He claps your arm and heads back towards his charges, and you watch him go thoughtfully. It speaks well of him that his concern over his hopefully demoralized and possibly corrupted Journeyman takes precedence over the pride he must feel from having scored the killing blow on a higher Daemon.
Gotta say, if he's not on the up-and-up in quest continuity then we're definitely getting a good illustration from Boney of the fact that if it were
easy to see through him then it probably would have happened
before he long-conned his way into being Patriarch of the Light College (literally the illusion-piercing anti-Chaos specialists among wizards) in original canon.
[X] Head Engineer Gotrek Gurnisson
[X] Head Ranger Snorri Farstrider
These seem like good boys and I would like to know about their deal and what it is.
[X] Visit Uzkulak, the Chaos Dwarf equivalent to Barak Varr
Have I ever before watched the thread bandwagoning onto something that's probably not the best choice because it looks cool and joined in instead of arguing against? No. Am I doing it this time? You bet your sweet ass I am. Let's check this wretched hive of scum and villainy out. Who knows, maybe we can low-key scope out some possible targets for
stealing, I mean,
heisting, er,
looting, that is to say,
yoinking, or, no, liberating on the way back. Yes, that's the one. Liberating.
[X] Visit the combes that Qrech told you about