are there other planets or worlds in the prime material(different crystal sphere equivalents) ?
Viserys has no idea IC and can only speculate.
are there other planets or worlds in the prime material(different crystal sphere equivalents) ?
The two-headed snake is both a ruler of his own domain and a sufficiently powerful sorcerer to often get dragged into our fights.If we go by convenience for the sake of characters already established, Soft Strider should probably be voice of the CotF and Blights Bane for the Tritons. Maybe Rizz'neth for the serpentfolk.
Made a few additional edits to the chapter, DP.Pledged to the Realm
Fifteenth Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC
The jest went that 'the king got rid of the heirs of Lann and put another Lann in their place'. Lann of Dragonsmount, the man in question, would usually content himself with mildly pointing out that it was Imperator now rather than king. If it were not for his hair still gleaming silver, not simply the white of old age, and eyes of violet, you would not think the man to be any sort of dragon's get, for his disposition was far from fiery and his mind far from prone to flights of fancy, nor was for him a sorcerer's strange and subtle art. Though he had been a knight in his youth and rode in the War of the Ninepenny Kings, he had gained no great honor for it, though the company of Essosi prisoners had gotten him some unusual schooling that he had put to use in the years that followed, taking on the jobs of tutor to youngsters who could not count upon the teaching of a measter and steward for the meager estates of the Narrow Sea.
Although he only traveled to the Deep to follow some of his younger kinsmen and make sure they would not fall prey to storm or robbers, he had found the city of the Dragon King much to his liking, not least because it had taken to him. Freed from the aches and pains of old age and able to wield a mountain of slowly gathered experience to the formal lessons of the swiftly growing institutions of higher education. Lann advanced swiftly up the ladder of the administration until he had come to a post setting order to the lands of Andalos, before he was eventually asked, seemingly in jest also, if he would like to deal with lands 'even more filled with Seven-Botherers'.
Governor of the vast and rich new province of the Midlands was not what he had expected, but he would certainly not refuse it. The folk of his new duty were glad to have a coreligionist in charge, even if he was a dragon's man in more way than one.
Governor of Midlands: Ser Lann of Dragonsmount
Culture: Westerosi
Religion: Seven
Ideology: Loyalist
Lorenso was born a cobbler, or near enough given that his father had been one and his father before that and so on as far as family history told. He might have stayed a cobbler but for two things, his love of the sea and the unfortunate habit of racking up gambling debt he could not pay to folk who would be content getting their payment in blood as well as silver. He took ship to the Deep among the first Braavosi immigrants, and there like many who had their letters already, a legacy of his mother, silver moonlight carry her soul, he was assigned to one of the tasks that needed it, first quartermaster, then clerk ashore, then inspector of the harbor. He had been one of the few honest ones in those days, and then up and up the ladder as the realm grew and needed ever more folk in ever more places to gather the king's gold and see his writ held.
Unlike many others fallen along the wayside to the pitiless quills of the Lawmen and once or twice the Inquisition, he had known not to wet his beak more than was decent, and with the gold he had gathered he did not buy a house in the Deep and the company of a new set of friends as so many did in those days. He bought circlets of pearls gleaming with arcane wisdom and rings that would sharpen the mind, glasses that would see through deception and talismans to ward the mind from enchantment. One might say that without his collection, Lorenso was only half the civil servant he was with them, but he had the foresight to get them when others had not, and moreover, he was a man of great trust and belief in the King, now Imperator, and that earned him the position of Governor in the Heartlands.
Governor of Heartlands: Lorenso Cobbler
Culture: Essosi
Religion: Moonsinger
Ideology: Loyalist
What do you do next?
[] Write in
OOC: You have two more days until the Curia Opening is scheduled and I still need to think about those 3 seats, don't worry I have not forgotten them.
Forgot that he is ruling something. Yeah, then he's ineligible anyway unless he abdicates that post.The two-headed snake is both a ruler of his own domain and a sufficiently powerful sorcerer to often get dragged into our fights.
Sure he has time for another post?
Forgot that he is ruling something. Yeah, then he's ineligible anyway unless he abdicates that post.
Huh? I just noticed that someone wrote in Scarbrand as the voice of the minotaurs?
Do we have anything to say to Tyrion except laying down the facts?
