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Lightning is terrible against thick stone walls, mechanically.so how big a lightning bolt can waymar throw at this keep and how much damage would it do
[X] Azel
Lightning is terrible against thick stone walls, mechanically.so how big a lightning bolt can waymar throw at this keep and how much damage would it do
Probably enough to kill a dragon. It's hard to put a number on it, but easily vaporize steel, and doing enough damage to smash a gate inward (if not into splinters) is a trivial feat for him.so how big a lightning bolt can waymar throw at this keep and how much damage would it do
Oh right...it was so brief of a duel I kinda forgot it was a thing.I mean we just saw one. With Moonsong and Captain Cock.
And this 'duel' would be about as onesided.
Not all that much, all things considered. Waymar can do stupid amounts of damage to persons, but not exactly to structures. He can probably manage a man-sized hole in the outer wall or vaporizing the gate, but he can't exactly tear the whole keep down.so how big a lightning bolt can waymar throw at this keep and how much damage would it do
That's what she said.Oh right...it was so brief of a duel I kinda forgot it was a thing.
Well, he isn't in talking shape, so who else would have said it?
Leave it to Moonsong to take a man's life and his dignity.Well, he isn't in talking shape, so who else would have said it?
fair enough. i am kinda imagening him like that Gwyn from dark souls 1 where they throw lighting at the stone dragons.Not all that much, all things considered. Waymar can do stupid amounts of damage to persons, but not exactly to structures. He can probably manage a man-sized hole in the outer wall or vaporizing the gate, but he can't exactly tear the whole keep down.
Made some additional edits to the chapter, DP.Through Mountain and Vale
Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC
It was perhaps not notable that those lords who had made a habit of fence sitting in the troubles and travails of Jon Arryn's succession had no horse in the race to back once the Moonchaser and her sister ships reached them. House Ruthermont of Red Hill, House Waynwood of Ironoaks, and House Hardyng of Hearthguard were more than welcoming of Imperial company, indeed they offered apologies for not being able to make it as far as Sorcerer's Deep in the brief time they had available. Would they be swearing to the Imperator? But of course, why would they not? They were loyal bannermen of House Arryn, of course, but their hearts had been heavy in the Rebellion. Targaryen was the only true holder of the Iron Throne and of course His Grace King Viserys, Third of his name.
On being informed by a smiling Moonsong that the title was 'His Majesty' and the Vale would likely not be remaining a singular political entity, the reputable Lady Anya Waynwood seemed to have abruptly found something that sat ill with her in her food. Doubtless some foreign condiment. Her nephew and by some measure the heir to the Vale looked, if anything, relieved at the news and set out pestering the bridge staff about all the things the ship could do, all the things they had seen, and much more as only a boy of three and ten could do.
As for the other would-be lords of the Vale, Lord Aden Aryn of Gulltown could not be found in the family keep for he had been riding hard to the Eyrie, already under Imperial control, to stake his claim to the seat. Still, with proof of the Eyrie's capture in the form of the Arryn seal, which Captain Moonsong had taken as a souvenir knowing that the House would likely never have need of it, House Wydman of Windwater and House Elesham of the Paps decided that it would be wiser not to rouse the Dragon's ire and pledged to bend the knee.
The same could not be said of House Dutton, and so the unremarkable market town of Sheepsford became the scene of the first true battle of the War in the Vale, at least in so far as half a hundred praetorians landing directly on the bombarded ramparts of the keep and working their way inwards could be called a war. While there were some wounded among the waves of legionaries who poured through the gate after it had been secured, not one of the Dragon's men died.
Alas, when the Second Darkenbeast Company and the Griffon Knights struck upon an equally recalcitrant lord at Shrike Hill, they had fewer means of actually taking the keep. The Clansmen of the Sons of the Mist claimed they could restrain themselves if ordered to take the place. After all, it might be their keep once all was said and done, but Ser Waymar Royce doubted their resolve to keep the harm to only the Lord and his armsmen should they be bloodied.
Wisdom Melisandre offered to simply step through the walls wrapped in shadows and slay the lord as well as any of his heirs who might share his folly until the rest of the garrison surrendered. While that would doubtless get the job done, it would be by far the most viscerally horrifying tactic used this night.
Lastly, they could simply wait for the Moonchaser and her sister ships to arrive here with their Legion detachment, though it would likely still involve bombardment, if of a different sort.
What does Waymar decide?
[] Bombard the keep and send in the Sons of the Mist
[] Send in Melisandre to terrify the garrison into surrender
[] Move on and leave it for the Moonchaser and her sister ships to deal with
[] Write in
OOC: No one is responding to hails, so Waymar can't just blast the lord from afar. They are all locked up inside the keep.
Well... Oberyn is pretty good in these things too...
Well, he takes lots of things. Men, women... as long as it's bipedal and breathing.
Well, he takes lots of things. Men, women... as long as it's bipedal and breathing.![]()
We are not expecting much, but we are prepared for it.
There are no level ups that need to be voted on at the moment. There are still a few that have already been voted on which I haven't applied yet, but nothing critical right now.should we also add some lvl up votes to some of these votes. we still have some to get through like Lya's
Yes? No?