The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
I don't see us buying pills to complete the Warhound's Cry anytime soon. I assume that we'll want to max out the technique we get from the Ichor first and I don't think we'll have the time to do both.

I respectfully disagree. WC is a powerful AoE attack with narrative weight, that we are close to completing and reaping the integration rewards.
Sooner we do so, the more relevant it is.

Compared to a lot of things, it's a priority.

Furthermore, we have no idea how long it would take to finish the implied Time Inchor tech.
It could potentially take as much as the Blood Kukuni's "gifts", meaning not any time soon.
The two actions don't really compete with each other. We can only progress so far on the Time tech each week because the Second has limited anam, and it's free. Meanwhile WC is limited mostly by our sect points/talents.
[X] Write-In- honestly, and quickly. Don't leave any events out, but be as quick and direct as you can.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.

Oh come on, this is Kong Zhi, the guy who names his charms with flowery language fit for a poem. If he's gonna tell a story, then let him TELL A STORY RIGHT!

(more seriously, I don't feel the need for a bunch of self reflection in front of a bunch of strangers, not yet at least)
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.

Speak through me, oh muse!
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.

Everyone LOVES Bihai. Nothing could go wrong by imitating him!
[X] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[X] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
Have another tally. Vote will close sometime tomorrow!
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Jan 14, 2021 at 12:48 AM, finished with 107 posts and 76 votes.
This, we literally just met these people. Maybe if we were talking to our friends like Mei or Fa or Ming Hui then I'd make sense but getting weepy in front of a bunch of strangers would be kinda weird and give them an odd first impression of Zhi.

I'm just not seeing this. Talking about Zhi's experiences with some depth and reflection seems more likely to impress them. I mean, there's no way Zhi is going to go into the gory details of his crushes or whatever. This is just presenting the story with a focus on reflecting on the experience of it. It's a very human thing to do. Furthermore, I'll remind you that these people are going to be our family. It is entirely reasonable for Zhi to start by showing them some trust and going a bit deeper than just "and then there were terrifying mushroom spores!" or whatever.

To summarize, this is not telling them every emotional detail of our entire life, just reflecting on our experiences as we tell them. There may be a little vulnerability involved, but all that's going to do is establish trust.
I second this.

For one thing, showing vulnerability is the way to get other people to open up with you. It's difficult to open up to people if you don't open up first, and if no one starts then the relationship just never gets deeper. This is exactly why a lot of "friendships" fail--because no emotional or personal experiences are shared, and therefore no trust can be built up. How many of you would feel you can trust someone who have never really told you about themselves? Like really told you about themselves, not just trivial things like their favourite colour or food or what courses they take, but their stories and experiences? How can you know what kind of person they are, whether they can be trusted with your secrets, if you don't have some past references or know what values they have, what motivations? So honestly, there's nothing wrong with vulnerability.

But to be honest, having established that getting vulnerable isn't a bad thing, I feel like that's completely a moot point because I don't actually think we're getting super duper vulnerable at all??? We're literally only reflecting, and therefore passing on our experiences. Sure, we're telling them how we felt at certain points of the journey and telling them we value our friends, but we're not exactly exposing the worst sides of ourselves or sharing any great secrets or telling of an emotional trauma. We're literally just telling a story, like you would tell someone what your high school experiences are like, and add things like talking about your disappointment when you didn't get the grade you wanted, or how you got inspired to work harder, or the life lessons you learned while there, because otherwise it's just a bland recount of "I went to english class and then I went to math class and then I went home." The things you tell would be all personal things, yes, but this is not "whoa too much information why are you telling this to a stranger" territory, at all. And it's honestly how a story should be told? The best way to tell an engaging story is by making it personal and involved. There's no reason to really care if there's no emotion behind a story--then it just becomes a news recount.

I'm not saying that telling it dramatic is a bad option, or that it would be a lifeless story if told that way (though I kinda worry about how impressed they'd be since as Siani's disciples, I'm sure they've done a lot. But it'll be entertaining no matter their reactions are, so I'm fine with it). But I also don't think it's true that "hey telling this story reflectively is too personal, this will freak people out," because I honestly don't think reflecting on your experiences and telling them to an audience is something to be avoided.

In the end, I'm fine with either winning out, but I hope that people don't dismiss the "reflectively" option for the reason of it being "too personal for strangers." I see the "reflectively" option as going over the parts that mattered to us, and showcasing what Kong Zhi is really like--a person who thinks a lot and values his friends and is earnest in expressing who he is. That's the recount I want to read about.

TL;DR: It's basically like bookofportals said, telling a story while relating what you thought and felt is a perfectly normal thing to do, and it's what makes a story actually good!

Sorry for the long rant. I'm usually just a lurker who votes and leaves, but I honestly do not agree with the assessment that "reflectively" was given. All of this just got typed up in a fit of passion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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