the chaos of the fighting out of her mind. They were past the foothills of the Hard Shell Mountains now and back in Clan territory, and the Golden Devils have long been attentive to keeping the Blood Path at bay. Even with the Blood Mist, not too many of their kinsmen should have fallen, and those who did should not be a problem for long. Or at least, not a problem for her right now.

Idly, she thought inwards, intuitively knowing that her Dantian now struggled to channel Qi with four Meridians ruptured, an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach like she had eaten something unpleasant, or worse. She thought to experiment with her current capacity, and with a breath began to cycle, trying to flush her Meridians open.

"Katha," he spoke suddenly, before she could really begin, and her breath hitched. Katha opened her eyes and saw her father's piercing gaze stab right through her, sternly shaking his head. "Don't. You'll do more damage, some of it long-term."

She exhaled hard. It was hard. Even when she was pathetic, she was at least able to breathe and cycle properly. Now she was all but useless, and facing a long and arduous road to recovery. If that were even possible. But he was right of course. Of course he was.

"...So did you hear anything about the war?" Katha asked. If she could not cultivate, she could at least make conversation. "How did the Mist affect everything?"

"I did not go to the front, so I can't tell you the full truth, but news is already filtering back from the east." Eyes closed, he nodded once firmly. "Apparently, we won."

She nodded. They owned the field, then. That left just the Underworld Spirit Palace and possibly each of the Clan Mines to siege, which was probably for the other Legions to settle. The 501st, if they survived the mission, would probably be retasked to the other stuff happening out west. "That's good, then. How long until the Jingshen Clan surrenders, do you think?"

"Last year, as it turns out. Unconditionally."

Her eyebrow rose, and Enya matched it with just one eye open. "As I said, just rumors," he reiterated, though both of them knew the implications of an unconditional surrender. Either Old Jingshen and Lady Jiao had cut their losses and run…

…Or a lot had happened in the last twenty years.

"Nevermind baseless rumors, though," Shu said with a sigh, and so he opened both eyes and leaned forward. "Tell me about the young man who crippled you."

"What's there to tell? He was of the Jingshen Bei, he had an immensely powerful bow, and he outplayed me from the very beginning. I was on the backfoot the entire time, from start to finish." A deep breath, in and out. Just thinking about all of that made her skin crawl and her frustrations build. "The only reason I'm alive is dumb luck."

Her father nodded. "Is there anything you could have done better?"

"I could have run faster."

"Then you did everything you could have," he said simply. "Focus on recovery, not revenge. If it helps, remember that while he won the battle, his Clan lost the War. In a certain and decisive fashion."

"...His name is Wulong," Katha added, after a moment's pause. "Jingshen Bei Wulong."

"Soon," her father said frankly, "He will only be Wulong."

It would take a long time for Katha to understand why that simple statement felt so difficult to her.


Waycastle Myia was as lively as it ever was. That is to say, reasonably so, but nowhere near enough to be expected of the headquarters of an actual Legion. Aretaphilla was still away, being debriefed by the Protostrator and the Archgetes at the Dawn Fortress, but that left the rest of the command cadre to welcome her back into the fold.

Which was why she yelped in pain as Alexandria applied a cleansing ointment upon her chest wound, the older redhead simply looking her in the eye without a single twitch or spasm, the perfect picture of calm.

"That should do it," said Alexandria Drakos, keeping an eye on her even as she returned to a tablet and took notes on, presumably, treatment methods. "You're a Centurion, and the Legatus has a lot resting on your shoulders, so your recovery isn't going to be a matter of if, but when. Glad to see you back though, Theodoros. Yuan and Qiguai are apparently in a world of hurt right now."

Right now, Katha was in a world of hurt. But she did not say that, because there was always an edge to Alexandria Drakos even if she only ever directed her ire at Aegus. "Thanks… So how did the War go?"

Alexandria snorted a laugh. "We won, unconditionally. It got dicey near the end when Old Jingshen showed up right in front of us, but then the Legatus spat in his eye and dared him to give her a proper fight."

"She must have an actual death wish," Katha remarked, which Alexandria laughed at.

"Or she has no respect for authority she does not acknowledge, even the ones that can kill her. But no, the Archgetes was nearby and intervened before he killed Old Jingshen where he stood." She winced, then shook her head. "I'm still trying to get over seeing two Nascent Souls fight, let alone one of them die. Just goes to show what we're working towards, really."

"Wow. That almost makes me wish I was there."

"You were, in a sense," Alexandria said with a wink, and at Katha's quizzical frown she simply produced the Helmet of XXI from a space under her bed. "Centurion XXI was involved in the fighting, Legatus' orders. She really wanted someone to tote the flag even though you were out there in the Qiguai Secret Realm doing some soul searching."

That… was probably why Aretaphilla let her go without so much as a problem. Change the topic, quickly. "How was it?"

"Exhilarating," Alexandria said with a twinkle in her eye. "I wouldn't mind doing it again, Theodoros! Though, the cuirass was unusually spacious. I had to wear extra padding, so it was hotter than I was used to."

"...Noted under consideration."

"Well, in any case your regular wounds should heal properly within the next three months. Though," Alexandria said, and with a light chuckle she patted Katha's chest. "Props to the archer who shot you here, though. This is the cleanest arrow wound I've ever seen, Theodoros. Not so much as a bruise on the girls!"

"I don't think he was trying to be considerate!" Katha whined, and she quickly crossed her arms around herself, bringing about more of Alexandria's musical laughter. "It's a freak accident! Stop it, Alexandria!"

"Oh, you are such a delight, Katha. It's so hard not to have a little fun!" A wistful sigh and she returned to her tablet. "I have to ask, though… Was it worth it? Because honestly, even discounting… this, we could have used you on the war front. The mission was dicey through and through, even without the encounter with Old Jingshen at the end."

Katha nodded. Ultimately, she left in search of answers, and she found it - well, one - in the end. Getting crippled sucks, but it is just validation of what she had thought of from the beginning: The Heavens weren't fair. This was just another roll of the cosmic dice. However far she climbed, she could not afford to not reach for every opportunity she could.

Not least because she now knew an idea of what her family used to be like. And if she was going to try and avert that fate for herself, she had to get stronger, on her own merits. It was no good if she rose to power, only to become an unthinking soldier.

Even if she still yearned to destroy the enemies of the Imperator.

"...Well, as long as it's worth it, then." Turning back to her work, Alexandria suddenly turned back around to her. "Oh, by the way, the Jingshen who nearly killed you was from the Jingshen Bei, right?" Katha nodded, and Alexandria's smirk grew slightly more vindictive. "Well, just so you know, the Archgetes paid the Jingshen Bei a visit a few years before the final clash over the Underworld Spirit Palace, and…"


Broken road tiles, shattered outposts, fallen fortresses and roadside shrines by the hundreds. Golden Devil patrols by the hundreds sweeping across the lands of his family. Where once there were great monuments were now but ruins, toppled in the fighting. Yangshen Fort is fallen, Haoshen Fort is fallen, Wangshen Fort is fallen. True Son Peak, smashed open. Even the Underworld Spirit Palace at the very heart of the Clan is all but gone, only the intermittent sounds of struggle coming forth from time to time.

When he had left, the Clan still stood strong, dominant even. Now there was barely a Jingshen Clan left. The Grand Elders were both dead, slain at the hands of Manuel Konstantinos and the spear he carried with him, something the Elders said was a new tool in his arsenal never before seen. Haggard, sullen, the spirit stolen from them, the only Clansmen he saw that still carried any of their dignity were the dead.

