I'm still not over @TalonofAnathrax calling him a trans allegory, so please don't make me imagine him in a Pride & Prejudice knock-off.

Also, I'm kimda regretting never having written that ritual chapter. I've finally found some inspiration for it, just a month late. :/
Nothing's stopping you from writing it if you've got the inspiration. It's not like we can't just link back to the right place in the quest.
I'm still not over @TalonofAnathrax calling him a trans allegory, so please don't make me imagine him in a Pride & Prejudice knock-off.

Also, I'm kimda regretting never having written that ritual chapter. I've finally found some inspiration for it, just a month late. :/
1: I have no memory of that specific shitpost, but it does sort of work so I will take it as a compliment.

2: Qyburn would not only break the plot, he'd break the setting. My favourite potential way for this to go? He teaches some Psionics to Elizabeth Bennet (or gives her an experimental Aberrant Dragonmark) in exchange for early cultural advice and help with economic intégration (payment + info). She's concerned about prospects and long-term stability, giving him the impression he should focus on that to avoid too many incovenient local issues. Elizabeth takes to reading the surface thoughts of the two main guys (whose name I forget) which obviously creates as many problems and misunderstandings as it solves. Meanwhile Qyburn is still around (family guest? Monitoring his experiment or teaching Elizabeth ?) and he realises there might be a Leyline beneath Netherfield - perfect to create a good lab, or baby Flesh Forge ! Can Elizabeth help him make that happen? Does she even want to? Can she trust his promises even when he is revealed as something far from human? And can Qyburn resist the temptation to just mind-control them all?

3: Write it now ! No problem ! Threadmark order can be adjusted.
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1: I have no memory of that specific shitpost, but it does sort of work so I will take it as a compliment.

2: Qyburn would not only break the plot, he'd break the setting. My favourite potential way for this to go? He teaches some Psionics to Elizabeth Bennet (or gives her an experimental Aberrant Dragonmark) in exchange for early cultural advice and help with economic intégration (payment + info). She's concerned about prospects and long-term stability, giving him the impression he should focus on that to avoid too many incovenient local issues. Elizabeth takes to reading the surface thoughts of the two main guys (whose name I forget) which obviously creates as many problems and misunderstandings as it solves. Meanwhile Qyburn is still around (family guest? Monitoring his experiment or teaching Elizabeth ?) and he realises there might be a Leyline beneath Netherfield - perfect to create a good lab, or baby Flesh Forge ! Can Elizabeth help him make that happen? Does she even want to? Can she trust his promises even when he is revealed as something far from human? And can Qyburn resist the temptation to just mind-control them all?

3: Write it now ! No problem ! Threadmark order can be adjusted.
2. I've never read the book, so I can't comment. The important bit though is Qyburn in a top hat and wearing e^π monocles.
[X] Azel
Will we soon find out what exactly was the deal with Peasebury? I'm asking because the narrative just seemed to cut off from that point.
It cut off because of the timeline. A bunch of events were taking place concurrently, and it might turn out he'll just flop over and surrender if Viserys and company eradicate any resistance in the West by that point in the narrative.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 28, 2021 at 3:21 AM, finished with 117 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Plan Do As Shadowy Security Agencies Do
    -[X] Spatha Response: Track them with Three Eyed Ravens and send a message back to SD.
    -[X] Immediate Legal Response: House Vance of Wayfarers Rest will be declared traitors against the realm. All their lands, privileges and titles are forfeit and will be sized by the crown to be handed out to loyal retainers.
    -[X] Inquisition Reponse: Since tracking fleeing people is not strictly a military matter, Garin will pull rank and declare capturing them a Inquisition task so that it can be coordinated without the overall military command aware of the details.
    --[X] A team consisting of 1x Lindworm with Greater Bloodclot Mold, 4x Snatching Terror with Greater Bloodclot Mold and the 4x Salikotal (Vengeance Devils) from the Inquisition forces, all Mindblanked by a Mass Mindblank from Nirah, will be send to arrest the Vances. They will use the Bloodclot Molds Invisibility, Cloak of Khyber and Veil spells to hide themselves while tracking the group.
    --[X] The Devils will be secretly ordered to use their Suggestion SLA to split up the group. Civilians, the small children and their mother will get the idea to hide with the mothers family and Lord Vance will reluctantly let them before leading any armed retainers and his heir to the west, hoping to join forces with Westerlander houses seeking to resist the Imperium.
    --[X] At this point, the Three Eyed Ravens will be ordered to follow the woman and children with an outrider group of the Legion currently at Pinkmaiden being requested to arrest them.
    --[X] The Inquisition force will track Lord Vance and his heir a bit longer, before they all "die while resisting arrest". The bodies will be brought to the Fungus Forge, while official accounts will claim they had been destroyed to prevent resurrection, as they were found guilty of treason by the Inquisition.
    -[X] Other matters (fate of the children, fate of the keep, etc.) will be sorted out later.
    [X] Plan Think of the Children (@Azel's plan, but tying up the loose rugrat end)
    -[X] Track them with Three Eyed Ravens and send a message back to SD.
    -[X] Deploy a Lindworm with a Greater Bloodclot Mold and 10x Snatching Terrors with Greater Bloodclot Molds to capture them. Have them protected by Mindblank by Nirah so that nobody can later ask questions.
    -[X] Declare House Vance of Wayfarers Rest to be traitors against the realm and all their titles forfeit.
    -[X] The children will be taken into protective custody for the time being, and depending on the fate of their parents either returned to them, offered to the main branch of House Vance for fostering, or given a place in an Imperial Orphanage.
Interlude MXXXIV: Shadow's Work
Shadow's Work

