The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.

@KreenWarrior Nice write-in!
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
Huh, given what our Aunt told us, isn't jumping straight to Farmer in months kind of, well, recklessly hasty?

I suppose he just felt he had done enough meridian clearing in just this long to be satisfied?
Huh, given what our Aunt told us, isn't jumping straight to Farmer in months kind of, well, recklessly hasty?

I suppose he just felt he had done enough meridian clearing in just this long to be satisfied?
Protagonist. He's basically running on plot.

[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.

Upon reflection, reflection is too close to detail, and I don't want that
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
Either that, hell, his core's name is Destined Glory, or he has more knowledge than we do when it comes to the steps. Who knows, maybe he has a channel map or something similar. Or he just rushed the step.
I think it's likely raw talent.

think about it: lazy guy who does little but sleep, is a talented enough fighter to hang out with Zhuan kun, has a superspecial rare anam that might drive them mad, as well as by all indication not being a noble with connections?

he's a xianxia protagonist and therefore operates on a wholly different level of nonsense than many aspire to. He almost certainly didn't rush farmers and is just that good at cultivating.
[X] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
I want to put in [] Comedically Succinct, but since no one is taking that option seriously I'll go with this:

[X] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.

If we're going to give them a first impression, might as well go with an accurate one. Kong Zhi is the type to speak thoughtfully (and awkwardly), so we may as well get them used to that.
Well, I'm happy that we finally got into the 8th circle and have been introduced to Elder Siani's disciples. But after all of the introductions, our nose will be put to the grindstone.

We have our debts to pay off, Time anam to figure out, the Hammer of Mughi to learn about, Ichor to investigate, materials to gather, charms to craft, wonders to find, techniques to integrate, Farmer's Step to move towards, and whatever obstacles Elder Siani throws at us.

Lot of work to do, but it'll be interesting!
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here
Have a current tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Jan 13, 2021 at 2:48 PM, finished with 77 posts and 58 votes.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[X] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.

so like who is likely our charm making competitor or senpai here?
So, thinking about the next couple of weeks in Kong Zhi's life, I'm thinking that we need money. There's the money that we owe for our pills, the money I would like to have to get us patched up from broken ribs (I don't think Elder Siani is courteous enough to give us 2 weeks of non-strenuous activity), money I would like to have to shop for more mats to craft a nice axe, and the money I would like to have to dive into the archives (both for time research and Kukuni research... which might be helpful in communicating with the Hammer of Mughi).

Now, I know we are getting some money for the charm we crafted for Xun Yu, but I don't know how much money that is or if we will get enough of the money fast enough to start dishing out for all our expenses.

My thought, then, is that selling the Vitriolic Retort is looking very appealing. I don't remember it doing all that much in our expedition to the Ghost City which is a mark against keeping it in my opinion. However, the price to sell it is probably boosted because of our win in the Charm duel, the fact that this charm was in said duel, and because as new eighth circle members there will likely be new duties and dangers which could entice people to buy a charm to shore up a weakness.

I was also wondering if it would be possible for us to sell the knowledge of Blooming Spear of the Auroch to the Sect Library. We did develop it from studying an Earthroot Ox, which means it didn't originally come from the archives. Furthermore, it is certainly not going to be a secret anymore after using it during our expedition down to the deeps. The problem is... it probably isn't all that special or unique given the breadth of arts available to the sect and I find it hard to imagine other artists wouldn't have been inspired by the Earthroot Ox long before we came around.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
So, thinking about the next couple of weeks in Kong Zhi's life, I'm thinking that we need money. There's the money that we owe for our pills, the money I would like to have to get us patched up from broken ribs (I don't think Elder Siani is courteous enough to give us 2 weeks of non-strenuous activity), money I would like to have to shop for more mats to craft a nice axe, and the money I would like to have to dive into the archives (both for time research and Kukuni research... which might be helpful in communicating with the Hammer of Mughi).

Now, I know we are getting some money for the charm we crafted for Xun Yu, but I don't know how much money that is or if we will get enough of the money fast enough to start dishing out for all our expenses.

My thought, then, is that selling the Vitriolic Retort is looking very appealing. I don't remember it doing all that much in our expedition to the Ghost City which is a mark against keeping it in my opinion. However, the price to sell it is probably boosted because of our win in the Charm duel, the fact that this charm was in said duel, and because as new eighth circle members there will likely be new duties and dangers which could entice people to buy a charm to shore up a weakness.

I was also wondering if it would be possible for us to sell the knowledge of Blooming Spear of the Auroch to the Sect Library. We did develop it from studying an Earthroot Ox, which means it didn't originally come from the archives. Furthermore, it is certainly not going to be a secret anymore after using it during our expedition down to the deeps. The problem is... it probably isn't all that special or unique given the breadth of arts available to the sect and I find it hard to imagine other artists wouldn't have been inspired by the Earthroot Ox long before we came around.

We will also need further pills for completing WC, weaponcraft training (perhaps even two rounds of it), another technique probably, mats for the impending Mo's commission, healing/anam reserve pills, other miscellaneous expenses...

The possibility of selling the Spear technique was raised several times both in thread and discord.

If it's possible to sell, and it imho should be, earthroot ox shouldn't be that common (though neither is it rare) and I doubt all artists are similarly inspired by it, it would neatly solve most of our financial problems.

As for the Vitriol, I also would sell it, but there's an argument that until we get an archer tech and/or archer charm, we would be weakening Zhi by depriving him of a counter to warrior techniques.

Edit: Not BSA, Warhound's Cry.
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[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.

eh, why not
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.