When Jingshen Bei Wulong finally returned to the lands of the Jingshen Bei, he found no dignity left in the shambling corpses he called family.

His return was not even remarked upon with scorn. They - his cousins, his uncles, those of 'proper stock' who had long scorned him and his half-blood heritage - simply shuffled along their lives, heedless of his existence. Everywhere he went, as he ventured deeper into the underearth of the mine, was the same sight. Broken, battered, hopeless wretches, no more of the pride of the Jingshen left in them.

Even as he finally returned to the estates of his family, and his return was remarked upon by the family retainers. Or at least, one young man who looked haggard and barely able to stand and keep on living, even as he fell upon his knees and shed tears at Wulong's feet.

"Brother… Big brother, you're back…" His heart ached as he realised who it was. Dalin, now all grown up, a Cultivator himself - broken and without hope. Another victim of the devastation that had befallen his family. He fell upon one knee immediately and cupped his brother's cheek with one hand, brushing the hair from his eyes with the other.

"Tell me, Dalin," he said, his face blank but his chest overcome with emotion that threatened to spill out. "What happened? How did we lose? How many died?"

Dalin told him as much as he could, until he knew no more, and that was when his other brothers had come. Mao'er had perished, driven fully mad by the strike that struck the Jingshen Bei low, never to find himself ever again until he starved to death just months ago. And it was a common tale, a common refrain, the tale of the Jingshen Bei.

What had happened to his family, Wulong asked.

Manuel Konstantinos happened, his family responded, and in his infinite cruelty, he thought to offer the Bei mercy. A single blow, targeted at every single member of the Jingshen Bei within their heartlands as they readied to muster for war, perfectly targeted and perfectly distributed. Every last one of them had suffered unimaginable nightmares that paralysed them fully and soul. In the aftermath of the attack perhaps a thousand woke up the next day, and that was too pathetic a force to hold back the Legions of Bronze that descended upon their homes and shattered the dantians of their most promising and most capable sons and daughters.

They called it the Nightmare of Jingshen Bei, for what happened was too terrible to comprehend, too awful for anyone to accept as the truth. But it had been the truth. A nightmare had come to life, gripped them by the throat, and broken them over the knee in a single blow, the unmitigated mercy of a Nascent Soul, Old Gold cometh to deliver upon his most ancient of threats.

His father was alive, but Elder Bei Wushan had ensconced himself in closed door Cultivation since the day the Bei surrendered alongside all the other Core Elders, their failure total and their legacy broken. No one knew if they were meditating upon their next course of action or if they were about to take their lives to show penance. No one even knew if they were still alive; they had vanished for years at this point, with strict instructions not to disturb them. Not that any had bothered; Manuel Konstantinos had already killed Grand Elders Junjie and Jiao, and the nightmare could never end anyways. All they could hope now was that not too many of them would starve and die in the following years.

A chapter had closed on their lives. No more would the Jingshen own the eastern mines of the Desert. Their plenty, their magnanimity, was now at an end.

For all that his kinsmen had suffered, and they had certainly suffered a waking nightmare, Wulong did not know if they had suffered more or if he had.

Yet, for all the Jingshen Bei had suffered, the Core Clan suffered even more. Most of them were dead or dying, or waiting to become the dead or dying. Hainan was dead, obliterated by Light Qi at Haoshen Fort. Hei'en was dead, put down by Golden Devils when he succumbed to the Blood Mist and consumed a dozen of his own kin to boost himself immediately through to Foundation Establishment. The one he had promised to avenge and the one who bound him to that promise were both dead, after all that he had done to do right by his kin.

The Clear Compass Bow on his back wailed in grief at what had become of his creator's descendants and his creator's brother's descendants. But there was nothing he could do. The Golden Devils were here, in force, and he stood in pathetic Qi Condensation.

There was nothing else for him or his family here. It was time to move on. To start anew. And as the only member of his immediate family who knew anything of surviving without being waited upon hand and foot, with his father broken and his brothers dead or hopeless, the burden of supporting his younger brothers and sisters now fell upon him.

Somehow, being needed was the worst part of it all.


"What are we going to do, big brother Wulong?"

"…I don't know."


A/N: And so concludes this trilogy of omake. It was fun writing, even if this entire third part reads more like an epilogue than the last act. If I'd split up the previous part, then I probably could have called this the epilogue, but oh well. Next up: the Poison Crushing Siege! @Alectai, @TehChron, @Humbaba, @Kaboomatic, a threadmark would be well appreciated!
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Xiao Yingzi 39 - [Turn 12] [Campfire Lectures]
Xiao Yingzi 39
[Turn 12]
[Campfire Lectures]

Steady light from spirit-stone lanterns lit up the area, casting long shadows from the many figures gathered in the sands, leaning forward to listen to better listen. Some had chosen to stand, while others had arranged blankets or carried in stones to sit on. They were all here for instruction or perhaps simply curious about what was going on.

They all focused on a man in the middle of them, talking animatedly in front of a large flat rock and holding a chalk-stone marker to illustrate his words. His words on the importance of step techniques and how they could be used to mitigate the weaknesses of the bloodline was interesting, but he wasn't the only man who had stood there and spoken there that night.

Last-minute instruction from one centurion had somehow turned into a series of lectures from all seniors to juniors. At some point, a sword cultivator had dragged in the large rock and sliced it in half to demonstrate sword intent. The ones after him had begun to use it as a board, turning their camp into a makeshift classroom.

Xiao Yingzi stood up as the current speaker finished up and began to walk towards the board, taking the chalk-stone from his hand as he clapped her back in encouragement. It was a strange sort of comradery. She supposed that she was fairly young for a centurion, only luck in cultivation placing her among those teaching rather than those who were being taught.

Still, she wasn't particularly worried. Luck had only brought her so far, the rest she had grasped through planning and preparation. That would have to be the core of her lecture tonight, but she took a moment to consider how best to go about that. She wanted to impart wisdom, but more than that, she wanted to make an impression.

She was going to recruit for her century soon, after all.

Xiao Yingzi glanced at the rock for a moment as she stopped in front of it, considering if she wanted to to use it as those before her had. After several lecturers opted for it, the board had become a common fixture in all the lectures. Using it would let her become more a part of her peers, but not using it would make her stand out in the minds of her juniors.

It was inefficient. She finally decided. Instead of using the board, she turned towards the legionnaires directly. Spreading her hands, she conjured a minor illusion in front of her. It didn't show anything but floating lights, but with a thought it could show an image that could illustrate her thoughts far better than any tedious writing.

Then, looking at the many juniors seated on the sand before her - she considered how to best begin. Perhaps a more practical exercise? "Early in my career, I was a scout." She began, looking at each of her listeners by turn. "The scouts are the eyes of the legion, allowing us to see the movements of armies in war in the same manner your eyes see an enemy's movements in battle."

Several of her juniors nodded at the comparison. Even those without any training in logistics and strategy could appreciate that sort of metaphor. After all, what kind of a legionnaire didn't know battle? Moving her fingers to manipulate the illusion, formed a map from her memory. "The reason I bring this up is because we are in enemy territory and this deep, we can all benefit from their lessons." She paused and turned towards the crowd once more. "Now, how many of you recognize what this map represents?"

Most of the hands went up at her question and several of her seniors looked at the map in amusement. Of course they all would know this place. She nodded to one of the raised hands - a young girl in the fifth heavenstage answered. Only in her thirties by the look of her - fairly talented but likely rushed to the front-lines.

