In this situation, that thing is more likely to be of use as a HUB zone. I don't know what relevance it holds for the Imperial Deity, but that's more a problem of not having a functioning overview of what is involved in the hypothetical deity's functioning and metaphysical info. Just disjointed research projects that kind of tease out certain ideas we've had for how we could make it work based on how other Gods did things.
At some point, we will need to create a pretty massive plane for the Stillborn God to serve as the attached afterlife.

However, the Renly pen is right now much more useful as a military base.
Good night guys, see you tomorrow with the last few Ministers. Rhaella would actually quite like Diplomacy since unlike Lya she would not be bored by bureaucratic work, though it is up to you guys if you want to mix the dynasty in with the ministries or just bid her to stay around at court wielding soft power.
Good night guys, see you tomorrow with the last few Ministers. Rhaella would actually quite like Diplomacy since unlike Lya she would not be bored by bureaucratic work, though it is up to you guys if you want to mix the dynasty in with the ministries or just bid her to stay around at court wielding soft power.
Depends on the competition I guess, but at the very least she's not a har no like some of the options in the lasts selections.
Good night guys, see you tomorrow with the last few Ministers. Rhaella would actually quite like Diplomacy since unlike Lya she would not be bored by bureaucratic work, though it is up to you guys if you want to mix the dynasty in with the ministries or just bid her to stay around at court wielding soft power.
Well, like I was saying earlier, Minister of Diplomacy just has to be reasonably loyal. If they're going AWOL and pushing their own agendas instead of actually working at our direction with no further entanglements, then they'd be a liability instead. So it doesn't necessarily have to be Rhaella... but then again, since we know she can do the job and do it well, the worst issues with nepotism--people who are unsuited for the position and who can't actually do the job getting favored over others--isn't necessarily an issue.

It is admittedly a problem when you're just picking a crony who's only virtue is that he'll suck up to you or robotically do anything you say without regard to the nuances of the work involved. But she's more than capable of acting independently and yet in good faith toward our objectives.
[X] Emyle of He'nekar

Please, lets not choose the Monk simply due to his "race".
Hey that isn't the only factor! He's also a monk which means people can't claim a conflict of interest like they could if he was also a mage, he's got no ambitions in the realm of political power and he's even tempered and not prone to violence.
I've been rereading some old stuff. A few remarks:
  • The conclusion to Gilly's plotline was very satisfying. It doesn't actually go anywhere specific, but it ends on an upbeat note with a general sense of hope and opportunity. That was nice to read.
    • For those of you who don't remember, Gilly is Craster's daughter. We saved her and brought her south of the wall when we were saving the Giants (and when learned there once were Cloud Giants north of the Wall). Still, she had trouble fitting in with the other Free Folk because she's poorly socialized, traumatised, a kinslayer, and also the product of incest. In the end she realized that nothing was really keeping her in that bad situation, that the world here was open to her, and that she could simply explore and make her own way through life. This is somewhat helped by the fact that she's level 4 in some Pathfinder nature-themed spellcasting class and will therefore always have a useful skill, that and she's starting out in SD which does have a proto-welfare state and employment aid, so she's unlikely to starve to death or suffer some horrible fate ;)
  • I'm not too sure what happened to the Giants we brought back? Where do they live? How are they handling the complete change in their climate, environment, and way of life? Did we ever give them magical mammoths, or was that just thread madness?
Pretty sure the native giants have been slorped into the infrastructure built to accommodate the PoE giants we got a while back, along with whatever other large pops we have.
@TalonofAnathrax, I think that was only thread madness and nothing ever came of it. Likewise, the giants have been wholly ignored since they came south. I'd wager they are shacking up with the Thens.
Details of the Voices and the ideologies of various people have been (mostly) finalized. Details in the sheets, but here are the infographics:
Imperialists - Pure loyalists. Whatever the Imperator says goes.

Monarchists - Your standard Westerosi lord and those that support this system. Like the feudal system and are by and large happy with whatever the Imperator orders, unless they feel it infringes on their rights or messes with the social order. Socially conservative and economically conservative.

Conservatives - Mainly made up of guild members and leaders. Socially and economically conservative, but favor an oligarchy over a full monarchy.

Magistrates - The ruling nobility of Essos. Socially conservative and economically liberal.

Republicans - Progressive people like the Sealord and trade magnates, who favor some degree of input by the people into government. Socially moderate and economically liberal.

Moderates - No strong opinion on anything. Do like to grill.

Populists - Found in very small numbers among the Curia Vocium. No real ideology, but good at agitating and in it solely for their own power.

Faithful - Small group with hefty internal divisions. Do want more influence of the faiths on government. Socially usually conservative and economically mixed.

Independents - People who don't fit anywhere else, which usually means they follow their own agenda.
I've been rereading some old stuff. A few remarks:
  • The conclusion to Gilly's plotline was very satisfying. It doesn't actually go anywhere specific, but it ends on an upbeat note with a general sense of hope and opportunity. That was nice to read.
    • For those of you who don't remember, Gilly is Craster's daughter. We saved her and brought her south of the wall when we were saving the Giants (and when learned there once were Cloud Giants north of the Wall). Still, she had trouble fitting in with the other Free Folk because she's poorly socialized, traumatised, a kinslayer, and also the product of incest. In the end she realized that nothing was really keeping her in that bad situation, that the world here was open to her, and that she could simply explore and make her own way through life. This is somewhat helped by the fact that she's level 4 in some Pathfinder nature-themed spellcasting class and will therefore always have a useful skill, that and she's starting out in SD which does have a proto-welfare state and employment aid, so she's unlikely to starve to death or suffer some horrible fate ;)
  • I'm not too sure what happened to the Giants we brought back? Where do they live? How are they handling the complete change in their climate, environment, and way of life? Did we ever give them magical mammoths, or was that just thread madness?
That's a thread I really wanted to explore. I was super fascinated by the way Rina's Frost Giant summon handed the Westerosi Giant leader a magical ice sword which just... didn't vanish after the summoning was done. There's so much going on there that we just don't have time for in the grand scheme of things. :(