Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Dec 30, 2020 at 5:38 AM, finished with 493 posts and 180 votes.
Man am I the only one annoyed that we've only used one social on the Ice witch, if there was one person I was hoping we'd get to know better it was the ice witch so we could forge a connection with Kislevs magic users and maybe have the chance to put their magic under Mathildes witch sight.
[x] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart the Younger
[x] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[x] Scout the lands of the Iron Wolves
[x] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
Man am I the only one annoyed that we've only used one social on the Ice witch, if there was one person I was hoping we'd get to know better it was the ice witch so we could forge a connection with Kislevs magic users and maybe have the chance to put their magic under Mathildes witch sight.

We can always visit Kislev later to build relations with the Ice Witches IF we manage to not get eaten and pull off this expedition successfully.
Indeed, since we pulled Karag Vlag out of the aether we actually have reason to revisit the region. A functional Karag Vlag means Kislevite trade, as well as services like melting the passes occasionally. There'll be opportunities in the future.

One social is good. It means Mathilde hasnt noticed a need to follow up.
Which is good, given all the things she's juggling.
Bit of a curious compulsion, but then basically EVERYONE likes to mark spaces as Mine. Humans use fences and flags, beastmen and orcs use totems, dwarves and skaven do it with carvings.

No idea what elves do.
Elves don't actually use any markings, because obviously everything already belongs to them.
I agree with Hugger, but would like to posit that, just so they get the point across to the lesser races while allowing for more smuggery, the elves devised their own, much subtler, much grander method.

Anyway, that's how Waystones were made.

We can always visit Kislev later to build relations with the Ice Witches IF we manage to not get eaten and pull off this expedition successfully.
Indeed, since we pulled Karag Vlag out of the aether we actually have reason to revisit the region. A functional Karag Vlag means Kislevite trade, as well as services like melting the passes occasionally. There'll be opportunities in the future.

One social is good. It means Mathilde hasnt noticed a need to follow up.
Which is good, given all the things she's juggling.

I think we both know that's never going to happen given the AP constraints.
[x] Preceptor Joerg von Zavstra
[x] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart the Younger
[x] Ice Crone Ljiljana
[x] Citharus, Barbitus, and Timpania
[x] Magister Michel Solmann
[x] Journeyman Cyrston von Danling
[x] Journeywoman Alexandra Kohler
[x] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[x] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
[X] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[X] Scout the lands of the Iron Wolves
[X] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
[X] Journeyman Cyrston von Danling
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[X] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[X] Scout the lands of the Iron Wolves
[X] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
[X] Journeyman Cyrston von Danling
[X] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[X] Scout the lands of the Iron Wolves
[X] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
[x] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart the Younger
A possible explanation I found is that Russia apparently minted large quantities of counterfeit ducats in the 1700s and 1800s which are sometimes called 'Russian ducats'.
Hm, didn't know that, only about reminted/counterfeit talers (yefimki) in XVI-mid-XVIII century, interesting.

Spending so much time trying to make the impractical design that the Longbeards favoured work, and going with a multi-wheel design right from the very start instead of switching over to it right at the end.
Initially I wondered why engineers didn't use tracks for steam-wagons - it seems they didn't have nearly enough time to make such a drastic overhaul and were forced to rework wheel design instead.
In fact do dwarfs have any tracked vehicles or sufficiently developed concept of tracks at all?

[x] Preceptor Joerg von Zavstra
[x] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart the Younger
[x] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[x] Scout the lands of the Iron Wolves
[x] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
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To go more into Kragg the Grim: this is the guy that centuries-old Runepriests have given up trying to get information out of. The chances of you getting anything out of him are absolutely zero unless you grow a beard and single-handedly save a Dwarfhold from certain destruction.

And it has to be one of the major ones, not any of the Grey Mountain holds or anything.
I was going through old Kragg mentions, and i just love how prophetic this is.
A reusable bullet sounds like a hilarious and awesome way to work around some of the limitations on particular runes. The trick is that you'd have to make it out of gromril and you'd have to spend two-ish runes on making it reusable - one for retrieval (something like the Rune of the Unknown or Flakkson's Rune of Seeking) and one for extra durability (in case you shoot a major demon or a gromril plate or something). Then you can put one more good solid rune on it, maybe a variant on Kragg's Master Rune or an antimagic effect or something. The best part is, since ammunition is normally disposable, a master-quality reusable bullet would be a strict improvement over normal ammo in the eyes of the dwarves!
Economic wise its cheapert then the smallest dagger too.

Irrc gromil is like 10 to 50 times worth its weight in gold. Add to the fact that its practically used as armor, then a bullet weighted only 50 gram will be a more worthwhile investment then a dagger weighting 100 or 200 gram.

The only problem will be the gun barrel. Unless made out of gromril as well, it will wore it out after a few shot.

But this is a perfect setup for a one shot marksdwaft gun that we have (and never use), and anything we shot using this gun means a vip target worth more then dwarven steel barrel.

So far the runes are engraved on the gun itself, thats why theres melee rune and firearms rune and cross bow rune.

I dont think anybody ever think of using the rune on the bullet/arrow itself.

The only limitations are
1. This is a potential gamebreaker. As fun as it is, it would take away the fun or any combat as this is very much like +50 to all combat roll with that gun.

2. Is it even possible in the first place and would somebody be willing to experiment to make it.
Runelord are the very extreme end of traditional.
Kazrik is not master yet, and i doubt those 2 runemaster would make it without a loot of grum ling.

3. You still have to reload the gun with gunpowder, even if you can recall the bullet. If we manage to crack the secret of magnetism, only then it can be a true railgun.

Its a nice what if experiment, but i doubt it will be implemented.
We can always visit Kislev later to build A GREAT WALL OF ICE TO PROTECT THE REALMS OF MEN FROM THE WILDLING KURGANS AND THEIR CHAOS MASTERS with the Ice Witches IF we manage to not get eaten and pull off this expedition successfully.

Kislevite / Vlag relations, magic, and Waystone prodding would be a good Loremaster duty suggestions to Belegar. Aaand if Mathilde helps invent än umgi solution to the spread ing Chaos wastes all the better! :D
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