"That is the map of the surroundings from the Dawn Fortress." The girl answered excitedly, seeming very eager to please. Someone to keep an eye on, perhaps? The centurion wondered. Those sorts tended to have the highest loyalty when molded correctly.

"Good," Xiao Yingzi complimented, making sure to smile at her. "Now, assume this is the information you were given by a scout. Can you identify which places would be the most likely areas you'd want to camp in, if you were invading the area?"

The girl answered quickly and confidently, trying to rely only on the map that had been given to her. Having trained in the area, it was obviously hard for her to separate what she knew from what she was shown. It was an admirable effort, though ultimately Xiao Yingzi knew she was still relying on certain assumptions.

Then she called up a boy who was itching to present a rebuttal and he did, offering several countermeasures to her invasion plans, obviously drawing on information from his own training. When Xiao Yingzi simply smiled and nodded at him, she noted how the girl slumped at the approval. She would definitely have to approach her later.

"As you can see, one of them tried to rely only on the information given." Xiao Yingzi replied, nodding at the girl who perked up. "The other relied on the information only someone who has lived in an area could possess." She stopped for a moment, letting the audience run through the implication before she continued. "This very much mirrors the information disparity between invaders and defenders. Can someone tell me what we are trained for?"

It was a senior who raised a hand this time, in age if not cultivation and Xiao Yingzi bowed, allowing him to answer. "We are trained as defenders. It is what us Golden Devils excel at." He answered, his voice addressing all present. "But now we are invaders. It would do us all well to remember the difference between the two."

The juniors, she noted, were looking at her map with a far more focused gaze. With a nod of thanks, she continued with the lesson. She quizzed the girl, who seemed to have double-downed on only considering information presented and as the boy replied in answer, Xiao Yingzi focused more on including the whole group so that none may be left out.

She asked various questions about how they would hide in the territory and what steps they would take to counter such enemies, pitting them against each other. Some questions were harder than the others, but there was always someone with a correct answer. By the point, she was half way through the time she had given herself, the entire group was engaged in the exercise she had started.

She had stopped asking questions at some point and fallen back to simply moderating the discussion they were having. Finally, she held up her hand and the discussion paused as the group focused on her once more. "First of all, good work with the discussion." Xiao Yingzi said, glancing at her impromptu students. "But now I want to show you a different area." With a flourish, she wiped the map and drew another one. "All of you were fairly knowledgeable when it came to the last territory. But who can identify this one?"

Again, there was a sense of recognition among everyone but the number of hands that rose were much less than before. "You." She said, pointing towards a man in the eighth heavenstage that was visibly old. He smirked at her as she called on him, likely grasping what point she was trying to make.

"That is Jingshen Territory." The old man told her. "In fact, it is the very territory that we are currently deployed in." Xiao Yingzi inclined her head in acknowledgement and the man sat down, already knowing she wouldn't call on him for the next part. She turned to the young and inexperienced ones. The ones who had little if any experience outside the Dawn Fortress.

"Now," She asked, smiling down at her hesitant juniors. "Who can tell me of the best points of attack and the likely countermeasures that may have been prepared?"
Diomedes Cestus - Legion
Adding the legion Diomedes is part of since i missed the original post.

137th Legion, The Forge of Bronze Legion:

Legate Augustus
Motto: "To forge the motes of dust into unyielding bronze".
Centurions:Diomedes Cestus,Centurion Steelbeard,??
A stream of dots entering a forge and bronze blooded exiting from the other end.
Situated near the dawn fortress The forge of Bronze are a small sized legion and are and responsible for assisting in the training of many of the raw recruits that lack anything to make them stand out before they leave the dawn fortress for their legions .
The legion legionnaires tend to take the less glamorous jobs such as patrols,farming,and the mass of the lower tier alchemy,and array crafting that the specialist legions would be wasted on.
The veterans of the 137th are considered to be highly skilled trainers and their services are highly sought after in to assist in the training and growth of new legionnaires.
Once a batch of legionnaires is considered by their legions to be of adequete skill level and might they leave the dawn fortress to do their duties under their legions elsewhere.

@Alectai, @TehChron, @Humbaba, @Kaboomatic
Antonius Emmanuel Eleanora 71 - Antonius and Xiao Yingzi Associated Legions
Link for Legion Post. Add this to Antonius please.
43rd Legion, The Best of the Best Men.
Legate Seneca the Physician
"Bronze when polished, shines brightest."
A bronze silhouette with a fist raised high on a field of black.

Revived by the Legate Alcaeus the Strong, it was originally a legion of body cultivators. Under his vision, he forged a legion that sought perfection of the blood of bronze, in both a physical and philosophical sense. While the resultant legionnaires are primarily warrior-philosophers, they have also developed a unique culture of nutritionists or health-focused food cultivators and bloodline-focused bronze-smiths. Every smith and nutritionist is also expected to maintain enough fitness to participate in battle and every combatant is expected to know enough to take care of their own bodies. The members of this legion generally lack any distinctive arts instead focusing entirely on the clan formations and when alone, their physical strength. That, along with their focus on discipline and self-mastery has led to a culture that favors soldiers over warriors.

They are highly militarised in battle and even during training, disputes tend to follow a well-established pattern of debate and formalised duels. With Alcaeus focusing much of his attention on training his legion, many of the less spectacular graduates of general training are often sent here. With his death however, the legion has been taken over by his late teacher - the thousand year old physician Seneca who only broke through due to Elder Duca's attentions. He is much more hands off compared to his predecessor and while much of the previous culture is still maintained, the competency has fallen except in the field of medicine as expected with a physician as Legate.
[Credit Quest 1 2]

| | | | | | | | |​

96th Legion, House Taurus
Legate 'Matriarch' Ariadne Taurus
"Blood above heart, but none above bronze."
A bronze spiral with a bull's head at the centre on an earthy field.

The 96th legion has been under the control of the Taurus House for millenia despite the mark-up for recruiting relatives into the same legion. They maintain a fund that is added to by each member that allows them to ensure that any blood relative or promising candidates are added to the legion. They are assigned to one of smaller cohorts within the legion - each dedicated to a specific speciality of the family. Members work here and are taught the advanced skill-sets necessary for their art. Legion members are assigned their speciality during an aptitude test before general training and upon graduating are allowed to take a second name that better reflects their ideals.

Much of this is tolerated due to the family's traditional devotion to the clan as a whole and the usefulness of their family techniques. As long as it's led by an elder in Core Formation, the Labyrinthine Thread technique practised by the Taurus family can create a metaphysical web of qi that allows sharing of power akin to the clan formations but put to use in the creation of arrays. Though it is most famous for its use in battle, it is most often used outside of that due to its vulnerability to the slightest tremor in one's dao heart. Primarily, its use is during array creation and maintenance where it allows incredible feats of productivity that are often crucial in the wake of the Hundred Year Trials.

