"I wasn't a part of that jaunt, but three of my cousins were," Asarnil says. "Finubar's attempt at building bridges. The Forest of Arden had been corrupted by Morghur and Beastmen flocked to it from across the Old World. L'Anguille called for aid against a foe they could not understand, the Everqueen pushed for its restoration, and the so-called 'Glade Lord' Araloth that was preparing a great hunt for the beast had a lineage greater than that of some Princes. Finubar the Haggler saw a chance to earn credit with three polities at once, and was all too eager to spill Elven blood for it, so Prince Eldyr of Taranoc and Handmaiden Ystranna raised a mighty host. Many of them never returned." Asarnil chuckles darkly. "Bitterness over that poisoned any hope of improved relations between Ulthuan and its abandoned colony, the Bretonnians gave all credit to their Lady, and as for the Everqueen, it wasn't long after that she found she much preferred the brother of your Teclis than the company of the Phoenix King. Finubar has a gift for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory."