Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Teaching a brat as the marvelous Mathilde, Lady Magister and quasi-auntie, while also playing court intrigue with a co-conspirator might finally bring everyone down again to a personal scale without ignoring Mathildes achievements.
See what you describe here is exactly what I don't want, one of humanity's greatest mages and warriors who has shown her ability to perform actions that change the world...
Playing babysitter and being stuck dealing with petty court politics.
Kinda being the operative word here. On the one hand it isn't a disappeared Hold anymore and is now known to have "merely" been abducted by Slaanesh. On the other hand, Protector Coin shenanigans that led to "this Human Wizard is actually a Dwarf".
Yes :)
And We are another example. They have definitely became less weird after we got to know them and westernized them.
'Forbidden to meddle' and 'forbidden from meddling' would both be correct, I think.
Looked it up. Both are fine, though some grammatical texts /forum posts claim that only one or the other is correct.

See what you describe here is exactly what I don't want, one of humanity's greatest mages and warriors who has shown her ability to perform actions that change the world...
Playing babysitter and being stuck dealing with petty court politics.
This choice it quite literally described as being the closest to the biggest levers of power. This is not a waste of her her talents, nor is it a 24/7 job (probably).

In my opinion, this is also the choice to make if we want to root out cults, exert global pressure, travel around for diplomatic visits that may just become something more than "diplomatic" or solve murder mysteries. Being a personal tutor/bodyguard to the future Emperor may offer a very broad range of possible missions.
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See what you describe here is exactly what I don't want, one of humanity's greatest mages and warriors who has shown her ability to perform actions that change the world...
Playing babysitter and being stuck dealing with petty court politics.

Vote to investigate and we can see if that's the actual job description or if Heidi wants us to do something much zanier.
actually if we vote naggarythe now, wont we have to vote again for what to do if we return? After all naggarythe is only 99 days and no more.

So, about the same length of time as the Karag Dum Expedition?

What are some examples of this in the Empire? Is this how Ostmark originally split off of Osterland or something?

That sort of thing replaces the dynasty running the county, rather than redrawing the maps. They tend to change fairly often - even ignoring the events that began the quest, the von Königswald of Ostland and the Nikse of Nordland are both currently in power, but both canonically lost it before the 'current day' of the setting.

Is there a way to have this job description while also allowing Belegar to hire an actual Loremaster at home and/or not taking up a valuable Council seat?


Wait, did she literally send this letter herself? I missed that.

So Mathilde believes. It sounds like her.

Isn't this exactly the same place that Ruprecht the Younger wants to tackle?

Whether he can convince the rest of the Order to go along with it and whether they'd find any success in doing so are very far from being guaranteed.

Will we be able to sniff into multiple options over several turns, like we did successfully during the establishment of K8P and tumultuously during the romance experiment? Personally I'd like that, but I understand if you'd rather not.

Absolutely not. I'm not giving the thread the benefit of the doubt until people stop treating thread tumult as an inevitable force of nature that only the QM is to blame for.

Excluding the stuff that she killed, is there anything weird that Loremaster Mathilde has poked at that became less weird as a result?

The We and Cython leap to mind.

On that subject, when will we get the scene(s) related to that? I mean it doesn't quite fit into the "investigate future jobs" paradigm, but deciding whether we travel to KaK for an immediate audience, speak to Belegar/Kragg/Dragomas about this first for some advice or let Thorgrim chase us around for a while seems like a higher priority than following up on every single job offer.

When I get to it.
[ ] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
The only reason I'm interested with that one is to talk more with the light dragon and finish uplifting the We. Aside from the dragon the matter with the We and any other official work of the Loremaster could be done by someone else, unless the Karak is attacked I don't think they'll need our direct help.

[ ] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland/ [ ] Count of Sylvania
Those are for me the boring options, now you never know, for all I know if we took one of those options we could end up in a situation where we have a shot at taking down Neferatan. Now I have no doubt that even the most boring administrative chapter would be awesome under the metaphorical feather of BoneyM, I just think there are other places where our talents are better suited.

[ ] The Waystone Project
This is one of my top choices to vote for, we'll probably never discover how to make waystones in Mathilde lifetime (unless specific events), we could start the work in this direction and even then it can give ideas for new project and we can invite Egrimm.

[ ] Spymaster of Wissenland
I'm kinda worried about the Skaven, but that's the only reason that I take that vote, we are not essential to the survival of the Empire, so I'm certain that someone else can go there and maybe even do a better work than us. So no personal reason for me to go there, we're a mage of shadow not an engineer or a mage of gold.

[ ] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
Now we might be the best choice for an ambassador to the Dwarves for the Empire since ever, I mean they think we are a dawi in a umgi body, you can't have a better reputation than that with them unless you become a living ancestor. So I'm not very interested in this role, but it might be one of the best suited position for Mathilde. And who knows maybe we'll recover another lost Karak.

[ ] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
This one is a mix, working directly at the capital and close to the colleges might give us a lot of interesting work, but I'm not sure if we're the best tutor for Manfred. We might also enter into conflicts with factions that don't want to see a magic user close to the possible future emperor. But I don't think it would be boring with the numerous factions that without a doubt tries to spy on the capital be they human faction and/or not.

[ ] Governor-General of Swamp Town
This one is a difficult choice, I really like the lizardmen they're one of my favorite faction of Warhammer Fantasy, we could potentially discover so many Old Ones lore through the numerous ruins, the amazons even maintain artifacts. And there might be some big problem there that we could help resolve. But on the other hand it might be a bad bet where there's no particular problem that we're the best at solving, we don't manage to acquire any new lore or make peaceful contact with either the Lizardmen or Amazons and we would be far away from our contacts in the Old World. But I'm also really biased about this vote.

[ ] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
This one I'm ambivalent about it. Helping Ranald gain power could reinforce us. But becoming a central figure of the Ranald faith could put us in a quagmire of religious tensions between the different cults and people might start bother us when a thief stole something to a noble. We might even find the goddess trapped inside a glass casket under Praag (who is depending on the lore either Arianka or Shallya and that's when it's not considered non-canon). But that's only if BoneyM made her canon.

[ ] Border Princess of the Howling River
Might be a good project after the Waystones project or Swamp town. But not a priority now that other paths have been open with Karak Vlag and Karak eight peaks.

[-] Nagarythe
Unless there's at least a black ark attacking Nagarythe (since the invitation doesn't seems to include permission to enter the other kingdoms) not worth it.

So for now unless new information
[ ] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[ ] Governor-General of Swamp Town
[ ] The Waystone Project
Are my favorite project to vote for.
Will we be able to sniff into multiple options over several turns, like we did successfully during the establishment of K8P and tumultuously during the romance experiment? Personally I'd like that, but I understand if you'd rather not.

My impression is that this is ultimately about writing time. BoneyM doesn't want to write up a bunch of detailed thoughts on what jobs might involve if the quest thread isn't all that interested in that particular job. If every single job gets 100+ votes, maybe he writes them all, presumably broken out over a few updates. If an option can't get 10 votes to investigate, why bother?
I though people were memeing about the whole Markgraf - edgelord thing. What with vampires being kind of edgy and what not and edgelord being a pseudo funny nickname. But my very rudimentary knowledge of German tells me Ostermark (austria) means eastern borderlands/edgelands.

...This casts everything in a whole new light
That's what makes the meme funny. :D

The normal title-equivalent translation of Markgraf in English is Margrave or Marquess, but the component translation is something more like "Border Count" or "Frontier Noble", and it takes only a little imagination to render that as "Edge Lord".
But people have said that a few times, so let me try to offer a bit more fulfilling context and explanation as to what's going on here, collected in one post.

In present day real life, just about every inch of habitable land on the Earth is claimed, borders are mostly settled, humans live nearby, and it's pinned down which state rules over what area and has police responsibility. Border changes by anything short of outright conquest are rare.

In Warhammer as in the time period it's based on, this is not true.
Even inside Stirland you have swathes of deep forests where the Map Drawers will mark it as part of Stirland but actual control is exerted by Beastmen and humans can't go there. It gets worse at the actual edges of the Empire. Map Drawers of nearby states (Sigmar's Empire, Bretonnia, Tilea, Estalia), if they're like IRL, will frequently draw the boundaries of their state a bit beyond where the ruler really rules, except in places where there's an obvious natural boundary like a mountain range that can't be fudged with. Outside of mountain ranges and stern peace treaties following a war, map-borders in the context are frequently aspirational: what the drawer would like to see. The edge of country control falls short of the edge of the country map.
A Markgraf or Marcher Lord is appointed as a special kind of noble to rule these edge-areas as edge-lord. Marches are areas that are not just political and geographical edges, but also edges in the sense of "edge case". If someone west of Sylvania is knowingly shipping goods to Vampires, burn them. If someone east of Sylvania is knowingly shipping goods to Vampires, that's east-of-Sylvania's problem. If someone in Sylvania is knowingly shipping goods to Vampires... a little bit of tact and cautious judgment is called for in deciding how to approach, to judge whether it's a traitor to humanity or a hostage situation or what.
You have areas definitely within the Empire, and you have areas outside the Empire's borders, and then you have parts of Sylvania which say "Sigmar's Empire" on the maps drawn by Imperials, but it's not as clear in practice.
So in Boney's words, Markgraf is a sort of 'someone needs to spend a while jumping up and down on this place, and once they're done it will be pacified enough to return to the control of the Elector Count' role.