Outsiders are sometimes recruited based upon talent and potential and are then added to an appropriate cohort. Originally treated as auxiliary vassals, the most loyal and skilled were further tied to the family through adoption or marriage. In its modern form, former matriarch Wilhemina has refined it into the Specialist system. Members of the House who don't show interest in their specialities or similar outsiders who were considered promising but who didn't fit with her family's arts are labelled specialists who are kept separate from the legion's traditional cohorts and allowed to operate freely. So long as they tithe a degree of contribution points to the legion funds, they were free to take any work they wished.
[Credit Quest 1 2 3]

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1178th Legion, The Unbowed
Current Legate: None
"Through Innumerable Deaths, Unshaken"
A Bronze Skull with a Banner of Black

An ancient legion that was known to resort to sacrificial rituals, using their deaths to harm their enemy or empower their allies. It was wiped out in the Hundred Year Trial that occured two centuries before Archigetes Konstantinos took control of the clan in a last stand that allowed others to escape against a powerful group of hunters. The current likely inheritor of the Legion is one Centurion Xiao Yingzi should she make it to Core. She has found two artifacts of the Legion - a Banner turned Spear that contained fragments of the wills of many former legates that had been lost in the Qiguai Secret Realm before the clan was forced into the desert and a Ring found in the site of the Legion's Last Stand that can feed on the willing death of legionnaires to empower centurions and store lives as a form of life-saving treasure.
[Credit occipitallobe, Quest, 1, 2, 3]
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Victor Wulf 5: Victor Wulf & Lipita Delphi – Seeing the Sights and Shooting the Breeze
Victor Wulf 5: Victor Wulf & Lipita Delphi – Seeing the Sights and Shooting the Breeze

"Ahh, that hits the spot," Victor Wulf groaned out loud.

He stretched out his full form in the wooden tub, holding on to the sides of the container as he curled his toes. He was in his quarters in the Dawn Fortress using the installed facilities to luxuriate in a herbal bath rather than ordinary hot water. The contents of the tub he was in resembled a thick tea, it being a dark brown colored fluid with chopped up Spirit Herbs floating in it. In fact, when Lipita had first walked him through the process of setting up the bath, it had seemed odd to cook up his bath in a cauldron before pouring it into the tub and climbing in afterward. Now it was a familiar part of his cultivation practice. His childhood imaginings of cultivators in meditation certainly hadn't included spending hours soaking in a tub to try and absorb spiritual energy.

"I have to remember to thank Lipita for getting me these heating array plates," he muttered to himself, sinking in as deep as he could without entirely submerging his face, "They work so much better than the last set."

Tonight and for several weeks past, he was not practicing his body cultivation but tending to his wounds. Dr. Pep's Miraculous Tea Bath might have sounded ridiculous but as was the case with most products from his Legion, it served its purpose commendably if with a few unusual side effects. The 499th Legion was an excellent home for a body cultivator who required novel training methods and resources to advance his cultivation because of the workings of a little know bloodline mutation. Victor floated just on the surface of the herbal bath for several moments and then closed his eyes as he dove deeper, holding his breath. He shifted his qi cycle from the slow meandering pattern that accompanied the passive cleansing process of steeping in the bath and began a faster harsher scouring purge.

Qiguai. It all led back to his experience in the dimension warped madness of the secret realm. After the success of his deployment to One-Boat Pass despite the danger and risk, he had given serious thought to following Lipita's example. The tale she recounted to him after her return from the Yuan Man-as-Mountain Array emphasized the potential rewards and commensurate risk of challenging one of those perilous locales. He had weighed the odds and assessed his strengths and decided to take a chance on himself. He had settled on obtaining a token to venture through the Qiguai Realmgate, judging that his constitution might just give him an edge no matter how minor in a place where the very environment was the greatest threat. The cost of his entrance and further purchasing a life-saving treasure to hopefully provide him with some margin of safety in his journey had mostly depleted his funds even with the credit he had received for facing off against that Elemental Fire wielder.

Much could be said about his time in the barely tethered demiplane that was the Qiguai secret realm. He'd faced dangerous beasts, evaded other cultivators, survived against an utterly hostile environment, and triumphed over his greatest within that domain, himself. Unfortunately, while he could never know exactly how many perils his Dull Bronze constitution preserved him from during his journey, he could bitterly remember the opportunities it had blocked off from him. He'd been ignored and dismissed by both threat and opportunity, unable to access several ruins he had come across because he was quite frankly too impermeable to whatever sensors determined access. A few minor gains in his cultivation had come from crude advancement by ingesting Spirit Herbs he'd recognized from both generalized Aspirant training and remedial lessons with Lipita. It was his desperation to prove the risk and expense of his expedition not wasted that had led him to take such reckless actions with the artifact he had stumbled upon.

The Spiral Qi Map, as he had later learned it was called, had been an ever-shifting constellation of stars formed from qi that created a strange diorama of flowing waves and static interference. He'd struggled futilely for several days trying to get some use out of the artifact, unable to move it and settling on learning to interpret the display hoping for clues that would lead him to some other treasure. In the end, the very first concrete benefit he derived from the Spiral Qi Map was a warning that a distortion storm was bearing down upon his position. From experience, he knew better to wait for the relentless advance of the storm front of qi that warped space, twisted matter, and strained time. Unable to give up on seizing some reward, he'd strained against the Spiral Qi Map's fixings one last time trying to port away from the artifact but only managing to break off a large piece of the artifact. His fortune in that was as mixed as anything else he's experienced in the secret realm. His mishandling had caused an explosion that flooded him with foreign qi, leaving light lingering wounds but that same infusion of qi had imprinted into his body some of the characteristics of the artifact. He did not know truly know the full scope of the change – that was what tomorrow's testing was for – but he was unmistakably aware that he no longer need envy Lipita or any other peer's perception of qi at a distance. Call it a backhanded gift of the Fates or not, but it was during his departure from the Realmgate that he turned an ambush upon a Jingshen cultivator and managed to win off her two Flame Spirit Flowers. Those Average Spirit Herbs had pushed him all the way to the 9th Heavenstage when prepared in a quite literally magma hot immersion within the Seven Flame Iron Crucible. He'd resembled cooked lobster for days after that bout of body cultivation.

Bubbles frothed to the surface of the herbal concoction surrounding Victor as he emptied his, forcing out all the accumulated foreign qi he had dredged out in this session. It was a slow-going effort removing the qi that had settled improperly within his form. Whatever spiritual energies had gone into the Spiral Qi Map were a grade above what Victor could perceive much more handle. The Dr. Pep's Miraculous Tea Bath he'd obtained from the Legate himself was doing most of the work, his only contribution being to guide it along within his body. With a rush of falling water, he rose out of the tub judging that tonight's session was as successful as it would go. He stepped out of the tub and tunneled off, before getting dressed. He had an appointment with Elder Ypsilanti tomorrow and the venerable cultivator was best met well refreshed and rested.


"Hmm, these are certainly interesting results," Elder Ypsilanti said to Victor Wulf, tapping her right index finger against her chin.

They were in the senior cultivator's offices, an oddly messy space compared to the neat and meticulously put-together workshop Victor had been spending a lot of his time in. That one appointment with Ypsilanti had transformed into a week's of testing as the elder began her assessment of Victor's newly altered constitution and began increasingly fascinated by her findings. What she had taken to calling the Spiral Mapping Constitution had prompted Ypsilanti to form up a team of subordinate researchers to put Victor through an exhaustive barrage of tests, drills, and exercises, both within and outside the Dawn Fortress, and the Tall Wheat Fields. Ypsilanti had announced that her investigation was concluded yesterday and invited Victor Wulf to her personal office to discuss the findings with him.

"When I tipped Onassis that you might be a good fit for his Legion, I didn't think my recommendation would be prophetic," Ypsilanti said looking up from the documents at her desk, "You certainly bore out my prediction that your bloodline would provide the novelty that the Promethean Philosophers chase but it seems you have also managed to acquire their reckless disregard for good sense without the benefit of the genius that is the common trait of your Legion. What were you thinking, damaging an artifact like that?"

"What exactly did you expect me to do with a Qi Distortion Storm bearing down on me?" Victor protested, "Make no attempt whatsoever to secure the Spiral Qi Map?"

