Wages of Sin
Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC
House Roxton did not fall gently and it did not fall gracefully. With the resources of the Fifth needed to preserve Highgarden and its hinterlands from Winter's grasping fingers, there could be no question of indulging Garlan Roxton. It was, however, an unintended pinch of salt in the wound that the three tasked to deal with him were all sellswords of one sort or another, though granted Sari was more rightly the sort of woman who sold her skills with a dagger and Vargo was the sort to sell anything he had on him as long as it got him the job.
Liomond Lashare was not used to being the most reputable fellow in a company. Even among the Band of Nine he could not be counted that, but here it was very much true. Case in point, the present argument before the walls of the Ring. "No, we can't just slit his throat with his own sword, that would have half the Reach and most of the Vale at our throats. We capture him and command him to order his men to stand down. "
"And if the idiot won't take the offer we are generously making?" Sari asked, the words slightly slurred from speaking around the efreeti spice stick she was chewing.
"Then I have just the spell to make him see reason," Vargo tapped a long finger to one of the scroll-cases on his belt. "There is no law that says you cannot use enchantment on traitors."
Liomond shook his head. He might be technically right, but it was not the sort of technicality the lords of the Reach preferred to deal with. Having one of their own bespelled into surrender would muddy the waters for any Imperial functionaries who would be set to work with his neighbors. Hopefully, cold steel would do for persuasion. That you could use freely, and so long as it worked the stain of cowardice would be on the bastard who caved.
Even without the skills of a dedicated illusionist, it did not take the three of them much to get past the walls of the Ring and then scale the inner keep until they reached the lord's window. They had been surprised to see lights at this late hour, though as they climbed farther they were met with even more unexpected sounds from within. It was clear Garlan Roxton had company in his bed tonight, very spirited company from the sounds of it.
has to be faking that," Vargo noted in a soft but wondering tone.
"He's a bloody count, of course she is faking it. Now come on, you can pay for a show in the Deep," Sari snapped.
The sounds of cursing and struggling briefly replaced those of passion as the three slipped through the window. Orphan Maker was not even drawn in its bearer's defense, but simply lay at the foot of the bed in mute witness as he was reduced to unwilling slumber.
Speaking of witnesses... Liomond had been prepared to take two prisoners instead of one, but the woman the erstwhile Lord Garlan had been sporting with was startlingly sanguine about the whole thing once it became clear they bore her no personal ill will. "There's silk ropes in the third drawer."
Really, it was almost enough to make Liomond feel sorry for the bastard... almost. "Much obliged, but we came prepared."
Roxton's mistress nodded and took a long look around the three of them. "He owes me, you know? Not just money, but whole years of my life."
Vargo hummed in vague agreement, though he was busy going through the letters atop the unfortunate lord's desk. Liomond was starting to see where this was going, but he did not interrupt.
"Do any of you mind if you deliver this keep to your lord with lighter drawers?" she pressed.
"We don't get paid in spoils," Liomond shrugged. "As long as it isn't a letter or the House seal, you can take what you like."
Alas, for the woman, Elaine was her name they discovered, the pickings were rather slim in the bedchamber, mostly sliver and copper and what little gold could be found was in old gold dragons that merchants insisted on weighing in Imperial markets. She glanced at Orphan Maker propped next to the bed.
"That is not included," Liomond said, though he could not help a smile at her boldness.
"Why not?" Sari asked. "The Fifth all have Imperial Steel and they don't call them names and all that shit. It's just a decent sword these days."
"The son of a bitch scared away my betrothed because he wanted to have me," Elaine added with the sort of simmering venom that only years of helplessness can breed.
"Eh... fuck it, I'll write the report," the sellsword gave in.
So passed from history the blade
Orphan Maker, mere minutes before the Ring surrendered and House Roxton was undone. Vargo did not have to use his scrolls, after all.
What next?
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OOC: Teana is busy fighting undead right now since the power to be in more than one place at once it too good to waste on this infiltration.Not yet edited.