In real life history, Markgrafs were sometimes asked to go beyond even that, and try to increase the reach of their territory and draw the border a little further out, opportunistically grabbing territory that wasn't under organized control, or under the control of a weak target, or a morally acceptable target, and bring it under your control instead and properly pacify it and establish that control as a fact-on-the-ground rather than just a line on a map. Marcher Lords also sometimes were subject to special taxation rules of not having to send coin to the King, but having to maintain an unusually large force under arms instead, because the King reckons he'd inevitably spend the coin on armies to send to the March and it's easier to have the Edgelord do that directly. Compared to normal counties and dukedoms, marches were not as stable in either area or organization, which I figure is part of why it's not hereditary, along with the fact that it's a very powerful post that could result in a rival to the Elector Count. By the time the Markgraf is done, the map may need to be redrawn.
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Probably yes, but the entire expedition we just went on didn't take much longer than that.
It in fact took less time. 99 days is 3 months in Warhammer Fantasy, or a bit over 12 weeks (WHF has eight-day weeks). The actual expedition part of the expedition was ten weeks, five out and five back, with a few extra days sprinkled in dealing with Karak Vlag and parked at Karag Dum. And yes, there was travel time to meet the expedition in Praag and to get back, but that's a wash because the trip to Nagarythe would also require extensive travel to get there -- the clock doesn't start until we get to Lothern and present the token, and travel to Ulthuan is nontrivial.
Absolutely not. I'm not giving the thread the benefit of the doubt until people stop treating thread tumult as an inevitable force of nature that only the QM is to blame for.
Big oof.
[X] The Waystone Project
Or you could turn to the biggest possible project you could pursue. The Laurelorn Elves have voiced their desire to work with you to unravel as many secrets as possible about the network in the slightly inaccurate belief that you already have some of those secrets. This might be the only chance to pool the knowledge of the Laurelorn, the Empire, and the Karaz Ankor, and for a project that could do wonderful things. Sure, you doubt you'll be able to replicate the combined efforts of the Elves and Dwarves at their heights, but every scrap of understanding of the existing network could make all three peoples better able to protect and make use of the ancient energy streams.

[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
A Markgraf exists to transform troublesome land into a land of productive and obedient tax-payers, usually after said land has been conquered. Historically, it also apparently exists to create rivals to the Elector Count that appointed them, which is probably why the letter made it so clear that no inheritable position would accompany the title of Markgraf. It still remains a position of extreme power, prestige, and influence, second only to the Elector Counts themselves. And it would be quite a feather in your cap if you could one day boast to have pacified Sylvania.

[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
Grand Count Konstantin von Liebwitz of Wissenland is known to be quite touchy about his independence, so when you spread word that the Skaven were in a civil war, he lead the forces of his county against the Skaven stronghold of Under-Nuln without any outside assistance except a single Dwarven diplomat. It went rather poorly, as the Civil War had already been decided there and what he had taken for continued fighting was mere squabbling over the spoils. Reading between the lines of the offer, it seems that there may be further consequences for that failed attack, and Wissenland wants your help to avert them.

[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
Though the offer came through the Chamberlain of the Imperial House, this has Heidi's fingerprints all over it. You're not sure if the offer is for exactly what it says or as a cover for beings her catspaw as she plays politics, but either way it would be a position extremely close to the levers of power, and one that would let you have a huge amount of influence over the likely future Emperor.

[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
This one is an oddity. The others, you can follow the logic as to why it was offered to you, specifically. But why Swamp Town? Are things there so drastic they need a powerful Wizard to get it under control? Is something particularly magical going on there? Has it become a haven for Black Magisters? Whatever the case, if you want mysteries and adventure, there's few places like the New World for encountering both on a regular basis.

[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
Another one from Heidi, this one more directly. This is a wheel you set in motion yourself, and perhaps it's suitable that you follow it through to the end, resolve the grudge between Ranald and the Gods of Kislev, and establish the worship of your oldest friend in a new land. You did leave quite a few mysteries behind in and around Kislev that you'd quite like to get to the bottom of, and it would be fun to have the undeniable right to attend future Grand Conclaves.
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev

Just voting for the two that look most interesting to me.
@Everyone I noticed that most of you are tackling this vote as if it were about what you prefer to do and hope to give it momentum. I think that's the wrong way to go about it. Like, my list from most to least favored job and my list for which jobs I am most curious to learn details about are very different. They might even be inversely correlated. Which makes sense because feeling like I know what a job is about is likely to lead to said job appealing to me and vice versa. Example: I don't think there's much to investigate when it comes to what it means to become a Sylvanian Countess (except for which county to choose which will be completely irrelevant if we don't go down that path) and the Waystone Project will both depend on the boon/great deed rewards we pick and be pretty sandbox as to from which way we tackle it. But while I definitely don't want to go to Swamptown and am also not very interested in fighting Skaven in Nuln, I believe both of those to give us interesting and even valuable information regardless.
[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
[X] Border Princess of the Howling River
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
[X] Border Princess of the Howling River
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
[X] Border Princess of the Howling River

I'm 95% going to vote for the Waystones, but some of the others are interesting enough I'd like to hear more.

Damnit, I love Pan, but there's so much chemistry here.

I'd managed to completely forget about her over the course of this expedition lmao.
[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
Let's see exactly what the EC want with us.
[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
I want to know why someone thought it was useful to have a LM managing the whole thing.
[X] The Waystone Project
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[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Border Princess of the Howling River
Voting is open