"Yes! I expect you to do just that!" The glare Ypsilanti fixed Victor with made him lean back in his seat, trying to eke some small distance from that burning regard, "You don't clumsily grope around with strange artifacts and you most certainly don't try to break them apart with your bare hands. That is a recipe for disaster. Boy, you are very lucky to be alive right now."

"What do you mean?" Victor asked, "I know there was an explosion when the Map was damaged but I got only a light injury from the blast."

"Truly the Fates favor fools and madmen," Ypsilanti said shaking her head ruefully, "That blast you speak so lightly dumped a hefty amount of potent qi in you which you should know from your own reports of your cleansing efforts. Anyone else less resilient at the epicenter of such an eruption would have been crippled or outright killed by their body being distorted by such an infusion of spiritual energies. I don't know if your Dull Bronze Constitution is what makes you so thick-headed but it certainly dampened the effect of the Map's qi on you, somehow managing to be more benefit than harm despite your every effort to do otherwise."

"So I made the choice with the best outcome?" Victor quickly changed tack as he saw the elder's hands tense, "What exactly did your assessments find? You certainly put me through the wringer for them."

"Blessed Imperator save me from rash idiots and their foolhardiness," Ypsilanti sighed before explaining the results, "Most of what we did was just to confirm the details of what you reported earlier. Your encounter with the Spiral Qi Map appears to have massively expanded your perception of qi around you. The tests put your qi-sense as spanning almost fifty li. That is the kind of range you normally see in specialized Foundation Establishment Experts or standard for Core Formation Elders."

Continuing on she said, "Thankfully it seems like the full scope of your qi-sense requires some minimal level of focus even if your passive perception is still significantly greater than before. You don't have to worry about dealing with sensing everything that's in range at all times. I imagine that comes as a relief."

"Yeah, it's great to confirm that," Victor admitted, "It might have allowed me to avoid some dangers during my return but it has been a bit much adjusting to all the new sensations constantly coming at me."

"If you follow through with the exercises and techniques included in the training regimen I will give you at the end of this meeting, that won't be a problem for long. If you're particularly diligent despite the inevitable discomfort, you could have the full breadth of your qi-sense available to you at all times, giving you a perceptive depth unmatched in your great realm except by some of the best sensates in the Clan like the Delphi." Ypsilanti said.

Victor grinned at the thought. "That would be nice."

"It's good to see you are still as full of grit as ever," Ypsilanti said in approval, "Moving on with the observations we made, the range of your qi-sense was nothing special if well advanced for your realm. What was unexpected was the accuracy of your perception. Almost everyone experiences a degradation in the quality of their qi-sense the further away they are from what they're feeling for. Not you apparently. You maintained near-supreme accuracy all throughout your sensory radius. Even more remarkable was that you completely ignored anything but omnidirectional shielding of qi signatures."

"Huh," Victor asked, not quite understanding, "Could you explain a bit more?"

Ypsilanti took him back to one of the tests they'd conducted with him. "Recall the experiments we had you perform with the Spirit Jade in the sealed and open boxes. A sample in a box whose opening faced away from you was expected to have had a weaker qi signature to your perception than one facing towards you if only minutely and differentiated more starkly with increasing distance from you. We discovered no such thing. Near or far, whatever direction the opening was pointing to, you had equal sensitivity. Only complete occlusion worked."

Victor's senior looked straight at him. "Based on the various observations we made, I will tentatively conclude that you are in possession of a rare gift. Whatever qi-sense you have now appears to work through subtle spatial manipulation making sure that you are effectively as close to any one area within your sensory radius as another. This is an incredible opportunity for you. Most juniors don't have such intimate access to phenomena affecting such fundamental principles. If you are able to deepen your comprehension of how the Dao touches matters of space, you will be very well served."

"Don't get swollen-headed," she warned him after her declaration, "There's still so much for you to do to truly develop this potential. As wide as your perception is, you struggled in every test scenario to maintain focus on multiple signatures at the same time. Likewise, your ability to interpret exactly what you were sensing was not encouraging. Who mistakes Golden Fire Orchids for Ashen Grave Lilies?"

Ypsilanti ignored his feeble attempts to give a defense there. "It is the subtle details that you have to work on now. I'd say take the time to go into a cultivation retreat to polish your skills but that would be wasted breath. You are headed to the Jingshen war even with your injuries."

Ypsilanti had not phrased it as a question but Victor still nodded in agreement. "I can't sit on the sidelines while the Clan engages in such a critical conflict. My Legion needs me, my friends need me there and I myself need to go do what I can to support the offensive. My injuries do not preclude me from participating and will heal in time with attention."

Ypsilanti considered Victor gravely for a long moment before a faint smile curled up her lips, "Ah, to be young once again. I remember well those days of urgency and passion, the losses and the victories. Very well, I understand your motivation. Go with my blessing and make damn sure you come alive. The Clan can work wonders with a lot of injuries but resurrection is a bit beyond us."

"Here," Ypsilanti handed Victor a jade tablet, "This is the development regimen I designed for you. I thought it likely that you would continue on active deployment so it's been broken down into sections you can practice even away from Clan territory. I also gave you some Contribution Points to help you get the resources required. Don't thank me yet. We'll see if this investment was worth anything when you return."

Victor gladly received the gifts and stood up, overcome with gratitude. He bowed deeply to the mentor who had been a great help from his very first day in the Dawn Fortress. "I will not disappoint you, honored elder. Your generosity will not go to waste."

"Shoo shoo," Ypsilanti waved him away, "I don't have all day to waste on your jawing. Get a move on. You're not the only business I have today."

Victor Wulf departed from Ypsilanti's office flushed with resolve. Come what may in the east, he would do his best to honor his Clan, his parents, and his mentor.


The lands of the core Jingshen territories were a strange thing to Victor Wulf's senses. He was trying to push the bubble of his passive perception to its maximum range and had had some success since leaving the Dawn Fortress. To his qi-sense, the influence of the Qi-Draining Desert was manifested as a strange weighing down of the dragonlines in the environment that pulled all spiritual energies downward in a whirlpool manner, creating an effect that had induced mild vertigo in him the early part of his experience of it. He'd then truly appreciated the fact that his sensory radius extended in all directions from him including below the earth. The underground depths of the Jingshen lands were alive with concentrated spiritual energy, packed into dense networks that resembled a circulatory system. Victor could appreciate just how the Clan's perennial enemies could muster the wealth with which they opposed the Golden Devils from the bounty of spirit stones littered through their lands.

He had just arrived in Wangshen Fort and beneath the conversions made by the Legions, he could see how much the Jingshen had paid for ornamentation even in a defensive fortress. The expensive decoration was certainly at odds with standard Clan design. He might have chosen to explore the publicly accessible sections but the throbbing headache he was feeling made him disinclined to do much more than sit in a canteen and await his meeting.

Thankfully he didn't have to wait long and he was joined at his table by a familiar form with those distinctive black eyes, blank unmarked orbs of utter ebony.

"It's been a long time, my friend," Lipita Delphi said with a smile to Victor as she sat down, "Far too long I must say since we last spoke. Letters from Clan territory don't exactly give the opportunity for free conversation."

"I see that war has been very profitable for you," Victor grinned back at her, "Making the 10th Heavenstage in less than two decades after recovering from a crippling breakthrough to the Great Circle of QI Condensation is no mean feat. You sure are driving forward as hard as ever."

