Equivalent of a Colonel. There were no formal ranks except General until the recent reform, so I left that out. Thirro was likewise roughly Colonel rank in practice.
So both one step below General, kept there due to their respective downsides. Red Ant would have been a liability against mortal armies PR wise and Thirro is... well... a bit rough around the edges.
Thanks, I apreciate that clarification.
In light of that:
[X] Netzachel (God's Victory)
[X] General Vaerios Ghad
[X] Red Ant
[X] General Hazhak mo Zhoa
Netzachel, is a
clear yes due to having apparently fought during the fall of elysium and only gained more experience since. While the two generals are less ideal their downsides are worth working around for their experience and abilities. I put Red Ant into essentially the same category as the generals with his comparative lack of experience being countered by his optics helping to counter Zhoa's downsides.
Benjicott should not be a marshal at this point due to lack of experience with their sort of work, but after a few years as a colonel and then general I could see him making the jump.
Ryos seems like he should be responsible for some sort of marine corp attached to our aerial/aquatic force not a marshall of our terrestrial legions.
The Shaitan cannot be trusted with sensitive stuff so they are out. I would just assign them to help advise our forces fighting in the Plane of Fire, where their experience would be of great use.
Benedict seems like a budget Netzachel, which is not bad per se but I prefer the original article and the generals over him due to vastly greater experience and having actually led armies respectively. Red Ant also wins out over him due to having practical experience and being good at energizing the troops. Honestly I think we could just pack him off to the military academy and have him teach our future commander's what he knows.
I like Broken Roots, but feel he would be better leading an elite force of our flesh forged troops rather than the legion. Though that does raise the question how integrated are our flesh forged troops into the Legion? Like all of those defense forces we have pumped out are they fully integrated into the legion hierarchy, a separate sub component within the legion (think IRL US Marines and the Navy) or independent? I could see picking Broken Roots over Red Ant and assigning him to oversee the flesh forged part of our forces depending upon how the Flesh Forged forces are organized.
Thiro is right out because we rely so heavily on undead and we intend to integrate Sarnor. Beyond that his lack of diplomatic aptitude is a serious problem.
I do not even get why Waynwood is here. Like why would we ever pick him with those drawbacks when all he does is make the people we just curb stomped and rendered obsolete happy? We also threw Westeros a bone with Tarley, and putting so many of them in the Curia as dukes, so more is not needed.
[X] Ser Benjicot Brown
Brown and the Shaitan are tied for fourth, so I am voting strategically for the one I am less against.