The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Current catch up progress: ~6%
So I guess all I can suggest here is that those new limbs really need training. They are currently a major liability.
Mastering another Technique would likely be quite useful, but I'm unsure if expecting pills to be available is sensible. It might be worth deliberately locating a new Natural Wonder, and hoping it is something that will help. Even if it doesn't, then it opens up some new options for a new Technique in the future.
[X] Plan: For the love of pills.

Question: Do we know for certain that we have enough rations for the full party, or did we just buy for one?
[X] Plan: For the love of pills.

Question: Do we know for certain that we have enough rations for the full party, or did we just buy for one?

We have bought supplies for Kong Zhi, and we haven't been told that we need to buy supplies for anyone else. Last time the supplies we bought seemed to work fine for both us and Jai Fa, despite her not being asked ahead of time to come with us.
[X] Plan Clever Guy

[X] Ming Hui is planning a tour of the village's many street vendors soon so that he may be more inspired in his future dishes. If you wish a seat and a plate, one can be provided for you.
-[X] Mei asked you to tell him that you received his gift, you will do so. It has been awhile since you've had the opportunity to catch up with him, but it is clear that he is a good friend.
[X] Nokai is beyond happy that Auntie Bi is gone. She wishes to celebrate with a trip to the Forest of Pearls. Perhaps some sunshine is what you need. You will accompany her.
-[X] Ask her if she would like to join you as you familiarize yourself with your new limbs, check to make sure Xue still enjoys your pets despite your new scissor-hands.
-[X] Offer her an invitation to join your expedition into the deeps.
[X] Mo Hanying has asked for you. Apparently she has plans coming up that she thinks you would greatly enjoy, and she invites you to attend her at your leisure.
[X] Jai Shouxi is relaxing at home, enjoying the fruits of his labor. He seems like he would be happy to speak with you, and seems most interested in your new alterations
-[X] Ask him if he can make pills needed to start integrting your other techniques and how much it would cost
[X] You have discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. You will find an empty training field and work on your martial skills.
-[X] Talon of Remembrance X4
[X] You have discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. You will find an empty training field and work on your martial skills.
-[X] Raptor's Foot X1

Ming Hui - he is a bro, nuff said
Nokai - more firepower for the deeps
Mo - you're making a trip with the people she fought with at the start so being at this event might reassure her that you are planning against her
edit: that is OOC, In Character we are completely oblivious and going just because it is something that we might like
Shouxi - because I feel like an idiot for not realizing the resource we have to upgrade our other techniques - might spend sect point here instead of market - if not can always do market next week
training - should be obvious - easy tech to start integrating and getting bonuses from - HOWEVER focus on the hand/arm because he is a crafter
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Okay. I've cooled down somewhat, and given the last couple of updates a chance.

To be honest, I am pleasantly surprised. There hasn't been a tone/theme shift which I feared, and the quest remains likable despite the setback suffered.

Zhi's interaction with Aunt Bi, and the training session with the "fight club" were heart-warming and wholesome.

I really enjoyed reading them.

Oh, right, the vote:

[X] Plan: For the love of pills.
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Guys, we can probably get the Blooming Spear to the next level but I don't think we have enough time to integrate it within two weeks. Even once we get the pills or find a wonder, it costs several actions just to cycle the anam to the technique. When we were integrating the Stallion, each action to cycle the technique allowed us to use 2 pills and Auntie Bi mentioned there was only so much anam we could cycle safely in a short time period. Having to work on adapting to our new limbs really ate the time we needed to finish the BSA.

We should be focused on adapting to our limbs, getting more supplies (as we used our pills on the Kukuni) and using our connections. The last post really showed the power of friendship is strong with us.

[X] Plan Clever Guy

I feel both Ming Hui and Mo Hanying can potentially give us items that might help our dive. Then next week, we can dedicate 4 of our 9 actions to a dive. Market, dive then regroup if necessary to dive again.
Guys, we can probably get the Blooming Spear to the next level but I don't think we have enough time to integrate it within two weeks. Even once we get the pills or find a wonder, it costs several actions just to cycle the anam to the technique. When we were integrating the Stallion, each action to cycle the technique allowed us to use 2 pills and Auntie Bi mentioned there was only so much anam we could cycle safely in a short time period. Having to work on adapting to our new limbs really ate the time we needed to finish the BSA.
We got that technique and a bunch of pills for free. I'm pretty sure the action cost was a balancing concern.
We got that technique and a bunch of pills for free. I'm pretty sure the action cost was a balancing concern.