"I'd say the same about you," Lipita teased Victor, "The Qiguai secret realm looks to have been good for you. Jumping three small realms to the 9th Heavenstage is not shabby yourself. And what is this I hear about a new constitution? Come on, give me the details. Your letters didn't really talk about that much. Perhaps we could get you down for an examination during your stay?"

Victor sat back as Lipita leaned forward, "Hold your horses you terrifying sadist. I've had enough of being poked and prodded between my Legion and elder Ypsilanti. The long and short of it is that I had a fortunate encounter in Qiguai that has given me a much stronger qi-sense. Very useful until I end up in places like this where there's something radiating enough energy to drive a spike through my brain constantly."

Seeing the wince of pain Victor was holding back, Lipita sympathized. "I'm surprised that you can feel it so strongly from here but yes, the core of the All-Blinding Array does make for a very interesting experience in pain to the spirit. I still can't believe senior Euaerizo when he tells me of how he triumphed in securing the core where sixty others failed."

"I can manage for now but the power of that qi… I'm surprised Haoshen Fort is still standing if that is what was sent against it." Victor said.

"It was certainly something by all accounts," Lipita nodded in agreement, "I wasn't there myself but my teacher who was in the Fort during the attack managed to avoid the worst of it. She says that it should have been much worse but for dumb luck and heroic sacrifice. My old mentor Chemos is part of those leading the repurposing of the array and he confirmed that it is powered by Severing Spirit Light qi. The Blood of Bronze makes us remarkably resilient and quick on the recovery but this light burned through every defense raised against it and the wounds it leaves are exceedingly difficult to treat. Perhaps only the Grand or Second Elder could manage to resolve it but their time is far too valuable during the war."

"That is definitely bad. I sincerely hope that the Jingshen don't have many more surprises like that." Victor confessed.

"Whatever they have, the Legions can take it and overcome it all. We've done so this whole war," Lipita said confidently before shifting the subject, "All that aside, what brought you all the way up here? The bulk of the Promethean Philosophers deployed to the northern front are back at Haoshen. You surely didn't come to Wangshen Fort to see little old me."

"That's true," Victor admitted, "I've been assigned as part of the assault on the Underworld Spirit Palace. It turns out that a very broad and accurate qi-sense makes me a good candidate as a pathfinder to lead teams past emplaced defenses and sensors. Any more than that is being kept need to know so I'm going to be waiting for the final mission instructions."

"Oh, that likely gives us time. I don't think the assault will be launched before the All-Blinding Array is ready for activation," Lipita responded, "So why don't I give you the full tour of the fortress? I've been here helping out Chemos since Legate Agathangelou defeated the Jingshen anti-raiding force."

"Sure, that sounds fine," Victor acquiesced and rose to his feet with Lipita, "What anti-raiding force was this?"

Walking beside Victor, Lipita eagerly began recounting her wartime experience in the detail letters couldn't convey, "Did you know that the Jingshen have a whole fleet of low-flying boats powered by spirit stones? They were fast enough and carried enough of a punch to disrupt our raids in the north. Let me tell you about a particularly annoying thorn in my side, Jinsghen Tai Wen who deployed from them. Somehow he's managed to make 11th Heavenstage and he's somehow always where my troop is attacking, spoiling our plans. I thought I was cursed there for a while."

The two old friends walked together through the fort, catching up and taking this reprieve in the war to settle back into their relationship. There would be time enough for bloodshed and death soon enough. There always was.


Victor Wulf stared up at the blood-drenched skies and cursed as everything went to shit. It had been going so well in the beginning. He had received orders from senior command to meet up with a squad of other Legionnaires, mostly Qi Condensation like himself but with a couple of Experts in charge. They had mustered in a small clearing outside of Wangshen Fort, each member of the squad given a location and time to arrive.

When Victor had arrived, he had joined a group of five Legionnaires. A tall muscular woman in standard Legion armor with the odd accessory of a chainmail veil had taken charge once he reached the rest.

"Listen up juniors, my name is Centurion Hebe Sarantapechos," she said and then pointed to a dark-haired man crouched on the ground toying with a dagger, "That is Centurion Jia Song. Together we will be leading this deep scouting mission. Everyone, introduce yourself."

"Adam Taurus, 96th Legion." A tall lanky youth introduced himself touching the hilt of a sword belted to his waist.

"Ling Botan, 7th Legion." Average height with typical clan features despite her name, Botan held an unstrung bow with quivers belted on both sides of her hips.

When it came to his turn, Victor followed the pattern of those before him. "Victor Wulf, 499th Legion."

With the introductions over, Centurion Sarantapechos continued her briefing. "Our mission is to penetrate into the defenses of the Underworld Spirit Palace. Our purpose is twofold, to create exploitable breaches in the outer defenses by sabotage or charting blindspots in the Jingshen security net and to once within to cause a ruckus to distract the Jingshen reaction so that other teams following in our wake and attacking elsewhere are left unopposed longer."

Seeing the three juniors eyeing their numbers, Hebe Sarantapechos chuckled, "If you're worried about our numbers, don't be. We are only one part of the initial wave. Other teams are right now receiving similar briefings and setting out. Our job is to be the thin point of the dagger piercing defenses so small and tight is best. If you have any questions, save them for the road. We're leaving now, supplies and mounts are set up ahead."

With that abrupt start, Victor was off on his mission into the heart of the remaining strength of the Jingshen clan. Whatever doubts he might have had about the makeup of his team were soon put to bed. Hebe and Jia Song – who spoke so little Victor could count the number of times he'd heard him do so on both hands and have fingers left over – were consummate infiltrators managing to lead the team through the roving patrols of the shrunken Jingshen border, moving them closer towards the Underworld Spirit Palace. Victor might have been deemed the pathfinder for the team but he was better described as a living compass, consulted for readings but making no major decisions on the path they took. Nonetheless, the accuracy and range of his perception gave weight to his words over the course of the journey, so his input was well respected. Employing every means in their arsenal they successfully made it past the outer defenses to the inner section of tightly woven security.

Jia Song had an array talisman that communicated with the other elements of the assault so when they finally made a splash by attacking an installation of Spirit Cannons, they did it as one flame in a forest fire disrupting the Jingshen defenses. Victor Wulf was undoubtedly the least combat capable person on the team, obviously paling to the two Experts but outmatched even by Adam and Botan who proved themselves promising weapons masters. Oddly enough, Victor found himself soon accustomed to the adrenaline of being surrounded by enemies on all sides, settling into the role of anchor for the team. His twin constitutions proved their worth then, allowing him to maneuver the team past concentrations of responding defenders and breakthrough like a living ram past blockades, surprised to see their Spirit Cannons have so little effect on him. They were always perched on a razor-thin edge from disaster but they had proven themselves adept at riding the danger when everything changed.

A commotion in the sky seized all attention, pausing both attackers and defenders as it dragged their focus towards a spectacle that should have been impossible to make out at the distance they were from it yet it still happened. Up above, a figure that seemed oddly familiar to Victor challenged the Heavens and the celestial overlord responded in awesome fury. The sky seemed to transform into a ceiling made entirely of Heavenly Tribulation lightning converging upon that solitary form. Before the comparatively minuscule mortal was obliterated by the towering wave of Heaven's fury, blood-red mists rose from the earth to defend the man. Victor's qi-sense had nearly been overwhelmed by the first stirrings of the tribulation, the wrath of Heaven so vividly present that it felt like he was suffocating in killing intent. The appearance of the bloody mists broke the fragile barrier he was maintaining and swept him away on a tide of madness, bloody currents penetrating his mind and spirit seeking to defile and corrupt. Cast adrift as he might have been, Victor Wulf was nothing if not stubborn. At his core was the determination and resolve that had seen him persevere through those early frustrations of cultivation when it seemed his path to advancement was closed off before it even started.

"No!" he shouted his defiance to the influence that sought to stamp out his identity and carve an abominable mockery of bloodthirst and cannibalism in his place. He pushed against the invading influence, trusting in his body's resistance and leaning on the lessons he'd learned in expelling unwanted qi from within. He pitted himself against his foe and teetered on the brink of defeat for hauntingly long moments before he gained the advantage, his very blood rising up to provide him strength. When he woke up, sprawled on his back, he was the only one relatively unharmed. Adam had fallen to corruption and had been brutally suppressed by Hebe when he struck her. Jia Song and Hebe had taken serious injuries protecting the team from the maddened horde of Jingshen cultivators that had swarmed them while Botan had lost an arm when she was distracted by the influence of the blood mists and dragged down by a feral Jingshen cultivator.

After tending to his team's injuries, the sigil of the Archegetes rose into the sky above them declaring victory, but Victor was too worn out to care much. The follow-up proclamation from the Heavens was met by a blank, "Huh," from him. He pushed off consideration of the import of the latter development for later. Let future Victor Wulf deal with that problem, in the present, he had enough trouble already.


"You look like you could use this more than me," Victor offered the mug of coffee in his hand to Lipita.

"Oh, thank you, you are a lifesaver, Victor," Lipita moaned in gratitude as she gulped down the drink not caring about the steaming hot temperature of the liquid, "I needed this you know. The war's over but it seems like the things I need to do just keep piling up."

"What's got you so stressed out?" He asked, taking a seat beside Lipita. They were in her quarters in Wangshen Fort, which was surprisingly spacious and well decorated, certainly better than his own when he'd bunked in the fortress.

"There's so much to do now. War was easy. Go out, hit this caravan or that stockpile of spirit stones. Return to camp, process the captured material, rest, and repeat again. Victory and the occupation are a lot more complicated," Lipita complained, "Take the All-Blinding Array. Now that it's been discharged the Array-Engineer Corps wants sole custody of the nodes and core but other Legions are sticking their hands in the pot. Chemos, that old bastard, has me running around like a headless chicken ferrying communication between all interested parties as well as participating in the long-term analysis of the array itself. That's one set of headaches but wait there's more."

Lipita flung her hands up in the air. "Centurion Xie Chen got seriously injured in the All-Blinding Array and is just getting back to full duty so I was helping out there before now. That actually is one headache less since she's mostly functional now but where one problem is solved another pops up. The family back home are asking so many questions about senior Antonius which I simply don't know the answers to but they seem to take that as a challenge to just find more useless ways of asking the same questions."

Dropping her head onto her arms on the table before her, she mumbled out, "And my mothers are asking for me to come to visit since it's been so long and I miss home."

Victor had patiently listened to Lipita's tirade and thought carefully about his response before speaking. There was a pitfall in there he was going to avoid though it was unpleasantly looking like the rumors about the source of the Bloody Mists might have some truth to them. "Is there anything in your current duties that absolutely needs you to attend to them? I do mean an actual necessity for your personal attention here."

"Well no, but…" Lipita lifted her head and began to speak before Victor cut her off.

"Then leave them. If you aren't needed personally, find someone else to do it or let those in charge handle it. I was going to invite you with me on a mission down south and you might enjoy some time on the road away from all this." Victor said waving his hand around at the stacks of paperwork and jade slips drowning Lipita's room.

"I hadn't considered that. You're right. I am not actually needed for all this, I'm just the most convenient person to dump all the work on," Lipita said slowly as she considered the matter, "What mission exactly is this in the south?"

"The Second Elder wants a survey done of the Jingshen Southlands, you know, the old Battle Blood Cannibal sect territory they managed to get their hands on after we kicked out the Blood Path," Victor answered, "It seemed like a good idea after the excitement of the war to get some practice in using my expanded qi-sense in a low-risk environment. Besides, weren't you the one who said that for someone in my Legion I needed to expand my skill set beyond 'hitting people hard and surviving being hit'. I figured picking up cartography and survey skills would fit right in with my abilities right now."

"That's perfect. This is a mission I can do as well though not perhaps as well as certain cheaters who trip and hit their head on the Fates' sent good fortune," Lipita said with growing excitement on her face even as she teased Victor, "We shouldn't take too long down south to get the minimum contribution needed to be credited for the mission, then we can swing west towards the Blighted Lands and Apoikia Hekatonkheires so that I can introduce you to my parents. Heck, I could be back up north after this break to follow up on some other matters. I like this plan."

"Wait wait, hold on. Introduce me to who?" Victor asked a little concernedly as Lipita bustled around the room.

"Don't worry my mothers will love you, though my sister Eustacia might be a little overbearing, but you'll get used to it," Lipita said before dashing out, her words lingering in Victor's ear behind her, "Everything's going to be fine so let me get us on our way as fast as I can."

Sitting alone in Lipita's room, Victor wondered if perhaps he might have erred in inviting his friend along on the mission. Surely it couldn't be as dangerous as fighting in the war had been, could it?


"Low risk, easy mission, he says," Lipita grumbled as she sat in her underclothes by the cook fire trying to dry herself out, "I distinctly remember those big fat lips making a whole lot of unfounded assertions about relaxing surveys. Well, I want the peace and quiet I was promised, not this minefield of a land."

Sitting across from Lipita, equally stripped-down, Victor Wulf rolled his eyes, "Oh come off it. I never promised an easy mission. I just said that the reports indicated little opposition and conflict and you can't say that there has been much of that."

Lipita didn't buy his argument. "Of course, there's little active opposition because all the damned traps make it unnecessary. The roads are trapped. The forests are trapped. The city's are abandoned traps. Even the bloody waterways are trapped. No wonder everyone we meet runs from us. I bet that somehow the Jingshen managed to make people traps too. Whoever came up with this plan and actually managed to execute it is a genius I'm glad we've never had to face in battle. This kind of underhandedness is the stuff of nightmares for urban conflict."

"It hasn't been all that bad really, even you have to admit that," Victor countered, "Between the two of us we managed to notice and avoid just about every trap we could have encountered. The only reason we got caught in the last set is that we went towards them, not around. And hey even that paid off. I don't see you regretting that we went exploring those ruins even if we got dunked into the lake at the end. You did get that Tribulation Treasure out of it."

Lipita couldn't find a suitable response to Victor's last comment since he was right, so she settled for pouting angrily at the fire. They had indeed been making a good go of it, between her Resonant Bronze Compass physique and Victor's Spiral Mapping Constitution. Their survey efforts had progressed very well if in a winding manner as they made numerous detours to avoid the innumerable traps littering the territory. It wasn't all fun and games though because some of the traps were not qi-based and so entirely invisible to qi-senses. Nearly getting blown up by mechanical igniters setting off blasting powder, avoiding decapitation by razorwire, and dodging spiked pitfalls were just a few of the constant dangers they had to keep an eye out for.

Despite the need for caution, when Victor had informed Lipita of a potent qi signature in the depths of an abandoned temple by a lake, she had only hesitated for a moment before agreeing to a delve. The Jingshen apparently hadn't known about the treasure within the ruins since they'd left it and only trapped the place lightly. The original persons who'd made the cache, likely one of the former Blood Path rulers of the lands, had mostly relied on obscurity and concealment to secure their possession. Finding the treasure had been a headache and half even knowing that it was there and in the end, they had resorted to some creative restructuring to gain access. They had been successful in retrieving their prize but their enthusiastic remodeling had caused a collapse of the structure, forcing them to retreat to the waters of the lake to make their escape.

