@DragonParadox would making search light grade emitters based on the effects of an Amulet of Hidden Light be feasible? Arranged properly we could get the operators in the area of illumination without blocking the beam, and allow them to search the countryside with invisible searchlights.
That's pretty neat and the best solution I've found so far.

I could have sworn there was an Illusion-based light effect which only the caster could see, but I've been wracking my brain and I can't find it. I'm about to give up and mark it down as a figment of my imagination.
This whole thing has "bloody mess" written all over it without some stage directions to prevent it, and since I know that I'll just get yelled at by everyone if my plan is more explicit about the "leave no witnesses" part...

[X] Plan Do As Shadowy Security Agencies Do
-[X] Spatha Response: Track them with Three Eyed Ravens and send a message back to SD.
-[X] Immediate Legal Response: House Vance of Wayfarers Rest will be declared traitors against the realm. All their lands, privileges and titles are forfeit and will be sized by the crown to be handed out to loyal retainers.
-[X] Inquisition Reponse: Since tracking fleeing people is not strictly a military matter, Garin will pull rank and declare capturing them a Inquisition task so that it can be coordinated without the overall military command aware of the details.
--[X] A team consisting of 1x Lindworm with Greater Bloodclot Mold, 4x Snatching Terror with Greater Bloodclot Mold and the 4x Salikotal (Vengeance Devils) from the Inquisition forces, all Mindblanked by a Mass Mindblank from Nirah, will be send to arrest the Vances. They will use the Bloodclot Molds Invisibility, Cloak of Khyber and Veil spells to hide themselves while tracking the group.
--[X] The Devils will be secretly ordered to use their Suggestion SLA to split up the group. Civilians, the small children and their mother will get the idea to hide with the mothers family and Lord Vance will reluctantly let them before leading any armed retainers and his heir to the west, hoping to join forces with Westerlander houses seeking to resist the Imperium.
--[X] At this point, the Three Eyed Ravens will be ordered to follow the woman and children with an outrider group of the Legion currently at Pinkmaiden being requested to arrest them.
--[X] The Inquisition force will track Lord Vance and his heir a bit longer, before they all "die while resisting arrest". The bodies will be brought to the Fungus Forge, while official accounts will claim they had been destroyed to prevent resurrection, as they were found guilty of treason by the Inquisition.
-[X] Other matters (fate of the children, fate of the keep, etc.) will be sorted out later.
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As Aedon collapses in death, his remaining eye opens in surprise, perhaps in that last moment understanding in an instant with that strange knowing that sometimes comes upon the dying, but if that is so then it will never be known for not another word passes his lips.

@DragonParadox, a question now that a lot of time has passed. Did Aedon have a roll to sell his soul or something? Like how Damphair actually tried to curse us with his dying breath.

I'm getting ratings at old posts and thus I'm seeing really old things.
[X] Azel

@Azel I'm not totally sure how the dynastic politics of this work out, but could we also use this opportunity to hit the other Vance family? If we could get away with treating house Vance like a single entity with two parts instead of two closely related families we could bust two noble lineages for the price of one.
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[X] Azel

@Azel I'm not totally cure how the dynastic politics of this work out, but could we also use this opportunity to hit the other Vance family? If we could get away with treating house Vance like a single entity with two parts instead of two closely related families we could bust two noble lineages for the price of one.
Sadly there is not much that we can do. The two Vance branches are too far removed from each other to realistically hold them liable fort he fuck-ups of the other.

However, we can always hope that the Atranta Vances throw a fit over the death of their distant relatives and do something ill-advised.
Forgot to update this after the Mallister situation was finally resolved.

Penrose - Lord of Parchments - Surrendered immediately.
Trant - Lord of Gallowsgrey - Family poisoned by Lord Garret Trant after warning shot was given. Youngest daughter Anna manifested Warlock powers after interaction with the Fury Usizil.
Mertyns - Lord of Mistwood - Surrendered immediately.
Whitehead - Lord of Weeping Down - Presumably surrendered immediately.
Cefferen- Lord of ??? - Presumably surrendered immediately.
Caron - Lord of Nightsong - Surrendered immediately.
Morrigen - Lord of ??? - Surrendered immediately.
Peasebury - Lord of Poddingfield - Demanding written order by Stannis Baratheon to stand down after rejecting earlier orders to join him at the coronation. Likely stalling for time.

