If we are to pull out and leave a recon group, here's what I'm thinkung:

[] 1x Very Old Myrkdreki (CR 15), 1x Adult Mjnd Dragon (CR 15), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 30x Verdant Ravens (CR 6), 40x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cats (CR 6)

No need for Aquatic forces or recon because no big groups of people near water in this place, and the Ironborn aren't even real people.
...Wait, that came out wrong. :V
No Undead, because that's just tempting fate in Fey-forged locale.
No Devils because duh (also all Erynies busy rn), and no Fey because, again, all that arent CoS are busy and fuck sending CoS Fey here, they aren't trustworthy enough yet.

May have sense to add more heavy firepower assets (nagas, caster Leshy, etc), the group above has only stealth-capable units that won't break the Masuerade open to the public.
@egoo, if we overtly disrupt the place by pulling out Renly, the Fey will likely ditch the place and things will unravel. So we should have a plan in place to take this over.
Well, I don't have one :3
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We can explain that if we pull Renly out now then every petitioner living here will be at the mercy of Limbo and it's denizens. For now and for a couple of weeks we need Renly to keep up the charade.
Here is my proposal for an observation team. I'm limiting it to eight living beings, as that is all an Inquisitor's Redoubt can contain. We don't want to let anyone know we're here, so flooding the place with odd creatures isn't a good idea, IMO. The Dragons can alter their forma, the cats are super stealthy and easily overlooked, and the Watchmolws can burrow if necessary to avoid being noticed.

[X] Plan Recon, the Sequel
-[X] There is still too much we don't know about this very unusual pocket of Limbo, and any overt move we make could result in its unraveling, possibly spilling as many as 50,000 hapless souls into the unforgiving Plane. Explain to the Changeling that we fear the Fey may have built the pocket to collapse when their mummery ends, so we must take pains to prevent that before we are ready to stabilize it ourselves, if possible. This includes keeping the truth from Renly for the time being.
--[X] Instead of acting hastily, a Mind Dragon and Myrkdreki, along with 3 Shadow Cats and 3 Watchmoles, will be assigned as long term observers and investigators tasked with learning more of the pocket, what magics sustain it, and anything else of potential value, such as what faith, if any, the Petitioners follow. They will also attempt to keep an eye on Renly's activities and any Fey they might discover operating within the pocket.
---[X] To help them accomplish their task, they will be issued an Inquisitor's Redoubt, an Interplanar Whispering Brazier, a Mind Blank Ring for the Myrkdreki, 5 Shadowforged Mind Blank rings and 1 regular Mind Blank Ring for the Shadow Cats and Watchmoles, 8 Rings of Sustenance, 24 Sending Stones, 8 Plane Shift Charms, 8 Teleport Charms, two pairs of Gloves of Object Reading, two pairs of Spectacles of Discern Shapechanger, and two pairs Spectacles of Discern Charm. If they are native to the pocket and not likely to arouse suspicion, we will also leave them with 36 Lesser False Ravens and 6 Greater False Ravens to provide more thorough surveillance of the pocket.
----[X] The observation group will be instructed to avoid being caught up in whatever narrative the Fey set in motion within the pocket, interacting with people as little as possible and never acting in a manner that could attract attention. This will include carefully examining themselves and the decisions they make on a daily basis to confirm that their thought processes are not being subtly influenced by the pocket itself.
-[X] Back on Planetos, our own Divination efforts will be directed toward learning more of the pocket as well, relaying anything of importance that we learn to the observation group.
--[X] Upon departing, we will immediately contact the Githzerai monastery which serves as our point of contact with their species and seek to arrange a meeting with them in regards to Limbo and what they know of its environment, especially long-term locations which defy dissolution. The sooner the meeting, the better.
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Do y'all that we should possibly consult with the Githzerai in regards to this place? They are by far the greatest experts we will ever be able to find about Limbo, so they could probably provide some very valuable insights into how it was created, what keeps it stable, etc.
[X] Goldfish
@Goldfish, specify constant Mind Blank coverage to any asset outside of Inquisitor's redoubt.

We wouldn't want triggering any alarms with that recon, although we probably already did with the current group- F!Renly isn't Mindblanked iirc, nor are Myrkdreki.

I disagree with the smaller force size for the purposes of peeping, but at least it'll be 100% warded against detection like that.

And yes, I think asking Gith is a good idea.
@DragonParadox, did we learn anything of the pocket plane's inner workings during the investigation?

Especially in regards to its continued stability, and whether there are any unusual metaphysical ties between it and Renly?

@DragonParadox, what does Divination say to us revealing the place as the charade it is and/or clueing in Renly/his companions to what his situation is?
Does it show anything happening to the Petitioners if the Masquerade is broken?

Would be IC to have ran through these questions by now.
@DragonParadox, still relevant.
Will keep tagging at ya, I am willing to go full r3tаrd on you.
Answer plz.
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[X] Plan Con(troll)ed Chaos
-[X] Bring Glyra here with the instruction of playing a villain in this play, while she drops hints to Renly and crew to prepare them for the later reveal of this realm's unreality
-[X] Equip her with items for Teleport, Celerity, maybe even a Word of Recall to make sure she can be a recurring villain (harmless villain, no permanent deaths please)
-[X] She can request any reasonable number of lesser constructs and undead creations to support the role and be sword-fodder for the Knights of Renly here
--[X] Leave a CR 15 Minddragon to intervene if things go too wrong
-[X] Renly can learn the truth in a month or so, when he's softened up a bit
[X] Goldfish
@Goldfish, specify constant Mind Blank coverage to any asset outside of Inquisitor's redoubt.