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

Garin listened to the report from the Spatha, carefully writing down the particulars in his own neat hand. There were some things you should not trust to a scribe no matter how reliable, but which nonetheless had to be delivered in writing just to make sure ones subordinates did not grow too imaginative in execution. He trusted the mold spirits implicitly for all their Gods' lust for vengeance and the bloodletting that had birthed them. He trusted the Salikotal less, however, as they were a touch too good at their job, and their job was murder.

Not that there would not be killing in those mountains before the night was done, but it would be best to ensure it was the right killing. A thread left untied could lead to questions and rumors that would be slow indeed to die, and which no assassin's blade, no matter how sharp, could cut. 'Break them up with a touch of enchantment, have the lady and her daughters captured on the way to her kin's keep, and have Lord Vance and his son killed quietly out of sight resisting arrest.'

The High Inquisitor looked down at the lines and briefly wondered if anyone would believe a handful of armsmen could actually meaningfully resist an Inquisition kill team. After all, the Vances wouldn't have any 'loyal' kin left within the Imperium when tomorrow dawned over the Riverlands. It would work, he decided. Those closest to the matter would have cause to keep their mouths closed so as not to invite further Imperial ire, and those hearing of it in passing would judge that of course the desperate charge of bold knights was enough to cause trouble to 'mere investigators'. That too was perfectly alright. It was no small part of the Inquisition's public façade to be underestimated by those it might be called to deal with.

'Let the molds take the lead in killing,' he added with a flourish to the secret orders. The Old Gods may not get their full taste of Vance blood, but if there was one thing Garin had learned about the first gods Viserys had brought to the Deep, it was that they were a practical sort. Some blood was better than none.

Speaking of gods and their servants... The High Inquisitor vanished, wrapped in his own shadow for a moment and among the shadows of the city he walked. The torches and lanterns of boisterous celebration were pale as march lights this side of the veil, until he came to the Temple of Yss and passed by a way known only to him and a few others, to enter the chambers of the Champion. With a thought, the world around him twisted in a direction that was either up nor down, left nor right, forward nor backwards.

"We have need of your magics, Holy One. A ward against scrying and enchantment for a team heading west."

The serpent moved with the scrape of adamantine-hard scales on stone, its great eyes like lanterns in the gloom to Garin's slight. "It shall be done, Shadow."

"Why do you call me that?" Garin asked curiously. He had been called shadow-binder in error and in flattery, shadow-blessed by those who presumed the presence of divinity where there were none, but never just Shadow.

"Because you are the Shadow of his will, at your best when you fall without sound and without fanfare upon foes soon forgotten," the Herald of Yss replied.

And so it indeed was. By dawn the Vances of Wayfarer's Rest were no more, though Lord Steffon's gooddaughter and his granddaughters were still alive and in custody. That branch at least of the ancient Andal line had been burned with the flames of ancient wrath. The bodies would be unceremoniously fed into the Flesh Forge in Lys alongside those of dozens of citizens who had simply chosen that as their means of interment. The only place the names Steffon and Karyl would figure would be on an inquisitor's ledger.