Rambton - Lord of ??? - Surrendered after warning shot was given.
Sunglass - Lord of Sweetport Sound - Surrendered after warning shot was given.
Follard - Lord of ??? - Surrendered immediately. Contested succession and Maester was hiding invitation to the coronation.
Byrch - Lord of Bywater - Household deposed old lord in favor of his son and handed him over as a prisoner.

🎀 Vale 🎀
Templeton - Ser of Nightstar - Traitor. Head of house died in battle at the Bloody Gate.
Ruthermont - Lord of Red Hill - Surrendered immediately.
Waynwood - Lord of Ironoaks - Surrendered immediately.
Hardyng - Lord of Hearthguard - Surrendered immediately.
Aryn of Gulltown - ??? - Currently riding to the Eyrie to claim the place for himself.
Wydman - Lord of Windwater - Surrendered immediately.
Elesham - Lord of the Paps - Surrendered immediately.
Dutton - Lord of Sheepsford - Traitor. Keep shelled and ruins stormed.
Crayne - Lord of Shrike Hill - Traitor. Outer walls of the keep blown by sappers before surrendering.
Donninger - Lord of Doombell - Traitor. Lord burned by Fiery Darkenbeast ridden by Melisandre. Rest of the keep surrendered.
Waxley - Lord of Wickenden - Surrendered immediately.
Sunderland - Lord of Three Sisters - Surrendered immediately.
Egen - Lord of ??? - Surrendered after warning shot was given.
Hersy - Lord of Newkeep - Dragon banner already on the battlements when our forces arrived.
Lynderly - Lord of Snakewood - Surrendered immediately. Lady of the house committed suicide.
Moore - Lord of Mooreland - Surrendered immediately.
Baelish - "Lord" of some hovel - Line extinct.

Meadows - Lord of Grassfield - Traitor. Keep reduced to rubble. Line presumed extinct.

🎀 Riverlands 🎀
Mallister - Lord of Seaguard - Mindcontrolled by the Lannisters throw a intelligent armor. Surrendered upon being freed.
Piper - Lord of Pinkmaiden - Surrendered immediately.
Deddings - Lord of ??? - Surrendered, but unwilling to swear oath. Lord abdicated and accepted exile to a monastery in Andalos. Daughter inherited.
Vance - Lord of Atranta - Surrendered immediately.
Vance - Lord of Wayfarer's Rest - Traitor. Attempted to flee. Keep secured by Imperial Forces. Lord and heir died during attempt to arrest them.
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Third Piece on Offer: Ar'Azil's Grimoire: Allows experimentation with the souls of Far Realm beings, potentially including developing means of mind transfer and reincarnation across the divide.
  1. Accounts of the Great Wheel and its Turning
  2. Ar'Azil's Grimoire
  3. Commission for a Clockwork Familiar (1 Month's time)
Next turn if Qyburn is free we should let him read Ar'Azil's tome. Wonder what it could lead to...
It'd definitely improve our knowledge of Flesh Smithing.

Having Qyburn is so incredibly convenient. What would drive anyone else utterly insane, we can just assign to him.

Reliable as fuck, that man.
He's legitimately one of my favorite characters. Sure he's a monster by several reasonable metrics, but he's retained his ability to work with others and be a part of society so long as it makes room for him around the fire.

Funnily enough, from a certain perspective, Qyburn is practically a Hallmark special's worth of lessons on self discovery, discipline, and following one's dreams. Which is exactly the style we should use for his biopic. :V
He's legitimately one of my favorite characters. Sure he's a monster by several reasonable metrics, but he's retained his ability to work with others and be a part of society so long as it makes room for him around the fire.

Funnily enough, from a certain perspective, Qyburn is practically a Hallmark special's worth of lessons on self discovery, discipline, and following one's dreams. Which is exactly the style we should use for his biopic. :V
And he's still less monstrous than the ASOIAF canon Brave Companions/Bloody Mummers that normalish Qyburn hung out with!
He's legitimately one of my favorite characters. Sure he's a monster by several reasonable metrics, but he's retained his ability to work with others and be a part of society so long as it makes room for him around the fire.

Funnily enough, from a certain perspective, Qyburn is practically a Hallmark special's worth of lessons on self discovery, discipline, and following one's dreams. Which is exactly the style we should use for his biopic. :V
I'm still not over @TalonofAnathrax calling him a trans allegory, so please don't make me imagine him in a Pride & Prejudice knock-off.

Also, I'm kimda regretting never having written that ritual chapter. I've finally found some inspiration for it, just a month late. :/