I have a question, What are people that are voting for it expecting out of the waystone project?
Because maybe I am just not seeing what you guys are seeing, cause for me personally all I can see is the expansion of a side quest that we have been doing that I already found not that interesting but more of it while also herding Dwarves and Elves to not stab each other, Like I am legitimately curious about what I am missing to make this sound fun to read for the next multiple thousand pages.
At first; a lot of running around talking to various groups (the Eonir, the Colleges in general, the Jades in particular, Belegar, Thorgrim maybe, Kragg, Thorek, etc.) convincing them to either contribute information, money, resources, or their time to the project. Then soem hashing out the limits and responsibilities of everyone we've roped in, establishing facilities, timetables, etc.
Then, a lot of running around looking for lost knowledge, disparate clues scattered around the world, studying known Waystones, responding to threats to Waystones, etc.
Eventually, performing limited experiments based what we've learned/determined. Maybe repairing some Waystones.
Mostly I expect to spend a lot of time in the middle phase, dipping out to the third and falling back to the second (and very occasionally even dropping back down into the first to bring in more people or shore up support). I see plenty of opportunity for adventure and galavanting about; visiting ruins, delving into tombs, driving off Beastmen warherds from corrupted Waystones, taking out vampires (they're old and they like to collect knowledge, decent chances of them having at least a few scraps of info). But also plenty of time just spent studying what we've gathered and having interesting conversations with interesting people (runesmiths and runelords, elven mages, Lady and Lord Magisters, possibly even the heads of various Cults).
And of course, doing other things (we've never had a job where we devoted 100% of our time to it and I don't see how such an open ended project would be any different, especially as there is likely to be calls on the time of our collaborators) that catch our interest.