[X] Plan Tidal Wave Of Death
-[X] Make some retroactive adjustments.
-[X] Dauntless:
--[X] Take 100 of the Praetori from Kings Landing along to bolster the Dauntless own forces, just in case they somehow found a way that would allow them to board.
--[X] Keep out of the range of the weapon emplacements of Casterly Rock and shell them from afar. Do some range finding with solid shots first, then switch to High Explosive and Inferno shells once you are certain to hit the weapon emplacements. If any are protected by Force effects or similar defenses, use Wildfyre rounds on them.
--[X] Beetle Bombs are kept in reserve until and if any Constructs show. If so, wait until they far enough in the air to prevent retreat, then strike them with High Explosive and Liquid Ice Beetle Bombs.
--[X] If any Constructs, especially swarms, get close enough, the Launcher emplacements and Steam Projectors will use focused fire to bring them down immediately. Use Brilliant Barriers to protect the hull from splash damage caused by setting off explosives that close to the vessel.
// The Dauntless has a fuck-ton of point defense weapons, so the threat of those constructs is nil. They wouldn't even get close enough to do damage, let alone enough to go through 40cm of reinforced, hardened, enchanted steel. Any ballista bolts they might be able to fire that far are going to bounce for the same reason. The only thing that could actually damage the Dauntless are the magic guns, but we outrange those by a huge margin and unless they got an Efreeti aircraft hidden somewhere, they have nothing that could force us to get close enough for them to hit us.
-[X] Assault Team 1:
--[X] Due to the new information, you will split your underground assault into two teams. The first of which will use burrowing creatures to bypass the Formian hive and to strike directly at the treasury and the Shaitan mercenaries, with the ultimate goal being to capture the keep and Tywin.
--[X] Use the following for that:
---[X] 400x Praetori
---[X] 13x Light Warstrider, 15x Warstrider, 4x Heavy Warstrider
---[X] 20x Black Brutes with Blood Clot Molds
---[X] 20x Elder Water Elementals (CR 11)
---[X] Garin (Free Action), Nuri (Free Action), Aradia (Free Action), Benerro
---[X] 10x Verdant Phoenix, 50x Dawnbloom Leshy
---[X] 10x Watchmole, 100x Plant Imbued Shadow Cats
---[X] The former infiltration assets (10x Vigilant Hunter, 10x Lindworm, 10x Greater Bloodclot Mold) will start the battle with a surprise attack on the Lannisters command posts and most secured facilities, then aid by digging tunnels.
--[X] During the battle, Garin, Nuri and Aradia will sneak off and look for Tywin in the chaos.
--[X] The Black Brutes and Water Elementals will focus on the Golems, as they are immune against the worst of the Gold Golems prismatic abilities and can easily destroy them in melee. Any Molds that have their hosts destroyed will keep moving with the forces and assist by casting necromancy and illusion spells.
-[X] Assault Team 2:
--[X] This force will distract and eradicate the Formian hive with all means necessary. If possible, they will capture the Formian leadership for interrogation and research.
--[X] Use the following for that:
---[X] Qyburn, who will focus on pushing through to the heart of the Formian hive, capturing as much of it's leadership as possible and erradicating the rest
---[X] 2x Black Champions with Greater Bloodclot Molds, 4x Black Brute with Greater Bloodclot Mold, 5x Snatching Terrors with Greater Bloodclot Mold and 30x Paralyzing Snatchers with Bloodclot Molds as Qyburns personal guard
---[X] 20x Watchmole, 100x Plant Imbued Shadow Cats, who will use Entagle to hinder the Formians and setting them up for AoE attacks
---[X] 100x Dawnbloom Leshy, who will focus on any hostile undead encountered
---[X] 20x Black Champions with Greater Blood Clot Molds, who will focus on spellcasting and protecting VIPs, using Fell Drain Black Tentacles,
Blood Mist and Necrotic Skull Bomb against hostile groups, and Thanatopic Enervation, Chill Touch and Dispel Magic against hostile leadership. Use blood points harvested from their kills to replenish spells on the fly.
---[X] 15x Necro-Kraken with Greater Blood Clot Molds
---[X] 60x Black Wardens with Necrotic Molds
---[X] 5x Heralds with 30x Elemental Wyrmlings (Fire) for backup and healing
---[X] 10x
Mushroom Golems
---[X] 150x Large Water Elementals (CR 5), 50x Greater Water Elementals
---[X] 500x Spitters and 1,409x Spitter Swarms
---[X] 2,000x Fireflies with mixed alchemical ammunitions, including Wildfyre charges for a rainy day
---[X] 250x Black Knights with Mobility Upgrade
--[X] They will intentionally use plenty of fire to deplete the oxygen in the tunnels, which is very lethal for the Formians and irrelevant for the Watch-creatures and Undead compromising this force.
// We've greatly depleted the undead stockpile for this turns assignment already, but the reserve still holds plenty to deal with this.
-[X] Viserys and his team will stay on the Dauntless for a while longer to follow developments and then deploy once more information is available to decide where they can do the most good.