We wouldn't want triggering any alarms with that recon, although we probably already did with the current group- F!Renly isn't Mindblanked iirc, nor are Myrkdreki.

I disagree with the smaller force size for the purposes of peeping, but at least it'll be 100% warded against detection like that.

And yes, I think asking Gith is a good idea.
Everybody should have been Mind Blanked for the recon, and for the Violet Court confrontation, too. Dany can Reach and Chain cast the spell to affect 20+ people per casting now, so there would have been no reason to assume they were left unprotected.

I added doing more Divination to my plan, as well as contacting the Gith. The Mind Dragon can Mind Blank itself, but we can leave enough Mind Blank rings so that the Myrkdreki and others are protected as well.
@Goldfish, maybe add:

[] Have the group take efforts to not be tangled up by whatever narrative the place seems to run on - and it's a fair assumption there is one, since it's a work of Fey - be it as heroes, villains, or even bystanders.
-[] Doublechecking one's motivation for any action before taking it, and whether it fits their usual way of thinking/goals is prudent.

I'm wary of Mindblank-piercing stuff, the whole 'plane' could be one giant mind-trap.
Prolly me being paranoid, but whatever.
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You need to vote, Mate!​

Adhoc vote count started by egoo on Dec 6, 2020 at 1:55 PM, finished with 52 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Recon, the Sequel
    -[X] There is still too much we don't know about this very unusual pocket of Limbo, and any overt move we make could result in its unraveling, possibly spilling as many as 50,000 hapless souls into the unforgiving Plane. Explain to the Changeling that we fear the Fey may have built the pocket to collapse when their mummery ends, so we must take pains to prevent that before we are ready to stabilize it ourselves, if possible. This includes keeping the truth from Renly for the time being.
    --[X] Instead of acting hastily, a Mind Dragon and Myrkdreki, along with 3 Shadow Cats and 3 Watchmoles, will be assigned as long term observers and investigators tasked with learning more of the pocket, what magics sustain it, and anything else of potential value. They will also attempt to keep an eye on Renly's activities and any Fey they might discover operating within the pocket.
    ---[X] To help them accomplish their task, they will be issued an Inquisitor's Redoubt, an Interplanar Whispering Brazier, a Mind Blank Ring for the Myrkdreki, 5 Shadowforged Mind Blank rings and 1 regular Mind Blank Ring for the Shadow Cats and Watchmoles, 8 Rings of Sustenance, 24 Sending Stones, 8 Plane Shift Charms, 8 Teleport Charms, two pairs of Gloves of Object Reading, two pairs of Spectacles of Discern Shapechanger, and two pairs Spectacles of Discern Charm. If they are native to the pocket and not likely to arouse suspicion, we will also leave them with 36 Lesser False Ravens and 6 Greater False Ravens to provide more thorough surveillance of the pocket.
    -[X] Back on Planetos, our own Divination efforts will be directed toward learning more of the pocket as well, relaying anything of importance that we learn to the observation group.
    --[X] Upon departing, we will immediately contact the Githzerai monastery which serves as our point of contact with their species and seek to arrange a meeting with them in regards to Limbo and what they know of its environment, especially long-term locations which defy dissolution. The sooner the meeting, the better.
    [X] Plan Con(troll)ed Chaos
    -[X] Bring Glyra here with the instruction of playing a villain in this play, while she drops hints to Renly and crew to prepare them for the later reveal of this realm's unreality
    -[X] Equip her with items for Teleport, Celerity, maybe even a Word of Recall to make sure she can be a recurring villain (harmless villain, no permanent deaths please)
    -[X] She can request any reasonable number of lesser constructs and undead creations to support the role and be sword-fodder for the Knights of Renly here
    --[X] Leave a CR 15 Minddragon to intervene if things go too wrong
    -[X] Renly can learn the truth in a month or so, when he's softened up a bit
    [X] As Dywin, he who walks with the gods wierwood staff in hand. The gods bring dire portents with regards to Renard's future.
@Goldfish, maybe add:

[] Have the group take efforts to not be tangled up by whatever narrative the place seems to run on - and it's a fair assumption there is one, since it's a work of Fey - be it as heroes, villains, or even bystanders.
-[] Doublechecking one's motivation for any action before taking it, and whether it fits their usual way of thinking/goals is prudent.

I'm wary of Mindblank-piercing stuff, the whole 'plane' could be one giant mind-trap.
Prolly me being paranoid, but whatever.
Doesn't hurt to be careful, especially when high level Fey fuckery is involved.

Added this to my plan:

----[] The observation group will be instructed to avoid being caught up in whatever narrative the Fey set in motion within the pocket, interacting with people as little as possible and never acting in a manner that could attract attention. This will include carefully examining themselves and the decisions they make on a daily basis to confirm that their thought processes are not being subtly influenced by the pocket itself.