Vote and Reasoning
I did one of these when we had the first options so here we are again I will try to include as much that is objective in this analyses, but at the end of the day his is a personal vote prefaced by the fact that I do not think any of these options are out of character, some are just more in character for who I want Mathilde to be.
[ ] Loremaster Sinecure
Pass, I don't think we should rest on our laurels when there is so much to do. For one thing Belegar might be fine with us doing it but the Grey College is not. Moreover this looks like the sort of thing that would bore the GM at least a little. It would certainly bore me in his place an a bored GM is more likely to introduce sources of eternal conflict we had less of a hand in. I think there is something to be said for a more limited break like half a year to a year, but we are getting that anyway.
[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
This is my first pick, well first thing I would be fine with on the list. It is a wide ranging varied job with a chance to interact more with dwarfs, who keep in mind are a lot less likely to be prejudiced than humans especially as we are no dawi ourselves. I think people underestimate the power of the Karaz Ankor to make effective change in the world too compared to the Empire.
Yes there are no more loose dwarfs to throw at an expedition, but the treasury balance of Old Holds is still YES. Dwarfs looking to the future with hope won't just have an interest in recovering holds or the lore of the ancestors, they will have a direct interest in keeping the world ticking, helping the empire, and other order powers, driving back the dark things in it etc... The Karaz Ankor diminished as it is is still a world power, the Empire is not. If you want to enact grand political change you could do worse than choosing his
[X] The Waystone Project
I like research, that cannot be denied, but I like diplomacy too, I would like us to get some use out of xeno-affinity and windherder and you can get both of these here, it synergises with the boons and with the plane to go to Ulthuan, it is just all around a place where many of Mathy's skills would be put to good use to the benefit of all in a challenging and varied experience
[/] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
I am not voting for this, but I would not entirely dislike it either. I would see it as a bit of narrative regression and I do not really have a lot of faith that it would lead to fun research or loot, but I could be wrong, maybe that legend growing around us will lead to some fun magical interactions, maybe we can finally enshrine the Protector. If nothing else he would hate vampires even more than most exploitative nobles
[ ] Count of Sylvania
As above but less power, less resources and hereditary. Hard pass I am not even sure I want Mathy to have heirs.
[/] Spymaster of Wissenland
This is another one of those eh I would not mind it, Skaven seem to be going backwards. We already made a break from that line to research when we dropped all that stuff on the Gold College. That said maybe we can find the magical dictionary we are missing, maybe we can get skilled enough at illusion to pass for Skaven . Might be fun
[ ] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
Hard pass. As much as I said the court would be a political quagmire this is worse, since it deliberately plays on our two major allegiances. Don't get me wrong I like the title of the quest, but there is no need to make it more imediate.
[ ] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
I do not trust Hedi with the power of a fully operational Mathide and I do not think her ambitions are worth the trouble. I also have no attachment to the boy prince and don't think Mathilde does either. That said there are a few things I would like Ranald help with, maybe theurgy,maybe Ranald the magician. Boney has implied that Ranald too has heard of this Nagash fellow and so would be ill inclined to let us play around with his toys, but if he liked us enough... well he too was around in Nehekara apparently.
[/] Governor-General of Swamp Town
In a perfectly spherical void I would vote for this, it has magic dinosaurs and all that cool stuff. Hell maybe we will unearth a fully operational Old One spacecraft. (

) But the world is not a void and Mathilde is not an island. We have no reason to run way from our lives and friends.
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
Yep I'm voting for something that has not been investigated. The few things I like about the court position this does better and faster and we do not have to deal with Hedi and her politics. Hell maybe we'll find and Ungol Hag and talk spirit binding.
[X] Border Princess of the Howling River
If we are going to nation build might as well go big. This is a chance to shape the culture of an entire nation to secure the passes and maybe even do some adventuring down in the Land of the Dead. There are a lot of cool things down in the Border Princes and we can set our own hours. That said it is going to be a hell of an action sink to get off the ground, even more than Sylvania because this place is a howling wilderness filled with brigands monsters and cultists as opposed to a recently retaken province of the Empire.
[ ] Nagarythe
I am going to be brief here, we have just had a huge action interlude series. I do not think we would need to chain one more.
[ ] Research Sabbatical
I see this as a lightly more focused and time limited Sinecure, better than that, but not enough to vote for it.