Cycling is an action on the weekly plan. Whether that anam comes from a pill or a wonder I don't think it matters. The trade off is that cycling at a wonder is free but relies on our cycling skill of 7 while buying pills guarantees 5 anam of type per tier. It's not as simple as just chugging the pills to increase the technique, we'd need to actively cycle the anam while going through the motions.

@Vesvius How many pills can we use in a single cycling action? Like if we were able to gather enough pills could we cycle it all to the Blooming Spear in a few actions or will it be a limit of 2 pills per action like when we worked with Auntie Bi?
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Cycling is an action on the weekly plan. Whether that anam comes from a pill or a wonder I don't think it matters. The trade off is that cycling at a wonder is free but relies on our cycling skill of 7 while buying pills guarantees 5 anam of type per tier. It's not as simple as just chugging the pills to increase the technique, we'd need to actively cycle the anam while going through the motions.

@Vesvius Can you confirm whether or not using pills to cycle anam to a technique always takes an action?
Cycling pills takes an action. However, the limit of two pills per action is a separate issue.
We have bought supplies for Kong Zhi, and we haven't been told that we need to buy supplies for anyone else. Last time the supplies we bought seemed to work fine for both us and Jai Fa, despite her not being asked ahead of time to come with us.
In fairness though, we may have as many as five people in the expedition party. That's a fair bit more than splitting for two.
At least some of the things they kill should be edible.
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Cycling is an action on the weekly plan. Whether that anam comes from a pill or a wonder I don't think it matters. The trade off is that cycling at a wonder is free but relies on our cycling skill of 7 while buying pills guarantees 5 anam of type per tier. It's not as simple as just chugging the pills to increase the technique, we'd need to actively cycle the anam while going through the motions.

@Vesvius How many pills can we use in a single cycling action? Like if we were able to gather enough pills could we cycle it all to the Blooming Spear in a few actions or will it be a limit of 2 pills per action like when we worked with Auntie Bi?
We've chugged down 15 wood anam and 10 earth anam at the same time before. And yeah I imagine that we can't just take 55ish anam worth of pill in a single action. It'll at least be 2 actions, a safe bet is 3.

It took "hours and hours" the last/first time Zhi practiced BSA.
Cycling pills takes an action. However, the limit of two pills per action is a separate issue.

I don't believe that limit has been confirmed to be for anything but SEG, which was a special case since we were getting the pills for free and SEG required training every sense individually. Still, it doesn't hurt to check.

@Vesvius, can you confirm whether or not there are any restrictions on how many pills we can put towards BSA in a given action?
I don't like putting too many of our actions into physical therapy given our medium-long term is going to be removing or mitigating the impact of our limbs. Our mission to the deeps is mostly going to be solved by our friends, and having enough foot strength to actually keep up is important but it's not vital we pour all our actions into them - it's lost time we're never going to get back. Pouring actions into getting sect points and then pills for finishing BSA is much better for our long term than extra physical therapy actions.
Guys, we can probably get the Blooming Spear to the next level but I don't think we have enough time to integrate it within two weeks. Even once we get the pills or find a wonder, it costs several actions just to cycle the anam to the technique. When we were integrating the Stallion, each action to cycle the technique allowed us to use 2 pills and Auntie Bi mentioned there was only so much anam we could cycle safely in a short time period. Having to work on adapting to our new limbs really ate the time we needed to finish the BSA.

We should be focused on adapting to our limbs, getting more supplies (as we used our pills on the Kukuni) and using our connections. The last post really showed the power of friendship is strong with us.

[X] Plan Clever Guy

I feel both Ming Hui and Mo Hanying can potentially give us items that might help our dive. Then next week, we can dedicate 4 of our 9 actions to a dive. Market, dive then regroup if necessary to dive again.

I agree on us potentially not having enough time to master BSA, and to be honest it feels like trying to run before we can walk. We're still learning to use half our body, so going all in on a melee technique makes me very cautious.

As for Mo, I just don't think schmoozing with her is in our best interests right now. We have a business relationship with her, nothing more, and that's never been more clear than now when she didn't even send her condolences for our predicament. We are not a priority of hers, and that's fine, but focusing on her right now seems like it's going to go nowhere fast. Anything we can get from her is likely going to cost a lot of money or have her demand a portion of our spoils, and I've heard that there's no way she'd be willing to actually go with. Nokai would actually go with us, she's one of our highest relationships and an actual friend who was there when we were in the 'hospital'.
I don't like putting too many of our actions into physical therapy given our medium-long term is going to be removing or mitigating the impact of our limbs.
Physical therapy is a crucial part of mitigating the impact of our limbs. We aren't gonna hobble around barely able to walk and craft for however long this takes to resolve, this doesn't look to be something that's gonna be fixed quickly.
I don't like putting too many of our actions into physical therapy given our medium-long term is going to be removing or mitigating the impact of our limbs. Our mission to the deeps is mostly going to be solved by our friends, and having enough foot strength to actually keep up is important but it's not vital we pour all our actions into them - it's lost time we're never going to get back. Pouring actions into getting sect points and then pills for finishing BSA is much better for our long term than extra physical therapy actions.