"Okay, I will admit that this hasn't exactly been wholly torture. The scenery is nice for all that it's treacherous," Lipita admitted, the words reluctantly dragged out of her, "And yes because I came with you I managed to get that Blood Scapegoat Effigy which you most graciously let me have even though we both found it. Treasures of that quality are expensive, especially those for tribulation. Just getting the Shrouded Ghost Charm taught me that. So thank you truly."

"I accept your gratitude," Victor said solemnly, before breaking out into a grin, "It was worth it to see your face when we had to swim for it and those Blue-Streaked Lightning Eels came poking around."

"Haha, very funny," Lipita groused, "Not everyone is as dense as you to qi and good sense both."

"Hey don't mock my thick head. It's saved me more times than you can count," Victor replied to her, "Besides we are almost done here. A few more weeks moving back east to cover the areas we missed and we should have fully surveyed the area assigned to us."

Lipita brightened up at the thought. "Thank the Imperator. When we get back home, I'm going to propose they change the name of the place. There are places far more deserving of the name Blighted Lands. Maybe, the Resurgent Domain would be a better fit."

"No, I believe the Glorious Reclaimed Territory would be better," Victor retorted.

The two friends spent their time beside the fire exchanging suggestions for renaming the Blighted Lands, each more outlandish than the last. It was nice to share a quiet night beneath the stars, without worrying about war or danger. They knew that the world beyond was moving apace, changed by the dawning of a Great Era and the aftermath of the Blood Mists but that were concerns for later. Now they were content to take a step back and relax as mere travelers in a quiet land.



Word Count:
Note: Another wonderful collab with Insane-Not-Crazy. Since this is my first omake of this turn I'll ask for LST. Oh, and Victor will be doing the Secret of the Underworld mission.
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Lipita Delphi 33: Victor Wulf & Lipita Delphi – Seeing the Sights and Shooting the Breeze
TURN 13, OMAKE 6 [Lipita]
Lipita Delphi 33: Victor Wulf & Lipita Delphi – Seeing the Sights and Shooting the Breeze

Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest] Original - Fantasy

Victor Wulf 5: Victor Wulf & Lipita Delphi – Seeing the Sights and Shooting the Breeze “Ahh, that hits the spot,” Victor Wulf groaned out loud. He stretched out his full form in the wooden tub, holding on to the sides of the container as he curled his toes. He was in his quarters in the Dawn...

AN: (6750/2=3375 words) Please threadmark @ReaderOfFate. It's good to get the gang back together collaborating with @Redikai
Ferenike 28 - The Dawning of the Great Era
Ferenike 28: The Dawning of the Great Era

The great Horned Scion Beetle, Nascent Soul caretaker of the Yuan Man-as-Mountain Array stared very much nonplussed up at the sky. It had broken its convention and ascended from the bowels of the earth where it maintained the core functions of the array in its care and climbed to the highest peak of the Yuan mountain range. It had done this because a great tumult had broken out in the skies above, powerful enough to demand immediate attention. Heavenly Tribulation of the scale it witnessed should not have descended for the breakthrough of a mere Qi Condensation junior, if he perceived the figure at the center of all this rightly. Yet, Heaven's hand had come down heavily and most unexpectedly an old terrible legacy rose to counter it. The influence of the blood mists found no purchase on it for its will was tempered by the endless passing of the ages and it was ineligible for the Blood Path as a Spirit Beast in either case. But still it worried, not just for what havoc the mists would wreak on its charge, particularly through the idiot humans in its domain the mists could suborn, but what else it portended that the hand of the Third Sea's most infamous son was once more in motion. The spoor of the Demonic Altar was unmistakable on the mists and such a spirited defense against the Heavens must have cost the Will of that artifact much. Whatever prize the shadow of that great monster sought could not bode well for the decaying corpse of the Third Sea. Some things were ever true to their nature and Demonic Soup Chef had firmly laid down a path that did not balk at any sin or horror in its ends. When the tribulation concluded with the Heavens foiled, the caretaker thought that the end of the matter at least for the moment. Then another upheaval in the order of things presented itself.


"The Heavens declare a Great Era and my work increases," the caretaker rumbled. Already it could feel the sky-sourced qi being greedily drained by the accumulators of the grand array in its care. More followed behind, so much more flooding through the ancient structures and patterns such that there would be no need to wait a century to reset operations. It knew of other such inheritances and trials that dispensed fortune and peril in equal measure. They too would surely benefit for there was an abundance of qi fit to support all those petty mortals who had not mastered themselves to begin cultivation of the soul. Three great realms with continuous access to such opportunity did not bode well for peace of mind.

"The wheel turns and eternity grinds all to dust, great and small," the nameless beast, called Nanashi by those who demanded a designation, mused. It retreated from its perch heading back down into the depths. There was much work to be done, old protocols to reactivate and maintenance urgently needed now that false life had been given to this faded carcass of a land.


Tenjin Haoshi swallowed fitfully as he carefully made his way through the grasses. If he ever needed a reminder that the demiplane where the Turtle-Child Scale that Qiguai Realmgate led to was a place removed from all sense and reason, he needed only look up and see a mirrored sky of screaming figures reflected back at him, his own form recognizable among the miserable wretches. Resolutely, he ignored that temptation and explored further as instructed. After the shock of the Blood Mists provoking an uprising of the Blood Path and then the followup punch of the Heavenly proclamation of a Great Era, the masters of Qiguai had not taken kindly to reports that their great treasure was acting oddly. Investigations had to be performed on both ends and poor Haoshi had been one of the unlucky lot chosen to make those assessments. He'd marched through the Realmgate, praying that there was truth to rumors of unusual stability in the passage. He'd managed not to die on entry, one of the lucky third to manage that feat so perhaps those rumors had some truth to them. Now he carefully examined the shard of splintered space-time he found himself in, taking careful notes as instructed. Already he had made one clear observation, the qi in the secret realm was stronger. It would perhaps not be noticeable to anyone in the second great realm and beyond but he was not so privileged and any change to someone of such meager capacity as himself was immediately. For a moment, he wondered if perhaps his fate in being chosen was an opportunity for good fortune and not doom. He quickly slapped himself to drive such stupidity from his thoughts and focused his attention on surviving the next day. If by some miracle, he survived to make the exit, he might then revisit such dreams. Looking ahead, he felt his stomach sink to his feet when he began to revise his goals as he caught sight of the distinctive pelts of Jade Ghost Tigers. Making it to the next hour alive and in one piece was looking increasing chancy.


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Secret Realms of the Mountain Clans Increase in Opportunity & Peril – Office of Disciples Recommends All Challengers Prepare for Extended Commitment

By order of Destasia Duca, Chartoularios Tou Kanikleiou,

The Office of the Master of Disciples is informing all Legionnaires that reports from the Yuan and Qiguai Clans indicate that their respective secret realms have been empowered by the current Great Era. Any Legionnaire attempting to seek their fortune in these secret realms are hereby informed that this change comes with increased risk. It is thus recommended that any expedition to a secret realm at a minimum commit two decades for preparation and exploration to the exclusion of any other significant responsibility including missions for the Clan. Please note that as such any Legionnaire who files a notice to challenge any secret realm will be disqualified from accepting any long-term missions starting from this year 240 E. K.

End announcement

AN: (1240 words) Please threadmark @ReaderOfFate @Alectai. Chipping away at that wordcount
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