@egoo, here are the ratings. Can you also link me the master list of all RAs? I can't find it but I need to check it over for missing stuff.
About 5. Neat to have, but not urgent.
Clear 10. While physical infiltration played a tiny role in the current mess, this is still immensely important to better protect areas with tight access limitations, such as Inquisition offices, record halls and so on.
I'd say 3. This is neat to detect infiltrators at certain points, but odds are this will only ever catch the dumb, the overconfident and the badly prepared.
Depends a bit on how likely we are to use the air force offensively after Westeros. If we are mostly going into a holding pattern, then 3, as this research is only relevant when we are about to shell infantry with explosives, but if we decide to take a more active role in the Plane of Fire, this likely goes up to 8.
Same as Proximity Fuses.
It's either a 5 or a 10, depending on our Plane of Fire involvement. Much more important then the proximity fuses, since fast and reliable ways to gut Efreeti vessels and bunkers is much more valuable then being able to wipe out their infantry.
A modest 12. We can easily spend a few
tons of alchemical ammunitions in a single engagement.
About 3 right now, though I would change that to 8 after Westeros. It's not a good moment to think about long-term military installations, both since we are busy with other stuff and because our enchantment budget is tied up in the production of active assets. But once Westeros is pacified, we should start organizing proper military bases across the Imperium, which includes Flak-towers for defense, and potentially to create / refit batteries in major cities.