Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I think it's kinda hilarious that I care much more about the pun name part of the vote than the thing that's going to actually have a major effect on the quest. :V

[X] (BRANCH NAME) The Sunrise Society

[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Interdisciplinary Research Department

[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Intersectional Research Department
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Institute of Research & Development

[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy

[X] (BRANCH NAME) Multidisciplinary Institute of Thaumaturgy

[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Great Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Grozkron-Azril-Ungol / The Grand Archive of the Silvery Depths

[X] (LIBRARY) High-level policy
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[x] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[x] (BRANCH NAME) Multidisciplinary Institute of Thaumaturgy
[x] (LIBRARY NAME) World's Memory / Karaz Kron
If there's any others among you who are more in the "Not WEBIR/WEBER" camp than in the "WEBER/WEBIR is my favorite" camp, I encourage you to find a way to disengage like LadyLynn and I did.

In general it was her argument that really swayed me. No version of either of those two names really lends itself to being used in actual in character conversations. How I didn't see this before is a mystery to me.
In general it was her argument that really swayed me. No version of either of those two names really lends itself to being used in actual in character conversations. How I didn't see this before is a mystery to me.

I can't agree with that argument, though. I've heard far odder acronyms used regularly in conversation. WEBIR and WEBER at least sound like words. Ultimately this is a very subjective thing, but in my experience acronym-word names for institutions sound forced if they're too on the nose (WEIRD is this for me, personally) and okay if they're a random word or a name. That's why WEBIR works the best for me: it sounds like an actual name an institution might have, and coincidentally just happens to resemble Mathilde's name.

Also, as I've said previously, "Intersectional" is fundamental enough to our goal that it's good to reinforce it by having it in the name.

(WEBIR and WEBER also vaguely remind me of the James Webb Space Telescope, which is in no way relevant but probably not a bad thing.)
There are E words that can fill a similar feel as intersectional. Derivations of words like exchange, ensemble, or equal, and more loosely filling the slot like explore, enlighten, or examine.
You know... It occurs to me as I'm sleeping that there's another potential pun name pretty close to what's going on.

It's been discussed before that the most likely used named of the WEBER/WEBIR is the World's Edge Branch (WEB)

Which is a reasonable name. And, for a moment in my lucidity deprived state, I thought MIT was the first three letters of Mathilde's name. Which isn't true, but does broach an idea.

"The World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Association of Thaumaturgy."

Not only does "WEB for the MAT " imply that Mathilde has stooped to such a level that she will have her silk sheets if she has to go so far as create them in the form of puns, but it, just coincidentally we assure you, also happens to be the first three letters of both her first and last names.

And it also kinda matches the flow of branch names like the Alchemist's branch or the Ancient Library. Old fashioned and somewhat sentence-like names.

All that said, do I actually support this? dunno. Ask me when I actually wake up for real. But as long as we're here I might as well post it as a joke.
You know... It occurs to me as I'm sleeping that there's another potential pun name pretty close to what's going on.

It's been discussed before that the most likely used named of the WEBER/WEBIR is the World's Edge Branch (WEB)

Which is a reasonable name. And, for a moment in my lucidity deprived state, I thought MIT was the first three letters of Mathilde's name. Which isn't true, but does broach an idea.

"The World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Association of Thaumaturgy."

Not only does "WEB for the MAT " imply that Mathilde has stooped to such a level that she will have her silk sheets if she has to go so far as create them in the form of puns, but it, just coincidentally we assure you, also happens to be the first three letters of both her first and last names.

And it also kinda matches the flow of branch names like the Alchemist's branch or the Ancient Library. Old fashioned and somewhat sentence-like names.

All that said, do I actually support this? dunno. Ask me when I actually wake up for real. But as long as we're here I might as well post it as a joke.
...I do kind of love this. One tweak I'd make, though: Multidisciplinary Association of Thaumaturgy -> Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy. "Association" is kind of redundant with "Branch" earlier in the initialism, and the structure is such that "X for the Y" works better if X describes "who" and Y describes "what." Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy is, in fact, exactly what we're setting out to do, as laid out in the charter.
The longer the vote remains open, the more research branch names people come up with. Therefore, rather than close the vote, I propose keeping the thread in an indefinite voting period to perpetuate this continued creation of new and clever names for fictional research groups. Call it some kind of Name Extruding Research Department... Souffle. :thonk:
The longer the vote remains open, the more research branch names people come up with. Therefore, rather than close the vote, I propose keeping the thread in an indefinite voting period to perpetuate this continued creation of new and clever names for fictional research groups. Call it some kind of Name Extruding Research Department... Souffle. :thonk:
also, the longer the vote, the less people care about the new ones or are even following the thread enough to charge their vote.

I honestly think we are past the point of any more big swings, not enough 'new' votes coming in, and just not enough people watching the thread, so not enough people that can be convinced to 'switch'.
[x] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[x] (LIBRARY NAME) World's Memory / Karaz Kron
[x] (BRANCH NAME) Multidisciplinary Institute of Thaumaturgy
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy
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also, the longer the vote, the less people care about the new ones or are even following the thread enough to charge their vote.

I honestly think we are past the point of any more big swings, not enough 'new' votes coming in, and just not enough people watching the thread, so not enough people that can be convinced to 'switch'.
Yeah, I didn't expect any swings when I approval voted new stuff the last 2-3 times either. Still fun though :V
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy

WEB MAT is unironically my favorite holy crap.

1: It is hilarious in-universe. We want that WEB for the MAT.
2: Web is a word that can be used in puns and wordplay in a bazillion different ways. Caught in the web, consult the web, etc.
3: WEBMAT actually does sound like an organization name. It's a long acronym, but it rolls off the tongue really well. I can imagine saying "I work at WEBMAT!"
4: The name pretty much fully describes everything relevant about the college. It describes the location, it describes the multidisciplinary nature, the mage/priest crossover in "thaumaturgy", and "advancement" implies research.

I think WEBMAT actually hits every single thing we want out of a name. It has clarity, it is funny, it has a good acronym, you can say it in a sentence well.

Other approval votes:
[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[x] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[X] (BRANCH NAME) Multidisciplinary Institute of Thaumaturgy
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Intersectional Research Department

also, the longer the vote, the less people care about the new ones or are even following the thread enough to charge their vote.

I honestly think we are past the point of any more big swings, not enough 'new' votes coming in, and just not enough people watching the thread, so not enough people that can be convinced to 'switch'.

The vote isn't dead until people believe it's dead! We've had big swings before!
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[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy

Screw approval voting, I'm going all in on this branch name.
Eh, why not. It's pretty cool.

[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy
[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[X] (LIBRARY) Hands-off
[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy
I'll join in on the all-in to give it a chance:
[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy
[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy

Fuck it, I'm all in too! Hell yeah!