What next?

[] Write in

OOC: I know this is short, but a Garin interlude just felt like it worked here. We have not heard from him in a while and certainly not while doing routine work... especially since the routine involves giant burrowing Flesh-Forged creations, devil assassins and the Champions of Gods. It felt like a nice juxtaposition to show.
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Peasants in Wayfarer's Rest: Did anyone saw the lord and his son?

The Inquisition: Who? I don't see anyone? Oh look over there! Free health care and better farming tools!
*kicks the bodies under the rug*
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[X] Highgarden and the infiltration of The Ring

Let us wrap up the Reach next, since there are only these two things left there. Greyshield has not been named as resisting when I last asked.
Shadow's Work

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

Garin listened to the report from the Spatha, carefully writing down the particulars in his own neat hand. There were some things you should not trust to a scribe no matter how trusted, but which nonetheless had to be delivered in writing just to make sure ones subordinates did not grow too imaginative in execution. He trusted the mold spirits implicitly for all their Gods' lust for vengeance and the bloodletting that had birthed them. He trusted the salikotal less, however, as they were a touch too good at their job, and their job was murder.

Not that there would not be killing in those mountains before the night was done, but it would be best to ensure it was the right killing. A thread left untied could lead to questions and rumors that would be slow indeed to die, and which no assassin's blade, no matter how sharp, could cut. 'Break them up with a touch of enchantment, have the lady and her daughters captured on the way to her kin's keep, and have Lord Vance and his son killed quietly out of sight resisting arrest.'

The High Inquisitor looked down at the lines and briefly wondered if anyone would believe a handful of armsmen could actually meaningfully resist an Inquisition kill team. After all, the Vances wouldn't have any 'loyal' kin left within the Imperium when tomorrow dawned over the Riverlands. It would work, he decided. Those closest to the matter would have cause to keep their mouths closed so as not to invite further Imperial ire, and those hearing of it in passing would judge that of course the desperate charge of bold knights was enough to cause trouble to 'mere investigators'. That too was perfectly alright. It was no small part of the Inquisition's public façade to be underestimated by those it might be called to deal with.

'Let the molds take the lead in killing,' he added with a flourish to the secret orders. The Old Gods may not get their full taste of Vance blood, but if there was one thing Garin had learned about the first gods Viserys had brought to the Deep, it was that they were a practical sort. Some blood was better than none.

Speaking of gods and their servants... The High Inquisitor vanished, wrapped in his own shadow for a moment and among the shadows of the city he walked. The torches and lanterns of boisterous celebration were pale as march lights this side of the veil, until he came to the Temple of Yss and passed by a way known only to him and a few others, to enter the chambers of the Champion. With a thought, the world around him twisted in a direction that was either up nor down, left nor right, forward nor backwards.

"We have need of your magics, Holy One. A ward against scrying and enchantment for a team heading west."

The serpent moved with the scrape of adamantine hard scales on stone, its great eyes like lanterns in the gloom to Garin's slight. "It shall be done, Shadow."

"Why do you call me that?" Garin asked curiously. He had been called shadow-binder in error and in flattery, shadow-blessed by those who presumed the presence of divinity where there were none, but never just a shadow.

"Because you are the Shadow of his will, at your best when you fall without sound and without fanfare upon foes soon forgotten," the Herald of Yss replied.

And so it indeed was. By dawn the Vances of Wayfarer's Rest were no more, though Lord Steffon's gooddaughter and his granddaughters were still alive and in custody. That branch at least of the ancient Andal line had been burned with the flames of ancient wrath. The bodies would be unceremoniously fed into the Flesh Forge in Lys alongside those of dozens of citizens who had simply chosen that as their means of interment. The only place the names Steffon and Karyl would figure would be on an inquisitor's ledger.

What next?

[] Write in

OOC: I know this is short, but a Garin interlude just felt like it worked here. We have not heard from him in a while and certainly not while doing routine work... especially since the routine involves giant burrowing Flesh-Forged creations, devil assassins and the Champions of Gods. It felt like a nice juxtaposition to show.
Made a few additional edits to the chapter, DP.