As I said, I have no idea who wrote him in, but I can just empty that out later again.That is a poor choice, he barely leaves the Healing Tree grove and is for all intents and purposes, Bloodraven's creature. I suggest anyone else but Argo as he's an adventurer.
I was just asking the general public.I don't know, that is not my call, but you guys do need to say something IC. He is a wee bit more important than that maid you forgot in a bottle for a few months.![]()
Made a few additional edits to the chapter, DP.Loose Golden Thread
Fifteenth Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC
The ink is dry upon the last of the scrolls, acclaiming the governors of the western provinces, or perhaps it should be called the Sunset Provinces after the manner common around the Narrow Sea to speak of those over the water. You wonder what tongue shall be spoken in the councils of the Curia in a century or a millennia. Some yet undreamt daughter of Valyrian or the Common Tongue of Westeros, winning out by virtue of the waves of the weary and the hopeful already starting to arrive on these shores from the crowded streets of King's Landing, seeking work, shelter, and clean water for their children to drink? Or would it instead be a mingling that would be equally strange to folk from every other corner of the realm, ennobled for its oddity and for the nearness of power?
Unseen, you smile faintly, recalling one message from a functionary that, with rather more fancy than good sense, had suggested that the business of the Imperium should be done in draconic, it being the only proper tongue for a dragon's realm to be bound by. You might almost wonder if Amrelath had passed the man by, if you were not already sadly adept at recognizing flattery that seeks to engender itself to the mighty. Amrelath would not have formulated it as a suggestion, but rather at simple good sense. Of course, your 'subjects' would have to learn a proper tongue, he would say, else how would you give them orders without tripping over their uncouth tongues?
You almost miss the red wyrm's company, where you had weeks ago been relieved to hear that he would be withdrawing from court for the month to see to personal matters. One less strange peril for the new made lords to trip over their tongues over, at least. After so long in the company of those who have cause to dip their tongues in honey with every word, you might almost wish for some thoughtless scoffing at your softness and 'strange ways'. Relath is not quite the same, being more understanding of the necessities of politics and more polished in the manners of court.
"Well if it is draconic you want, the boy speaks it," Varys whispers in your mind, a reminder of the thought you had this morning before you had become engrossed in counting the loyalists in the Curia to find a narrower majority than you might have hoped in the upper chamber, not that you really expect it to be challenged anytime soon given the diversity of other interests and priorities. Long will be the waiting before the new governor of Skagos should find common cause with the magisters of Myr or Tyrosh...
"The 'boy' is a good three years older than me," you counter.
"He still seeks the love of his father that is worth nothing and offers none," your familiar replies as definitively as you have heard her speak. "Boy."
"Well, come the end of the month he shall have to seek that in hell, or whatever other dark realm awaits the soul of Tywin Lannister," you reply aloud. "I had best have a talk with him. He warrants that much consideration, one way or the other, to see what might become of him."
Once you had been the exiled heir cast out by powers seemingly too vast to overcome, and now look how the wheel had turned. You shall not mistake the circumstances of the moment for unchangeable truths, particularly as the last remaining son of Tywin Lannister is not only clever, but a wizard already.
What do you say and what if anything do you offer to Tyrion Lannister?
[] A place in the Scholarum where his name will mean nothing beside whatever clever working his mind might conjure, there he might rise high regardless of his past (Smooth his way, open doors, put a whisper in the right ears to keep him from being stonewalled)
[] Enough gold to go into business or seek a life of modest ease if he should so choose (Lose 1,000 Gold)
[] A landed title, far from the Westerlands, where he might prove himself a lord under a new name and forge a new legacy (Write in where)
[] His Freedom, no more and no less, his life is his own, but the name of Lannister he must leave behind
[] Write in
OOC: And here we are back with Viserys for a bit, we cover this and then if you guys like we can move on to the opening of the Curia.
[X] A place in the Scholarium of Mantarys as Tyrion Hill.
I'd rather specify that he will be sent far away from power.
The idea was for all Lannisters who don't have other family names to take on to default to Hill as a sign of them being cast out of the nobility.Are you trying o specifically imply he is a bastard rather than letting him choose a new name? I ask because Rhaella once was quite close with Joanna Lannister and would not wish to let it be rumored that she was unfaithful if it could be helped.
The idea was for all Lannisters who don't have other family names to take on to default to Hill as a sign of them being cast out of the nobility.