[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy
WEB MAT is unironically my favorite holy crap.
1: It is hilarious in-universe. We want that WEB for the MAT.
2: Web is a word that can be used in puns and wordplay in a bazillion different ways. Caught in the web, consult the web, etc.
3: WEBMAT actually does sound like an organization name. It's a long acronym, but it rolls off the tongue really well. I can imagine saying "I work at WEBMAT!"
4: The name pretty much fully describes everything relevant about the college. It describes the location, it describes the multidisciplinary nature, the mage/priest crossover in "thaumaturgy", and "advancement" implies research.
I think WEBMAT actually hits
every single thing we want out of a name. It has clarity, it is funny, it has a good acronym, you can say it in a sentence well.
Other approval votes:
[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[x] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[X] (BRANCH NAME) Multidisciplinary Institute of Thaumaturgy
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Intersectional Research Department
also, the longer the vote, the less people care about the new ones or are even following the thread enough to charge their vote.
I honestly think we are past the point of any more big swings, not enough 'new' votes coming in, and just not enough people watching the thread, so not enough people that can be convinced to 'switch'.
The vote isn't dead until people believe it's dead! We've had big swings before!