I agree with you, long term I would much rather devote my time to BSA than the limbs and I really don't want to keep them. That being said, we could hardly walk to Bi's and back without feeling wrecked so I want to train our limbs to the point we can actually use our body and then stop. I feel like having BSA maxed out doesn't really change the game as far as the deeps goes, it doubles our dice on our only melee Anam technique which is super nice but we don't need that. We're going to have 2-3 frontline fighters helping us who will almost surely be better at melee combat than we are, and that was before we couldn't properly use half our body. We have the luxury of ranged combat, being able to help from afar, and we'll still be able to throw down even if we don't master BSA before we go. The chances of that happening regardless seem slim at best before the deeps, but I'm all for throwing lots of time into training it next week before we head on into the deeps. It just doesn't seem prudent to try and be a melee warrior right now when Hummingbird's Dance is hobbled and half our body belongs to a toddler dinosaur that we haven't gotten used to. That might change as soon as we get both of the limbs to a certain level that they're no longer hindering us, and then we can go all in on that stuff, but until then I think we should take our steps carefully.
I don't understand why people want to spend two actions on sect assignments. We just got a bunch of points from Xu, and with our reduced capability I'm not sure how much we can get out of those actions. Can someone explain to me just how they expect this to go? Last time we tried a hard difficulty quest and only got half rewards. This time with our limbs we'd be lucky to qualify for the medium difficulty task from last time (sparring partner). Like realistically we're looking at an average of 3 sect points per action unless we get real lucky and there are some sect assignments that are purely mental that pay well.
I don't understand why people want to spend two actions on sect assignments. We just got a bunch of points from Xu, and with our reduced capability I'm not sure how much we can get out of those actions. Can someone explain to me just how they expect this to go? Last time we tried a hard difficulty quest and only got half rewards. This time with our limbs we'd be lucky to qualify for the medium difficulty task from last time (sparring partner). Like realistically we're looking at an average of 3 sect points per action unless we get real lucky and there are some sect assignments that are purely mental that pay well.
Last time we went for the hard task which would award 11-12 points.

This time we want to do two easy-medium jobs that are 5-8 points each. The reason being, that if we earn around 12-16 more sect points, then we can afford to Master the Blooming Spear Technique before we go to the deeps, even if the Talent exchange is worse than last time (3 points to the talent) Moreso, if the rate is good, the extra points can be used to buy a healing pill for the deeps.

So... we want to do sect jobs so we have a mastered Combat tech (30d10s7) that only costs 2 anam to use when we go on our dungeon dive, and hope to get a healing pill out of the bargain too if we're lucky with the Exchange this week.
This time we want to do two easy-medium jobs that are 5-8 points each. The reason being, that if we earn around 12-16 more sect points,
Okay that makes sense, but I think people are overestimating the ability to successfully suceed on medium difficulty tasks. To hit 12 points, we'd need 1 easy 1 medium. To hit 16 points, we'd need two medium. But the medium task last time was sparring with a 9th circle, and required a combat test before hand. With our current physical impediments, I'm not certain we will suceed on the medium difficulty tasks when we actually had trouble walking to and from Auntie Bi just now. And this plan seems to be hinging on the fact that we need to get the pills this week, and that to do so we need the points this week instead of waiting till next week when Xu can pay us again. Which means it's counting on 100% success rates on the medium + easy task, or a partial success + whole success on two medium tasks. I think that's being a bit more optimistic than I like.

As such, should we be targeting 12-16 sect points this week, I suggest going for 3 sect actions to ensure we hit that mark even if we have to take 3 easy tasks, or only get half rewards on a medium difficulty task. Spending two actions, and only hitting 8 sect points would be worse than either not doing the sect actions at all, or
doing three actions and hitting 12. And if we do succeed on the medium difficulty with three actions, that just means we have extra sect points we can use for things like healing pills instead.

It's interesting to me that the number of sect points was determined by considering the worst case scenario of the talent exchange getting worse, but no consideration was spent on our reduced capability to get those points. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but if the worst worst case scenario of both not fully succeeding on medium difficulty tasks + talent exchange gets worse occurs, what's our backup plan?