Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Yes, they're both city-states independent of the province they're in that just happen to be under the control of the Elector Counts of said provinces at this point in history. Technically the Elector Count of Middenland is the Grand Duke of Middenland, 'Graf' is the title associated with Middenheim. Both city-states lost their Elector status as part of Magnus' electoral reforms.
Was there ever a time where an EC got to vote twice in the same person?
Does it hurt you inside knowing that you have all these cool ideas and stuff that you can't ever share with us because of spoilers?

Cool ideas aren't actually that hard to come up with. It's realizing those ideas into narrative that's hard, and all of that gets shared.

Was there ever a time where an EC got to vote twice in the same person?

Quite often during the Time of the Three Emperors.
@BoneyM Different question that shouldn't reveal important information: Just how lucky did we get not having to face any "random encounters" on our way to Karak Dum and what forces did you have arrayed against us?
@BoneyM Different question that shouldn't reveal important information: Just how lucky did we get not having to face any "random encounters" on our way to Karak Dum and what forces did you have arrayed against us?

Snorri laid out quite well why you managed to avoid most of them, but there were a couple of points that could have gone very differently. If the Tzeentch daemons hadn't kicked off Skaven vs Chaos Dwarf skirmishes you probably would have faced one or the other, and if the Knights hadn't done so well at keeping the Iron Wolves from being able to scout out the Expedition you definitely would have had to fight your way through them.
You reach your hand upwards and with force of will you snag one of the overhead streams of Ulgu, causing it to break free of the overhead tapestry to swirl downwards towards the Alriksson and spiral around you.

Fog billows out from your staff and hands and mouth and eyes,

If you attempted to hold this much energy it would tear you asunder in seconds, but you simply let it flow through you. The lever moves the world, but the fulcrum remains steady.

This is what it is to be a Wizard. The robes, the rituals, the titles, the books, they were just decoration. To be a Wizard is to face the tide of power that would kill the world, and to bend that power to its defence.
Yep, definetly missed this quest. Such an amazing moment. Somebody should commission art for this moment. Like this sounds cover worthy. A Grey Magister billowing fog, seemingly carrying a half dozen steel behemoths over the hills, facing toward a horizon with a mountain framed by the winds and chaos, four feint silhouettes in the far background. Frame it.

Wonder if that crit confers any bonuses.
When he spoke of Dum, he did not mean the Dwarfhold of Karag Dum.

He meant Cor-Dum.

As you watch reality flinch away from him, Morghur the Shadowgave, immortal demigod of the Beastmen, bellows a warbling prayer to the mountain that has become his Herdstone, and from the trees countless more voices join him.
Well shit. I have no idea what this means and it's time for bed. It's like that moment in a weekly anime you're watching where you get to the good part... And then you hear "... find out next time on..."
[x] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred

I much prefer Markgraf or Bodyguard over the other two, but I definitely want Waystones the least out of the four, so I'm adding Loremaster. If nothing else, it's an option with lots of potential for earning new titles, which is always a good thing. I mean, imagine if we did end up killing that nest of Fire dragons. Or just talking to them, but that's less likely. Dragon Slayer Mathilde sounds pretty fun, doesn't it? I mean, our runic gear is actually pretty good for assassinating them, given we're immune to fire can hit them with a cannon sword, and are sneaky as fuck.

Or Dragon Whisperer, if we get really lucky. That would be nice, if highly unlikely.
Well, adding bodyguard to strategically vote against Waystone.

[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
I'm willing to do a push for Markgraf only.

I'm (and possibly a few) are only voting Waystones to keep loremaster from winning.

If Markgraf gets ahead of loremaster I would drop Waystones in a heart beat.

Fuck it.

[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland

Come on people! Let's push to get past loremaster and then Waystones!
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Count of Sylvania
[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
[X] Border Princess of the Howling River
At this point, I'm willing to concede to anything but Waystones. It just isn't as viscerally appealing because of how much investment it'll likely require to see any benefit vs. directly solving problems people are currently facing right this moment. And Waystones isn't time-sensitive, so we can put it off for the future.

[x] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[x] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[x] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
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Snorri laid out quite well why you managed to avoid most of them, but there were a couple of points that could have gone very differently. If the Tzeentch daemons hadn't kicked off Skaven vs Chaos Dwarf skirmishes you probably would have faced one or the other, and if the Knights hadn't done so well at keeping the Iron Wolves from being able to scout out the Expedition you definitely would have had to fight your way through them.
Ah. I thought that was either a modifier or the in post explanation for all the damn lucky rolls hidden we got on each stretch of the expedition. Like, there must have at least been a chance to encounter those displaced hungry Ogres or some trap laid by the Lord of Change or a well placed Chaos Dwarf artillery barrage passing Iron Wolves trying to slay a Dragon.
I'm willing to do a push for Markgraf only.

I'm (and possibly a few) are only voting Waystones to keep loremaster from winning.

If Markgraf gets ahead of loremaster I would drop Waystones in a heart beat.

Fuck it.

[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland

Come on people! Let's push to get past loremaster and then Waystones!
That's... Not how the votes work. Not voting for second place doesn't push third place in any way closer to first place. The right time to drop mediocre approvals is once the disliked option has fallen beneath a liked one, or if you think you won't be around to change your vote before closing and are willing to take a gamble.

I guess there could be some complicated strategic calculation where you try to push your favorite to second place so that when the next batch of players wake up/come back from work and see their "never X" option winning they'll approval yours and create the image that the previous second vote is out of the running. But something like that seems too far fetched to be worth the effort.
At this point, I'm willing to concede to anything but Waystones. It just isn't as viscerally appealing as the others because of how much investment it'll likely require to see any benefits vs. directly solving problems people are currently facing.

[x] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[x] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[x] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
Is there anyway to get you to drop loremaster?

I really feel like it's the only one that doesn't have a actual plot, it's just mucking about until Boney things of something.

Even Waystone has a goal.

On the other hand, Markgraf is about stamping out vampires." And bodyguard is about protecting the future empior.

They have a goal= plot.
Is there anyway to get you to drop loremaster?

I really feel like it's the only one that doesn't have a actual plot, it's just mucking about until Boney things of something.

Even Waystone has a goal.

On the other hand, Markgraf is about stamping out vampires." And bodyguard is about protecting the future empior.

They have a goal= plot.

Arguably, loremaster has the soft, unspoken goal of "make Belegar High King". I mean, there's not a lot of endstates for "I want Karak Eight Peaks to retake its place at the forefront of the Karaz Ankor" that don't end in High Kingship.
Arguably, loremaster has the soft, unspoken goal of "make Belegar High King". I mean, there's not a lot of endstates for "I want Karak Eight Peaks to retake its place at the forefront of the Karaz Ankor" that don't end in High Kingship.
I do t read that, (and not just because I don't like the option)

Belegar has said on screen that he doesn't think k8ps will truly filled and finished I. His life time.

There is no way he is thinking about high king in that framework.
Come on guys, just a few days ago we were all talking about how Belegar could use a real Loremaster as an established hold, and not a Wizard with a fake beard!

He likes us and doesn't want us to feel unwelcome, but going around solving problems for other dwarves isn't what's best for Karak Eight Peaks, it's trying to find justification for Mathilde to not feel bad abojt stickong around.

(At least, that was my reading of it, but I'm not in the guy's head.)

Arguably, loremaster has the soft, unspoken goal of "make Belegar High King". I mean, there's not a lot of endstates for "I want Karak Eight Peaks to retake its place at the forefront of the Karaz Ankor" that don't end in High Kingship.
No way does Belegar ever try to become High King. He's stressed enough as a regular King, and Karak Eight Peaks is too young to be splitting his attention like that.
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Come on guys, just a few days ago we were all talking about how Belegar could use a real Loremaster as an established hold, and not a Wizard with a fake beard!

He likes us and doesn't want us to feel unwelcome, but going around solving problems for other dwarves isn't what's best for Karak Eight Peaks, it's trying to find justification for Mathilde to not feel bad abojt stickong around.

(At least, that was my reading of it, but I'm not in the guy's head.)

The amount of goodwill we could earn for K8P as Loremaster at Large probably outweighs the benefits of having an actual loremaster.

With Loremaster at Large, Belegar is going for a less tangible gain: Hope.
Is there anyway to get you to drop loremaster?

I really feel like it's the only one that doesn't have a actual plot, it's just mucking about until Boney things of something.

Even Waystone has a goal.

On the other hand, Markgraf is about stamping out vampires." And bodyguard is about protecting the future empior.

They have a goal= plot.
Man, you have to understand that there are lots and lots of people that doesn't have any problem with remaing Loremaster...

The bullshit about being the "coward" option, the "comfortable" option, the "plotless" option doesn´t fucking matter to most of us... We like Belegar, we like working with Dwarfs, we like the new options that open up now, we like that is a job with lots of varied adventures, so we want to remain loremaster.
Come on guys, just a few days ago we were all talking about how Belegar could use a real Loremaster as an established hold, and not a Wizard with a fake beard!

He likes us and doesn't want us to feel unwelcome, but going around solving problems for other dwarves isn't what's best for Karak Eight Peaks, it's trying to find justification for Mathilde to not feel bad abojt stickong around.

(At least, that was my reading of it, but I'm not in the guy's head.)

Being the "outside of the box" troubleshooter for the wide Karaz Ankow has been a thread favorite for a long time, there was some discussion about the "Belegar should take a lawyer instead of a wizard" but as you a see the people who thought that are a vocal minority not representative of the feelings of the thread at large.

And not being good with Dwarven Laws is a relatively minor inconvenience when your advisor can pull Darven Holds out of the Aethyr... We are giving the Dwarfs hope, and that is something that we are uniquely prepared to continue doing.
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Is there anyway to get you to drop loremaster?

I really feel like it's the only one that doesn't have a actual plot, it's just mucking about until Boney things of something.

Even Waystone has a goal.

On the other hand, Markgraf is about stamping out vampires." And bodyguard is about protecting the future empior.

They have a goal= plot.

I would definitly switch away from Loremaster if the race was between that and either Bodyguard or Markgraf, but as long as Waystones are ahead I'll keep loremaster in the vote as well.
Eh, Markgaf is too monofocused to me. Seems too small potatoes compared to most of the available choices.

Also doesn't help that I dislike Roswita.
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